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Cope Afterlife in the ancient Israelite religion: A textual analysis (what modern scholarship and jews get wrong)

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Not bragging but past that. Researchers get stuck still thinking these ppl are sand niggers, lol. I’m doing a interdisciplinary approach using modern Y-DNA analysis, linguistics, pottery, etc.

The earliest cultural Hebrews are today’s Georgians, other biblical tribes located near them include Jews and others like Nakh (Noah) tribes.

Noah people /Sodom and Gomorrah [2:52].

View: https://youtu.be/-WK51QrPJug


View: https://youtu.be/hOfT-nfj5zI

View: https://youtu.be/BFlg-DHA5OM

sodom and gomorrah stemmed from ham which is black man
It is commonly known to many people the Judaism does not have any real concept of a hell. But modern scholarship mostly agrees with the idea that there was no concept of the afterlife in the ancient Israelite traditions, and that these beliefs came in later. However, based on my study of the Torah I think this is incorrect. Both many in modern scholarship, modern Jews, and ancient theories like by the Sadducees who rejected an afterlife were all incorrect.

Earliest Traditions: According to modern scholars ancient Israelite texts like the Torah have no afterlife or mention of one. This is why in some ancient sects like the Sadducees rejected the idea of an afterlife at all. So the point of religion and worshipping God in this older tradition is that you can make a better life for yourself while still alive. When you die, you just go straight to the grave (sheol) and that’s it.

Incorrect rebuttal from modern Jews

There is pushback from modern Jews as well who try to denounce the modern scholarship and Sadducee claims of there being no afterlife. The common rebuttal is:

The book of Deuteronomy mentions a Day of Retribution for the wicked.

There is nothing about this that talks about a resurrection, but if you don’t believe in such a concept then this idea seems very mysterious and nebulous. However when you look at this in the context of the passage, it clearly is talking about the Israelites facing a day of retribution for going against God, and face punishment as a nation. There is no evidence this is talking about a personal judgement by God, but rather a retroactive reinterpretation by copers.

Why modern scholarship is wrong and a better understanding

There are a few problems with the modern scholarly view though.

Sorcery could summon and communicate with the dead as ghosts

This is probably the strangest part of the Bible where the afterlife is concerned. Even in modern Judaism there is no real explanation of how this can be done. In the book of Deuteronomy resurrection of the dead and communication with them is considered sorcery and required the subject to be stoned to death. So the Torah does believe it’s real, but this would make no sense with the view of no afterlife (unless they are zombies or something).

This isn’t just because they believed sorcerers were scam artists according to these beliefs. In the book or Samuel (part of Deuteronomy), a sorceress called the Witch of Endor summons the ghost of the prophet Samuel so Saul can communicate with him.

Then Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?”……..”Moreover, the Lord will give Israel also with you into the hand of the Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons shall be with me. The Lord will give the army of Israel also into the hand of the Philistines.” 20

Based on this reading, we see that Samuel describes himself as being disturbed and brought up. So Samuel was aware that he was dead, and was aware of the events of the world. Either he still has his prophetic powers due to God and was told these things while being brought back as a ghost, or he knew what was going to happen due to being dead and it’s just something the dead know.

Samuel couldn’t be seen but could be heard by Saul, which means that it was a ghost rather than a zombie. Samuel (who was a righteous prophet) saying that Saul (who disobeyed God) would be in the same place after death debunks the idea that people go to a different place for their deeds. Modern Judaism tries to put moral stance of somehow a soul will be purified and kept away from God, but Samuel mentions nothing about being with God and says Saul and his sons will die tomorrow and be with him (no time in between for a purification).

So what do we make of all of this? The best explanation for this case is actually:

Cross-Cultural references to Mesopotamia

In the Bible the word Sheol is used to describe the place the dead go to. This word in Hebrew just means grave, but it has other connotations in other religions nearby, like the Mesopotamian religions with other terms. In there the concept of Sheol is where it’s just a realm underground where the dead exist experiencing nothing pretty much (laying down and rotting like many of us, and completely over). However, you are aware of what happens in the world above and what will happen. There is no judgement of souls, there is no resurrection, there is no being with God. You are just in this mysterious world of the dead that everyone goes to, without a body but you don’t cease to exist completely.
Elijah and Moses blamed God for causing the Israelites to sin. God admitted that they were right. (BT Berakoth 31b-32a).

The Old Testament’s new moon goat sacrifice is to atone for the sin of God. (BT Shebuoth 9a).

Adam had sexual relations with all the animals in the Garden of Eden. (BT Yebamoth 63a).

If one hits his father or mother without causing a wound, he is not guilty and should not be killed (BT Sanhedrin 85b).

One who curses his father or mother is not guilty unless he uses the Divine name in the curse (BT Sanhendrin 66a).

The commandment of Moses forbidding enchantments (witchcraft) refers only to enchantments performed with weasels, birds or fish (Bt Sanhendrin 66a).

A man is not guilty of murder if he causes a poisonous snake to kill a man: the snake should be executed for murder, while the man goes free (BT Sanhendrin 76b, 78a).

If someone ties up his neighbor and the neighbor dies of starvation, or if he incapacitates a man in the presence of a lion and the lions kill the incapacitated man, the man who was the perpetrator is not guilty of murder. (BT Sanhendrin 77a).

Killing a terminally ill person is not murder. (BT Sanhedrin 78a).

King Saul was punished by God because he did not take vengeance on his enemies; no one can be true scholar unless he takes vengeance (BT Yoma 22b).

Hating your enemy is permitted, even commanded (BT Pesahim 113b).

Living in the land of Israel gives one eternal life (BT Pesahim 113a).

Agriculture is the lowest form of occupations. (BT Tebamoth 63a).

He who recites Psalm 145 three times a day will have eternal life. (BT Berakoth 4b).

The medicinal value of the excrement of a white dog: to heal the disease of pleurisy (“catarrh”) a Jew should “take the excrement of a white dog and knead if with balsam, but if he can possibly avoid it he should not eat the dog’s excrement as it loosens the limbs.” (BT Gittin 69b).

Epilepsy is caused be standing naked in front of a lamp, or sexual relations with the light on. (BT Pesahim 112b).

The law regulating the rule for how to urinate in a holy way is given. (BT Shabbath 41a).

Eating beef and turnips causes fever if it is followed by the summer moonlight. (BT Gittin 70a).

Not burying cut fingernails causes miscarriages. (BT Moed Katan 18a).

Everyone has two kidneys, one of which inspires good deeds; the other, bad deeds. (BT Berakoth 61a).

After seven years, hyenas turn into bats. After even longer periods, they turn into thorns and demons. (BT Baba Kamma 16a).

Some antelopes grow as big as mountains; some frogs as big as fortresses. (These are eyewitness accounts by Rabbis). (BT Baba Bathra 73b).

