@based_meme @Flagellum_Dei @GeckoBus @WorthlessSlavicShit @OutcompetedByRoomba since you guys actually sheit, what do you think of this rare W for a Redditard?
Will be burried and deleted like everything else. Internet came outta DARPA after all. I swear that most reddit posts are bots shilling products. For example, before/after pics of people building shit or cleaning shit, there is always something like "edit: since everyone asked, here are the products I used" -> I think this is just selling products through these reddit soy narratives of people doing "good stuff."
I enjoy seeing people make threads like with with good supporting evidence, but in my experience, history is literally bursting at the seams with blackpill shit, if you just open your eyes and ignore your social conditioning. And yet nobody sees it, even though its right there. Like for instance, after like years of being into blackpill I still have these moments where it "clicks" and I realize something insanely obvious.
For example the whole "women care/dont care about looks" thing - Years into BP I suddenly was like "holy fuck, wait wait, women literally spend 2-3 hours a day on makeup, dressing, hair etc. People have build entire businesses on this shit" -> There is no way in fucking hell women care less about looks than men lmao. Its that simple, no studies needed. Its just that society deliberately retards by normalizing these behaviors. And if its normal, it can not be ab-normal. Women acting like cunts = "women are just
naturally more emotional."
Thats why they say, hilariously, that there are more male narcissists than female ones. This contradicts 99% of what people said about women in history etc.
Another example related to make-up: Obsession with appearance is part of narcissism. Yet every fucking women in society is obsessed with their own body and looks etc. So what psychologist do is, they just systematically exclude 99% of women using makeup and spending 3h a day on their own looks from the narcissism stats.
Because thats just "cultural."
This is also why I try to avoid the redpill set of ideas where they "naturalize" human behaviors, which is just a shitty justification for pushing their worldview onto men. Just some examples of these and how they are dangerous:
- men are naturally more aggressive, sexual and competitive than women
- women are conflict averse, shy, nest-builders, natural moms
- woment dont like sex as much cuz smaller sex drive, cuz testosterone
They are basically sliding in ethical claims through the backdoor - if you are not high T, aggressive and sexual, you are not a real man, biologically. If you looked at
other threads of mine, you can see evidence that women get arrested for violent crime at the same rate as men, just convite to prison time like 5x less

So much for that high T and agression huh?
Another example that completely contradicts the idea that men are just naturally more aggro and thats normal and not just caused by women making men compete and fight for fun, is domestic violence stats. For decades upon decades now, researchers have probed into what they call "IPV symmetry" which is the observed fact that in relationships, women and men are equally as PHYSICALLY violent towards each other. This makes no sense from the tradcon, reductionist "its all hormonal" perspective.
I also metioned the idea that women are more emotional naturally. Even this can easily be challenged, and has been by even female writers. Esther Vilar wrote that women fake emotions but are really emotionally shallow compared to men. Another example I would give is how the concept of "period mood swings" and shit like "PMS" literally do not even exist in other cultures. If anything women are way more cold blooded than men. If anything, marriage stats show that women will drop people at a heartbeat and are psychopathic in how they view other people as utilities to serve their own needs.
Another guy who is not even blackpill related wrote to that end in this
old reddit thread.
Another example are old saying about women like "no fury like a woman scorned" etc.
Or genetically - like 70% of the women in iceland are irish genetically. I wish I was joking. The vikings stole so many irish bitches that like most of their women are basically irish. How did this work exactly? Easy, the women just forgot about their ancestors back home and sucked viking cawk. EZPZ.
I also want to throw in other factors that make people more callous and uncaring: Abundance, complacency, just world fallacy etc.
We all know the stereotype of the snobby noble looking down on peasants. However, people fail to realize that this applies to all humans. The second we have something, we take it for granted. Just world fallacy always kicks in eventually. We are all psychopathic towards rice crispies, because we expect them to be cheap and easily available. Abundance of options OBLITERATES any sense of comittment (in both genders).
