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JFL An open letter to cucks - why you can't do shit about people going ER

jerrycan dan

jerrycan dan

autistic retard
Jul 22, 2018
So I was watching a clip in which Nick Land, who is a very smart guy who knows his shit, was talking about how the systems of today are increasingly becoming more parallel instead of hierarchical in terms of their organisation. I can't find the clip on its own so I've typed what he said here

"There is a very similar pattern you can find in the structure of societies, the structure of companies and in the structure of computers, and all three are moving in the same direction. That is, away from a top-down structure of a central command system giving the system instructions on how to behave, and towards a system which is parallel, which is flat, which is a web, and from which change moves from the bottom to the top, and this is going to happen across all institutions and all technical devices. It's the way of the future."

Looking at the internet, can you really say he's wrong? Looking at the promises of blockchain technology, can you really say he's wrong? He isn't. Why do you think the government, which has relied on top-down mass media commanding the population on how to behave for the past century, is trying to control the internet and cover it with bubblewrap as soon as most people start going on it and its full potential is realised? Even with most normalfags on instagram, snapchat and pewdiepie's youtube channel the government wants to crack down hard on the freedom of the internet.

Why? It's the world wide web. Groups on the internet don't need a top-down structure like the government's used to dealing with, even the most highly illicit Mexican drug dealing organisations (which the CIA allows to exist by the way, unlike us in a few years lmao, we are literally being targeted harder than the cartels) can't match the potential for parallel-style organisation that exists on the internet. What if feds bust our ass, arrest all our mods, get reddit to take us down and make sure no country is ballsy enough to host us? Just get an onion address and move blackpill4u to the dark web web. Sure jewgle has big offices in finland or some shit where they store giant hard drives but if push comes to shove toppling any sort of "command structure" we have (lmao) is just going to make us pop up somewhere else.

Even if all of our websites got shut down because, unlike drug dealers and paedophiles, the feds were actually able to deal with us somehow, there would still be people in chat groups spreading the blackpill. There would still be people flooding out of our containment disseminating the blackpill elsewhere on the internet. /pol/ is about politics but has sexual blackpill threads which are barely related to politics at all, groups like MGTOW are copers but when confronted will be forced to admit that pretty much everything we say is right. The blackpill is easy af to spread.

You know what's even easier to find than the blackpill is to spread? Ostracised virgins tapping away at their keyboards on all corners of the internet - "involuntary virgins" for cucks who think the term "incel" is just about hating women. People who responded to their meme of a culture trying to socialise them by withdrawing after having failed to conform to it, or people who were simply sent their own way to go be a virgin on the internet. These people can communicate with each other from across continents easily, they organically form communities on websites and chat groups by congregating in places with like-minded people (look at 8chan, /pol/ owns half the website, there is a 1488 get thread pinned on /asmr/ because cumskin stormniggers flock to certain places and organically create a colony for their people there). Ideas spread among these groups like a mind-virus because of how fast the internet makes transmitting ideas.

If the blackpill well and truly makes people go ER how are you going to stop it from spreading? All the material is basically tailored to disillusioned sexually-frustrated men, it's easy to swallow and easy to understand while perfectly clicking with the intuition of a red-blooded non-bluepilled man. Stamping out incel communities is basically impossible because they won't stop functioning if you get rid of the top of their hierarchy, they'll just reappear somewhere else, it's like trying to pick up slime but realising it has no solid structure and will just slide out of your hands to go somewhere else. Even if you do stamp out incel forums, subreddits and chatrooms somehow, stuff like tinder studies and the narrative espoused by the blackpill is already there on communities which are not explicitly incel. Even people who have sex acknowledge the blackpill.

What are you going to do to stop it? Therapy, from medical institutions and a government which has a top-down structure? Therapy which uses shitty decades-old psychological programming that we've evolved past with ease (if you want to call it us rationalising our "crazy beliefs" go ahead, you can't stop us even with therapists lmao)? Calling the FBI on one person so a dozen more threats can take their place unimpeded by losing members of their group because there is no top-down hierarchy? You faggot cucks are useless - in real life you're always calling your higher-ups, calling your manager, calling the police, calling whoever is above you in a top-down command structure. You are a bootlicker, you are a well-trained dog obeying its master. We have no master. We are not a pack of wolves, we are a swarm of cockroaches. Try spraying or stepping on one of us and you will not stop us in the slightest.

Eat shit cucks and foids. You will NEVER, EVER, EVER stop sexually frustrated men from seeing blackpill content online, learning the truth about human sexuality and life, and finally (for some of them) getting pushed over the edge and going ER. Your government surveillance programs, your police forces, your for-profit mental health scam apparatus and whatever gay plastic "incel prevention movement" initiatives you cuckolds are capable of coming up with won't stop shit. I don't even have to do anything, I'm just fucking around online and spreading the blackpill as I go just like everyone else on here, but there will be more blood and you can't stop it.