Bad-temper is caused by birth on Monday; riches and sexual promiscuity caused by birth on Tuesday; those who desecrate the Sabbath by being born thereon will die on the Sabbath. (BT Shabbatb 156a).

Solar eclipses caused by improperly mourning the death of particular Rabbis; Lunar eclipses caused by raising small cattle in Israel. (BT Sukkah 29a).

It is forbidden for dogs women or palm trees to pass between two men, nor may others walk between dogs, women or palm trees. Special dangers are involved if the women are menstruating or sitting at a crossroads. (BT Pesahim 111a).

Demonic danger is involved when one drinks water on the evenings of Wednesday and Sabbaths. (BT Pesahim 1112a).

940,000 Israelites were killed on one stone. (BT Gittin 57a – 57b).

Sixteen million Israelite children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans at Bathar. (BT Gittin 58a).

Four billion Israelites were killed by the Romans in one city, the city of Bethar. (Some rabbis say “only” forty million were killed there). (BT Gittin 57b).

Zimri engaged Cozbi in sexual relations 424 times in one day. Also her womb was one-and-1/2 feet wide. (BT Sanhedrin 82b).

Obed-Edom’s wife and eight daughters-in-law all give birth to six children at a time (BT Berakoth 63b).

He who stays unmarried, doesn’t wear phylacteries, or doesn’t wear shoes, cannot go to heaven (BT Pesahim 113b).

Women cannot conceive before they reach twelve years and a day, according to the Rabbis. When asked how it was possible that a gentile girl had conceived at age six, the Rabbi replied that gentiles are not human. (BT Niddah 45a).

The Superiority of Jews​

If a gentile hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed (BT Sanhedrin 58b).

A gentile who strikes a Jew deserves death. Striking a Jew is in God’s eyes an assault on the Divine Presence. (BT Sanhedrin 58b).

All the blessings which gentiles enjoy come to them only because of God’s regard for Israel. (BT Yebamoth 63a).

A Jew need not pay a gentile the wages owed him for work (BT Sanhedrin 57a).

If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite (non-Jew) there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite…the payment is be in full. (BT Baba Kamma 37b).

The deeds of Israel are righteous, but the gentiles are capable only of sin. (BT Baba Bathra 10b).

Wine touched by a gentile renders has been defiled and is unfit for use by Jews. (BT Abodah Zarah 72b). Thieves of unknown ethnic background broke into a Jew’s building and touched his wine. Since he did not know who touched the wine, he way unsure whether or not it had been defiled by a gentile’s touch. The rabbis rule that since the majority of thieves in that city were Jews, the wine was undefiled. (BT Abodah Zarah 70a).

Abodah Zarah 17a states that there is not a whore in the whole world that the Talmudic sage Rabbi Eleazar has not had sex with.

Hagigah 27a declares that no rabbi can ever go to hell.

Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell (BT Erubin 21b).

A sly rabbi debates God and through trickery defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate. (BT Baba Mezia 59b).

The Inferiority of Gentiles​

Gentiles are inclined to bestiality, lewdness and murder. Gentiles prefer sexual relations with cows more than their own wives. Eve had sexual intercourse with the serpent, transmitting lust to the gentiles, from which Israelites are exempt. (BT Abodah Zarah 22a).

A gentile who observes a day of rest deserves death. (BT Sandendrin 58b).

God is displeased when Jews show hospitality to gentiles. (BT Sanhendrin 104a).

It is forbidden to teach gentiles the Law. (BT Hagigah 13a).

A gentile who studies the Law deserves death. (BT Sanhedrin 59a).

It is permissible to cheat a gentile in court. (BT Baba Kamma 113a).

For executing a gentile, only one person’s testimony is necessary. (To kill a Jew, two witnesses are necessary). (BT Sanhendrin 57b0>

Jews may steal from Non-Jews

If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile it does not have to be returned. (BT Baba Mezia 24a. Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b).

Property of gentiles is like the desert; whoever among the Jews gets there first, owns it. (BT Baba Bathra 54b).

If a gentile loses something, a Jew may keep it, even if he knows the owner. (BT Baba Kamma 113b).

A gentile must pay wages to a Jew, but a Jew does not have to pay wages to a gentile. (BT Sanhedrin 57a).

The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel.” (BT Baba Kamma 37b).

If a gentile robs a Jew, he must pay him back. But whatever a Jew robs from a gentile, the Jew may keep. Some robbery of gentiles is disguised as “confiscation of an unpaid debt” (Bava Kama 113b; also Bava Metzia 111b).

BT Sanhedrin 52B: “A non-Jew is not considered a neighbor.”
Elijah and Moses blamed God for causing the Israelites to sin. God admitted that they were right. (BT Berakoth 31b-32a).

The Old Testament’s new moon goat sacrifice is to atone for the sin of God. (BT Shebuoth 9a).

Adam had sexual relations with all the animals in the Garden of Eden. (BT Yebamoth 63a).

If one hits his father or mother without causing a wound, he is not guilty and should not be killed (BT Sanhedrin 85b).

One who curses his father or mother is not guilty unless he uses the Divine name in the curse (BT Sanhendrin 66a).

The commandment of Moses forbidding enchantments (witchcraft) refers only to enchantments performed with weasels, birds or fish (Bt Sanhendrin 66a).

A man is not guilty of murder if he causes a poisonous snake to kill a man: the snake should be executed for murder, while the man goes free (BT Sanhendrin 76b, 78a).

If someone ties up his neighbor and the neighbor dies of starvation, or if he incapacitates a man in the presence of a lion and the lions kill the incapacitated man, the man who was the perpetrator is not guilty of murder. (BT Sanhendrin 77a).

Killing a terminally ill person is not murder. (BT Sanhedrin 78a).

King Saul was punished by God because he did not take vengeance on his enemies; no one can be true scholar unless he takes vengeance (BT Yoma 22b).

Hating your enemy is permitted, even commanded (BT Pesahim 113b).

Living in the land of Israel gives one eternal life (BT Pesahim 113a).

Agriculture is the lowest form of occupations. (BT Tebamoth 63a).

He who recites Psalm 145 three times a day will have eternal life. (BT Berakoth 4b).

The medicinal value of the excrement of a white dog: to heal the disease of pleurisy (“catarrh”) a Jew should “take the excrement of a white dog and knead if with balsam, but if he can possibly avoid it he should not eat the dog’s excrement as it loosens the limbs.” (BT Gittin 69b).

Epilepsy is caused be standing naked in front of a lamp, or sexual relations with the light on. (BT Pesahim 112b).

The law regulating the rule for how to urinate in a holy way is given. (BT Shabbath 41a).

Eating beef and turnips causes fever if it is followed by the summer moonlight. (BT Gittin 70a).

Not burying cut fingernails causes miscarriages. (BT Moed Katan 18a).

Everyone has two kidneys, one of which inspires good deeds; the other, bad deeds. (BT Berakoth 61a).

