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Discussion Anti-escortcels , give me one good irrefutable reason why we shouldn't escortmaxx.

I’ve never heard an argument about bad pussy before. It’s ludicrous to think that getting it will make you feel worse
Do you understand the concept of humiliation? A situation like described above will just be humiliating and make me feel like shit. Why would I pay money to feel even worse about myself than before?
But why would you classify it as anything else? It would've been different if both partners were paying equally or if the foid was spending money or otherwise if the foid was a loyal virgin who believes in sanctity marriage. None of which are true in most modern relationships.
It's not solely for sex, it's mostly about helping each other and as I showed before, they do have similar economic status, thus it's not the women are there solely for the economic benefits.

So the normie pays some in looks and compensates for the rest with money. Still can't see why the latter is any differenr from escortcelling. They just don't get the "chad discount"
Because as I said, she is not with him because of his money, but mainly because of who he is (which includes looks). Also:
But if your point is that every relationship involves meeting other wants, then yes, they are transactional in that sense.
I never denied that, but my point is that what meet those wants isn't the same and shouldn't be treated as such, thus we shouldn't reduct it to merely transactional and act like normies relationships are the same as escortcelling, simply because there is some kind of interest involved there.
Meanwhile roasties in the real world are constantly monkey branching, cheating, picking from their orbiters, having casual sex with chads, cucking their betabuxxes.
Data counters the betabuxx part. But I was not trying to evaluate which one is better to the guy involved on them, I was just saying that those relationships shouldn't be treated as the same.
Half your income, or even more for starfish sex once a week. Yeah I think value of pussy for incels who don't get the "looks discount" i[UWSL]s already pretty inflated. I don't think paying a whore will put a dent. Pussy value is already inflated in so called "normal relationships"[/UWSL]
Again, foids are not with them solely for the money, you need to stop treating it the same way it treat escortcelling.

Sure it is, but OF and escortcelling only make it worse.

Most consumers of OF and escorts are normies who could get dates/marriage.

Also jfl at thinking normie dating is not exploitative of lonely miserable men. They are basically paying to not be lonely and miserable in the first place.
I never claimed otherwise and my point doesn't rely on that.

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Most couples have similar economic backgrounds, so it's cope to say that the foid is with them solely for money and thus that this is no different than escortcelling (aside from how direct it is). The difference in married couples may be caused due to child birth

You are 15 retard. Lookmaxx, moneymaxx, studymaxx, careermaxx, NTmaxx and get out of this shithole. Escorting should be the last thing on your mind. But if you are still virgin by 22 then by all means go ahead.

Also you've failed to mention any harmful effect other than "you are funding a woman" and failed to show why that is not the case regular relationships.
Imagine thinking a 17 year old KHHV in Brazil (where people usually have their first kisses at 11-13) stands a chance. Already tried to social circlemaxxing and couldn't get laid, though all my friends did, so that's not the issue.

No, I mentioned how they are harmful in the sexual marketing.

Because those relationships are usually based on mutuality and not on one side solely profiting financially from a problem he causes on the other.
Big cope. That is simply not true. There is no replacement for sex. Otherwise men would be content with jacking off indefinetly and wouldn't be suicidal or miserable.
Well, we don't know if they are killing themselves for lack of relationship or sex, but masturbation does cease one's sexual desire.

Again, how are you not making a foid's life easier if you spend money on her in a relationship.

The regular normie who dates regular foids is already inflating pussy value. He's already worsening relationships and inceldom

The fact of the matter is normies are unironically overpaying.
It's more about harming the sexual marketing instead of making their life easier, but paying for sex gives more value to them than starting relationships for them, since one implies a much bigger financial gain for the foid (who can make it her profession), which will increase the value of pussy much more. Aside that the escort is not there for you, but solely for what you have.

Also, if women were more and more interested in those kind of relationships, how could that lead to more incels? I still can't see in what way it inflates the value of pussy.
Yup a woman who doesn't date/fuck a non chad man unless he pays for the dates, pays for her vacations, gives her gifts, owns a car she can ride on is definitely profiting from the situation and causing loneliness by placing all these standards and criteria on men.
Indeed, but that's not what happens in normies relationships
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most men pay for hole one way or another, even many chads.
This is why most men are cucks to varying degree.
But paying for escort means you are a full blown cuck.
yes, everybody should try and if it feels good then continue but stop gaslighting ppl that its the ultimative cope
Never claimed that. I just want a good argument against it. Something that actually works and doesn't fall apart at first glance
i am not giving foid a cent, escortcels are, that's the difference. whether or not in some imaginary alternate plane of existance I would pay a foid is irrelevant.
It is relevant based on your claim that paying escorts is different from spending on your girlfriend.

A claim you refuse to back up again and again while going on totally irrelevant non-sequiturs about how no foid will ever date you. Probably because you know your original assertion would fall apart if you actually answered my question

At least have the balls to support what you say.
yeah bro condom sex with a loose hooker is definitely the same as raw dog sex with prime jb :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
Where is this raw dawg sex with jb pussy happening. Point me in that direction.
It's just humiliating
According to whom? Feminists? Soyciety?
who is disgusted
Why do you care about the opinions of a literal whore.
just to have her laugh at your 4 incher
Find an escort that is actually good at her job
then hump her for 10 seconds
Usual engagements are 30 minutes to 2 hours long depending on how much you pay.
and cum in a fucking condom.
Condom sex is also common outside of escorting
It's not solely for sex, it's mostly about helping each other and as I showed before, they do have similar economic status, thus it's not the women are there solely for the economic benefits.
Similar ecomomic status is irrelevant if the guy is still paying. Things would be different if he was not paying at all.

