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Discussion Anti-escortcels , give me one good irrefutable reason why we shouldn't escortmaxx.

The man with the biggest dick on Earth was fucking women at the age of 10.
That's hardly a normie. I've never denied that the top 10-15% of men do get a lot of casual sex which they don't require to pay for. Call it the "Chad discount" if you will.

I can understand your disconnect with reality if you are still a young student. Since students are mostly broke by design and dependent on their parents. So relationships and sex are mostly driven by hormonal lust and not by money. Coincidently this is also the time when the contrast between Chads and non-chads is highest as Chad has young hormonal girls lusting after him while most non-chads remain literal virgins. Things equalise a bit later on when normies can compensate with money/career. But even here you'll notice that students from rich backgrounds have less trouble finding mates, that during dates and outings boys are mostly expected to pay.

Almost all stats agree that a big portion of high school/college age men remain virgins.

I mean discounting for the cultures and countries where women still don't make as much money as men and the social contract literally requires men to spend money on women, we still have hypergamy. Which itself dictates that the women will seek out the best she can find, which includes the best in financial terms too.

These are all the facts of the situation.
Because inceldom is not purely sexual; it is about being unwanted, unloved, and seen as genetic filth. Paying some roastie to fuck you is soul crushing when you're a loser male. Maybe if you're sadistic and enjoy forcing some roastie to fuck you when you know she's repulsed by you then you can bang hookers. Otherwise, it's a horrible experience for any decent guy of low SMV.
Dude you are missing the point by all means. You were arguing a short moment ago that letting Chad reproduce would be dysgenic because they would reproduce with "boldgads"(I don´t know what does that mean but I guess is not Chad). I stated it doesn´t because foids will have enough resources to don´t ask for child support. In fact: in an ideal system foids would be unallowed to request child support and escorting should be encouraged by the two parts since high school. Foids will earn enough money to feed their offspring and even buck Chad. Ugly fucks that are usually the weakest will be happy because they can fuck. Then you pull out the "Chad worshipping argument". That´s bullshit. Lookism is a eugenic system itself. Foids are eugenic machines.

Even in industralized societies breeding only with Chad is better because the more atractive the smarter people are https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/attractive-people-are-smarter-science-says-but-maybe-thats-due-to-how-we-treat-them.html#:~:text=And just to add some,score 11.4 IQ points higher.

[UWSL]"Chad-worshipping" my ass. Chad is worshipped because is usually the most efficient among men. Foids don´t choose Chad for free. They choose Chad because he has been the one killed all the other men(competition, kill foids who refused to reproduce with him and the one who succesfully reproduced it most.[/UWSL]

Again, I don´t what does bolgad mean. I guess is not Chad. Foids select "bolgad" because they had been pumped and dumped by Chad over and over again until they can´t commit with them. So they breed with the second option. We won´t return to the stone age because ugly fucks have to keep spinning society due to their desire of pussy. Yes, men were programmed to do whatever takes for pussy. In either the system where all foids were full time whores or civil whores is the same. But our system is a better dope for men. Men in the system proposed by me and the OP cope better and aren´t suicidical as many niggas in the userbase are.

The most handsome(that includes face, frame, race and height) the smarter https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/attractive-people-are-smarter-science-says-but-maybe-thats-due-to-how-we-treat-them.html#:~:text=And just to add some,score 11.4 IQ points higher.

You are merging things. Of course that in a system that foids would be full time whores won´t be supported by the State. Low IQ has increased in Western countries because they also import lower IQ beings. Also the ugliest the more primitive the less inteligent

French kisses are often included with girlfriend treatment.
The "more attractive = high iq" meme has been debunked by looksmaximus and other studies, I suggest you watch this video where he explains this topic in detail and quotes the other studies.

Now I disagree with a lot of his anti-blackpill beliefs but I do agree with his views on women's preferences and how society is becoming more cucked, they do not contradict the blackpill.
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Because inceldom is not purely sexual; it is about being unwanted, unloved, and seen as genetic filth.
Which is not our fault, we are not genetic filth, foids just have flawed perceptions of "good genetic quality"; perceptions that are the product of an inferior brain that is 11% smaller than the male counterpart's brain.
Because inceldom is not purely sexual; it is about being unwanted, unloved, and seen as genetic filth.
Nobody is denying that escorting can't solve inceldom. But is there really any fundamental argument against escorting itself. Especially for incels who can't experience sex in more conventional ways.