After seven years, hyenas turn into bats. After even longer periods, they turn into thorns and demons. (BT Baba Kamma 16a).

Some antelopes grow as big as mountains; some frogs as big as fortresses. (These are eyewitness accounts by Rabbis). (BT Baba Bathra 73b).

Bad-temper is caused by birth on Monday; riches and sexual promiscuity caused by birth on Tuesday; those who desecrate the Sabbath by being born thereon will die on the Sabbath. (BT Shabbatb 156a).

Solar eclipses caused by improperly mourning the death of particular Rabbis; Lunar eclipses caused by raising small cattle in Israel. (BT Sukkah 29a).

It is forbidden for dogs women or palm trees to pass between two men, nor may others walk between dogs, women or palm trees. Special dangers are involved if the women are menstruating or sitting at a crossroads. (BT Pesahim 111a).

Demonic danger is involved when one drinks water on the evenings of Wednesday and Sabbaths. (BT Pesahim 1112a).

940,000 Israelites were killed on one stone. (BT Gittin 57a – 57b).

Sixteen million Israelite children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans at Bathar. (BT Gittin 58a).

Four billion Israelites were killed by the Romans in one city, the city of Bethar. (Some rabbis say “only” forty million were killed there). (BT Gittin 57b).

Zimri engaged Cozbi in sexual relations 424 times in one day. Also her womb was one-and-1/2 feet wide. (BT Sanhedrin 82b).

Obed-Edom’s wife and eight daughters-in-law all give birth to six children at a time (BT Berakoth 63b).

He who stays unmarried, doesn’t wear phylacteries, or doesn’t wear shoes, cannot go to heaven (BT Pesahim 113b).

Women cannot conceive before they reach twelve years and a day, according to the Rabbis. When asked how it was possible that a gentile girl had conceived at age six, the Rabbi replied that gentiles are not human. (BT Niddah 45a).

The Superiority of Jews​

If a gentile hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed (BT Sanhedrin 58b).

A gentile who strikes a Jew deserves death. Striking a Jew is in God’s eyes an assault on the Divine Presence. (BT Sanhedrin 58b).

All the blessings which gentiles enjoy come to them only because of God’s regard for Israel. (BT Yebamoth 63a).

A Jew need not pay a gentile the wages owed him for work (BT Sanhedrin 57a).

If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite (non-Jew) there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite…the payment is be in full. (BT Baba Kamma 37b).

The deeds of Israel are righteous, but the gentiles are capable only of sin. (BT Baba Bathra 10b).

Wine touched by a gentile renders has been defiled and is unfit for use by Jews. (BT Abodah Zarah 72b). Thieves of unknown ethnic background broke into a Jew’s building and touched his wine. Since he did not know who touched the wine, he way unsure whether or not it had been defiled by a gentile’s touch. The rabbis rule that since the majority of thieves in that city were Jews, the wine was undefiled. (BT Abodah Zarah 70a).

Abodah Zarah 17a states that there is not a whore in the whole world that the Talmudic sage Rabbi Eleazar has not had sex with.

Hagigah 27a declares that no rabbi can ever go to hell.

Whosoever disobeys the rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot excrement in hell (BT Erubin 21b).

A sly rabbi debates God and through trickery defeats Him. God admits the rabbi won the debate. (BT Baba Mezia 59b).

The Inferiority of Gentiles​

Gentiles are inclined to bestiality, lewdness and murder. Gentiles prefer sexual relations with cows more than their own wives. Eve had sexual intercourse with the serpent, transmitting lust to the gentiles, from which Israelites are exempt. (BT Abodah Zarah 22a).

A gentile who observes a day of rest deserves death. (BT Sandendrin 58b).

God is displeased when Jews show hospitality to gentiles. (BT Sanhendrin 104a).

It is forbidden to teach gentiles the Law. (BT Hagigah 13a).

A gentile who studies the Law deserves death. (BT Sanhedrin 59a).

It is permissible to cheat a gentile in court. (BT Baba Kamma 113a).

For executing a gentile, only one person’s testimony is necessary. (To kill a Jew, two witnesses are necessary). (BT Sanhendrin 57b0>

Jews may steal from Non-Jews

If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile it does not have to be returned. (BT Baba Mezia 24a. Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b).

Property of gentiles is like the desert; whoever among the Jews gets there first, owns it. (BT Baba Bathra 54b).

If a gentile loses something, a Jew may keep it, even if he knows the owner. (BT Baba Kamma 113b).

A gentile must pay wages to a Jew, but a Jew does not have to pay wages to a gentile. (BT Sanhedrin 57a).

The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel.” (BT Baba Kamma 37b).

If a gentile robs a Jew, he must pay him back. But whatever a Jew robs from a gentile, the Jew may keep. Some robbery of gentiles is disguised as “confiscation of an unpaid debt” (Bava Kama 113b; also Bava Metzia 111b).

BT Sanhedrin 52B: “A non-Jew is not considered a neighbor.”
The people of Lot were relatives of Abraham I think.
Lot went to sodom and gomorrah because they split the land because abrahams house and lots house were against each other, so he is not directly related
Lot went to sodom and gomorrah because they split the land because abrahams house and lots house were against each other, so he is not directly related
Lot is Abraham’s blood nephew.
ham is a nigger you retard
These are descendants of Ham as told in the Bible.

View: https://youtu.be/a3e2sbvhNaw

All descendants of Noah are sand niggers.


Legend of Kouzan-Am Lake

Lake Kezenoyam

This legend has explicit parallels with Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, Grecian Baucis and Philemon, and the Islamic Lot. It relates that there once stood a very rich town at the place where now there is only a lake. Despite their great wealth, the people of this town were afflicted with insatiable greed and covetousness. Thus it came to pass that the supreme god Dela sent his representatives in the guise of beggars, to test them. They begged the wealthy citizens to give them food, but were driven away with only blows and curses in return. Only one poor family in the village shared their food with them, keeping only a morsel of burnt bread for themselves, while giving an unburnt loaf of fine white bread to their guests. On leaving the house, the grateful strangers told the family that after some time had passed, water would begin to form puddles outside their front door, and that when this happened they should gather up only the barest of necessities, leave their home, and go to the mountains. The poor family heeded this advice, but, before departing for higher ground, warned the rich of the town of the impending disaster, and begged them to follow them, but, such was the avarice of the rich folk, that they would not abandon their treasures - not even to save themselves from a watery grave. That evening, the family watched from the mountains as a terrible catastrophe unfolded: they saw the water cover their house and with it the greedy folk who had stayed behind. To commemorate the terrible flood, the Noah people named the newly-formed lake Kouzan-am/Kezenoyam ‘lake of sorrow and cruelty’.