All you people forget your original argument, that "escortcelling is bad because it is funding a woman" but you don't give me one single good argument why you are not funding a woman in regular relationship. (Except the regular mental gymnastics)
Because as I said, she is not with him because of his money, but mainly because of who he is (which includes looks). Also:
If you believe the blackpill then its mostly looks. But the real question is why is this not transactional. Getting a chad discount doesn't mean its not transactional.
Data counters the betabuxx part. But I was not trying to evaluate which one is better to the guy involved on them, I was just saying that those relationships shouldn't be treated as the same.
And my point was that considering foid behavior relationships aren't as "deep" as you think they are.

Things would be different if virgins who marry their man and both partners love each other for life still existed. Everything else might as well be a transaction in a brothel.
Again, foids are not with them solely for the money, you need to stop treating it the same way it treat escortcelling.
The point is if it was really different then money wouldn't have been involved in the first place.
Sure it is, but OF and escortcelling only make it worse.

Take the money spend by men on OF and escorts on one hand and the money spend in relationships on other. Calculate the national average and tell me which is larger. Who is spending more on funding a woman's lifestyle.

"Oh but those are different things OP"
Instead of playing mental gymnastics give me one good reason that actually makes sense.
I never claimed otherwise and my point doesn't rely on that.

You explicitly claimed that escortcels are exploiting lonely miserable men. I don't disagree but how is that different from exploitation of men in normal relationships which I pointed out in the comment to which you made this reply.
Imagine thinking a 17 year old KHHV in Brazil (where people usually have their first kisses at 11-13) stands a chance. Already tried to social circlemaxxing and couldn't get laid, though all my friends did, so that's not the issue.
Yeah fuck off young fuck. Go ruin your life if that's what gets you off

No, I mentioned how they are harmful in the sexual marketing.

Because those relationships are usually based on mutuality and not on one side solely profiting financially from a problem he causes on the other.
You thinks escorts hurt sexual marketplace? Lol no. What really hurts sexual market place is female hypergamy, chad chasing, normie simping , sit on her ass while normie pays for a crumb of pussy. And ultimately women's rights. Especially the right to choose whoever they fuck without consequence.

Escorts are not in the sexual marketplace, they are in the pussy marketplace. You are not trying to date her.

If normie relationships were actually based on mutuality then men wouldn't be paying the lion's share of money to upkeep that relationship. How can you not get this simple point across your head. The one and only reason men are spending money is cuz woman are gatekeepers of sex and wouldn't do it without the $$$. Women still get to profit financially and they create more ptoblems in your life than an escort ever will.
Well, we don't know if they are killing themselves for lack of relationship or sex, but masturbation does cease one's sexual desire.

Lmao look at this forum. Half of the userbase is suicidal in one way or another. What's the common thread? They can't get sex. If what you were saying was true then everyone would be content jacking off and this site wouldn't exist.

Imagine thinking that stroking your dick is the same as putting it inside a soft ass.
It's more about harming the sexual marketing instead of making their life easier, but paying for sex gives more value to them than starting relationships for them, since one implies a much bigger financial gain for the foid (who can make it her profession), which will increase the value of pussy much more.
Maybe , but that would also make pussy available to the highest bidder. That would still be preferable to what we have now. Anti-escortcels like to pretend that modern women aren't chad chasing, ONS having, polygamous whores already. They like to pretend that their pussy's value isn't inflated in normal relationships where they get free lunch just for existing and opening their legs.

I noticed that you haven't refuted any of my points.

Also, if women were more and more interested in those kind of relationships, how could that lead to more incels? I still can't see in what way it inflates the value of pussy.
Just pick up any news article or graph about rising male virginity. I'm sure you don't think that so many men are going incels because women are turning to porn/OF/escorting etc. The number of women in these professions is still low.

[UWSL]Women in the normal world, engaging in normal relationships are getting inflated prices for their axe wound. Which is making impossible for rest of average men to gain access to it. [/UWSL]

The simple fact that the man is paying for the relationship already implies that there is some monetary value(inflated or otherwise) to the pussy. How can you not get this very simple point across your head. I've repeated it multiple times now.
Indeed, but that's not what happens in normies relationships
You probably think like that because you are a school fuck. Maybe relationships in schools are still not that monetary in nature since everyone is broke. But even someone like you can see that those boys with rich parents always have it relatively easy when it comes to dating. What does that tell you?

I'm not saying its entirely monetary. The better looking you are , the more discount you get. The less you have to pay with money/time/resources etc. But anyone who uses their brain can see the inherent transactional nature.

