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Blackpill "All I want is my Eve." The Sad, Forgotten suicide of Incel teacher Christopher Swanson.



Neo Luddite • Unknown
Oct 25, 2023
And the website he left behind.

Mixing the Bluepill with having a Oneitis proved deadly.

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I’ve always thought that of all jobs to have as an Incel, High School teacher must be up near the top of the list of the worst. I mean think about it, your students are all in the prime of their youth, most of whom have endless possibilities at their feet, and are engaging in all of the usual rites-of-passage that normal young people go through. With first love being one of them, and right in front of your very eyes. Imagine it happening time after time, multiple times a day, year after year, what you couldn’t and have never experienced (and never will experience) on a loop. All the while you get older, greyer and emptier. It’s like sadomasochism times a 1000.

Well this particular story is about one of those unfortunate men, an Incel high school teacher, and it all started just over a decade ago and culminated in (predictable, if you’re an Incel reading this) tragedy on 20th September 2013. His name was Christopher Swanson. This is his website:

The Pessimist Was Right All Along

There is scant few articles online about the suicide of Christopher Swanson, and even less is known about the man’s private life or early years growing up. What little you will find will simply refer to an “incident at Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania, in which a 41 year old male died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.” At this time of typing I found 4 original news articles:





His obituary:


And his place on findagrave.

And that’s it. The news articles themselves seek to portray him as a man obsessed with one of his students, driven to madness after being exposed and forced to resign from his teaching job, before eventually committing suicide at the university she was a Freshman at (which he himself had no connection to) and almost have a predatory tone about them. The couple of Reddit threads (see here and here) that still exist predictably are full of comments calling the deceased man all kinds of unpleasant names and have all the tone, hyperbole, over-reaction and condemnation one would expect from typical Redditors.

The truth of this story however is of course a little deeper, and other Incels and lonely men will perhaps be better placed than most to understand it. Here’s the gist:

Christopher Swanson was a 1990 graduate of the West Branch High School in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania and was valedictorian. He was also a graduate of Penn State University. He was a former teacher at the Smethport High School, where he taught physics, and was highly respected in his profession to the point where other teachers would be asked to observe his methods of teaching.

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Christopher Swanson was valedictorian of his year
As detailed on his website, he “loved” his work and was
passionate about his job, and according to those who knew him was “well respected.”

He was also totally alone.

In spite of his on the surface, outwardly successful appearing life, he (in his words) was missing the one thing he wanted more than anything else in the world, his “Eve.” In other words, Christopher Swanson was a desperately sad and lonely man, and had gone through his life lacking a loving female partner to share it with. He was getting older, and time was (in his head) running out, this bothered him. Alot.
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A screenshot from Christopher Swanson’s “suicide note” website.

So one day in 2011 when Christopher was 39 years old, a 17 year old female student confided in him about troubles in her home life and problems she was having. The two then began exchanging text messages back and forth, it all began innocently enough but for Christopher (a 39 year old lonely Incel) this sudden attention from a female (something which he had never experienced before and longed for his whole adult life) became much more to him than just being an ear for this students problems. He began to develop romantic feelings for the student, and by all accounts (judging by the text messages they exchanged) the feeling was mutual.

Things appeared to carry on in this vein for a few months, texting back and forth between the pair, they also according to the text messages shared a couple of hugs and talked about their feelings in what all seems rather tame Victorian-style language. Then what happens next isn’t entirely clear, what we do know is that Christopher suddenly resigned on January 30th 2012, on March 8th 2012 an Educator Misconduct Complaint was filed against him and on May 17th 2013 was found guilty of Professional Misconduct and stripped of his teaching certificate. He chose not to answer the memorandum, therefore the facts were deemed admitted.

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Christopher Swanson (far right) pictured months before he was forced to resign.
We don’t know if the student ended the relationship, or if the school found out or the students parents (most likely) found out about it somehow and informed the school, but what we do know is that the after effects of all this proved devastating for Christopher. Both professionally and mentally. What in his mind seemed like a genuine chance at happiness and love, something which he’d been denied his whole adult life, ended up being the starting gun (excuse the pun) to what ultimately would be his untimely death at age 41. In his affection-starved brain he let his emotions run away with themselves and get the better of him, this was perhaps natural as all of this was new to him and no doubt exciting. The thought of this “damsel in distress” falling in love with him like he was falling for her, overtook all sense of logic in his head. Gone was any sense of professionalism, of remaining grounded, of reality.

What he really needed to do, and what he failed miserably at, was take a step back and look at the cold hard facts of the situation and apply logic to them:

He was a 39 year old man. She was 17 and on the cusp of having the world at her feet.

Is she really going to love a greying, dull, middle-aged man that’s old enough to be her dad?