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/Px8mM6pA5dI?feature=share

Interestingly, the tradition of an ancient settlement associated with the lake is borne out by the archeological record for the area: traces of human habitation dating back as far as 40,000 BC have been found near Kouzan-am. Cave paintings, artifacts, and other archaeological evidence bear witness to continuous habitation for some 8,000 years. People living in these settlements used tools, fire, and clothing made of animal skins.
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These are descendants of Ham as told in the Bible.

View: https://youtu.be/a3e2sbvhNaw

Legend of Kouzan-Am Lake

Lake Kezenoyam

This legend has explicit parallels with Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, Grecian Baucis and Philemon, and the Islamic Lot. It relates that there once stood a very rich town at the place where now there is only a lake. Despite their great wealth, the people of this town were afflicted with insatiable greed and covetousness. Thus it came to pass that the supreme god Dela sent his representatives in the guise of beggars, to test them. They begged the wealthy citizens to give them food, but were driven away with only blows and curses in return. Only one poor family in the village shared their food with them, keeping only a morsel of burnt bread for themselves, while giving an unburnt loaf of fine white bread to their guests. On leaving the house, the grateful strangers told the family that after some time had passed, water would begin to form puddles outside their front door, and that when this happened they should gather up only the barest of necessities, leave their home, and go to the mountains. The poor family heeded this advice, but, before departing for higher ground, warned the rich of the town of the impending disaster, and begged them to follow them, but, such was the avarice of the rich folk, that they would not abandon their treasures - not even to save themselves from a watery grave. That evening, the family watched from the mountains as a terrible catastrophe unfolded: they saw the water cover their house and with it the greedy folk who had stayed behind. To commemorate the terrible flood, the Noah people named the newly-formed lake Kouzan-am/Kezenoyam ‘lake of sorrow and cruelty’.

View: https://youtube.com/shorts/Px8mM6pA5dI?feature=share

Interestingly, the tradition of an ancient settlement associated with the lake is borne out by the archeological record for the area: traces of human habitation dating back as far as 40,000 BC have been found near Kouzan-am. Cave paintings, artifacts, and other archaeological evidence bear witness to continuous habitation for some 8,000 years. People living in these settlements used tools, fire, and clothing made of animal skins.

Idk there was a Greco-Roman tradtional account of this.

I think it’s a myth that ashkenazi Jews are of khazar descent. It’s actually med mixed with sand I think.
It is commonly known to many people the Judaism does not have any real concept of a hell. But modern scholarship mostly agrees with the idea that there was no concept of the afterlife in the ancient Israelite traditions, and that these beliefs came in later. However, based on my study of the Torah I think this is incorrect. Both many in modern scholarship, modern Jews, and ancient theories like by the Sadducees who rejected an afterlife were all incorrect.

Earliest Traditions: According to modern scholars ancient Israelite texts like the Torah have no afterlife or mention of one. This is why in some ancient sects like the Sadducees rejected the idea of an afterlife at all. So the point of religion and worshipping God in this older tradition is that you can make a better life for yourself while still alive. When you die, you just go straight to the grave (sheol) and that’s it.

Incorrect rebuttal from modern Jews

There is pushback from modern Jews as well who try to denounce the modern scholarship and Sadducee claims of there being no afterlife. The common rebuttal is:

The book of Deuteronomy mentions a Day of Retribution for the wicked.

There is nothing about this that talks about a resurrection, but if you don’t believe in such a concept then this idea seems very mysterious and nebulous. However when you look at this in the context of the passage, it clearly is talking about the Israelites facing a day of retribution for going against God, and face punishment as a nation. There is no evidence this is talking about a personal judgement by God, but rather a retroactive reinterpretation by copers.

Why modern scholarship is wrong and a better understanding

There are a few problems with the modern scholarly view though.

Sorcery could summon and communicate with the dead as ghosts

This is probably the strangest part of the Bible where the afterlife is concerned. Even in modern Judaism there is no real explanation of how this can be done. In the book of Deuteronomy resurrection of the dead and communication with them is considered sorcery and required the subject to be stoned to death. So the Torah does believe it’s real, but this would make no sense with the view of no afterlife (unless they are zombies or something).

This isn’t just because they believed sorcerers were scam artists according to these beliefs. In the book or Samuel (part of Deuteronomy), a sorceress called the Witch of Endor summons the ghost of the prophet Samuel so Saul can communicate with him.

Then Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?”……..”Moreover, the Lord will give Israel also with you into the hand of the Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons shall be with me. The Lord will give the army of Israel also into the hand of the Philistines.” 20

Based on this reading, we see that Samuel describes himself as being disturbed and brought up. So Samuel was aware that he was dead, and was aware of the events of the world. Either he still has his prophetic powers due to God and was told these things while being brought back as a ghost, or he knew what was going to happen due to being dead and it’s just something the dead know.

Samuel couldn’t be seen but could be heard by Saul, which means that it was a ghost rather than a zombie. Samuel (who was a righteous prophet) saying that Saul (who disobeyed God) would be in the same place after death debunks the idea that people go to a different place for their deeds. Modern Judaism tries to put moral stance of somehow a soul will be purified and kept away from God, but Samuel mentions nothing about being with God and says Saul and his sons will die tomorrow and be with him (no time in between for a purification).

So what do we make of all of this? The best explanation for this case is actually:

Cross-Cultural references to Mesopotamia

In the Bible the word Sheol is used to describe the place the dead go to. This word in Hebrew just means grave, but it has other connotations in other religions nearby, like the Mesopotamian religions with other terms. In there the concept of Sheol is where it’s just a realm underground where the dead exist experiencing nothing pretty much (laying down and rotting like many of us, and completely over). However, you are aware of what happens in the world above and what will happen. There is no judgement of souls, there is no resurrection, there is no being with God. You are just in this mysterious world of the dead that everyone goes to, without a body but you don’t cease to exist completely.
Also check out the shades, Rephaim, etc.
Wrong, their Torah writing is literally more ancient. The Jews (my ancestors) kept adding stuff with later prophets, but the Samaritans kept a much older form of the religion.

Georgians are Caucasians, while Israelites were Afro-Asiatic family.
Jews looked Middle Eastern, Abraham was literally born in modern day Iraq, look up the ancient Sumerians they were white skinned like many people in the Middle East today but they prob got dark tans or brown tans, as the girl in Song of Solomon did, the bride of Solomon from working in the vineyard.
It is commonly known to many people the Judaism does not have any real concept of a hell. But modern scholarship mostly agrees with the idea that there was no concept of the afterlife in the ancient Israelite traditions, and that these beliefs came in later. However, based on my study of the Torah I think this is incorrect. Both many in modern scholarship, modern Jews, and ancient theories like by the Sadducees who rejected an afterlife were all incorrect.

Earliest Traditions: According to modern scholars ancient Israelite texts like the Torah have no afterlife or mention of one. This is why in some ancient sects like the Sadducees rejected the idea of an afterlife at all. So the point of religion and worshipping God in this older tradition is that you can make a better life for yourself while still alive. When you die, you just go straight to the grave (sheol) and that’s it.