The only difference with escortcelling is that you are compensating for all your flaws by full monetary payment for the sex part.
Jesus Christ man
Prostitution is a fundamentally unsustainable activity.
So is top men occupying women in power-law distribution and forming harems. But it happens anyway.

by giving money to sex workers (especially "sex" workers that don't even have sex with you), you promote the opposite of all of these things in the long-term, counter-intuitive as it may seem. Think of supply and demand-when you are willing to pay any price for pussy, more girls will put a price on their pussy, making it even harder to access.
Not sure if satire or zero-IQ take. Men overwhelmingly overpay and lose in traditional avenues of getting sex. Any increase in sex work, legal or not, is effectively a scab against women's collusive cartel on pussy. In a world where every woman were a sex worker, the price of pussy would be comically low.
It is relevant based on your claim that paying escorts is different from spending on your girlfriend.
i never claimed that, you went off a tangent to discuss that and also imply that i ''would marry a roastie'' out of your ass
A claim you refuse to back up again and again while going on totally irrelevant non-sequiturs about how no foid will ever date you. Probably because you know your original assertion would fall apart if you actually answered my question

At least have the balls to support what you say.
Lol says the faggot going off a tangent and still not adressing the fact that anti-escortcels don't give a cent while escortcels do. Your cope to this is repeat nonstop that anti-escort are automatically onlyfans simps that pay millions of dollars to foids in an alternate universe.

'' non-sequiturs about how no foid will ever date you'' oh so now incels can get dates? :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

I already answered the question and it's braindead obvious. No, I won't give a cent to a foid and never did, you will however.

What a dense retarded faggot nigger you are, turning a casual conversation into this. I barely initially pointed out one of the point anti-escortcels have and you went off a retarded autistic faggot meltdown shitting contest :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: I even said I don't care if escortcels do what they do and still sperged out :feelskek: what a waste of time and oxygen, have the last word braindead monkey btw unironically kill yourself
i never claimed that, you went off a tangent to discuss that and also imply that i ''would marry a roastie'' out of your ass
Hmm I must have confused you for another. Yes you never claimed that because you never made any claims to justify normal normie relationships to begin with. I wanted to know your stance on that matter but instead of answering my question you went on tangents about how we are incel so none of it matters or something.
'' non-sequiturs about how no foid will ever date you'' oh so now incels can get dates? :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:

I already answered the question and it's braindead obvious. No, I won't give a cent to a foid and never did, you will however.

What a dense retarded faggot nigger you are, turning a casual conversation into this. I barely initially pointed out one of the point anti-escortcels have and you went off a retarded autistic faggot meltdown shitting contest :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: I even said I don't care if escortcels do what they do and still sperged out :feelskek: what a waste of time and oxygen, have the last word braindead monkey btw unironically kill yourself
Calm down no one is shitting on anyone ,ok ? I will try to explain it in simpler words since your brain can't comprehend hypothetical scenarios. I was just trying to make you reach my reasoning by yourself but clearly that won't work, so spoonfeeding it is.

1. Are you an incel? If yes

2. Do you want not to be an incel? If yes

3. Do you want to date/marry girls as your path to ascension(like 90% of normies)? If yes

4. Are you willing to spend money on it? If yes

Then your original argument falls apart since you infact are giving money to foids.

If your answer to 2 is no then all this is irrelevant since you are asexual.

If your answer to 3 or 4 is no then you are the Chad or nothing type. You will never marry a woman period and you'll never date girls unless both parties pay equally or the girl pays more for the upkeep of the relationship. Or maybe you'll only accept casual no-strings sex with foids who find you hot and will not settle for anything less, [UWSL]especially if it requires you to shell out money. [/UWSL]

I don't have any issues if the last one is your position. I just disagree with it since I find it unsustainable. If everyone thought like that only Chads would have sex and most guys INCEL OR NOT will jump out of the game since they are unwilling to fund a roastie.

The question is not whether @Misanthropy1 is too incel to date any woman. The question is if "I will never fund a roastie" a sound reason against escorting. This claim has implications as presented above and hypothetical scenarios help you to think things through and make up a stance on these matters.
wow you made a wall of text no one is going to read now do it again 2 more times so you compensate the time I wasted trying to talk to a brainlet :feelsjuice:
wow you made a wall of text no one is going to read now do it again 2 more times so you compensate the time I wasted trying to talk to a brainlet :feelsjuice:
Thank you for confirming that my initial instinct was right and that the passive aggressiveness was indeed justified. I already knew you were a smoothbrain when you made the "but muh too ugly" argument. And indeed admitting my mistak and giving you a second chance to politely explain my view was pointless.
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That logic doesn't make any sense. One thing can't replace another. One could just as easily say that you can stop gymmaxxing, never get plastic surgery, wear cheap clothes and use public transport to fuck more escorts.

Secondly, we can't just turn off our instinct to seek sex. Otherwise this website wouldn't exist
with a car you could make road trips, go camping etc. It's an investment. Same with plastic surgery. You could go from truecel to average ugly incel.
I don't see how paying for escorts is an investment. You're simply validating whores in their superiority complex.
with a car you could make road trips, go camping etc. It's an investment. Same with plastic surgery. You could go from truecel to average ugly incel.
I don't see how paying for escorts is an investment. You're simply validating whores in their superiority complex.
Its not an investment its a consumption. Again one cannot replace the other. As for validating, I don't think literal whores are getting any real validation anytime soon. Fucking subhumans is not something they are keen of, hence the price tag
Its not an investment its a consumption. Again one cannot replace the other. As for validating, I don't think literal whores are getting any real validation anytime soon. Fucking subhumans is not something they are keen of, hence the price tag
In the context of this thread, your answers don't make sense. You asked for reasons not to use escorts, I gave you options but you keep saying that "one doesn't replace the other" or "sex is the point of life". Then why ask in the first place? Since you could reply that to litteraly any argument.
In the context of this thread, your answers don't make sense. You asked for reasons not to use escorts, I gave you options but you keep saying that "one doesn't replace the other" or "sex is the point of life". Then why ask in the first place? Since you could reply that to litteraly any argument.
I do get your point. That not using escorts will save money. But when you think about it, its not a very strong case. Because you can also save money by not owning a netflix account, not subscribing to cable, not buying anime figurines, not buying consoles or video games, not paying for micro transactions, not buying app subscriptions etc etc.

