True capitalism isn't something a society as a whole should strive for
Yes it is?
I'm certainly not a fan of centralized banks either, but the irresponsible and unsustainable spending habits of the common man played a critical role in every recession and depression that has ever occurred
It's not "irresponsible" to respond rationally to government-created incentives. When the federal government lowers interest rates to artificially low levels or subsidizes buying houses, then it follows that people are going to overspend (again, this would never happen in a free market). It makes no sense to then blame people for overspending, since it was entirely the government's fault.
I posed the question because you seemed eager to criticize a complex system without providing any solutions
I did provide a solution though: gut it. Public education is not really a complex system. It's just a massive amount of taxpayer money being funneled directly to cucks that want to indoctrinate children with feminist, pro-government nonsense. Gut the whole thing.
So I see you've fallen into their trap. Liquidizing the government would be a nightmare and as corrupt and ineffective as it is, the government in a way acts as a buffer to protect the citizens from the elite. Most issues of today are caused because of these billionaires, CEOs and board members
LMAO, wait a second, the government "protects the citizens from the elite"? I'm not even sure how to argue against such an absurd statement. It's like arguing against the statement, "women want men with good personalities." You either believe it or you don't, but I don't know how any thinking person can believe it.
Without understanding the individual motives or circumstances of NEET members, you can't make that argument
I do understand their motives though, since their motives are obvious: they want money. The way to get money ethically has always been through productivity or through charity. As for the former, the government destroyed most of the labor market by over-regulating and over-taxing employers and industries. And as for the latter, the government disincentives people from giving to charity by over-taxing them.
, and even if you did have that knowledge, your argument is incredibly simple and unsuitable to tackle such a large and complex issue
This seems to be your go-to line here, that these are "large and complex issues." They're really not though. We're ultimately talking about stealing money from one group of people and giving it to another group of people.
If you believe stealing is wrong, then there's no justification for any taxes, period. Leftists have been trying to weasel their way out of this very straight-forward argument for centuries with no success.
Sure, lets revert back to the late 19th and early 20th century, those were certainly good times for the people
Don't twist my words, you cuck. "No government" doesn't mean "go back in time." It means gut the government right now. Drain the swamp. Fire all government employees, and stop stealing peoples' money via taxes.
Under pure capitalism, you would see much more disenfranchisement and tyranny than you do now. What your advocating for is an unrestrained plutocracy
Stop trying to tell me what I advocate. I advocate anarcho-capitalism, which translates to: let people keep
their money.