Was near very top of my HS class (huge student body too)
Dropped out due to extreme social anxiety, having no friends, spending lunch period in the fucking bathroom
Went back to an alternative school, was valedictorian of my class, received multiple scholarships, dropped out last semester due to a family crisis + the same sorts of social crises weren't helping (had no one to lean on for support, provide a stable living environment)
Few years later, got GED (when results came in I saw that apparently I scored in the 99th percentile, in every category, of ppl who took the GED (no surprise there given my HS performance).
Enrolled in a community college thereafter, placed in Calculus and upper level courses (already had a lotof college credits due to duel-enrollment in HS). Finished one semester with a fantastic GPA. Dropped out second semester due to deteriorating mental health which I solely attribute to extreme loneliness and depression
So yeah, my life is fucked and I wasted some potential, there's no doubt about that
Worst part is knowing how different my life would have turned out if a) I were femail, b) I were Chad, or c) I weren't autistic