Its not really a case against escorting but a case against spending money on copes since the same logic can be applied elsewhere.
Serious question:
Do you really think that rubbing your dick in a condom while the foid silently prays you cum quickly...Is having "sex"?
It is NOT.
Whores have a golden rule, never kiss and always a condom. It is not there to make you feel good, in fact it gives a fuck how you feel. It only wants your money as quickly as possible.

Your whole 2 pages worth of pros and contras mean nothing, because you ain't getting sex.
It's just like buying a burger made out of soy. It's a cheat and you're paying for fake sex.
with a car you could make road trips, go camping etc. It's an investment. Same with plastic surgery. You could go from truecel to average ugly incel.
I don't see how paying for escorts is an investment. You're simply validating whores in their superiority complex.
Cope. Escorting is filling a need.
According to whom? Feminists? Soyciety?
These "blackpilled" incels are bluepilled to their core. They cope thinking that have the same SMV as Chad or foids. Thefore they shouldn't pay for pussy. The truth is that they were programmed to chase pussy and the social scenario limits them for pay. In other era they wouldve been stoned by Chad and in other they would've had to betabux a foid that is pay for pussy.

Similar ecomomic status is irrelevant if the guy is still paying. Things would be different if he was not paying at all.
The graph gives us the reason. Men who engage outearn their counterparts and not the other way around. While the foid will spend her wage in painting nails, jewerly, buying fancy lingery and clothes. Then will have to pay all the house expences and jewerly/fancy dinners for a "MAY I". Engaging with a foid as a non-Chad would only be useful if you have to request a depth for a house. Also, non-Chads run the risk to be divorce raped anyway.
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Cope. Escorting is filling a need.
And you are delusional.
Whoring is a cheat, it's a scam.
You ain't get no "pussy" because "pussy" is chad only.
What you get is a rubber and a kick in the ass once you cum in that rubber.
Serious question:
Do you really think that rubbing your dick in a condom while the foid silently prays you cum quickly...Is having "sex"?
It is NOT.
Whores have a golden rule, never kiss and always a condom. It is not there to make you feel good, in fact it gives a fuck how you feel. It only wants your money as quickly as possible.

Your whole 2 pages worth of pros and contras mean nothing, because you ain't getting sex.
It's just like buying a burger made out of soy. It's a cheat and you're paying for fake sex.
Not all escorts in the world requires condom?
[UWSL]Not sure if satire or zero-IQ take. Men overwhelmingly overpay and lose in traditional avenues of getting sex. Any increase in sex work, legal or not, is effectively a scab against women's collusive cartel on pussy. In a world where every woman were a sex worker, the price of pussy would be comically low.[/UWSL]
Actually, fine. You make a good point with regards to prostitutes specifically; however:

"In a world where every woman were a sex worker" bro- you need to specify "prostitute". OnlyFans "workers" are sex workers. In a world where every woman was an OnlyFans "worker", the price of pussy would be infinity and beyond for any guy who wasn't top 20%.

And even in a world where every woman was a prostitute, that world be last about 120 years (peak human lifespan) and about 30 years in, you would have to face the problem of every female being too old.

In order to make that sustainable, you would have to make them not only breed, but somehow breed worthwhile genes at the exclusion of shitty genes and basically get single fathers to take care of their kids from many whores, but after two years of breastfeeding from the whore. Which would never happen without stringent limitations and systemic force.

But sure, have fun with your granny pussy.
"In a world where every woman were a sex worker" bro- you need to specify "prostitute". OnlyFans "workers" are sex workers. In a world where every woman was an OnlyFans "worker", the price of pussy would be infinity and beyond for any guy who wasn't top 20%.
We was clearly referring to presential prostitutes and not virtual prostitutes that fapmaxxer incels have created.
And even in a world where every woman was a prostitute, that world be last about 120 years (peak human lifespan) and about 30 years in, you would have to face the problem of every female being too old.
Cope. It will appear younger prostitutes competing with older prostitutes. Is likely that prostitutes will retire earlier since they would have all their shit together by mid 30s. Also, since they are much more prostitutes. The competition is high so many of them would want to lower the prices in order to gather more clients. More clients more money.
[UWSL]Cope. It will appear younger prostitutes competing with older prostitutes. Is likely that prostitutes will retire earlier since they would have all their shit together by mid 30s. Also, since they are much more prostitutes. The competition is high so many of them would want to lower the prices in order to gather more clients. More clients more money.[/UWSL]
There will be no younger prostitutes after 30 years because prostitutes do not reproduce. That was my point.
There will be no younger prostitutes after 30 years because prostitutes do not reproduce. That was my point.
Cope. They will have enough money to provide resources to Chad offspring like many OF whores do today. Coping hard if you think that they will have to delay or nullify reproduction for their careers.
Cope. They will have enough money to provide resources to Chad offspring like many OF whores do today. Coping hard if you think that they will have to delay or nullify reproduction for their careers.
They do reproduce less, and what reproduction they do is only is only done with bolgads (not Chad, necessarily), so if your system were implemented humanity would still be destroyed in the long term. What you are describing would work in the short term if you made it so that any woman could be paid a tremendous amount for breeding but only if they accepted all sex requests from guys without contagious disease in order at some standard pace so as to not exhaust, but in the long term you still need some kind of anti-dysgenics mechanism.