Yoga cry

Welcome to the 21st Century faggots, hope you enjoy it. It's only going to get more like this from here on out.
Cucktears if you are reading this fuck you all.
Cucktears fuck you all and your mom and when it is time we'll get down every one of you
Normies might as well give up and swallow the blackpill, there's no stopping it.
Also think about how universal sexual frustration and "mental illness" is, we're not some elite terror cell recruiting unit. We just give people inconvenient truths that will make them upset because it is better to acknowledge the truth than be a bluepilled cuck. It's not even some exclusive religion or ideology, it's about people with bad genetics who can't get laid and end up being treated like shit because of their genetics. Really simple stuff, really basic stuff, even a chimp could comprehend this on some level.

And yet cucks are freaking out about something as mundane and basic as this all of a sudden, JFL. The internet has made an unavoidable part of life for a lot of people (incels, involuntary virgins) into something they can discuss, theorise on and ultimately have an easier time going ER because of. I am not advocating anything, I'm just saying you and every command structure you obey can't do shit to stop incel types from massacring people. Once again, bon voyage inceltears.
High IQ, and I agree
Can't wait to see the cucks respond to this.:y'all::y'all::y'all:
Can't wait to see the cucks respond to this.:y'all::y'all::y'all:
Knowing them they will probably spin it and give it some low IQ generic cucktears classic like "these guys are openly threatening us with violence, remind me why this terrorist group hasnt been banned yet?"
"Y'all need to see what these guys be saying"
"Who hurt you"

Good post
Einstein, Tesla and Hawking combined IQ.
no shit they cant do anything because the blackpill IS reality. how can they stop reality?
how can they stop reality?
Some examples:

When Galileo suggested that the Earth might revolve around the sun instead of the other way around, he was put under house arrest for threatening the Catholic Church's established views on cosmology at the time. A guy called Ignaz Semmelweis in the 19th century suggested that surgeons should disinfect their instruments and wash their hands, he eventually got ostracised and shat on so hard for making an out-there suggestion that he had a nervous breakdown and died in an asylum.

When George Lincoln Rockwell (an American NS leader) was assasinated in 1967, the entire American Nazi Party collapsed overnight because of the death of their leader. Their top-down hierarchical command system ultimately lead to their downfall by making them easier to destroy. (although nazism is not objective truth let's be honest, it's about as based in objective reality as any other thin-air ideology like the cuck liberalism with abstract human rights these redditors follow, and it's the best example of a group of people with common interests falling like this I that have saved in the front of my brain).

How are you supposed to put the incelosphere under house arrest? How are you supposed to bully incels into an asylum for spouting the truth when there are millions of people all over the internet willing to accept it and make the blackpill many times stronger than it was to begin with? If stray from the path got their hackers to locate every mod on this site, went to their houses and said good night to them, would the incel community collapse? No lmao because we have the internet. Good luck stopping anything the spread of the blackpill causes.
And blackpill will never stop being true because of the brain wiring. Women are disgusted by low smv men and lots of normies as well.. it's just a matter of basic observation.
When Galileo suggested that the Earth might revolve around the sun instead of the other way around, he was put under house arrest for threatening the Catholic Church's established views on cosmology at the time. A guy called Ignaz Semmelweis in the 19th century suggested that surgeons should disinfect their instruments and wash their hands, he eventually got ostracised and shat on so hard for making an out-there suggestion that he had a nervous breakdown and died in an asylum.
High iq, this happens to all truth speakers when there's too many copers.
High IQ thread but we don't even need to entertain the idea of disappearing from the surface web, it's just not happening.
Cucks can't get rid of us. All they CAN do is mock us from their corners of Reddit, but they can't stop us from saying what we say, they're powerless to stop shootings when they originate from the incel community, they can't stop us from being full of hate and in our everyday lives doing things that go against their sensibilities.
When i'm walking along my merry way and I see a roastie getting assaulted, there's nothing that stops me from just walking away and leaving her to her fate. They can't make us cooperate with the social contract if we don't want to.
Why CuckTears think we may disappear ?

Foids creates incels every second by rejection.

As long there will be foids there will be incels.

As long there is tight selection there will be mass rejection.

There is no shadow without light.

Can a coin have one side ? Nope.
Knowing them they will probably spin it and give it some low IQ generic cucktears classic like "these guys are openly threatening us with violence, remind me why this terrorist group hasnt been banned yet?"
Exactly like cry baby self righteous cucked sjw faggots
Einstein, Tesla and Hawking combined IQ.
Why CuckTears think we may disappear ?

Foids creates incels every second by rejection.

As long there will be foids there will be incels.

As long there is tight selection there will be mass rejection.

There is no shadow without light.

Can a coin have one side ? Nope.
Cucktears' definition of incels is different from ours tho.
For them incel = male who posts bad things about women on the internet.
So I was watching a clip in which Nick Land, who is a very smart guy who knows his shit, was talking about how the systems of today are increasingly becoming more parallel instead of hierarchical in terms of their organisation. I can't find the clip on its own so I've typed what he said here

"There is a very similar pattern you can find in the structure of societies, the structure of companies and in the structure of computers, and all three are moving in the same direction. That is, away from a top-down structure of a central command system giving the system instructions on how to behave, and towards a system which is parallel, which is flat, which is a web, and from which change moves from the bottom to the top, and this is going to happen across all institutions and all technical devices. It's the way of the future."

