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Jan 5, 2019
1 John 2
18Dear children, the last hour is here. You have heard that the Antichrist is coming, and already many such antichrists have appeared. From this we know that the last hour has come. 19These people left our churches, but they never really belonged with us; otherwise they would have stayed with us. When they left, it proved that they did not belong with us.

20But you are not like that, for the Holy One has given you his Spirit, and all of you know the truth. 21So I am writing to you not because you don’t know the truth but because you know the difference between truth and lies. 22And who is a liar?

Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist. 23Anyone who denies the Son doesn’t have the Father, either. But anyone who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.

2Thessalonians 2
2Don’t be so easily shaken or alarmed by those who say that the day of the Lord has already begun. Don’t believe them, even if they claim to have had a spiritual vision, a revelation, or a letter supposedly from us. 3Don’t be fooled by what they say. For that day will not come until there is a great rebellion against God and the man of lawlessness is revealed—the one who brings destruction.

4He will exalt himself and defy everything that people call god and every object of worship. He will even sit in the temple(body) of God(Jesus), claiming that he himself is God.
5Don’t you remember that I told you about all this when I was with you? 6And you know what is holding him back, for he can be revealed only when his time comes.

7For this lawlessness is already at work secretly, and it will remain secret until the one who is holding it back steps out of the way. 8Then the man of lawlessness will be revealed, but the Lord Jesus will slay him with the breath of his mouth and destroy him by the splendor of his coming.
9This man will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles.

10He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. 11So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies. 12Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth.

Daniel 7
25He shall speak words against the Most High, and shall wear out the saints of the Most High,and shall think to change the times and the law;and they shall be given into his hand for a time, times, and half a time.26But the court shall sit in judgment,
and his dominion shall be taken away,
to be consumed and destroyed to the end.

Luke 21
6“The time is coming when all these things will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!”
7“Teacher,” they asked, “when will all this happen? What sign will show us that these things are about to take place?”8He replied, “Don’t let anyone mislead you, for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’and saying, ‘The time has come!’ But don’t believe them. 9And when you hear of wars and insurrections, don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place first, but the end won’t follow immediately.”

10Then he added, “Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. 11There will be great earthquakes, and there will be famines and plagues in many lands, and there will be terrifying things and great miraculous signs from heaven.12“But before all this occurs, there will be a time of great persecution. You will be dragged into synagogues and prisons, and you will stand trial before kings and governors because you are my followers.

13But this will be your opportunity to tell them about me. 14So don’t worry in advance about how to answer the charges against you, 15for I will give you the right words and such wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to reply or refute you! 16Even those closest to you—your parents, brothers, relatives, and friends—will betray you. They will even kill some of you. 17And everyone will hate you because you are my followers. 18But not a hair of your head will perish! 19By standing firm, you will win your souls.

Mark 13
21“Then if anyone tells you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah,’ or ‘There he is,’ don’t believe it. 22For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God’s chosen ones. 23Watch out! I have warned you about this ahead of time!

Daniel 8
23“At the end of their rule, when their sin is at its height, a fierce king, a master of intrigue, will rise to power. 24He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause a shocking amount of destruction and succeed in everything he does.

He will destroy powerful leaders and devastate the holy people. 25He will be a master of deception and will become arrogant; he will destroy many without warning. He will even take on the Prince of princes in battle, but he will be broken, though not by human power.

Proverbs 21
4Haughty eyes, a proud heart,
and evil actions are all sin.

Proverbs 6
12What are worthless and wicked people like?They are constant liars,
13signaling their deceit with a wink of the eye,a nudge of the foot, or the wiggle of fingers.14Their perverted hearts plot evil,
and they constantly stir up trouble.

John 14
30I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming.

View: https://youtu.be/tJxXQ_t3EfA


Is it too late for me?
The office of the Pope fulfills the role of Antichrist. Papal supremacy began in the year 800 with the Pope crowning Charlemagne which confirmed the earlier Donation of Pepin. Revelation says the reign of Antichrist will last 1260 years before God descends from heaven to lead his children home and take them to a New Jerusalem. So the apocalypse will happen in 2060.
Tomorrow is March 11, 3/11- the masonic number. The Freemason/Kabbalist Jew/occult/secret society types will probably have something planned. They're orchestrating a fake End Times scenario complete with fake Hollywood aliens, Rapture, UFOs beaming people up, rising into the air

Actual End Times, if any, likely won't be until much later
Take up your sword for the lord God and the kingdom of heaven. May we cast the devil and his angels into the pits of hell. Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil. A-men.
Christcucks gonna christcuck
23“At the end of their rule, when their sin is at its height, a fierce king, a master of intrigue, will rise to power. 24He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause a shocking amount of destruction and succeed in everything he does.