You’ve spent your spare time in your adult life watching anime (check the Emo/Doomer anime song playing on a loop on his website), playing Dungeons and Dragons and running BattleTech games for your mates. Is this the kind of thing a 17 year old female finds thrilling?

You’re her teacher, she’s your student. When does this shit EVER end well, Google it at least Christopher lol.

This whole case highlights firstly, the danger of “Oneitis.” Fixating on one woman and believing she can solve all of the problems in your empty, broken, private life and you can make up for a lifetime of Inceldom and loneliness, and it will magically all get better if you get with this person. Secondly, The Bluepill mindset that many introverted men of his era sadly have fallen into, the feminist mantra and Bluepilled lies or at least the ancient advice that did in fact work in the pre-sexual revolution distant past, which basically said all you had to do was work hard, be kind and eventually a woman would come into your life. When in reality a dose of The Blackpill was needed (If it hasn’t happened by now, then it’s never going to. And if something all of a sudden seems to good to be true, than it DEFINITELY is) and would have prevented what was to come on…

On 19th September 2013, Christopher Swanson posted the following message on his (now long-deleted) Facebook:

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Swanson choose his suicide location for maximum effect.
He obviously chose the University so his suicide would have maximum impact on the community, but also much more importantly (to him) the student. Also, according to the Erie Times-News, it was discovered that the rifle contained two bullets. This raised the question — Was the other bullet perhaps meant for the Mercyhurst student? I have to say I don’t think so, it doesn’t seem like (thankfully) he had it in him and would go against the grain of his previous mild, good-natured character. Still, he was also unhinged towards the end of his life, so we can never be sure or know for certain either way.

Whether this whole event ever impacted the student or not we don’t know, obviously she won’t have been able to not notice the significance of this event occurring at the university where she attended and lived on-campus, and undoubtedly would have been shaken up for at least a short while. We are all human, after all. What I was able to find out was that tragically after this event the students father also suddenly died just 3 days later, so a tragic coincidence. It appears that she was able to put all this behind her and eventually graduate and secure a good job and get married (I’m not revealing sources, but let’s just say it took a hell of a long time of skewering publicly available information and piecing everything together, I should’ve been a detective jfl ).

Meanwhile, all we’re left of Christopher Swanson is his eerie (again pardon the pun lol) “suicide note” website, and that’s literally it. And I mean literally, as sadly his mother passed away on 27th June 2015 and his only sibling, a brother called Bradley Swanson died on 10th December 2017. Both were heartbroken after Christopher’s suicide. All are buried in the same plot.
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To surmise, this story is about what happens if you fail to learn basic life lessons in your 20s.

I mean, imagine being a 41 year old, sad and depressed school teacher with not much to offer, and thinking a beautiful young woman with everything going for her, is going to want you. Yes you! You're the ageing, sad, not-much-fun loser she's been dreaming about! Giggling about with her friends. Thinking and dreaming about you as she lies awake alone in bed at night. You!! That's all you!

Bluepilled delusion doesn't even begin to cover it.

This is right up there with believing those advertisements on those porn sites about how beautiful 10/10 Russian models wanna fuck and marry lonely, old men: “Her knickers are getting wet for you already, just send us your credit card details to get this beautiful romance started!” Don’t get me wrong, I'm truly sorry about his life of suffering. He wrote about his pain well, and when I read it I'm immediately transported back to how I felt when I was 19 or 22. But that's the thing. This man made it to 41 years old with his delusions intact, having apparently learned nothing. No capacity for critical thought. No emotional intelligence. No resilience or toughness. A grown-ass adult, but just as open to following his Bluepilled, blueballed dick into self-chosen misery like a teenager.

Learn from your youth. Learn to make sensible plans and life choices. Don't make ludicrous, life-destroying bad choices. Don't be like this guy.

Lastly, to any NPC’s who start yelling obscenities about the man and accusing him of committing crimes and of being some kind of habitual abuser due to nature of the circumstances in which he was forced to resign from his job as a teacher etc, I think this comment from someone who knew Christopher addresses these points better than I could hope to:

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@Fat Link @proudweeb sticky this
Did nothing wrong. He should've tried with these cute foids.
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And the website he left behind.

Mixing the Bluepill with having a Oneitis proved deadly.

View attachment 983858

I’ve always thought that of all jobs to have as an Incel, High School teacher must be up near the top of the list of the worst. I mean think about it, your students are all in the prime of their youth, most of whom have endless possibilities at their feet, and are engaging in all of the usual rites-of-passage that normal young people go through. With first love being one of them, and right in front of your very eyes. Imagine it happening time after time, multiple times a day, year after year, what you couldn’t and have never experienced (and never will experience) on a loop. All the while you get older, greyer and emptier. It’s like sadomasochism times a 1000.