Looking at the internet, can you really say he's wrong? Looking at the promises of blockchain technology, can you really say he's wrong? He isn't. Why do you think the government, which has relied on top-down mass media commanding the population on how to behave for the past century, is trying to control the internet and cover it with bubblewrap as soon as most people start going on it and its full potential is realised? Even with most normalfags on instagram, snapchat and pewdiepie's youtube channel the government wants to crack down hard on the freedom of the internet.

Why? It's the world wide web. Groups on the internet don't need a top-down structure like the government's used to dealing with, even the most highly illicit Mexican drug dealing organisations (which the CIA allows to exist by the way, unlike us in a few years lmao, we are literally being targeted harder than the cartels) can't match the potential for parallel-style organisation that exists on the internet. What if feds bust our ass, arrest all our mods, get reddit to take us down and make sure no country is ballsy enough to host us? Just get an onion address and move blackpill4u to the dark web web. Sure jewgle has big offices in finland or some shit where they store giant hard drives but if push comes to shove toppling any sort of "command structure" we have (lmao) is just going to make us pop up somewhere else.

Even if all of our websites got shut down because, unlike drug dealers and paedophiles, the feds were actually able to deal with us somehow, there would still be people in chat groups spreading the blackpill. There would still be people flooding out of our containment disseminating the blackpill elsewhere on the internet. /pol/ is about politics but has sexual blackpill threads which are barely related to politics at all, groups like MGTOW are copers but when confronted will be forced to admit that pretty much everything we say is right. The blackpill is easy af to spread.

You know what's even easier to find than the blackpill is to spread? Ostracised virgins tapping away at their keyboards on all corners of the internet - "involuntary virgins" for cucks who think the term "incel" is just about hating women. People who responded to their meme of a culture trying to socialise them by withdrawing after having failed to conform to it, or people who were simply sent their own way to go be a virgin on the internet. These people can communicate with each other from across continents easily, they organically form communities on websites and chat groups by congregating in places with like-minded people (look at 8chan, /pol/ owns half the website, there is a 1488 get thread pinned on /asmr/ because cumskin stormniggers flock to certain places and organically create a colony for their people there). Ideas spread among these groups like a mind-virus because of how fast the internet makes transmitting ideas.

If the blackpill well and truly makes people go ER how are you going to stop it from spreading? All the material is basically tailored to disillusioned sexually-frustrated men, it's easy to swallow and easy to understand while perfectly clicking with the intuition of a red-blooded non-bluepilled man. Stamping out incel communities is basically impossible because they won't stop functioning if you get rid of the top of their hierarchy, they'll just reappear somewhere else, it's like trying to pick up slime but realising it has no solid structure and will just slide out of your hands to go somewhere else. Even if you do stamp out incel forums, subreddits and chatrooms somehow, stuff like tinder studies and the narrative espoused by the blackpill is already there on communities which are not explicitly incel. Even people who have sex acknowledge the blackpill.

What are you going to do to stop it? Therapy, from medical institutions and a government which has a top-down structure? Therapy which uses shitty decades-old psychological programming that we've evolved past with ease (if you want to call it us rationalising our "crazy beliefs" go ahead, you can't stop us even with therapists lmao)? Calling the FBI on one person so a dozen more threats can take their place unimpeded by losing members of their group because there is no top-down hierarchy? You faggot cucks are useless - in real life you're always calling your higher-ups, calling your manager, calling the police, calling whoever is above you in a top-down command structure. You are a bootlicker, you are a well-trained dog obeying its master. We have no master. We are not a pack of wolves, we are a swarm of cockroaches. Try spraying or stepping on one of us and you will not stop us in the slightest.

Eat shit cucks and foids. You will NEVER, EVER, EVER stop sexually frustrated men from seeing blackpill content online, learning the truth about human sexuality and life, and finally (for some of them) getting pushed over the edge and going ER. Your government surveillance programs, your police forces, your for-profit mental health scam apparatus and whatever gay plastic "incel prevention movement" initiatives you cuckolds are capable of coming up with won't stop shit. I don't even have to do anything, I'm just fucking around online and spreading the blackpill as I go just like everyone else on here, but there will be more blood and you can't stop it.

View attachment 60174

Welcome to the 21st Century faggots, hope you enjoy it. It's only going to get more like this from here on out.

High IQ thread

10/10 based
Can't wait to see the cucks respond to this.:y'all::y'all::y'all:

Lol cucktears is too scared to confront a thread like this.

They would rather touch all the autisticfueled trash threads about going ER before cracking their skulls open to address this one.
They rarely target well thought out, high quality posts

You can basically gauge their IQ levels by leveling the trash they cherrypick to make their points.
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Nice post, the time is coming
ER is proof that if Hitler had won the world would be better
A large scale organized beta uprising might be cope, but more and more individuals will go ER, like ever more drips of blood from a cut.

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