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Discussion Am I an incel?



Jan 27, 2020
Here is what I submitted for the "Describe your situation" shit in the site's registration:

Am a 20 year old male. Have never even asked a girl out or had anyone even suggest anything romantic with me. Complete kissless virgin. Have weird social ticks, Asperger's, non-assertive, do a lot of staring into space, have been told I am "gentlemanly" and "empathetic". Cried in school, hid in the bathroom, always sought out a corner to be isolated, was always made fun of or just ignored. No one gave a shit, that's to be expected. Always hung around with the nerdy kids, never played a sport. I don't identify as an incel, mainly because I've never gone through the effort of asking a woman out. If that's OK. I never did because it wasn't worth it, I'd be rejected anyway, scared, etc.

I ideologically believe that giving into the "female game" in our society is immoral. What that means is having sex with, dating, marrying, or even looking at, flirting with, or giving attention to women in any way is disgusting in my view, that being said I am not MGTOW either. I've only believed this in the last 2 years or so; before that I was bluepilled.

I am a revolutionary; I believe that a social revolution is necessary to overthrow hypergamy and institute enforced monogamy in which men get their pick, and a bureau evaluates men's overall "value" (factoring things like IQ, income, attractiveness, health, problem-solving, work ethic, moral compass, etc.) to society, and giving men their first pick in order of their "value". This is slightly different from the blackpill "looksmatch" shit.

I believe that to give in to women's "agenda" is to be disgusting. PUAs are some of the most disgusting people alive. MGTOW is retarded because they have no vision for humanity's future, and they generally don't give a shit and are also pro-porn, whereas I have a plan, give a shit, and am anti-porn. So you could call me a "volcel", but let's be real if I wasn't a volcel I'd be an incel, we both know it. MRAs are just "anti-identitarian" lolbertarians who call themselves the REAL feminists and would be totally satisfied with a "gender equal" society, which is stupid.

I don't believe in "ascending" through any method other than revolution, really. I call this ideology "Betrev" (short for Beta Revolution) and it follows in the footsteps of Elliot Rodger just as much as incels do.

A few more things: I have a bajillion fetishes (would be easier to name the fetishes I don't have TBH, all discoved on my own and NOT through porn). I am sexually masochistic/submissive, which is another reason why I believe myself to be incapable of attracting women. I believe that this should become socially acceptable, furthermore that it is in no way inferior to other types of sex. I have been diagnosed with severe depression by two officially licensed psychologists. All my teachers growing up said I had ADHD, but my conservative, Israel-loving parents believed that was liberal propaganda so they never got that checked out. I was really kind to everyone growing up, which led to so many situations that, looking back on it now, I got seriously manipulated by everyone around me because of my trusting, "gullible" nature. Am addicted to masturbation, but not porn. I believe incels focus too much on chin structure as well, and I believe that women have the following nature:

They make decisions based on their emotions and their social status.
They crave attention and validation at all costs
They want Chads and rich guys (survival and cocks+shit-testing+R-reproductive strategy)
They are ALWAYS shit-testing

I believe women literally constantly engage in an activity I call "societal shit-testing", in which they intentionally act evil to see what men will do about it. This is a huge reason for promiscuity, etc. This is why they cannot be trusted with ANYTHING, ever.

An ideal relationship, however, is one where the man does all the work including all the housework, then demands sex with his wife. If she refuses, he is authorized to punish her however he wishes, even through isolation in a dark room with nothing but a dark floor, no interaction, no bed, just a week of going insane in a room. Maybe even add daily torture devices to the room if that doesn't work. This is, of course, after relationships are chosen in the Betrev manner.

Women are attracted to the men who FEEL the most powerful, which includes a powerful jaw, douchebag nature, gangbanging, pump-and-dump kind of guy who is MOST LIKELY to pump and dump her. Why? A huge reason is shit-testing, another, horniness. Social status, attention, and validation can all come into play.