Well this particular story is about one of those unfortunate men, an Incel high school teacher, and it all started just over a decade ago and culminated in (predictable, if you’re an Incel reading this) tragedy on 20th September 2013. His name was Christopher Swanson. This is his website:

The Pessimist Was Right All Along

There is scant few articles online about the suicide of Christopher Swanson, and even less is known about the man’s private life or early years growing up. What little you will find will simply refer to an “incident at Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania, in which a 41 year old male died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.” At this time of typing I found 4 original news articles:





His obituary:


And his place on findagrave.

And that’s it. The news articles themselves seek to portray him as a man obsessed with one of his students, driven to madness after being exposed and forced to resign from his teaching job, before eventually committing suicide at the university she was a Freshman at (which he himself had no connection to) and almost have a predatory tone about them. The couple of Reddit threads (see here and here) that still exist predictably are full of comments calling the deceased man all kinds of unpleasant names and have all the tone, hyperbole, over-reaction and condemnation one would expect from typical Redditors.

The truth of this story however is of course a little deeper, and other Incels and lonely men will perhaps be better placed than most to understand it. Here’s the gist:

Christopher Swanson was a 1990 graduate of the West Branch High School in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania and was valedictorian. He was also a graduate of Penn State University. He was a former teacher at the Smethport High School, where he taught physics, and was highly respected in his profession to the point where other teachers would be asked to observe his methods of teaching.

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Christopher Swanson was valedictorian of his year
As detailed on his website, he “loved” his work and was
passionate about his job, and according to those who knew him was “well respected.”

He was also totally alone.

In spite of his on the surface, outwardly successful appearing life, he (in his words) was missing the one thing he wanted more than anything else in the world, his “Eve.” In other words, Christopher Swanson was a desperately sad and lonely man, and had gone through his life lacking a loving female partner to share it with. He was getting older, and time was (in his head) running out, this bothered him. Alot.
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A screenshot from Christopher Swanson’s “suicide note” website.

So one day in 2011 when Christopher was 39 years old, a 17 year old female student confided in him about troubles in her home life and problems she was having. The two then began exchanging text messages back and forth, it all began innocently enough but for Christopher (a 39 year old lonely Incel) this sudden attention from a female (something which he had never experienced before and longed for his whole adult life) became much more to him than just being an ear for this students problems. He began to develop romantic feelings for the student, and by all accounts (judging by the text messages they exchanged) the feeling was mutual.

Things appeared to carry on in this vein for a few months, texting back and forth between the pair, they also according to the text messages shared a couple of hugs and talked about their feelings in what all seems rather tame Victorian-style language. Then what happens next isn’t entirely clear, what we do know is that Christopher suddenly resigned on January 30th 2012, on March 8th 2012 an Educator Misconduct Complaint was filed against him and on May 17th 2013 was found guilty of Professional Misconduct and stripped of his teaching certificate. He chose not to answer the memorandum, therefore the facts were deemed admitted.

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Christopher Swanson (far right) pictured months before he was forced to resign.
We don’t know if the student ended the relationship, or if the school found out or the students parents (most likely) found out about it somehow and informed the school, but what we do know is that the after effects of all this proved devastating for Christopher. Both professionally and mentally. What in his mind seemed like a genuine chance at happiness and love, something which he’d been denied his whole adult life, ended up being the starting gun (excuse the pun) to what ultimately would be his untimely death at age 41. In his affection-starved brain he let his emotions run away with themselves and get the better of him, this was perhaps natural as all of this was new to him and no doubt exciting. The thought of this “damsel in distress” falling in love with him like he was falling for her, overtook all sense of logic in his head. Gone was any sense of professionalism, of remaining grounded, of reality.

What he really needed to do, and what he failed miserably at, was take a step back and look at the cold hard facts of the situation and apply logic to them:

He was a 39 year old man. She was 17 and on the cusp of having the world at her feet.

Is she really going to love a greying, dull, middle-aged man that’s old enough to be her dad?

You’ve spent your spare time in your adult life watching anime (check the Emo/Doomer anime song playing on a loop on his website), playing Dungeons and Dragons and running BattleTech games for your mates. Is this the kind of thing a 17 year old female finds thrilling?

You’re her teacher, she’s your student. When does this shit EVER end well, Google it at least Christopher lol.

This whole case highlights firstly, the danger of “Oneitis.” Fixating on one woman and believing she can solve all of the problems in your empty, broken, private life and you can make up for a lifetime of Inceldom and loneliness, and it will magically all get better if you get with this person. Secondly, The Bluepill mindset that many introverted men of his era sadly have fallen into, the feminist mantra and Bluepilled lies or at least the ancient advice that did in fact work in the pre-sexual revolution distant past, which basically said all you had to do was work hard, be kind and eventually a woman would come into your life. When in reality a dose of The Blackpill was needed (If it hasn’t happened by now, then it’s never going to. And if something all of a sudden seems to good to be true, than it DEFINITELY is) and would have prevented what was to come on…

On 19th September 2013, Christopher Swanson posted the following message on his (now long-deleted) Facebook:

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Swanson choose his suicide location for maximum effect.
He obviously chose the University so his suicide would have maximum impact on the community, but also much more importantly (to him) the student. Also, according to the Erie Times-News, it was discovered that the rifle contained two bullets. This raised the question — Was the other bullet perhaps meant for the Mercyhurst student? I have to say I don’t think so, it doesn’t seem like (thankfully) he had it in him and would go against the grain of his previous mild, good-natured character. Still, he was also unhinged towards the end of his life, so we can never be sure or know for certain either way.