Funny, lately I've been thinking that in this century we may have the first world emperor.

I imagined him as having an IQ of 300 or something, and being the result of a Chinese eugenics program.
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The office of the Pope fulfills the role of Antichrist. Papal supremacy began in the year 800 with the Pope crowning Charlemagne which confirmed the earlier Donation of Pepin. Revelation says the reign of Antichrist will last 1260 years before God descends from heaven to lead his children home and take them to a New Jerusalem. So the apocalypse will happen in 2060.
It would make a lot of sense. Can you show me the passage that talks about it?
It would make a lot of sense. Can you show me the passage that talks about it?
Revelation 11:3 and 12:6 mention 1260 days which reconfirms earlier prophecies in Daniel 7:25 and 12:7 (and also Revelation 11:9) which mentions "time, times, and half a time" ie 3.5 multiplied by 360 days in the jewish calender which is 1260. In Biblical prophecies, one day is usually interpreted as one year. The interpretation of the office of Pope as Antichrist was common in the Protestant world in the immediate wake of the Reformation, but I draw from Newton's "Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John" for his 2060 prediction.
Revelation 11:3 and 12:6 mention 1260 days which reconfirms earlier prophecies in Daniel 7:25 and 12:7 (and also Revelation 11:9) which mentions "time, times, and half a time" ie 3.5 multiplied by 360 days in the jewish calender which is 1260. In Biblical prophecies, one day is usually interpreted as one year. The interpretation of the office of Pope as Antichrist was common in the Protestant world in the immediate wake of the Reformation, but I draw from Newton's "Observations upon the Prophecies of Daniel, and the Apocalypse of St. John" for his 2060 prediction.
Based and enviable knowledge of the Scripture my Protestant brother in Christ :feelsokman:
JFL at the butthurt atheists in this thread :lul:

@FlamingCel do you watch him?
Mazda 13B:
Brap brap brap brap brap brap braaaAAAAAAAAAAABANGBANGBANG sututututu BANG BANG BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sututututu BANG BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sututututu BRAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii screeeeeeee braaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAA sutututu BANG AAAAAAAAAAA sututaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sututu BANG BANG BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sutututu BANG BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (this is the long straight) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (it's really long) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (it's a five speed BTW) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (the RX-7 had a five speed, right?) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sutututu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii (brakes are glowing now) iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii screeeeeeeeeeeeeeAAAAAAeeeeAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEE (oh shit, lost it) EEEEEEEEEEE SCRRRTRRRRRRTRRRTRRRRklinkklinkklink click shuffle shuffle scrt scrt scrt scrt scrt scrt scrt scrt "Well, there goes the bodykit. Scratches all over. Fucking gravel traps." scrt scrt scrt shuffle shuffle beep boop boop boop beep beep "Hello. Yeah I wiped out on corner three. Yeah I know, tires probably still cold of something. Yeah I need a tow, she's dug in good."

And then came an awkward wait for the tow trucks as other drivers drove past under the yellow flag. The wait was long, and you thought many things. You were angry at yourself for making such a rookie mistake, for going off track during your first trackday. You thought about how lucky you were, a bit of polishing, and your bodykit would look as new. A good little project to take your mind of the harshness of life. Of your friend who overdosed on pain meds two months ago and who is in rehab now. Of your shitty job you only stick to because it pays your hobbies, keeping you in a shaky emotional balance as the joy of car ownership battles against the agony of an open plan office.

For now, however, you had to wait. It were supposed to be just ten minutes. Now half an hour had passed. In a brief moment of panic, you wondered if the tow truck ever would come. If you would be stranded here forever, waiting for your rescuer as long as Christian LARPers wait for their bible prophecies to come true. "Nonsense", you loudly exclaimed. This was a problem of simple logistics, maybe the tow truck had a flat tire of something. This wait had a time limit, and if the tow truck didn't arrive in ten minutes you'd just call again. Worst case, you walk back to the pits and see what's going on. ChristLARPers never have a plan B. They just sit there, waiting for their prophecies to come true, pointing in glee at everything they believe is a sign of the end times. They - wait, I think I hear a truck.
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