These men, described above are also some of the WORST men for society as a whole. Thus, Betrev (my ideology, I am OG) believes that incels do NOT necessarily have inferior genes, in fact we reject the whole notion that how much a woman is attracted to a man determines his worth at all. We DO believe breeding is necessary for a prosperous civilization, we are ultimately pro-fertility. We are also pro-progenics, which is the policy of peacefully using certain policies such as abolishing the welfare state and tax breaks for low-income people who don't breed, while having tax increases for high-income people who don't breed.

I don't actually know how I look because I've not received feedback that I trust. Everyone I've talked to says I look "fine" in the face, and by "everyone I've talked to" I mean two dudes throughout my entire life. Am 5'9", white. Obsessively fall into sperg out of hunching over and flicking my fingers rapidly against my nose, mouth and/or face while shaking, and many other things.

Am I an incel, a volcel, an incel in denial, or something else? Thanks.
Youre 20 years old and have zero experience with women. Dont you think if you were attractive then atleast 1 woman would have fucked you by now?
yup, 20 and no experience with women means you're an incel. Better figure it out in the next 2-3 years or you're completely fucked for life.
Man I just submitted like two sentences
Am a 20 year old male. Have never even asked a girl out or had anyone even suggest anything romantic with me. Complete kissless virgin.

There you go,buddy boyo.Approaching women isn't that important if no female ever showed any romantic interest in you whatsoever.
If your a Tallfag your a vocel
You are. At this point you could have noticed a "missed opportunity" with women, which generally tend to happen at middle school i guess?
Also I wouldn't judge anyone feeling demotivated by looking at how easy it is for Chad.
I don't have the attention span to read that block of text.

Over 20 no sex, incel.

Whether, your a truecel is yet to be determined.
Yes you seem to be an incel.

What that means is having sex with, dating, marrying, or even looking at, flirting with, or giving attention to women in any way is disgusting in my view
I think you answered that question yourself bro. 80% of dudes have already fucked by age 20.
didn't read

only your looks matter and your ability to leave the basement and talk to women.

incel generally means sub4 looks.

normies 4-7 normies dont get laid often and aren't sexually desired like chad but manage to get LTR for various reasons. with low enough standards any normie can get laid eventually.

8+ chads get IOIs and can have no strings attached sex.
reading that was depressing and you're definitely incel, if you're here might as well start postmaxxing
You signed up here...
yeah incel in denial
20 year old kissless virgin with aspergers

I believe that a social revolution is necessary to overthrow hypergamy
Hypergamy will always exist, because of supply and demand. Question is; how much hypergamy?
(Unless a society has like 20 foids for every male.)

MRAs are just "anti-identitarian" lolbertarians who call themselves the REAL feminists and would be totally satisfied with a "gender equal" society, which is stupid.
Gender equality is bullshit. It will never come to be, unless we figure out a way to divide by mitosis or lay eggs.
Wont and shouldnt happen when women are more valuable. Otherwise that will mark the extinction of humanity.
Equality is just a catchphrase that sounds good. Thats why communism uses that to recruit losers. (like ourselves)
Even if a betrev took place, new hierarchy will favor top betas (who are the new alphas). Thats not a solution.

I believe women literally constantly engage in an activity I call "societal shit-testing", in which they intentionally act evil to see what men will do about it.
Totally agree.

in fact we reject the whole notion that how much a woman is attracted to a man determines his worth at all.
But it does, you see. Everything you do in life is to gain respect of the same sex, and to impress the other, with the end goal of creating offspring. Even if a woman chooses an incel to breed with, thats irrelevant when offspring cant survive.
Even if we manage to divide by mitosis, human offspring still need parental care for a very long time. Then a parent's worth would be decided directly by darwinism, instead of indirectly by foids.

