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News Anti Semitism

Jesus never existed.

The real founder of Christianity is Paul who was an Hellenized Jew from Tarsus (modern southern Turkey). Paul's teachings were adopted from the start by mixed groups of Hellenized Jews and Monotheistic Greeks (Hypsistarians). None of them lived in Judea. Christianity was a radical reform movement which built on some traditional elements of Judaism but transformed it into a personal salvation mental discipline akin to Yoga/Buddhism (these faiths were heavily represented in Alexandria and Antioch, which were the cities were Christianity initially took off). Jesus was invented after the Jewish Roman war of 66-70 AD to embody Paul's teachings and make them less abstract. It was easy to make up stories like this at the time because they circulated among people who had never set foot in Judea which, by the way, had been totally devastated by the war. As a result, there were very few people alive who remembered what Judea had been like before the war and could thus have contradicted the Jesus story.

Reading (real) history books is quite a good way to not be fooled by bullshit. You should try that one day ...
Dnr manlet chud owns u

The jews only have something to do with:

-- feminism
-- social media
-- online dating
-- sexual liberation
-- abortion
-- birth control
-- nightclubs
-- hollywood
-- music industry
-- fashion industry
-- television, print
-- advertising
-- sex education
-- woman's magazines
-- cucked family laws
-- woman's liberation
-- woman's inclusion in workplaces

...and basically every social and cultural institution that encourages and enables foids to avoid association with non-Chad males while being subsidized by resources forcefully extracted from said males she won't ever associate with.

But you're absolutely right, the jews have nothing to do with inceldom.
This is based.

OP is a jewish infiltrator looking to disrupt one of the few places that speaks the truth. The faggot should be banned. :feelsjuice:
I'll do that if you stop being a pseudo-intellectual dick
That's the most blatant projection I've ever seen in my life. :feelsjuice:
Antisemitism is some gay newspeak word intended to obscure criticism of Jews as bigotry/wrongthink and accusation of out-group memerbship. It’s as much an argument against the person accused as calling someone a sexist or racist or whatever. it’s not an argument at all, just fancy name calling.

Apparently those that realize name calling isn’t an argument are in the tiny minority.

The jews only have something to do with:

-- feminism
-- social media
-- online dating
-- sexual liberation
-- abortion
-- birth control
-- nightclubs
-- hollywood
-- music industry
-- fashion industry
-- television, print
-- advertising
-- sex education
-- woman's magazines
-- cucked family laws
-- woman's liberation
-- woman's inclusion in workplaces

...and basically every social and cultural institution that encourages and enables foids to avoid association with non-Chad males while being subsidized by resources forcefully extracted from said males she won't ever associate with.

But you're absolutely right, the jews have nothing to do with inceldom.
Like another poster said, Jews invented none of those and are just exploiting/accelerating those things. None of those things would have been possible if women were deemed property and banned from outside. Seriously. The formula for a utopia is simply “ban women from outside”
Soy curry kys
curry, faggot and a kike huh
Jews also made us incels. Their Torah encourages them to enslave everyone else

The jews only have something to do with:

-- feminism
-- social media
-- online dating
-- sexual liberation
-- abortion
-- birth control
-- nightclubs
-- hollywood
-- music industry
-- fashion industry
-- television, print
-- advertising
-- sex education
-- woman's magazines
-- cucked family laws
-- woman's liberation
-- woman's inclusion in workplaces

...and basically every social and cultural institution that encourages and enables foids to avoid association with non-Chad males while being subsidized by resources forcefully extracted from said males she won't ever associate with.

But you're absolutely right, the jews have nothing to do with inceldom.
It's crazy how much the Jews have tainted everything. I wish some jewcels can explain how
It has more or less to do with the fact that Joos tend to be very high IQ so they end up with the leading positions, and we know that the people with the most power don't give a fuck about us plebs. Especially if they view goyim as subhumans.
Yea they're psychopath too usually
Like another poster said, Jews invented none of those and are just exploiting/accelerating those things. None of those things would have been possible if women were deemed property and banned from outside. Seriously. The formula for a utopia is simply “ban women from outside”
This is factually incorrect.

Feminism: This depends on whether we're talking about the concept or the political movement. The concept has been around for hundreds of years, but as a political movement the leader of that was (as you know) Gloria Steinem, a Jewess.

Social media: Again, it depends on how we're defining the term. If you mean any kind of internet forum where people communicate, then no. If you mean something like Facebook, then obviously yes (Zuckerberg).

Online dating: Yes. The very first dating site was created in 1995. The co-founder was Gary Kremen, a Jew.

Sexual liberation: Yes. See political feminism.

Abortion: No. The practice has been around for thousands of years.

Birth control: If we mean the practice, then no; it's been around for thousands of years. If we mean the pill, then yes; the co-creator was a Jew named Gregory Pincus.

Nightclubs: Yes. https://aish.com/regine-the-holocaust-survivor-who-invented-the-first-disco-club/.

Hollywood: Yes. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1988-09-25-bk-4083-story.html.

Music industry: No. Music was performed live for hundreds of years.

Fashion industry: No. The term was coined by a female Irish magazine editor.

Television, print: No and no. Several English and German engineers are credited with the television's invention, none of whom who are Jewish (if I'm not mistaken). The printing press was invented by German, Johannes Gutenberg (not ethnically Jewish, as far as I can tell, despite the name) in the 1400s.

Advertising: No. Been around since ancient civilization.

Sex education: No. UK government created it and put in the public education system.

Woman's magazines: No. The first women's edition magazine was published in a magazine owned by an Irishman.

Cucked family laws: Debatable. Many dirty fingers have been in this pie. Better to give the benefit of the doubt and say no.

Woman's liberation: Yes. See political feminism.

Woman's inclusion in workplaces: Yes. See political feminism.
Last edited:
"Oy Gevalt, Goyim! All the suffering I caused you and your ancestors and the total doom for the future of humanity I bring don't allow you to criticise me for it! Now give up half your paycheck to your local central bank and bring me the foreskin of your children or abort them directly!"
Bildschirmfoto 2022 03 29 um 224802
Antisemitism is some gay newspeak word intended to obscure criticism of Jews as bigotry/wrongthink and accusation of out-group memerbship. It’s as much an argument against the person accused as calling someone a sexist or racist or whatever. it’s not an argument at all, just fancy name calling.

Apparently those that realize name calling isn’t an argument are in the tiny minority.
Based 1984cel
i hate jews just like i hate everyone else.
i would mass murder jews just like i would mass murder everyone else. Look how democratic i am! :feelsUnreal:
Religiouscopers and capitalismcopers tho... just have a special place in my heart, i would nuke the planet if i could but for these 2 categories i would take a special moment to first choke em 1 by 1 to death during a cold winter in Vorkuta just to see their breath slowly leaving their bodies. Let's put it in this way.

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