Incorrect rebuttal from modern Jews

There is pushback from modern Jews as well who try to denounce the modern scholarship and Sadducee claims of there being no afterlife. The common rebuttal is:

The book of Deuteronomy mentions a Day of Retribution for the wicked.

There is nothing about this that talks about a resurrection, but if you don’t believe in such a concept then this idea seems very mysterious and nebulous. However when you look at this in the context of the passage, it clearly is talking about the Israelites facing a day of retribution for going against God, and face punishment as a nation. There is no evidence this is talking about a personal judgement by God, but rather a retroactive reinterpretation by copers.

Why modern scholarship is wrong and a better understanding

There are a few problems with the modern scholarly view though.

Sorcery could summon and communicate with the dead as ghosts

This is probably the strangest part of the Bible where the afterlife is concerned. Even in modern Judaism there is no real explanation of how this can be done. In the book of Deuteronomy resurrection of the dead and communication with them is considered sorcery and required the subject to be stoned to death. So the Torah does believe it’s real, but this would make no sense with the view of no afterlife (unless they are zombies or something).

This isn’t just because they believed sorcerers were scam artists according to these beliefs. In the book or Samuel (part of Deuteronomy), a sorceress called the Witch of Endor summons the ghost of the prophet Samuel so Saul can communicate with him.

Then Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?”……..”Moreover, the Lord will give Israel also with you into the hand of the Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons shall be with me. The Lord will give the army of Israel also into the hand of the Philistines.” 20

Based on this reading, we see that Samuel describes himself as being disturbed and brought up. So Samuel was aware that he was dead, and was aware of the events of the world. Either he still has his prophetic powers due to God and was told these things while being brought back as a ghost, or he knew what was going to happen due to being dead and it’s just something the dead know.

Samuel couldn’t be seen but could be heard by Saul, which means that it was a ghost rather than a zombie. Samuel (who was a righteous prophet) saying that Saul (who disobeyed God) would be in the same place after death debunks the idea that people go to a different place for their deeds. Modern Judaism tries to put moral stance of somehow a soul will be purified and kept away from God, but Samuel mentions nothing about being with God and says Saul and his sons will die tomorrow and be with him (no time in between for a purification).

So what do we make of all of this? The best explanation for this case is actually:

Cross-Cultural references to Mesopotamia

In the Bible the word Sheol is used to describe the place the dead go to. This word in Hebrew just means grave, but it has other connotations in other religions nearby, like the Mesopotamian religions with other terms. In there the concept of Sheol is where it’s just a realm underground where the dead exist experiencing nothing pretty much (laying down and rotting like many of us, and completely over). However, you are aware of what happens in the world above and what will happen. There is no judgement of souls, there is no resurrection, there is no being with God. You are just in this mysterious world of the dead that everyone goes to, without a body but you don’t cease to exist completely.
That's something Christianity expouses, I'm not Christian. I have nothing to do with Abraham. :feelsjuice:
Seek GOD man.. I pray you do........ and this video opens up your eyes and more.
Seek GOD man.. I pray you do........ and this video opens up your eyes and more.
I have nothing to do with Islam, Judaism, or Christianity, simple as. Just an old school, very old school pagan over here. :feelsjuice:
I have nothing to do with Islam, Judaism, or Christianity, simple as. Just an old school, very old school pagan over here. :feelsjuice:
The pagans accepted CHRIST, got Baptized and Saved.
It is commonly known to many people the Judaism does not have any real concept of a hell. But modern scholarship mostly agrees with the idea that there was no concept of the afterlife in the ancient Israelite traditions, and that these beliefs came in later. However, based on my study of the Torah I think this is incorrect. Both many in modern scholarship, modern Jews, and ancient theories like by the Sadducees who rejected an afterlife were all incorrect.

Earliest Traditions: According to modern scholars ancient Israelite texts like the Torah have no afterlife or mention of one. This is why in some ancient sects like the Sadducees rejected the idea of an afterlife at all. So the point of religion and worshipping God in this older tradition is that you can make a better life for yourself while still alive. When you die, you just go straight to the grave (sheol) and that’s it.

Incorrect rebuttal from modern Jews

There is pushback from modern Jews as well who try to denounce the modern scholarship and Sadducee claims of there being no afterlife. The common rebuttal is:

The book of Deuteronomy mentions a Day of Retribution for the wicked.

There is nothing about this that talks about a resurrection, but if you don’t believe in such a concept then this idea seems very mysterious and nebulous. However when you look at this in the context of the passage, it clearly is talking about the Israelites facing a day of retribution for going against God, and face punishment as a nation. There is no evidence this is talking about a personal judgement by God, but rather a retroactive reinterpretation by copers.

Why modern scholarship is wrong and a better understanding

There are a few problems with the modern scholarly view though.

Sorcery could summon and communicate with the dead as ghosts

This is probably the strangest part of the Bible where the afterlife is concerned. Even in modern Judaism there is no real explanation of how this can be done. In the book of Deuteronomy resurrection of the dead and communication with them is considered sorcery and required the subject to be stoned to death. So the Torah does believe it’s real, but this would make no sense with the view of no afterlife (unless they are zombies or something).

This isn’t just because they believed sorcerers were scam artists according to these beliefs. In the book or Samuel (part of Deuteronomy), a sorceress called the Witch of Endor summons the ghost of the prophet Samuel so Saul can communicate with him.

Then Samuel said to Saul, “Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?”……..”Moreover, the Lord will give Israel also with you into the hand of the Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons shall be with me. The Lord will give the army of Israel also into the hand of the Philistines.” 20

Based on this reading, we see that Samuel describes himself as being disturbed and brought up. So Samuel was aware that he was dead, and was aware of the events of the world. Either he still has his prophetic powers due to God and was told these things while being brought back as a ghost, or he knew what was going to happen due to being dead and it’s just something the dead know.

Samuel couldn’t be seen but could be heard by Saul, which means that it was a ghost rather than a zombie. Samuel (who was a righteous prophet) saying that Saul (who disobeyed God) would be in the same place after death debunks the idea that people go to a different place for their deeds. Modern Judaism tries to put moral stance of somehow a soul will be purified and kept away from God, but Samuel mentions nothing about being with God and says Saul and his sons will die tomorrow and be with him (no time in between for a purification).

So what do we make of all of this? The best explanation for this case is actually:

Cross-Cultural references to Mesopotamia

In the Bible the word Sheol is used to describe the place the dead go to. This word in Hebrew just means grave, but it has other connotations in other religions nearby, like the Mesopotamian religions with other terms. In there the concept of Sheol is where it’s just a realm underground where the dead exist experiencing nothing pretty much (laying down and rotting like many of us, and completely over). However, you are aware of what happens in the world above and what will happen. There is no judgement of souls, there is no resurrection, there is no being with God. You are just in this mysterious world of the dead that everyone goes to, without a body but you don’t cease to exist completely.
With all due respect and please don't take what i'll say as an insult since you are jewish, I mean not to provoke you.
Truth is, the Jews have tampered with the Holy Scripture (Torah) to suit their power thirsty nature.
Basically, they did not like some of God's law so they altered the scripture and put their own law which would benefit their agenda.