Whether this whole event ever impacted the student or not we don’t know, obviously she won’t have been able to not notice the significance of this event occurring at the university where she attended and lived on-campus, and undoubtedly would have been shaken up for at least a short while. We are all human, after all. What I was able to find out was that tragically after this event the students father also suddenly died just 3 days later, so a tragic coincidence. It appears that she was able to put all this behind her and eventually graduate and secure a good job and get married (I’m not revealing sources, but let’s just say it took a hell of a long time of skewering publicly available information and piecing everything together, I should’ve been a detective jfl ).

Meanwhile, all we’re left of Christopher Swanson is his eerie (again pardon the pun lol) “suicide note” website, and that’s literally it. And I mean literally, as sadly his mother passed away on 27th June 2015 and his only sibling, a brother called Bradley Swanson died on 10th December 2017. Both were heartbroken after Christopher’s suicide. All are buried in the same plot.
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To surmise, this story is about what happens if you fail to learn basic life lessons in your 20s.

I mean, imagine being a 41 year old, sad and depressed school teacher with not much to offer, and thinking a beautiful young woman with everything going for her, is going to want you. Yes you! You're the ageing, sad, not-much-fun loser she's been dreaming about! Giggling about with her friends. Thinking and dreaming about you as she lies awake alone in bed at night. You!! That's all you!

Bluepilled delusion doesn't even begin to cover it.

This is right up there with believing those advertisements on those porn sites about how beautiful 10/10 Russian models wanna fuck and marry lonely, old men: “Her knickers are getting wet for you already, just send us your credit card details to get this beautiful romance started!” Don’t get me wrong, I'm truly sorry about his life of suffering. He wrote about his pain well, and when I read it I'm immediately transported back to how I felt when I was 19 or 22. But that's the thing. This man made it to 41 years old with his delusions intact, having apparently learned nothing. No capacity for critical thought. No emotional intelligence. No resilience or toughness. A grown-ass adult, but just as open to following his Bluepilled, blueballed dick into self-chosen misery like a teenager.

Learn from your youth. Learn to make sensible plans and life choices. Don't make ludicrous, life-destroying bad choices. Don't be like this guy.

Lastly, to any NPC’s who start yelling obscenities about the man and accusing him of committing crimes and of being some kind of habitual abuser due to nature of the circumstances in which he was forced to resign from his job as a teacher etc, I think this comment from someone who knew Christopher addresses these points better than I could hope to:

View attachment 983876
Another reason LIBS try to support out school learning or laptop classes for students at home...or for students to take online only classes in college..is for FOIDS to not have to put up with a teacher who is not the "hot professor"...and make it harder for sub 5 male teachers to lust or want their students...
This whole case highlights firstly, the danger of “Oneitis.” Fixating on one woman and believing she can solve all of the problems in your empty, broken, private life and you can make up for a lifetime of Inceldom and loneliness, and it will magically all get better if you get with this person.
I don't know honestly how people past their teenage years can still believe in love. The most similar to ''love'' is the teenage first love when both the subjects are at their first time in a relationship like Romeo and Juliet. If you are old and all your attempts to get a girlfriend have failed , it's over. Of course you can get a substitute like most men do these days but this will never be real love. Even if you could get a woman it will never work .You will never be a girl's erotic dream get used to that.
He doesnt look so ugly in his prime but looking at the other photos he does look short and coupled with his non NT behavior that was enough for him to be ignored by females forever.

If that 17 yo also ignored him and never gave him attention he wouldnt have roped, its like he tasted the forbidden fruit for a brief time and realised his whole life is a huge cope.
Pretty sure there's a thread in must read about him.
this is fucking sad
Very sad.
He could have gone to Asia or Mexico and got laid very easily
Whether this whole event ever impacted the student or not we don’t know
Dude, for real. She was getting her holes blown open by Chad minutes before the gunshot, and was having her holes torn open by Chad seconds after the gunshot. Male suicide is considered a joke by foids.

When does this shit EVER end well,
when the teacher is chad or foid, in less cucked societies, in older times, a few decades prior, it was really common for teachers to marry students etc. The actual exception is that this kind of matrimonial arrangement only fails for ugly, low-status males in highly cucked feminist societies.