A good reason why incels shouldn't just escortmax to experience sex.
Which is not our fault, we are not genetic filth, foids just have flawed perceptions of "good genetic quality"; perceptions that are the product of an inferior brain that is 11% smaller than the male counterpart's brain.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Yes, I would count OnlyFans as a pussy union, not a scab, since no actual pussy is being given out. More accurately, it substitutes pussy with a vastly cheaper good at a similar price, multiplying the productivity of women's sexual capital a thousandfold. So, no OnlyFans.
So, we agree, then?
[UWSL]Not if you get rid of gynocentric family courts and restore father's rights. This is how women worked in, say, [/UWSL]London in the 1700's[UWSL]. Women could either find and belong to a family-oriented beta-civilization type man, or be played by alpha-harem type men and work as prostitutes. Remember, back then custody of children belonged to the father, a large concession which made having children worthwhile for family-oriented men.[/UWSL]
"Gynocentric family courts" I agree that "she divorces him and takes half his money" is a problem, I would get rid of "family courts" altogether and just have a standard operating procedure, and/or base it directly on the individuals' preferences.

Also, more than just "alpha-harem type men" bought prostitutes. There were men that could neither afford (or were not willing to start) a family but we're not "alpha", I'm sure they benefited from prostitutes. Even family men bought prostitutes sometimes.

My point is, were these prostitutes having children? If not, could it have been weeding attractive female genes out of the gene pool? If so, was it with "alpha harem type men"? Either way, it still goes to prove my point about unsustainability.
[UWSL]No man, child support [/UWSL]is[UWSL] welfare. Child support flows from beta men to bad-actor women. [/UWSL]
True, but like you point out, it also flows from "alpha" men to bad-actor women, and, furthermore, under traditionalism, childcare also flows from beta male providers to bad actor women barely being kept in check by traditionalism. And what do you think prostitution is, other than money flowing from beta men (sometimes) to bad-actor women? You think hookers are upstandingly moral individuals? I agree with them being bad actors, though.
[UWSL]It causes women to go after “alpha” men who are more attractive but less productive, [/UWSL]
How? What is the mechanism of action?
[UWSL]with the promise that 1. those men would theoretically be forced to pay a pittance, or 2. even worse, some beta man will be pinned with child support for being a “parental figure” to another man’s child (many such cases).[/UWSL]
So, my question is, is there not a clear logical incentive for women to go after rich guys? I agree that women should have to take a paternity test (show proof of biological fatherhood) to receive anything, however.
[UWSL]The core mechanism of civilization was to force women to mate with beta men to draw out the productivity of all men. Unchecked welfare for women, in general, frees them up to abandon betas and flock to alphas.[/UWSL]

Overall, I believe that when a man impregnates a woman, the woman should be able to request that he be her "caretaker for life" ON THE CONDITIONS THAT she follows through with the pregnancy and child-bearing and takes adequate care of the child for at least the first two years after birth- unnecessary use of formula is an example of inadequate care, that she has NEVER gotten pregnant from a man other than the man she is requesting from, that she will never get pregnant with another man's child, that she gets pregnant with the man she is requesting from's biological baby within one month of his request- he can get a "ticket" to request this after 3 years of caregiving, and that none of these rules were broken.

The mother gets custody over her children during the first two years after birth but also has the responsibility to take care of them during that time only. The father gets custody over his children between ages 2 and 15, as well. Since a woman agrees that she will take care of her children at least 'till they're two by requesting that the male WHO IMPREGNATED THEM be her caretaker for life, women not taking care of her children while participating in this system not only will result in jail time but also strips their right to participate in this system permanently.

If a woman has gotten pregnant with more than one man's baby, she may not request that any man be her caretaker for life, ever again. By requesting that the man who impregnated her be her caretaker for life, she agrees not to get pregnant with any other man's baby in the future as well- if she does, it will not only will result in jail time but also strips their right to participate in this system permanently.

If a man is a woman's "caretaker for life" and impregnates ANOTHER woman, he is jailed as well as he is not being a good caretaker, either of his girl or of society.

Beyond that, I think we should abolish all other forms of welfare and privatize medicine as well as removing cucked minimum wage and anti-discrimination laws, quotas, Affirmative Action, and get the government out of marriage entirely (I have many other opinions, don't worry, but these are the most relevant to this conversation). This would help scrub away the bullshit pedestal and make it more obvious to women that they need men- the return of their actual need and society's sustainability.

I think men would do well with "sexual unions" to voluntarily prohibit its members from giving of money and resources to females other than the woman which they caretake and/or prohibit impregnation of females over 29, because men value womb access as a service more valuable than essentially any GDP-increasing labor women could provide. This would make it so that young women HAD to make the babies of worthwhile men and put them on an adequate path to adulthood to SURVIVE. I think banning all giving of money to females except for from her caretaker (officialized ban on women surviving without getting impregnated by a man and raising his kids) would be a massive government overreach, create an underclass of simps and a black market, and be the worst possible optics. But a sexual union in general could be quite effective.
That's hardly a normie. I've never denied that the top 10-15% of men do get a lot of casual sex which they don't require to pay for. Call it the "Chad discount" if you will.