For example, usury. According to your tradition, a Jew should not practise usury with another Jew but he can practice it with non-Jews.​
And it doesn't make much sense, aren't non-Jews also the creation of God ? Why should usury be outlawed between Jews and authorized when dealing with Gentile ?​
If we go by the principle that the simplest explanation is the most probable, the scripture has been tampered with. Usury was prohibited for everybody, and that would have meant the Jews would see their economical power diminished. So they changed the law.​
Again, I am not meaning to insult you or trigger you. That's not my aim, i'm just analyzing and interpreting data.

Similarly, when analyzing the points you highlighted in your thread regarding afterlife, the logical explanation is that the data has been tampered with.
Would the Allmighty God allow a lowly sorcerer to revive and discuss with a dead righteous prophet ? It's illogical, it doesn't make sense. Reviving is a miracle that only prophets were granted to prove that the message they were preaching is real.

There is the concept of "Al-Barzakh" (aka limbo) in Islam which is a realm between death and resurrection on the Day of Judgement. Death is a move from one stage to another stage.
You cannot ressurect dead, exception made for miracles granted by God to the prophets.
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With all due respect and please don't take what i'll say as an insult since you are jewish, I mean not to provoke you.
Truth is, the Jews have tampered with the Holy Scripture (Torah) to suit their power thirsty nature.
Basically, they did not like some of God's law so they altered the scripture and put their own law which would benefit their agenda.

For example, usury. According to your tradition, a Jew should not practise usury with another Jew but he can practice it with non-Jews.​
And it doesn't make much sense, aren't non-Jews also the creation of God ? Why should usury be outlawed between Jews and authorized when dealing with Gentile ?​
If we go by the principle that the simplest explanation is the most probable, the scripture has been tampered with. Usury was prohibited for everybody, and that would have meant the Jews would see their economical power diminished. So they changed the law.​
Again, I am not meaning to insult you or trigger you. That's not my aim, i'm just analyzing and interpreting data.

Similarly, when analyzing the points you highlighted in your thread regarding afterlife, the logical explanation is that the data has been tampered with.
Would the Allmighty God allow a lowly sorcerer to revive and discuss with a dead righteous prophet ? It's illogical, it doesn't make sense. Reviving is a miracle that only prophets were granted to prove that the message they were preaching is real.

There is the concept of "Al-Barzakh" (aka limbo) in Islam which is a realm between death and resurrection on the Day of Judgement. Death is a move from one stage to another stage.
You cannot ressurect dead, exception made for miracles granted by God to the prophets.
pisslam is also satanic. Truth is that JESUS IS LORD. HE Died, rose again, and ascended into Heaven. All who repent and believe in HIM shall not perish but have Everlasting Life. Foretold hundreds of years prior in the Tanakh.
Jews looked Middle Eastern, Abraham was literally born in modern day Iraq, look up the ancient Sumerians they were white skinned like many people in the Middle East today but they prob got dark tans or brown tans, as the girl in Song of Solomon did, the bride of Solomon from working in the vineyard.
Sumerians were not white skinned, they literally referred to themselves as black heads because they were dark skinned. The people who are light skinned in the middle east today have ancestry from northern regions, like Aryans from Central Asia in Iran or Anatolian farmers in North Africa.

the fuck happened to this thread :feelskek:

Seek GOD man.. I pray you do........ and this video opens up your eyes and more.
If God was real he wouldn’t have made us incel rotting and being treated horribly, while most Chads live heaven on Earth.

Yes The Quran talks extensively about the children of Israel and their deviations and rebellions of God's laws.
A summary https://islamqa.info/en/answers/9905/the-misguidance-of-the-jews-with-regard-to-aqeedah
Muslims believe in similar things to what we believe now, not our ancient beliefs.

The pagans accepted CHRIST, got Baptized and Saved.
Pagans were slaughtered and forced to accept Christianity at the point of the sword.

With all due respect and please don't take what i'll say as an insult since you are jewish, I mean not to provoke you.
Truth is, the Jews have tampered with the Holy Scripture (Torah) to suit their power thirsty nature.
Basically, they did not like some of God's law so they altered the scripture and put their own law which would benefit their agenda.

For example, usury. According to your tradition, a Jew should not practise usury with another Jew but he can practice it with non-Jews.​
And it doesn't make much sense, aren't non-Jews also the creation of God ? Why should usury be outlawed between Jews and authorized when dealing with Gentile ?​
If we go by the principle that the simplest explanation is the most probable, the scripture has been tampered with. Usury was prohibited for everybody, and that would have meant the Jews would see their economical power diminished. So they changed the law.​
Again, I am not meaning to insult you or trigger you. That's not my aim, i'm just analyzing and interpreting data.

Similarly, when analyzing the points you highlighted in your thread regarding afterlife, the logical explanation is that the data has been tampered with.
Would the Allmighty God allow a lowly sorcerer to revive and discuss with a dead righteous prophet ? It's illogical, it doesn't make sense. Reviving is a miracle that only prophets were granted to prove that the message they were preaching is real.

There is the concept of "Al-Barzakh" (aka limbo) in Islam which is a realm between death and resurrection on the Day of Judgement. Death is a move from one stage to another stage.
You cannot ressurect dead, exception made for miracles granted by God to the prophets.
Yes, we’ve been performing mental gymnastics to not have to follow the law for millennia, but the Torah itself has not changed. A funny example is shaving our beards. We are not allowed to destroy the corners of the beard, which is perfectly clear in what it means. But the mishnah preforms a mental gymnastic and says this means we can’t use a razor, but we can use other things to shave jfl. That’s why you see people like Ben Shapiro who claim to be orthodox Jews yet a clean shaven.

As for if God would allow this is not correct. There are many demonic entities and random sorcerers that can hack into the system and perform these kinds of miracles. That’s why the Torah commands them to be stoned to death if an Israelite does it. If it wasn’t real, that commandment wouldn’t exist.