Cheers! :feelsautistic:
You would be giving money to disgusting degenerate slutty women.
Serious question:
Do you really think that rubbing your dick in a condom while the foid silently prays you cum quickly...Is having "sex"?
It is NOT.
Whores have a golden rule, never kiss and always a condom. It is not there to make you feel good, in fact it gives a fuck how you feel. It only wants your money as quickly as possible.

Your whole 2 pages worth of pros and contras mean nothing, because you ain't getting sex.
It's just like buying a burger made out of soy. It's a cheat and you're paying for fake sex.
It is easy to go only for escorts who kiss.
They do reproduce less, and what reproduction they do is only is only done with bolgads (not Chad, necessarily), so if your system were implemented humanity would still be destroyed in the long term. What you are describing would work in the short term if you made it so that any woman could be paid a tremendous amount for breeding but only if they accepted all sex requests from guys without contagious disease in order at some standard pace so as to not exhaust, but in the long term you still need some kind of anti-dysgenics mechanism.

Cheers! :feelsautistic:
Cope. This system is the least dysgenic because Chads are the only ones allowed to reproduce. Chad doesn´t reproduce with them because he doesn´t want to pay child support. But in a world where women can feed their offspring with ease such thing won´t happen. A good example is Netherlands. The most open country toward prostitution and the one with the tallest men.
You are giving money to women.

That was easy.
You can do whatever you want
But don't pretend you understand the pain of being a real virgin
Cope. This system is the least dysgenic because Chads are the only ones allowed to reproduce. Chad doesn´t reproduce with them because he doesn´t want to pay child support. But in a world where women can feed their offspring with ease such thing won´t happen. A good example is Netherlands. The most open country toward prostitution and the one with the tallest men.
"Tallness" is not the only useful trait. In fact, it hardly matters practically. It only "matters" in terms of attracting women which there is no need to be selected for significantly in a modern, industrialized society. The utility of tallness in modernity is individual, not collective; a taller individual male is likely happier, but a taller male world population is likely not, because women will just raise their standards higher (literally). To think otherwise is Chad-worshipping.

Women select for bolgad, as I prove here, in my post explaining why I am not blackpilled. So I wouldn't want bolgad to be selected for, it will eventually bring us back to the stone age (literally).

What I am really concerned about are things like IQ (because unlike tallness, I do believe that a higher IQ world IS a more fulfilled one, one that can invent for itself a higher standard of living), and there is a significant negative correlation between fertility and IQ that has been observed in the Netherlands, and due to the "Reverse Flynn Effect", IQs are dropping in the Netherlands and places like it and have been for a while.

Also, doesn't "non-Chad" also not want to pay child support? Wouldn't the kinds of men who would be less likely to pay child support anyway have an incentive to reproduce? Wouldn't the existence of child support cause women to select for richer and thus higher IQ, more productive guys? No, it is other factors like welfare, feminism, and environmentalist anti-natalism that have caused the negative correlation between fertility and IQ, not child support. I don't see how child support contributes.
Serious question:
Do you really think that rubbing your dick in a condom
Condom sex is common outside of escorting.
the foid silently prays you cum quickly...
Undesirability is part and parcel of inceldom. The real question is where do we go from here.
It is not there to make you feel good, in fact it gives a fuck how you feel. It only wants your money as quickly as possible.
My pleasure is not subject to whether the whore wants me to feel good. I don't give such credence to opinions of women. And as for my pleasure, she better see to it because that's what she literally gets paid for. Like any business she won't last long if her service is trash.
Your whole 2 pages worth of pros and contras mean nothing, because you ain't getting sex.
It's just like buying a burger made out of soy. It's a cheat and you're paying for fake sex.
Sex is sex. Paid or not is irrelevant. You can debate on the quality but its still sex.
You would be giving money to disgusting degenerate slutty women.
You are giving money to women.

That was easy.
These arguments are already refuted by the simple fact that normies do spend money on dates and relationships. So it doesn't work unless you are one of those "Chad or nothing" guys who wouldn't spend a single penny on relationships.

This is besides the fact that woman form half of the population and not giving money to a woman ever is impossible.
sex dolls
Can they substitute real sex with a real woman?
You can do whatever you want
But don't pretend you understand the pain of being a real virgin
But I am a real virgin, I've never had sex. But that doesn't mean things have to stay this way.
"Tallness" is not the only useful trait. In fact, it hardly matters practically. It only "matters" in terms of attracting women which there is no need to be selected for significantly in a modern, industrialized society. The utility of tallness in modernity is individual, not collective; a taller individual male is likely happier, but a taller male world population is likely not, because women will just raise their standards higher (literally). To think otherwise is Chad-worshipping.
Dude you are missing the point by all means. You were arguing a short moment ago that letting Chad reproduce would be dysgenic because they would reproduce with "boldgads"(I don´t know what does that mean but I guess is not Chad). I stated it doesn´t because foids will have enough resources to don´t ask for child support. In fact: in an ideal system foids would be unallowed to request child support and escorting should be encouraged by the two parts since high school. Foids will earn enough money to feed their offspring and even buck Chad. Ugly fucks that are usually the weakest will be happy because they can fuck. Then you pull out the "Chad worshipping argument". That´s bullshit. Lookism is a eugenic system itself. Foids are eugenic machines.