This is also where we get a cultural bias from, negativity bias - negative things or things gained through hardship are seen as more valuable by default. Sunken-cost fallacy is an example of this. When women lead guys on, give mixed signals, push-pull dynamic manipulation, fake breakup, then get back together etc -> they fake a struggle for the guy, when there is none. She has already made her choice, now she has to increase her own value by inserting drama because what is won in a hard way = more valuable.
Now if you asked most people in society, which gender has more options sexually and romantically. They would 100% say women, not realizing the above two paragraphs. If women have abundance of options, this would make them devalue individual options massively. Aka they would start seeing men as a consumable resource that exists in abundance and can be toyed with. Just how we see rice crispies as an abundantly available cheap thing.
Who hasnt crushed an egg in some dumb experiment for fun? Or tried to light some bread on fire as a teenager? Thats how women see men.
So even from an economic perspective, an argument can be made that women developed psychopathic tendencies towards men, simply from abundance of options. Btw, these concepts exist everywhere, its just basic psychology of human choice making. Look into global vs local choice making. We all do alpha fucks/beta bux when it comes to grocery shopping, or really any decision we make. We only stop going for the local, immedieatly available choice when the global, longterm choice BECOMES local (you get too old, you develop health issues, foid looking for buxxer etc).
I could go on, but yeah, it's that simple. We can empirically (through observation and experimentation i.e. tinder experiments), observationally (historical data, IRL obsevations) and logically (psychology of choice making) arrive at women being essentially psychopathic compared to men.
- women are not less aggro than men
- testosterone does not cause aggression or competitiveness
- women are not natural mothers and dislike children, great thread on that by you has 100% shown that
- women are not less sexual than men, thats complete cope. Just google something like "why do women moan during sex but not men?" All you get is cope. I cant imagine being in so much pleasure I make involuntary noises jfl. Soys will say "so why is not every guy getting laid huh?"
Simple: Do you buy medicore or even worse than average products when you go to store? Now you buy delicious goyslob everytime. Later in life, after your doctor tells you to lay off the cheetos, you start eating healthier. But you still want goyslop and have it from time to time.
Thats women. Goyslob = chad, healthy food = buxxer.
Additionally, the argument that female sex drive is lower is based on other faulty assumptions, some of which we already tackled.
- testosterone makes men have higher sex drive -> not necessarily established link there. There are tons of other sex hormones, and hormone injections have unclear effect on sex drive in studies where both men and women got injections.
- women are just naturally more picky -> Already debunked by choice making example. We all do af/bb when buying food and shit.
- viewing sex as a resource, not a service -> sex is a SERVICE economy, buxxing is a PRODUCT economy. One foid can fuck 100 guys in a day, hence prostitution exists. Male prostitute would die of poverty after blasting his dick out 3x in a row. Chad can fuck multiple women at once. But women can only lock down one buxxer at a time.
@WorthlessSlavicShit made a thread about this btw, how BOTH genders seek for a buxxer type person with low body count for long term relatioships. This proves my point, both genders do af/bb, because its just normal human psychology to pick the best option you can get, especially if its free.
Further, most guys in society eventually get buxxed. In the must-read section you can find a thread on this, how the total number of virgins for life is like 5% max. I have said this for years, most users on this site eventually get some. Thats why the average acc age is like 3 months, and then they stop posting. To get absolutely nothing you have to have autism on top of being ugly and shit.
So no, arguments like "women dont fuck me so they dont like sex" are retarded

They are not fucking you NOW, because right now starbucks, macjew, burgerkang and every other store in town is giving them free handouts. But in 10 years, the store will start charging them like 10ct per product suddenly, and then they gradually start shopping more responsibly, thinking about their budget etc. And they start shopping at healthybuxxer.inc and settle for that for a few years, while sneaking out and buying a burger at mcdick 1-4 times a year.
Anyway dumb rant I apologize. My whole point was that all of this shit is readily observable and its not even hard to get. Its just that we refuse to see it because we are raised by women 90% of the time, teachers, mom, kindgegarteners etc. So we cant see how women act even when staring right at it.