I don't actually know how I look because I've not received feedback that I trust.
By 20, you should have a good idea of what you look like in the eyes of others.
  • Do people look at your eyes when they talk to you?
  • Has a foid ever shown any interest in you? (as simple as a smile)
  • Do people remember your name?
  • How do complete strangers treat you?
I think you already know the answer, I can only guess. But chances are, if you ended up joining this forum...
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I still wonder how I managed to read all of of that gigantic ass essay thatbyou wrote. Holy fuck.
In this case you're def an incel or in best of cases a failed normie mentalcel who's being taunted by normscum as always.
Welcome. I find your viewpoints interesting enough to belong in this club. Though, I would say you the rare ER type of incel. You seem genetically okay, so you're more of a legit mentalcel. I think if you were lobotomized, you could score.
Youre 20 years old and have zero experience with women. Dont you think if you were attractive then atleast 1 woman would have fucked you by now?

Generally, women are pursued and men pursue. I completely agree that this piece of evidence rules me out from being a Chad, but I could theoretically be a 7/10
normie and not know it because I have never even tried to ask a woman out or even flirt.

There you go,buddy boyo.Approaching women isn't that important if no female ever showed any romantic interest in you whatsoever.

This one is tough, because I know that men are AWFUL at figuring out whether a woman is attracted to him or not. However, it is quite clear when women act repulsed by my mere presence: I hear them talking behind my back, making fake vomiting sounds, disgusted faces, etc. This one black girl in like 2nd or 3rd grade in my "Kung-Fu" class (basically daycare 2/3 the time) enjoyed it when I would crawl around like a dog and say "LuliLuliLuli" over and over again while following here and acting "cute" and doing whatever she asked (she would excitedly ask me if we can "play Luli" every other Friday). This one fat, ugly girl name Linda in 1st grade always wanted to sit next to me, also in that Kung-Fu school. This one Indian girl would always make a point to smile at me in 5th grade, for the first two weeks, but then she stopped after she understood my personally, ticks, and mental illnesses/lack of social skills. In third grade, this fat ugly girl always wanted to put her head on my lap. I was, however, really good at Kung-Fu.

When I returned from homeschooling that I started due to homework and bullying and went through in 7th and the first half of 8th grade when for the first time in my life I became corrupted by porn on the internet and obsession with surfing the internet and I eventually stopped working altogether and my parents couldn't stop me no matter how many times my dad had be get butt-naked and lean against a closet while he spanked me many times with a belt or forced me to stay in the same room 24/7 with no entertainment not even a book and just sit there and slide food under the door which ultimately culminated in me running away from home for the first time which I would eventually do four more times...

When I returned in the middle of the school semester in eighth grade, I was determined to act like a Chad (not using that vocabulary but you know), and on the first day I started talking suave to these ladies in Spanish class, they started laughing at everything I said and asked me what type I liked. For the first time in my life, I was mogging this 6/10 dude in front of me. The next day, the "cool kids" invited me to sit with them, and they had thought I liked black girls because I said "dark chocolate" so they pointed to this fat black girl and asked me if I liked that, and she literally looked over and seemed open to it. I said no, and later these dudes were like "man what are you DOING? You could have gotten into that BOOTY!"

2 weeks later, I had settled into my usual role: That weird socially awkward nerdy freaky annoying kid no one likes that even the nerds think is weird and the girls run and scream away from if I get too close. TWO WEEKS, from being cool and with the Chads to being incel-tier. That's how mentalcel I am.

9th grade: Two incidents. One was in the middle of the year. I was in class. I had one of my spergy freakouts that everyone hates where I flick my fingers rapidly on my face while my heart rate rises. IMMEDIATELY after I was done, actually slightly before, I saw out of the corner of my eye two girls giggling and pointing, and one girl elbowed the other and said in a mocking tone, "He's SO hot" as if she was mocking something the other girl said in the beginning of the year and the other girl said, "Shut up!!".

Another incident. Also the middle of the year. Somehow word got around that I liked this one girl who I hung out with, even though I didn't. This one normie who I was friends with kept teasing me that he would tell her, and I kept saying shit like, "n-no! You don't understand, I don't even like her, WTF are you talking about?" But eventually he did ask her if she would be willing to date me, and she said, "yeah, sure, he's nice, why not?". Girl was like 5/10.