This teacher did nothing wrong.

His crime was to exist as a non-Chad male in a feminist soyciety.
At least the Norwood reaper didn't get him
That's the way It is, I guess.
I've read about Swanson over the years and as brutal as the story is, I can't imagine killing myself over any one particular foid. What an L.

this part's brutal
First post of yours I’ve read. Will be on the lookout for more. Very well written.

Reading the entries on his website is Eerie, I’m kind of in the same spot. Recently turned 30 and am entirely destitute. I was supposed to have a good life but here I am penniless and my only memories are those of employment. Nothing else. Just work, home, work, home until I gave up a couple years ago.. Never really had a girlfriend (couple weeks once, I had some money back then, she wanted me to buy her tits and was several years older than me). Just want to have a youth. Dick doesn’t work. Don’t know how I will cope.

A timely gf is the difference between life and death. This shit isn’t a joke. It is ludicrous that we pretend they are people (dignified, with agency) to satisfy some higher moral imperative rather than treating them like the semi-scarce natural resources that they are.

In the lowest energy states of warfare, famine, scarcity, etc, aka when things are tough, when there is no abundance, when men are speaking, when circumstance do not permit luxury beliefs, they do indeed revert to being currency. Or should I say there is no longer any delusion vis a vis their status. I suppose that’s the good news. They never stopped being property. Their new status in the world - any status at all, ever, really - depends entirely on tacit male consent. not that anything will ever be done about it.
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Like a stake through my heart. This is how I, and I assume many other guys here, feel.

I was toiling from morning till night for no reward while my peers were enjoying their youth, making memories, and fucking young girls.
It all started with the whore that was eve in the beginning.
Manletism is a death sentence.

He should have been government mandated explosives in case he ever wanted to exit
he was a deluded as fuck 40 year old boomer. He was good looking in his youth so why didnt he get a foid in his 20s, these 40 yo boomer types always think they're going to get girls when they're older in reality they look like shit.
Giga manlet with shit face and crazy eyes (from lack of sex) = inceldom
Brutal, what manletism does to a mf
First post of yours I’ve read. Will be on the lookout for more. Very well written.

Reading the entries on his website is Eerie, I’m kind of in the same spot. Recently turned 30 and am entirely destitute. I was supposed to have a good life but here I am penniless and my only memories are those of employment. Nothing else. Just work, home, work, home until I gave up a couple years ago.. Never really had a girlfriend (couple weeks once, I had some money back then, she wanted me to buy her tits and was several years older than me). Just want to have a youth. Dick doesn’t work. Don’t know how I will cope.

A timely gf is the difference between life and death. This shit isn’t a joke. It is ludicrous that we pretend they are people (dignified, with agency) to satisfy some higher moral imperative rather than treating them like the semi-scarce natural resources that they are.

In the lowest energy states of warfare, famine, scarcity, etc, aka when things are tough, when there is no abundance, when men are speaking, when circumstance do not permit luxury beliefs, they do indeed revert to being currency. Or should I say there is no longer any delusion vis a vis their status. I suppose that’s the good news. They never stopped being property. Their new status in the world - any status at all, ever, really - depends entirely on tacit male consent. not that anything will ever be done about it.
Foids Just Taste and Abuse the Power they where given . Society Made Sure that Man become 2. Fiddle citizens . And Woman have all the Social Credit / Power.
I’ve always thought that of all jobs to have as an Incel, High School teacher must be up near the top of the list of the worst. I mean think about it, your students are all in the prime of their youth, most of whom have endless possibilities at their feet, and are engaging in all of the usual rites-of-passage that normal young people go through. With first love being one of them, and right in front of your very eyes. Imagine it happening time after time, multiple times a day, year after year, what you couldn’t and have never experienced (and never will experience) on a loop. All the while you get older, greyer and emptier. It’s like sadomasochism times a 1000.
Not necessarily. And your points apply only to teaching at a co-ed school.

I once listened to a conversation two foids were having about a high school teacher they had (at an all-female school).

Apparently, he did some "creepy" things and ended up marrying one his students.

Being a HS teacher seems like the best way for a man to date a younger foid, if he's not rich.
And the website he left behind.

Mixing the Bluepill with having a Oneitis proved deadly.

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I’ve always thought that of all jobs to have as an Incel, High School teacher must be up near the top of the list of the worst. I mean think about it, your students are all in the prime of their youth, most of whom have endless possibilities at their feet, and are engaging in all of the usual rites-of-passage that normal young people go through. With first love being one of them, and right in front of your very eyes. Imagine it happening time after time, multiple times a day, year after year, what you couldn’t and have never experienced (and never will experience) on a loop. All the while you get older, greyer and emptier. It’s like sadomasochism times a 1000.