I can understand your disconnect with reality if you are still a young student. Since students are mostly broke by design and dependent on their parents. So relationships and sex are mostly driven by hormonal lust and not by money. Coincidently this is also the time when the contrast between Chads and non-chads is highest as Chad has young hormonal girls lusting after him while most non-chads remain literal virgins. Things equalise a bit later on when normies can compensate with money/career. But even here you'll notice that students from rich backgrounds have less trouble finding mates, that during dates and outings boys are mostly expected to pay.

Almost all stats agree that a big portion of high school/college age men remain virgins.

I mean discounting for the cultures and countries where women still don't make as much money as men and the social contract literally requires men to spend money on women, we still have hypergamy. Which itself dictates that the women will seek out the best she can find, which includes the best in financial terms too.

These are all the facts of the situation.
Dude you are coping hard. I used the example of the dude with the big dick because he is far from a "Chad", in fact he is pretty ugly , looks like absolute shit. And you said "Chad only". Now an ugly fat dude with a big dick is a "Chad"? Do you even know what that therm means, why it was created?

You are trying too hard to cope by fitting in with the normies, thinking you are just like everyone else, that you are part of the crowd, you are not. You are part of a growing but still small portion of people who can only have sex by paying for it, even at young age.
Dude you are coping hard. I used the example of the dude with the big dick because he is far from a "Chad", in fact he is pretty ugly , looks like absolute shit. And you said "Chad only". Now an ugly fat dude with a big dick is a "Chad"? Do you even know what that therm means, why it was created?
A guy with the biggest dick has high smv regardless. That doesn't disprove that the average guy isn't shelling out money in a romantic relationship. (Something which is not a question of opinion but fact)
Pathetic waste of money, also really cucked to fund literal whore cum dumpsters
Pathetic waste of money,
You could waste money in way worse ways than literally having sex.
cucked to fund literal whore cum dumpsters
Argument already addressed above. But I will still ask, is you issue with finding women in general or funding whores in particular.
You could waste money in way worse ways than literally having sex.

Argument already addressed above. But I will still ask, is you issue with finding women in general or funding whores in particular.
Prices are absolutely cucked, condoms make everything shit
One undeniably real reason. You are sticking your dick in a placees 100s of other men have, do you put on a pair of underwear other men have used even if they are washed?
A guy with the biggest dick has high smv regardless. That doesn't disprove that the average guy isn't shelling out money in a romantic relationship. (Something which is not a question of opinion but fact)
You said "Chad only" because that is your cope, that only Chad get it for free, I used a pretty obvious example that disproves your fantasy world beliefs.
Prices are absolutely cucked,
I mean, the question is irrelevant if you can't afford it.
condoms make everything shit
Condoms are commonly used in regular hook ups too
One undeniably real reason. You are sticking your dick in a placees 100s of other men have, do you put on a pair of underwear other men have used even if they are washed?
A good reason perhaps. But that is also applicable to the average modern thot with a double digit body count.
You said "Chad only" because that is your cope, that only Chad get it for free, I used a pretty obvious example that disproves your fantasy world beliefs.
That still doesn't change the fact that you have to come up with extreme outlier examples for unpaid sex to work.
That still doesn't change the fact that you have to come up with extreme outlier examples for unpaid sex to work.
I need extreme examples to get through your thick skull. I see better, more down-to-earth examples daily, even among friends. Just because we are incels that need to pay for sex that does not mean everyone else is but a few selection of Chads.
I need extreme examples to get through your thick skull. I see better, more down-to-earth examples daily, even among friends.
And they pay for their dates. And the guy almost never makes less than the girl unless he has "looks discount"
But that is also applicable to the average modern thot with a double digit body count.
While a thot may go through different partners, it is not the same as an escort. They go through different men DAILY, you might be getting sloppy seconds without knowing it. :feelspuke:
While a thot may go through different partners, it is not the same as an escort. They go through different men DAILY, you might be getting sloppy seconds without knowing it. :feelspuke:
I don't see the difference. Maybe because of my values . I don't bargaign on purity. To me either she's a virgin or she's a thot.

Either way I don't see why that should prevent an incel from using them for sex.
And they pay for their dates. And the guy almost never makes less than the girl unless he has "looks discount"
I have a friend so broke that his girlfriend have to pay for the dates. He gained a fucking smartphone from her. There is another who also get gifts from his girlfriend.

Just because some cucks resort to gold-diggers, that doesn't mean they represent 90%.

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