As for limbo in Islam and afterlife, the afterlife in modern Judaism, Christianity, Islam comes from a mixture of Zoroastrianism and ancient Egyptian religion. Egyptian part is the whole resurrection business. Zoroastrianism is literally heaven and hell, and in Islam things like the bridge of As-sirat are also from Zoroastrianism. Ancient Israelite religion was far different than what is around today in any of the Abrahamic religions.

pisslam is also satanic. Truth is that JESUS IS LORD. HE Died, rose again, and ascended into Heaven. All who repent and believe in HIM shall not perish but have Everlasting Life. Foretold hundreds of years prior in the Tanakh.
Cope. Jesus says the resurrection is supposed to literally happen in the lifetime of the apostles but it didn’t. He ascended into heaven, but that’s because people thought heaven was in the clouds. We can now literally go to space and know there’s no heaven there, so Jesus flying up like is claimed doesn’t make any sense. Neither does it make sense why after his supposed resurrection he just disappears anyways into heaven rather than stay on Earth. None of it makes sense because it didn’t happen.
Sumerians were not white skinned, they literally referred to themselves as black heads because they were dark skinned. The people who are light skinned in the middle east today have ancestry from northern regions, like Aryans from Central Asia in Iran or Anatolian farmers in North Africa.


If God was real he wouldn’t have made us incel rotting and being treated horribly, while most Chads live heaven on Earth.

Muslims believe in similar things to what we believe now, not our ancient beliefs.

Pagans were slaughtered and forced to accept Christianity at the point of the sword.

Yes, we’ve been performing mental gymnastics to not have to follow the law for millennia, but the Torah itself has not changed. A funny example is shaving our beards. We are not allowed to destroy the corners of the beard, which is perfectly clear in what it means. But the mishnah preforms a mental gymnastic and says this means we can’t use a razor, but we can use other things to shave jfl. That’s why you see people like Ben Shapiro who claim to be orthodox Jews yet a clean shaven.

As for if God would allow this is not correct. There are many demonic entities and random sorcerers that can hack into the system and perform these kinds of miracles. That’s why the Torah commands them to be stoned to death if an Israelite does it. If it wasn’t real, that commandment wouldn’t exist.

As for limbo in Islam and afterlife, the afterlife in modern Judaism, Christianity, Islam comes from a mixture of Zoroastrianism and ancient Egyptian religion. Egyptian part is the whole resurrection business. Zoroastrianism is literally heaven and hell, and in Islam things like the bridge of As-sirat are also from Zoroastrianism. Ancient Israelite religion was far different than what is around today in any of the Abrahamic religions.

Cope. Jesus says the resurrection is supposed to literally happen in the lifetime of the apostles but it didn’t. He ascended into heaven, but that’s because people thought heaven was in the clouds. We can now literally go to space and know there’s no heaven there, so Jesus flying up like is claimed doesn’t make any sense. Neither does it make sense why after his supposed resurrection he just disappears anyways into heaven rather than stay on Earth. None of it makes sense because it didn’t happen.
Liar JESUS Never said that about the Final Judgement HE said the Gospel would be spread worldwide, and also Hosea Prophecy say's HE Returns after 2,000 years. so that's basically around 2030. 7 year Tribulation starts this year perhaps
Stop Lying dude Stop it! The pagan Greeks many my ancestors were not converted by the sword, Christians were put to death in the early days and still are worldwide in Middle East, Africa, and China perhaps. Wtf u liar
Liar JESUS Never said that about the Final Judgement HE said the Gospel would be spread worldwide, and also Hosea Prophecy say's HE Returns after 2,000 years. so that's basically around 2030. 7 year Tribulation starts this year perhaps
Stop Lying dude Stop it! The pagan Greeks many my ancestors were not converted by the sword, Christians were put to death in the early days and still are worldwide in Middle East, Africa, and China perhaps. Wtf u liar
Let’s look at the Bible itself

Mark 9:1, KJV: And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.
So he’s claiming Jesus will become king of the Earth in the very life of the apostles.

Here’s another source where he claims the same. In Mark 13:

24 But in those days, following that distress, ''the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25 the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'
26 At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.
28 Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 29 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. 30 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

He claims this is the truth and that the end times will happen in the lifetime of the apostles here clearly. You can’t escape and say it means something else because it is very clear.
Let’s look at the Bible itself

Mark 9:1, KJV: And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.
So he’s claiming Jesus will become king of the Earth in the very life of the apostles.

Here’s another source where he claims the same. In Mark 13:

24 But in those days, following that distress, ''the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25 the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'
26 At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.
28 Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 29 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. 30 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

He claims this is the truth and that the end times will happen in the lifetime of the apostles here clearly. You can’t escape and say it means something else because it is very clear.
This argument again you fucking moron?
"THIS generation" is referring to the one who will be in the later days who will see the beggining of the end, starting with verse 24.
Verse 24, and on is about the end times which tbh, is right now.
"This generation" is the generation JESUS talks about in verse 24 and onward, aka our generation RIGHT NOW we will see all that stuff happen to us soon.
This argument again you fucking moron?
"THIS generation" is referring to the one who will be in the later days who will see the beggining of the end, starting with verse 24.
Verse 24, and on is about the end times which tbh, is right now.
"This generation" is the generation JESUS talks about in verse 24 and onward, aka our generation RIGHT NOW we will see all that stuff happen to us soon.
No, he’s literally talking to the apostles and talking about their generation. There is no way he could be saying “this generation” and meaning someone else’s generation jfl. Stop coping, it was over for christ copers millennia ago.
No, he’s literally talking to the apostles and talking about their generation. There is no way he could be saying “this generation” and meaning someone else’s generation jfl. Stop coping, it was over for christ copers millennia ago.
Nope, he literally is talking about the end times happening in the lifetime of the apostles. Christ copers are literally that retarded that they ignore what Jesus says, and make up their own shit because it’s already been debunked.
Nope, he literally is talking about the end times happening in the lifetime of the apostles. Christ copers are literally that retarded that they ignore what Jesus says, and make up their own shit because it’s already been debunked.






Nope, it literally says what it says. Autistically screaming at me won’t change the fact Jesus was wrong and his prophecy was debunked.
Nope, it literally says what it says. Autistically screaming at me won’t change the fact Jesus was wrong and his prophecy was debunked.
FACT IS, YOU ARE WRONG YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN ANYTHING I SAID, no Like I'm Serious. You took his words out of context, and I corrected you logically lmfao. "This Generation" is not referring to the Apostles, but to the legit LATER generation he was talking about in that section prior wtf.
you are purposely not answering Hosea either or any other thing.
The Apostles like Paul and such realized they will die, and not see the Second Coming before their bodily death, what are you even saying?

this just is a desperate atheist/agnostic satanic argument that isn't even a legit one. lmfao
FACT IS, YOU ARE WRONG YOU CAN'T EXPLAIN ANYTHING I SAID, no Like I'm Serious. You took his words out of context, and I corrected you logically lmfao. "This Generation" is not referring to the Apostles, but to the legit LATER generation he was talking about in that section prior wtf.
you are purposely not answering Hosea either or any other thing.
The Apostles like Paul and such realized they will die, and not see the Second Coming before their bodily death, what are you even saying?

this just is a desperate atheist/agnostic satanic argument that isn't even a legit one. lmfao
Where does it say he’s not referring to the generation he’s talking to, but rather some random future generation? Give me a direct quotation from the New Testament like I did where Jesus says that. You can’t. You sound like a desperate Christ coper who’s mad the entire basis of his religion is being debunked, so now resorting to autistic screeching.
Where does it say he’s not referring to the generation he’s talking to, but rather some random future generation? Give me a direct quotation from the New Testament like I did where Jesus says that. You can’t. You sound like a desperate Christ coper who’s mad the entire basis of his religion is being debunked, so now resorting to autistic screeching.
Ok I won't use caps, ooooo wow is that better????. You have to attack that because you're so desperate it seems.
Fact is, you are a hypocrite, CAN YOU tell me where HE was referring to THAT specific generation?
Why can't you explain ANYTHING i said, about Hosea Prophecy, 2,000 years between Israel being cut off which happened when they rejected JESUS, and HIS Return and restoring them, and them living in HIS Presence?