Even in industralized societies breeding only with Chad is better because the more atractive the smarter people are https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/attr... just to add some,score 11.4 IQ points higher.

[UWSL]"Chad-worshipping" my ass. Chad is worshipped because is usually the most efficient among men. Foids don´t choose Chad for free. They choose Chad because he has been the one killed all the other men(competition, kill foids who refused to reproduce with him and the one who succesfully reproduced it most.[/UWSL]

Women select for bolgad, as I prove here, in my post explaining why I am not blackpilled. So I wouldn't want bolgad to be selected for, it will eventually bring us back to the stone age (literally).
Again, I don´t what does bolgad mean. I guess is not Chad. Foids select "bolgad" because they had been pumped and dumped by Chad over and over again until they can´t commit with them. So they breed with the second option. We won´t return to the stone age because ugly fucks have to keep spinning society due to their desire of pussy. Yes, men were programmed to do whatever takes for pussy. In either the system where all foids were full time whores or civil whores is the same. But our system is a better dope for men. Men in the system proposed by me and the OP cope better and aren´t suicidical as many niggas in the userbase are.
What I am really concerned about are things like IQ (because unlike tallness, I do believe that a higher IQ world IS a more fulfilled one, one that can invent for itself a higher standard of living), and there is a significant negative correlation between fertility and IQ that has been observed in the Netherlands, and due to the "Reverse Flynn Effect", IQs are dropping in the Netherlands and places like it and have been for a while.
The most handsome(that includes face, frame, race and height) the smarter https://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/attr... just to add some,score 11.4 IQ points higher.

Also, doesn't "non-Chad" also not want to pay child support? Wouldn't the kinds of men who would be less likely to pay child support anyway have an incentive to reproduce? Wouldn't the existence of child support cause women to select for richer and thus higher IQ, more productive guys? No, it is other factors like welfare, feminism, and environmentalist anti-natalism that have caused the negative correlation between fertility and IQ, not child support. I don't see how child support contributes.
You are merging things. Of course that in a system that foids would be full time whores won´t be supported by the State. Low IQ has increased in Western countries because they also import lower IQ beings. Also the ugliest the more primitive the less inteligent
Whores have a golden rule, never kiss and always a condom. It is not there to make you feel good, in fact it gives a fuck how you feel. It only wants your money as quickly as possible.
French kisses are often included with girlfriend treatment.
These arguments are already refuted by the simple fact that normies do spend money on dates and relationships. So it doesn't work unless you are one of those "Chad or nothing" guys who wouldn't spend a single penny on relationships.
How do normies being provider cucks "refute" anything? You talk like you want to be a provider cuck but you can't so paying hookers is the closest you can get.
This is besides the fact that woman form half of the population and not giving money to a woman ever is impossible.
Being forced into giving money to women is not the same as giving it willingly. Like the escort simps do.
How do normies being provider cucks "refute" anything? You talk like you want to be a provider cuck but you can't so paying hookers is the closest you can get.
Are you implying that you'll never ever spend a single dollar on a relationship? Even if the opportunity presents itself?
Being forced into giving money to women is not the same as giving it willingly. Like the escort simps do.
One could argue that you are forced to give money to escorts because of unfulfilled sexual needs.

Also a women gets paid everytime you spend money on a business. Its impossible to avoid. You are not forced, this is just how the world works. Go live like a hermit in some jungle if you don't want a single penny of yours to go to a woman.
Are you implying that you'll never ever spend a single dollar on a relationship? Even if the opportunity presents itself?
Normies and Chads/Tyrones don't have to spend money on women to have sex. You are coping hard if you think this is obligatory.
One could argue that you are forced to give money to escorts because of unfulfilled sexual needs.
That's like saying a robber was "forced" because he wants money. Just dumb excuses. Wanting sex does not mean you are being "forced" into giving money to prostitute whores. You talk like you are an animal who has no control over its own actions.
Also a women gets paid everytime you spend money on a business. Its impossible to avoid. You are not forced, this is just how the world works. Go live like a hermit in some jungle if you don't want a single penny of yours to go to a woman.
Damn your low IQ is starting to bother me. How can you say
  1. Its impossible to avoid
  2. You are not forced
One after the other, and not being able to see how contradictory these are? I don't know if you are this stupid, or thinking I would not notice such an obvious inconsistency in your "argument". Which is an insult on itself.
rape is cheaper (in a video game)
Normies and Chads/Tyrones don't have to spend money on women to have sex. You are coping hard if you think this is obligatory.
That's factually incorrect. Maybe top tier chads don't.
That's like saying a robber was "forced" because he wants money. Just dumb excuses. Wanting sex does not mean you are being "forced" into giving money to prostitute whores. You talk like you are an animal who has no control over its own actions.
This is just an extension of your own logic wherein you are "forced" to give money to foids in non sexual business transactions.