However, I don't interpret any of those as romantic interest. Why? Anyone can pretend to be a Chad for a week through low inhibmaxxing, as this forum would call it. I think in Elementary School, girls are very non-sexual, and I think they'll play with anyone. I don't see it as any more than that. I think I'm like 5-6/10 in the face, but I know guys overrate themselves often, so who knows. Looking back on these memories (had to think about it for like 45 mins before writing this down, memories are mostly faded by now), the only one that surprises me was the last one, that a 5/10 would be "willing" to date me. Maybe it was pity? Not sure, but I definitely don't think I'm ugly enough to get pity parties, and I wasn't in any special needs classes so I can't get mental illness pity parties either.
Probably yes man
Didn’t read tbh. Yes because you typed all of that out.
you'll fit in. technically you'd be a volcel since you never tried but from what you said about your autism i think it's safe to say that it's over for you, so unless you're chad-tier in looks by some miracle, you're one of us.
I was mogging this 6/10 dude in front of me
one girl elbowed the other and said in a mocking tone, "He's SO hot" as if she was mocking something the other girl said in the beginning of the year and the other girl said, "Shut up!!".
But eventually he did ask her if she would be willing to date me, and she said, "yeah, sure, he's nice, why not?". Girl was like 5/10.
the only one that surprises me was the last one, that a 5/10 would be "willing" to date me. Maybe it was pity?

Mentalcel tier. Leave the forum, and keep trying IMO. We are not going anywhere.
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Yes, you are an incel and you fit in perfectly well here.
Don't trust @Colvin76 he'll threaten to release your face unless you send him nudes
Hypergamy will always exist, because of supply and demand. Question is; how much hypergamy?
(Unless a society has like 20 foids for every male.)

Gender equality is bullshit. It will never come to be, unless we figure out a way to divide by mitosis or lay eggs.
Wont and shouldnt happen when women are more valuable. Otherwise that will mark the extinction of humanity.
Equality is just a catchphrase that sounds good. Thats why communism uses that to recruit losers. (like ourselves)
Even if a betrev took place, new hierarchy will favor top betas (who are the new alphas). Thats not a solution.

Totally agree.

But it does, you see. Everything you do in life is to gain respect of the same sex, and to impress the other, with the end goal of creating offspring. Even if a woman chooses an incel to breed with, thats irrelevant when offspring cant survive.
Even if we manage to divide by mitosis, human offspring still need parental care for a very long time. Then a parent's worth would be decided directly by darwinism, instead of indirectly by foids.

By 20, you should have a good idea of what you look like in the eyes of others.
  • Do people look at your eyes when they talk to you?
  • Has a foid ever shown any interest in you? (as simple as a smile)
  • Do people remember your name?
  • How do complete strangers treat you?
I think you already know the answer, I can only guess. But chances are, if you ended up joining this forum...

I disagree that hypergamy has to exist, at least in a way that has long-term effects. Betrev society would be extremely sexually restrictive. All men would have the option to "choose" a woman by age 15. The ritual of competition for certain women and comparison would occur, and then after that point, both partners would be locked in for life. At the end, the 15-year-old with the lowest quality genes would end up with the woman with the lowest quality genes (obviously choices only available in his age bracket), but would end up matched nonetheless. This process would be done by the state. And from this point on, divorce would be illegal and adultery punishable by prison time. Any and all sex outside of this long-term lifetime commitment with one person would be completely socially unacceptable, even MORE so than it was in Britain between 1500-1900. As such, no hypergamy, except for whatever dating and such happens prior to age 15, would occur. This is an ideal situation.

I agree, gender equality is bullshit. Did I say something that suggested I thought otherwise?