Well this particular story is about one of those unfortunate men, an Incel high school teacher, and it all started just over a decade ago and culminated in (predictable, if you’re an Incel reading this) tragedy on 20th September 2013. His name was Christopher Swanson. This is his website:

The Pessimist Was Right All Along

There is scant few articles online about the suicide of Christopher Swanson, and even less is known about the man’s private life or early years growing up. What little you will find will simply refer to an “incident at Mercyhurst University in Erie, Pennsylvania, in which a 41 year old male died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.” At this time of typing I found 4 original news articles:





His obituary:


And his place on findagrave.

And that’s it. The news articles themselves seek to portray him as a man obsessed with one of his students, driven to madness after being exposed and forced to resign from his teaching job, before eventually committing suicide at the university she was a Freshman at (which he himself had no connection to) and almost have a predatory tone about them. The couple of Reddit threads (see here and here) that still exist predictably are full of comments calling the deceased man all kinds of unpleasant names and have all the tone, hyperbole, over-reaction and condemnation one would expect from typical Redditors.

The truth of this story however is of course a little deeper, and other Incels and lonely men will perhaps be better placed than most to understand it. Here’s the gist:

Christopher Swanson was a 1990 graduate of the West Branch High School in Clearfield County, Pennsylvania and was valedictorian. He was also a graduate of Penn State University. He was a former teacher at the Smethport High School, where he taught physics, and was highly respected in his profession to the point where other teachers would be asked to observe his methods of teaching.

View attachment 983859
Christopher Swanson was valedictorian of his year
As detailed on his website, he “loved” his work and was
passionate about his job, and according to those who knew him was “well respected.”

He was also totally alone.

In spite of his on the surface, outwardly successful appearing life, he (in his words) was missing the one thing he wanted more than anything else in the world, his “Eve.” In other words, Christopher Swanson was a desperately sad and lonely man, and had gone through his life lacking a loving female partner to share it with. He was getting older, and time was (in his head) running out, this bothered him. Alot.
View attachment 983864
A screenshot from Christopher Swanson’s “suicide note” website.

So one day in 2011 when Christopher was 39 years old, a 17 year old female student confided in him about troubles in her home life and problems she was having. The two then began exchanging text messages back and forth, it all began innocently enough but for Christopher (a 39 year old lonely Incel) this sudden attention from a female (something which he had never experienced before and longed for his whole adult life) became much more to him than just being an ear for this students problems. He began to develop romantic feelings for the student, and by all accounts (judging by the text messages they exchanged) the feeling was mutual.

Things appeared to carry on in this vein for a few months, texting back and forth between the pair, they also according to the text messages shared a couple of hugs and talked about their feelings in what all seems rather tame Victorian-style language. Then what happens next isn’t entirely clear, what we do know is that Christopher suddenly resigned on January 30th 2012, on March 8th 2012 an Educator Misconduct Complaint was filed against him and on May 17th 2013 was found guilty of Professional Misconduct and stripped of his teaching certificate. He chose not to answer the memorandum, therefore the facts were deemed admitted.

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Christopher Swanson (far right) pictured months before he was forced to resign.
We don’t know if the student ended the relationship, or if the school found out or the students parents (most likely) found out about it somehow and informed the school, but what we do know is that the after effects of all this proved devastating for Christopher. Both professionally and mentally. What in his mind seemed like a genuine chance at happiness and love, something which he’d been denied his whole adult life, ended up being the starting gun (excuse the pun) to what ultimately would be his untimely death at age 41. In his affection-starved brain he let his emotions run away with themselves and get the better of him, this was perhaps natural as all of this was new to him and no doubt exciting. The thought of this “damsel in distress” falling in love with him like he was falling for her, overtook all sense of logic in his head. Gone was any sense of professionalism, of remaining grounded, of reality.

What he really needed to do, and what he failed miserably at, was take a step back and look at the cold hard facts of the situation and apply logic to them:

He was a 39 year old man. She was 17 and on the cusp of having the world at her feet.

Is she really going to love a greying, dull, middle-aged man that’s old enough to be her dad?

You’ve spent your spare time in your adult life watching anime (check the Emo/Doomer anime song playing on a loop on his website), playing Dungeons and Dragons and running BattleTech games for your mates. Is this the kind of thing a 17 year old female finds thrilling?

You’re her teacher, she’s your student. When does this shit EVER end well, Google it at least Christopher lol.