How can that make sense by your logic?
There is more you haven't answered too and anyone who is actually reading this all will know you are dodging all my points with desperate Strawmans and attacking my typing style.

Direct quote? Ok but remember you answered NONE of my points. NONE.

24 But in those days, following that distress, ''the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25 the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'
26 At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.
28 Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 29 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. 30 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

Now Logically, which generation is "This generation will certainly not pass away"? Obviously the one starting in verse 24, "But in those days" the generation who will see all those signs happen BEFORE HIS RETURN. starting with the sun darkened, moon not give it's lights, stars will fall from the sky, heavenly bodies shaken, MEANING soon AFTER that happens, it will be SOON when JESUS Returns

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You should look up Jewish Christians like Dr Michael Brown and so called prophet Jonathan Cahn as well as One for Israel on youtube.
Where does it say he’s not referring to the generation he’s talking to, but rather some random future generation? Give me a direct quotation from the New Testament like I did where Jesus says that. You can’t. You sound like a desperate Christ coper who’s mad the entire basis of his religion is being debunked, so now resorting to autistic screeching.
Direct quote? Ok but remember you answered NONE of my points. NONE.

24 But in those days, following that distress, ''the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25 the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'
26 At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.
28 Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 29 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. 30 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.
You should look up Jewish Christians like Dr Michael Brown and so called prophet Jonathan Cahn as well as One for Israel on youtube.
I know about them, they are just retarded. Jesus was just a false messiah and his claims all failed. The messiah in Judaism is supposed to be a political leader, like the previous Messiah Cyrus the Great. Not a spiritual teacher.

Ok I won't use caps, ooooo wow is that better????. You have to attack that because you're so desperate it seems.
No, you are screaming like a raging autist.

Fact is, you are a hypocrite, CAN YOU tell me where HE was referring to THAT specific generation?
He is talking to the apostles, and says this generation. Not that generation.

Why can't you explain ANYTHING i said, about Hosea Prophecy, 2,000 years between Israel being cut off which happened when they rejected JESUS, and HIS Return and restoring them, and them living in HIS Presence?
Because he is not the messiah.

How can that make sense by your logic?
There is more you haven't answered too and anyone who is actually reading this all will know you are dodging all my points with desperate Strawmans and attacking my typing style.
Cause you are a raging like an autist because your religion is being debunked.

Direct quote? Ok but remember you answered NONE of my points. NONE.
I answered all of them.

24 But in those days, following that distress, ''the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; 25 the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'
26 At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 27 And he will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens.
28 Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 29 Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. 30 Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.

Now Logically, which generation is "This generation will certainly not pass away"? Obviously the one starting in verse 24, "But in those days" the generation who will see all those signs happen BEFORE HIS RETURN. starting with the sun darkened, moon not give it's lights, stars will fall from the sky, heavenly bodies shaken, MEANING soon AFTER that happens, it will be SOON when JESUS Returns

No it does not mean that. How do I know? Because the other verse I gave debunks your claim.

Mark 9:1, KJV: And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.

Jesus literally says the people standing around him at the time will see it happen in their lifetime, the establishment of the kingdom of god. Not some future generation like you claim jfl.
I know about them, they are just retarded. Jesus was just a false messiah and his claims all failed. The messiah in Judaism is supposed to be a political leader, like the previous Messiah Cyrus the Great. Not a spiritual teacher.

No, you are screaming like a raging autist.

He is talking to the apostles, and says this generation. Not that generation.

Because he is not the messiah.

Cause you are a raging like an autist because your religion is being debunked.

I answered all of them.

No it does not mean that. How do I know? Because the other verse I gave debunks your claim.

Mark 9:1, KJV: And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.

Jesus literally says the people standing around him at the time will see it happen in their lifetime, the establishment of the kingdom of god. Not some future generation like you claim jfl.
Now you're starting to PISS me off because you're purposely lying. u said u answered them all. u fucking Lying demon.
Did u answer the Hosea one? The fact that JESUS said his elect will be on the FOUR CORNERS OF THE EARTH AND THE GOSPEL WOULD REACH THE NATIONS, PLURAL?
Hosea Prophecy I explained like 4 times now, how it say's a 2 day/2 thousand year gap between Israel being CUT OFF and then being restored living in GOD'S Presence?

30.a.d. plus 2000 years... hmmmm.
@TheProphetMuscle do you see his disingenionism?
ok so you went to a whole different place now in Mark 9:1 that is not talking about the end time. TELL ME WHERE IN MARK 9 JESUS is referring to the end time??
Yes in MARK 9:1 JESUS IS REFERRING TO THE APOSTLES right there "standing here"

hmmm why didn't he use that wording for the other place when he spoke about the END TIMES? "IN THOSE DAYS"

Here's the answer, because they were Different. The Apostles later on in Mark saw the Transfiguration where JESUS Literally Unveiled HIS GLORY, and Shined bright like the sun in the next chapter or such, and Moses and Elijah stood side of HIM, and The FATHER spoke from Heaven.

Mark 9:2-13​

New International Version​

The Transfiguration

2 After six days Jesus took Peter, James and John with him and led them up a high mountain, where they were all alone. There he was transfigured before them. 3 His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. 4 And there appeared before them Elijah and Moses, who were talking with Jesus.
5 Peter said to Jesus, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah.” 6 (He did not know what to say, they were so frightened.)
7 Then a cloud appeared and covered them, and a voice came from the cloud: “This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to him!”
8 Suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus.
9 As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus gave them orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead. 10 They kept the matter to themselves, discussing what “rising from the dead” meant.
11 And they asked him, “Why do the teachers of the law say that Elijah must come first?”
12 Jesus replied, “To be sure, Elijah does come first, and restores all things. Why then is it written that the Son of Man must suffer much and be rejected? 13 But I tell you, Elijah has come, and they have done to him everything they wished, just as it is written about him.”

Mark 9:1 Jesus was speaking of the coming of God's kingdom in the resurrection and exaltation of Jesus
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