I believe that everyone one does in life should and could NOT be to gain respect of the same sex and impress the other, especially if one is an incel. One should not think of one's life in a hierarchical fashion, but rather quit the hierarchical game and do as I attempt to-do one's best to achieve a goal that one only has because that is the thing that motivates one to not kill oneself and continue to sustain one's existence, therefore one MIGHT AS WELL continue to sustain oneself, MAXIMALLY sustain oneself, and maximally pursue the POSSIBILITY that keeps one holding on to life. For me, that is Betrev, and I want it to be for many people on this forum as well. I also believe that every single thing about humans is entirely predetermined by genetics and environment, and thus pride, guilt, shame, and honor are all irrational emotions. Every single human in human history has ALWAYS done their best to do whatever it is that they want to do, tempered by genetic, environmental, and motivational factors. Motivation itself is also determined by genetics and environment. Therefore, blame, credit, guilt, and pride are all evil emotions that should be maximally repressed to orient oneself towards the scientific reality. That includes zero-sum-style hierarchical Jordan Petersonian lobster-type thinking.
Youre 20 years old and have zero experience with women. Dont you think if you were attractive then atleast 1 woman would have fucked you by now?
Tbh. This is such cope.
You 100% incel if you even have to ask the question
Assburgers, it is over mostly. If you are not a chad.
Cope I don't even have your photos jfl
Now u do
I agree, gender equality is bullshit. Did I say something that suggested I thought otherwise?
I was just entertaining a thought, wasnt accusing you of anything. No need to get upset.

Therefore, blame, credit, guilt, and pride are all evil emotions that should be maximally repressed to orient oneself towards the scientific reality.
This makes me think of an authoritarian regime similar to the movie "equilibrium"

You seem to think If only you got to decide, things would have been better. Even if you are the most angelic, most capable, most restrained person in the whole universe, no regime or government can be maintained by one person. And every decision of a leader, is shaped by their subordinates. Which is why it would never work the way you imagine.
Nice to read a somewhat intelligent topic here for a change, for the most part. I don't know why you care so much for the future of humanity and society, its collapse is inevitable and a reboot is necessary. You sound like a volcel which is absolutely fine, and the more men that are the more women will need to start improving their own standards.
If you're asking this question in earnest, the answer is undoubtedly a resounding yes.
I was just entertaining a thought, wasnt accusing you of anything. No need to get upset.

This makes me think of an authoritarian regime similar to the movie "equilibrium"

You seem to think If only you got to decide, things would have been better. Even if you are the most angelic, most capable, most restrained person in the whole universe, no regime or government can be maintained by one person. And every decision of a leader, is shaped by their subordinates. Which is why it would never work the way you imagine.

I understand that actually putting putting Betrev into practice would be very, very, VERY, hard, and also that it is very unlikely. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to change things, though. I mean, even moving society 1% closer to Betrev would be better than nothing. Your argument seems to be, "trying to change society radically is useless because corruption could cause it to slow." And like, yeah no shit corruption would still exist, but even if we only got like 10% of our reforms successfully implemented, that would STILL be better than nothing, so it's not an argument for not at least trying. And it's not as if we have anything better to do with our lives, anyway. Would you rather rope, NEET, wagecuck, or Betrev? Those are your options, essentially. So why NOT put everything you have into Betrev? What do you have to lose, anyway?

Plus, in the aftermath of the revolution I would put key generals and key supporters and former incels and such in charge of the regime. People who would be most likely to want to help people like them.

And I would like to address another point you made: When you said that a Betrev society would put Betas on top, and essentially make them the new alphas (or someone else in the thread, I don't exactly remember who said it). Here's the thing: It wouldn't. Chads would have just as good of odds as getting a woman as anyone else, except it would NOT be based on how powerful he looks and his likelihood to pump and dump-it would be based on his usefulness to society, his IQ, his dedication, etc. Things actually easier to change, and more useful to society to incentivize. All the Betrev "hierarchy" would mean would be that some former incels, normies, AND Chads would now have access to Stacies, and some former incels, normies, and Chads would be constrained to Becky.

Also keep in mind that Betrev society would be extremely monogamous, and would be ESPECIALLY anti-male promiscuity, even more so than females, but really more anti-both than any society on Earth today. So "have access to" in practice would mean "has the option to have that one individual as the one person they fuck for the rest of their lives, as opposed to someone else."