What you are saying was my point all along. You are not "forced". You are willingly giving money to foids almost every fucking day. Your actions are inconsistent with your beliefs.
One after the other, and not being able to see how contradictory these are? I don't know if you are this stupid, or thinking I would not notice such an obvious inconsistency in your "argument". Which is an insult on itself.
The bottom line is you are infact giving money to foids. Stop trying to pretend that you have no choice in the matter. Go live in the jungle and practice what you preach.

If you are trying to argue that you don't wanna pay foids unless it is absolutely necessary (which we both know is untrue since you don't practice the same restrain in other business transactions with foids that you do for escorting) , then it concludes that sex is not necessary to you.
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That's factually incorrect. Maybe top tier chads don't.
You are coping hard, women can fuck normies due to race, dick size, because they are horny, drunk etc. Some women fuck their dogs, are the dogs paying for it? You are projecting your inceldom on everyone else as a way to cope, thinking that most men are incel (they are not) you are not a normie.
This is just an extension of your own logic wherein you are "forced" to give money to foids in non sexual business transactions.
No, you are talking like you are an animal who can't make choices. Like you paying hookers is obligatory. Dumbest shit ever.
What you are saying was my point all along. You are not "forced". You are willingly giving money to foids almost every fucking day. Your actions are inconsistent with your beliefs.
I never give money to women willingly, dumbass, this is what YOU escort simps do. As always projecting your own reality into other people to cope with the fact you willingly give money to women.
The bottom line is you are infact giving money to foids. Stop trying to pretend that you have no choice in the matter. Go live in the jungle and practice what you preach.
I don't give money to women because I want to, its stolen from me. You are such a retard you probably think people who give money to thugs during robberies should go live in the jungle if they don't like getting robbed. Stupid nigger.
If you are trying to argue that you don't wanna pay foids unless it is absolutely necessary (which we both know is untrue since you don't practice the same restrain in other business transactions with foids that you do for escorting) , then it concludes that sex is not necessary to you.
Sex is not "necessary" to anyone, dipshit. If you are talking about actual sex and not the paid masturbation that you get with hookers, then it is important to make you happy, but you will not die if you don't do it. Once again you talk about it like an animal who have no control.

Also, this was a completely pointless post, I had to repeat myself many times because you just keep saying the same dumb copes over and over, if you are going to try to repeat your copes forever, you might as well just fuck off already.
you need to specify "prostitute". OnlyFans "workers" are sex workers. In a world where every woman was an OnlyFans "worker", the price of pussy would be infinity and beyond for any guy who wasn't top 20%.
Yes, I would count OnlyFans as a pussy union, not a scab, since no actual pussy is being given out. More accurately, it substitutes pussy with a vastly cheaper good at a similar price, multiplying the productivity of women's sexual capital a thousandfold. So, no OnlyFans.

prostitutes do not reproduce.
Your mom disagrees. Sorry, couldn't resist.

They do reproduce less, and what reproduction they do is only is only done with bolgads (not Chad, necessarily), so if your system were implemented humanity would still be destroyed in the long term.
Not if you get rid of gynocentric family courts and restore father's rights. This is how women worked in, say, London in the 1700's. Women could either find and belong to a family-oriented beta-civilization type man, or be played by alpha-harem type men and work as prostitutes. Remember, back then custody of children belonged to the father, a large concession which made having children worthwhile for family-oriented men.

Wouldn't the existence of child support cause women to select for richer and thus higher IQ, more productive guys? No, it is other factors like welfare, feminism, and environmentalist anti-natalism that have caused the negative correlation between fertility and IQ, not child support. I don't see how child support contributes.
No man, child support is welfare. Child support flows from beta men to bad-actor women. It causes women to go after “alpha” men who are more attractive but less productive, with the promise that 1. those men would theoretically be forced to pay a pittance, or 2. even worse, some beta man will be pinned with child support for being a “parental figure” to another man’s child (many such cases).

The core mechanism of civilization was to force women to mate with beta men to draw out the productivity of all men. Unchecked welfare for women, in general, frees them up to abandon betas and flock to alphas.
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Normies and Chads/Tyrones don't have to spend money on women to have sex. You are coping hard if you think this is obligatory.
Big cope. Normies have to pay for the foid after a certain amount of time. Let´s say HS. After it, it requiere bucks to maintain that pussy. Majority of adult men pay for sex.
Escortmaxxing will deplete your wallet, if you have it then I don't see any problem
Big cope. Normies have to pay for the foid after a certain amount of time. Let´s say HS. After it, it requiere bucks to maintain that pussy. Majority of adult men pay for sex.
You are the one coping by thinking all normies have to pay for sex like we do
You are the one coping by thinking all normies have to pay for sex like we do
Most of them after a certain age. Otherwise foids wouldn´t have monkeybranched as they do.
Most of them after a certain age. Otherwise foids wouldn´t have monkeybranched as they do.
If you are talking about old ass fuckers then sure but most normies at young age have no problem having a few girlfriends in their life before they become oldcels
Meanwhile we have to pay to fuck at age 20, 30 while normies are having no problems in getting free sex
If you are talking about old ass fuckers then sure but most normies at young age have no problem having a few girlfriends in their life before they become oldcels
I don´t talk about old ass fuckers I talk about people in their early-mid 20s and above.
You are coping hard, women can fuck normies due to race, dick size, because they are horny, drunk etc. Some women fuck their dogs, are the dogs paying for it? You are projecting your inceldom on everyone else as a way to cope, thinking that most men are incel (they are not) you are not a normie
Outside of casual sex that only few men get most have to shell out money. This is true everywhere. You are basically fighting facts here
No, you are talking like you are an animal who can't make choices. Like you paying hookers is obligatory. Dumbest shit ever.
I already explained how this was an extension of your own dumb "I'm forced to pay foids" argument.