This whole case highlights firstly, the danger of “Oneitis.” Fixating on one woman and believing she can solve all of the problems in your empty, broken, private life and you can make up for a lifetime of Inceldom and loneliness, and it will magically all get better if you get with this person. Secondly, The Bluepill mindset that many introverted men of his era sadly have fallen into, the feminist mantra and Bluepilled lies or at least the ancient advice that did in fact work in the pre-sexual revolution distant past, which basically said all you had to do was work hard, be kind and eventually a woman would come into your life. When in reality a dose of The Blackpill was needed (If it hasn’t happened by now, then it’s never going to. And if something all of a sudden seems to good to be true, than it DEFINITELY is) and would have prevented what was to come on…

On 19th September 2013, Christopher Swanson posted the following message on his (now long-deleted) Facebook:

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Swanson choose his suicide location for maximum effect.
He obviously chose the University so his suicide would have maximum impact on the community, but also much more importantly (to him) the student. Also, according to the Erie Times-News, it was discovered that the rifle contained two bullets. This raised the question — Was the other bullet perhaps meant for the Mercyhurst student? I have to say I don’t think so, it doesn’t seem like (thankfully) he had it in him and would go against the grain of his previous mild, good-natured character. Still, he was also unhinged towards the end of his life, so we can never be sure or know for certain either way.

Whether this whole event ever impacted the student or not we don’t know, obviously she won’t have been able to not notice the significance of this event occurring at the university where she attended and lived on-campus, and undoubtedly would have been shaken up for at least a short while. We are all human, after all. What I was able to find out was that tragically after this event the students father also suddenly died just 3 days later, so a tragic coincidence. It appears that she was able to put all this behind her and eventually graduate and secure a good job and get married (I’m not revealing sources, but let’s just say it took a hell of a long time of skewering publicly available information and piecing everything together, I should’ve been a detective jfl ).

Meanwhile, all we’re left of Christopher Swanson is his eerie (again pardon the pun lol) “suicide note” website, and that’s literally it. And I mean literally, as sadly his mother passed away on 27th June 2015 and his only sibling, a brother called Bradley Swanson died on 10th December 2017. Both were heartbroken after Christopher’s suicide. All are buried in the same plot.
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To surmise, this story is about what happens if you fail to learn basic life lessons in your 20s.

I mean, imagine being a 41 year old, sad and depressed school teacher with not much to offer, and thinking a beautiful young woman with everything going for her, is going to want you. Yes you! You're the ageing, sad, not-much-fun loser she's been dreaming about! Giggling about with her friends. Thinking and dreaming about you as she lies awake alone in bed at night. You!! That's all you!

Bluepilled delusion doesn't even begin to cover it.

This is right up there with believing those advertisements on those porn sites about how beautiful 10/10 Russian models wanna fuck and marry lonely, old men: “Her knickers are getting wet for you already, just send us your credit card details to get this beautiful romance started!” Don’t get me wrong, I'm truly sorry about his life of suffering. He wrote about his pain well, and when I read it I'm immediately transported back to how I felt when I was 19 or 22. But that's the thing. This man made it to 41 years old with his delusions intact, having apparently learned nothing. No capacity for critical thought. No emotional intelligence. No resilience or toughness. A grown-ass adult, but just as open to following his Bluepilled, blueballed dick into self-chosen misery like a teenager.

Learn from your youth. Learn to make sensible plans and life choices. Don't make ludicrous, life-destroying bad choices. Don't be like this guy.

Lastly, to any NPC’s who start yelling obscenities about the man and accusing him of committing crimes and of being some kind of habitual abuser due to nature of the circumstances in which he was forced to resign from his job as a teacher etc, I think this comment from someone who knew Christopher addresses these points better than I could hope to:

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This wouldn't have happened had women had better taste in men
How do you make all of these high effort posts? Every single one is a miniature essay. Actually, tell me how often you read as well...


LMAO - OP didn't "make" this post and he certainly didn't write this essay.

This whole post is a copy+paste of this article from October 2022, written by a guy who used to be @outherebrothers on here:

And @outherebrothers "researched" his article by reading, summarizing and plagiarizing our must-read thread about Christopher Swanson:

let's look at what OP wrote above:

To surmise, this story is about what happens if you fail to learn basic life lessons in your 20s.

I mean, imagine being a 41 year old, sad and depressed school teacher with not much to offer, and thinking a beautiful young woman with everything going for her, is going to want you. Yes you! You're the ageing, sad, not-much-fun loser she's been dreaming about! Giggling about with her friends. Thinking and dreaming about you as she lies awake alone in bed at night. You!! That's all you!

Bluepilled delusion doesn't even begin to cover it.

This is right up there with believing those advertisements on those porn sites about how beautiful 10/10 Russian models wanna fuck and marry lonely, old men: “Her knickers are getting wet for you already, just send us your credit card details to get this beautiful romance started!” Don’t get me wrong, I'm truly sorry about his life of suffering. He wrote about his pain well, and when I read it I'm immediately transported back to how I felt when I was 19 or 22. But that's the thing. This man made it to 41 years old with his delusions intact, having apparently learned nothing. No capacity for critical thought. No emotional intelligence. No resilience or toughness. A grown-ass adult, but just as open to following his Bluepilled, blueballed dick into self-chosen misery like a teenager.