Also, a benevolent dictatorship, with cybernetic key supporters and a cult of personality so as to be rather uncontroversial, is the ideal form of government. After the first dictator establishes the empire and dies, a republicuck system with checks and balances and a constition and shit SHOULD be put into place in the former leader's place, if only to minimize future corruption and delay the rate at which what the emporer created deteriorates, to a few centuries at least, rather than "succession" bullshit, oligarchy, monarchy and other bullshit that comes after the main dictator dies. A benevolent dictatorship being followed by a republic immediately following his death would create a nice historical precedent for future revolutions to occur as needed, however.
Generally, women are pursued and men pursue. I completely agree that this piece of evidence rules me out from being a Chad, but I could theoretically be a 7/10
normie and not know it because I have never even tried to ask a woman out or even flirt.
I don't know man. Unless you're heavily autistic and can't pick up the signs. You're either ugly or heavy autistic. That's the only reason why you ended up on here.

If you were a 7/10 there would have been women telling their friends that you want them to ask you out, giving you heavy IOIs, or just straight up asking you out yourself.
I don't know man. Unless you're heavily autistic and can't pick up the signs. You're either ugly or heavy autistic. That's the only reason why you ended up on here.

If you were a 7/10 there would have been women telling their friends that you want them to ask you out, giving you heavy IOIs, or just straight up asking you out yourself.
Thanks, man. No, no one has ever explicitly expressed interest in me, but there have been some cringeworthy moments in which maybe implicitly girls have maybe shown interest in me, see the post higher up in this thread. Basically some stupid awkward shit in elementary school, my mentalcel showing, and some 5/10 saying she'd be "willing" to date me because I was "nice" (nothing ever happened there, I unironically think it was her trying to preserve the female lie that women like nice guys, similar to how girls say they want a "nice guy" when asked, because she knew I didn't have the guts to ask her out).

The tendency tends to be that when women first see me, they aren't immediately repulsed, but then become repulsed over time (like 2 weeks, normally) of seeing my antisocial behavior. That's why I think I'm a 5/10 in the face, probably. Like twice some females have seen me and I've recieved confirmatory evidence that they thought I was attractive, at first. Key word: AT FIRST. This is one of the reasons why I don't buy the whole "only looks matter" thing. If only looks mattered, I'd be normie-tier.
Thanks, man. No, no one has ever explicitly expressed interest in me, but there have been some cringeworthy moments in which maybe implicitly girls have maybe shown interest in me, see the post higher up in this thread. Basically some stupid awkward shit in elementary school, my mentalcel showing, and some 5/10 saying she'd be "willing" to date me because I was "nice" (nothing ever happened there, I unironically think it was her trying to preserve the female lie that women like nice guys, similar to how girls say they want a "nice guy" when asked, because she knew I didn't have the guts to ask her out).

The tendency tends to be that when women first see me, they aren't immediately repulsed, but then become repulsed over time (like 2 weeks, normally) of seeing my antisocial behavior. That's why I think I'm a 5/10 in the face, probably. Like twice some females have seen me and I've recieved confirmatory evidence that they thought I was attractive, at first. Key word: AT FIRST. This is one of the reasons why I don't buy the whole "only looks matter" thing. If only looks mattered, I'd be normie-tier.
That could be true that she wanted a relationship if she wasn't in elementary school. Elementary school is way too young. Did you ask them if you're attractive or was it unprompted?

Normies struggle heavily as well. Most women only consider the ~T30-35% of the male population as potential or favorable dating material.

If your problem is that you're heavily autistic then you have to start putting yourself out there immediately and try to brute force through it. I was diagnosed with Asperger's once based on a survey, but I was relatively well-functioning in high school so I don't believe it. I was also diagnosed with ADD and then another psychiatrist reversed it. It's 90% bullshit to me.

Parents brings kid who are struggling in school and shit and they hand out diagnoses to put them on pills and shit. I took ADD medication for sometime and all it did was make me into a zombie. Didn't help me at all. Granted I was never bad in actual school just when I got home I did zero HW.

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