If you are "forced" to pay then the escortcel is "forced" to pay too considering his sexual needs. If the escortcel is not "forced" but can control himself and deny his needs then so can you and go fuck off in a jungle.
I never give money to women willingly, dumbass, this is what YOU escort simps do. As always projecting your own reality into other people to cope with the fact you willingly give money to women.
That's a blatant lie. 50% of the world are women. There is no way in hell that the money you spend on everyday needs does not end up in a woman's pocket ever. You'll literally have to abandon civilized society and modern economy if you truly don't want to fund a foid with your money

I don't give money to women because I want to, its stolen from me. You are such a retard you probably think people who give money to thugs during robberies should go live in the jungle if they don't like getting robbed. Stupid nigger.
Again with the "stolen" bullshit. I love your hypocrisy when you fail to consider an escortcels money "stolen" owing to his sexual needs. But are willing to consider your own money "stolen" when you have to pay a foid for non sexual stuff.

Your entire argument is one big round of HYPOCRISY.

Sex is not "necessary" to anyone, dipshit. If you are talking about actual sex and not the paid masturbation that you get with hookers, then it is important to make you happy, but you will not die if you don't do it. Once again you talk about it like an animal who have no control.
Oh believe me. Living in modern developed society is not necessary either. Our ancestors lived off the land hunting and gathering. You can do it too. That way you can actually practice what you preach and never spend a single dollar on a foid's service ever.

Also, this was a completely pointless post, I had to repeat myself many times because you just keep saying the same dumb copes over and over, if you are going to try to repeat your copes forever, you might as well just fuck off already.
Of course it goes in circles because you are a hypocrite. And just like any hypocrite you are projecting your own tendency to repeat the same debunked arguments over and over again onto me.

A hypocrite's beliefs are inherently logically inconsistent. That's why he relies on circular arguments and mental gymnastics to make up for it.

Notice that its YOU who hasn't made a logically sound rebuttal to this point:
What you are saying was my point all along. You are not "forced". You are willingly giving money to foids almost every fucking day. Your actions are inconsistent with your beliefs.
Which I've repeated in this post twice(above).

Instead you went on to REPEAT the same bullshit " Money is stoled from me "argument which I've already pointed out as hypocritical(see above)

. ..........
Here's the bottom line

1. Most men shell out money for the upkeep of romantic relationships.

2. You spend money on foids every fucking day for non-sexual products/services. Nobody is forcing you to do so just like nobody is forcing the escortcel to escortmax.

3. Hence your objection to escortcels on the grounds that they spend money on women is logically inconsistent and hypocritical.
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Outside of casual sex that only few men get most have to shell out money. This is true everywhere. You are basically fighting facts here

I already explained how this was an extension of your own dumb "I'm forced to pay foids" argument.

If you are "forced" to pay then the escortcel is "forced" to pay considering his sexual needs. If the escortcel is not "forced" but can control himself and deny his needs then so can you and go fuck off in a jungle.

That's a blatant lie. 50% of the world are women. There is no way in hell that the money you spend on everyday needs does not end up in a woman's pocket ever. You'll literally have to abandon civilized society and modern economy if you truly don't want to fund a foid with your money

Again with the "stolen" bullshit. I love your hypocrisy when you fail to consider an escortcels money "stolen" owing to his sexual needs. But are willing to consider your own money "stolen" when you have to pay a foid for non sexual stuff.

Your entire argument is one big round of HYPOCRISY.

Oh believe me. Living in modern developed society is not necessary either. Our ancestors lived off the land hunting and gathering. You can do it too. That way you can actually practice what you preach and never spend a single dollar on a foid's service ever.

Of course it goes in circles because you are a hypocrite. And just like any hypocrite you are projecting your own tendency to repeat the same debunked arguments over and over again onto me.

A hypocrite's beliefs are inherently logically inconsistent. That's why he relies on circular arguments and mental gymnastics to make up for it.

Notice that its YOU who hasn't made a logically sound rebuttal to this point:

Which I've repeated in this post twice(above).

Instead you went on to make the same bullshit " Money is stoled from me "argument which I've already pointed out as hypocritical(see above)

. ..........
Here's the bottom line

1. Most men shell out money for the upkeep of romantic relationships.

2. You spend money on foids every fucking day for non-sexual products/services. Nobody is forcing you to do so just like nobody is forcing the escortcel to escortmax.

3. Hence your objection to escortcels on the grounds that they spend money on women is logically inconsistent and hypocritical.
"All men pay for sex" is straight up the oldest MGTOW cope. In fact is at the same level as "the wall". You didn't even tried to refute the examples I gave you, just dismissed them and ignored them because you can't. The man with the biggest dick on Earth was fucking women at the age of 10. Normies have sex everywhere without paying for it, but you refuse to believe this because you prefer to believe you are just like them, when you are not.
I don´t talk about old ass fuckers I talk about people in their early-mid 20s and above.
In that case you are full of shit. 20 years is too old to have free sex? lmao what a joke
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