I live in a university town in Norway which has a number of student pubs that require student ID to enter. 70% of the people staffing these pubs are currycels and curry-foids who I assume are doing degrees here (although I never see them on campus). They serve drinks and food to a mostly tall, white "aryan" clientele. When they're not outright ignored or seen as mere props in the backdrop of the pubs, they're either berated by students for not speaking Norwegian or snide comments are made about them at the tables, calling them "dirty", "smelly" and "ugly". The possibility of these currycels getting ANY action whatsoever here is less than zero. I don't even know how they can live with themselves seeing all these blonde, blue-eyed girls, taller than them give them dirty looks as they are served cheap beer. Being a currycel in Scandinavia must be literal hell. I always try to be friendly to them and hope they at least get with their foid counterparts, but of course the currinas are probably fucking white Scandinavians. They are basically pariahs without having hurt a fly.