Learn from your youth. Learn to make sensible plans and life choices. Don't make ludicrous, life-destroying bad choices. Don't be like this guy.

If you read outherebrothers' October 2022 article on substack, you'll see that @Eremetic quoted that whole orange paragraph (unattributed) from @outherebrothers' article.

And @outherebrothers, himself, quoted that orange text (unattributed) from an April 2022 comment by yours truly in our must-read thread about Swanson:

Thanks for posting! This is a new story to me.

But oh dear. Hoooooollly shit.

I'm 40yo.

This story is about what happens if you fail to learn these lessons in your 20s.

Imagine being a 41yo, sad and depressed school teacher with not much to offer, and thinking a beautiful 17yo Stacy on the cusp of having everything at her feet, is going to want you. Yes you! You're the graying, sad, not-much-fun loser she's been dreaming about! Giggling about with her Stacy friends. Flicking her bean to orgasm about as she lies awake alone in bed at night. You!! That's all you!

:bluepill: delusion doesn't even begin to cover it.

This is right up there with believing those advertisements about how beautiful 10/10 Russian models wanna fuck and marry oldcels, her knickers are getting wet for you already, just send us your credit card details to get this beautiful romance started. :lul:

Dont get me wrong, I'm truly sorry about his life of suffering. Like ER he wrote about his pain well, and when I read it I'm immediately transported back to how I felt when I was 19 or 25.
But that's the thing. This man made it to 41 with his delusions intact, having apparently learned nothing. No capacity for critical thought. No emotional intelligence. No resilience or toughness. A grown-ass adult, but just as open to following his bluepilled, blueballed dick into self-chosen misery like a teenager.

Learn from your youth. Learn to make sensible plans and life choices. Learn to wield your :feelsmage: powers. Don't make ludicrous, life-destroying bad choices. Don't be like this guy.

So in summary:

You're welcome, @Eremetic and you're welcome, @outherebrothers. :feelsYall:

They say imitation is the sincerest firm of flattery. And blatant copying is the pure form of imitation.
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Brutal story. I believe it's weirdly good that his story isn't known. All this can be abused so easily by vile feminists.... "Pedo-rapist teacher kills himself in front of his victim's university out of entitlement for not getting her"

Also I'd like to add that the foid was manipulating and taking advantage of him. It's very safe to assume she had no romantic interest in him, so she had no place dumping her bullshit problems and insecurities on him.

No wonder he was an incel. He's like 5'5" max. Giga manlet height. I'm only 5'3", so I know just how badly he was treated due to his height.
The lack of affection traumatizes the brain. In his mind he probably wasn't doing anything wrong as the emotional part of his brain was completely fried. Yes, he had developed fact-processing (valedictorian, PSU grad, etc.), but emotionally he was probably still 15-17. His brain was still waiting for that "first love" trigger to being the maturation process. He never received that trigger and neither will any of us.
Guarantee if he were 6' 3" he would not have been in this situation in the first place.
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LMAO - OP didn't "make" this post and he certainly didn't write this essay.

This whole post is a copy+paste of this article from October 2022, written by a guy who used to be @outherebrothers on here:

And @outherebrothers "researched" his article by reading, summarizing and plagiarizing our must-read thread about Christopher Swanson:

let's look at what OP wrote above:

If you read outherebrothers' October 2022 article on substack, you'll see that @Eremetic quoted that whole orange paragraph (unattributed) from @outherebrothers' article.

And @outherebrothers, himself, quoted that orange text (unattributed) from an April 2022 comment by yours truly in our must-read thread about Swanson:

So in summary:

You're welcome, @Eremetic and you're welcome, @outherebrothers. :feelsYall:

They say imitation is the sincerest firm of flattery. And blatant copying is the pure form of imitation.
Wow. plagiarism.is
Wow that's sad :feelsbadman:
This is fuckin brutal, I can confirm because this is almost my reality. I'm a teaching assistant and I'm height mogged by the older children. I'm a 5'5 sub human piece of shit, I may as well be the fuckin penguin from batman with a beak shaped nose but at least I mog him as he's only 4'10.
Men like Mr. Swanson, who pursue difficult careers in STEM, deserve a mansion and a harem of women at their side. Instead this is relegated to gang-bangers (Meeks) and rappers. We live in a sick world.
That's a cool looking hunting lodge.
As an incel, becoming a teacher is the #1 profession you should avoid at all cost.
Seeing teen kids lifemogging you, watching them going through all the developmental phases that you never even had a chance to pass, observing teen couples holding hands and kissing not on a daily, but an hourly basis, and you cannot even just ignore them and move somewhere else when you don't need to see that. It's your fucking job to be around kids having the time of their lives.
Plus in most countries their salaries are worth shit too.

I cannot imagine a worst nightmare than that from a job perspective.
Poor guy. He was wronged

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