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Blackpill After studying the race pill for years, I have concluded that Nordics are the top human phenotype overall (for both men and women)



Dec 15, 2017
- Tallest
- Extremely white
- Blonde hair and colorful eyes
- Strong facial features (not as strong as Germans, but still good overall)

- Women will MOG you unless you are tall as fuck
- Tall people have longer faces and Nordics aren't excluded from this (eg. long/narrow face, bigger forehead)
- Lighter coloration doesn't always give men the same halo as it does women
- All white men bald quickly and Nordics are no exception.

Nordic countries seem fucked politically, but I think overall they are the top phenotype of humanity.

I think if you want to figure out where the most attractive people on earth live, ask yourself the following questions:

- Where would I get MOGGed the hardest?
- If I were trying to breed an army of slayer sons, which country's women would I seek out to be their mothers?
- Which country's women would most see me as worthless scum?

Once you get past your coping, I think those are the best questions for determining the physically superior race of humanity. When I work through those questions and the racepill, this is what I come to. This seems to be agreed by users here, as in this survey thread, among whites, only EE women could roughly match Nordic women in appeal. Given that EE men are subhuman as fuck compared to Nordic men, this clearly leaves Nordics as the overall superior phenotype.


Prove me wrong.
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>- Extremely white
Thats a con
>- Strong facial features
Simply not true
The problem is you are brainwashed by western standards of beauty to say NERDics are top.
>- Tall people have longer faces and Nordics aren't excluded from this

not true, I mean, technically it's true
but this doesnt mean their fwhr is gonna be low
just look at fwhr ratios of USA presidents and NBA players

I can't remember if this is something I've just seen discussed many times or if there has ever been a formal study validating it, but one principle that is generally commonly held in looks analysis is that the taller you are, the less likely you are to have a compact "Tom Cruise" or "Brad Pitt" face, and the more likely you are to have a "Michael Phelps" face:


This phenotype is very common among extremely tall men, while it is unusual among short men. I suspect it just has something to do with elongation of bones all over as part of the growth pattern. I see a bit of it in Nordics.

Obviously it doesn't apply to everyone who is tall. I'm just speaking in general and average terms.
extremely white people tend to want to get tanned and get darker, not a pro.
(although this is easily fixable so not really a con)

Also Australia get the most attractive men, literally descended from badboy English chads.

That's a fair point. I edited my OP with a new con:

"Lighter coloration doesn't always give men the same halo as it does women"

That is true. But I still think that all factors considered (height, coloration, features, etc.) they are the top phenotype overall (ie. for both genders combined).

Personally I know I would be MOGGed to oblivion there by both the men and women just on height alone. When I think of all the places I want to go in the world, Nordic countries are among the LAST solely because I'm pretty sure I'd kill myself being surrounded by them all.

If you disagree which subrace of humans would you call the top? Keep in mind I am speaking for both that race's men and women together considered as one combined unit.

Someone here said Mediterraneans. I've been to Mediterranean countries and they just seem like normal people. I don't feel MOGGed that bad at all there ...
Incel and lookism forums are turning me into a nazi srs.

I am not even joking about this. Before I started reading incel and lookism forums I had basically the same opinion on racism as most white normies but after discovering the blackpill and how even ethnics hate on themselves on incel boards it has completely changed my view on race.

Not that it matters much for me personally anyway, since I am still incel with mediocre genetics :(
You see, if I made this post but glorifying blacks instead of whites I would get hit with a 10% for racebaiting. I doubt OP will get the same treatment
fuck just rope if youre not nordic theory?
Nordics are literally gods, we should start to worship them tbh
You see, if I made this post but glorifying blacks instead of whites I would get hit with a 10% for racebaiting. I doubt OP will get the same treatment

There is becoming a trend on this forum where any controversial opinion or discussion is deemed "bait" or "trolling" and people report it for warnings and bans. I do not share or support that philosophy.

Race baiting = "No X race of man can ever be incel".
Race baiting is not: "X race is the most physically attractive because ___".

Discussing the relative attractiveness of races is a critical component of the racepill. The racepill in turn is a critical component of the lookspill. Race vs. attractiveness discussions should always be allowed if it is done in sincerity and not just to intentionally troll people.
Another CON:
Some races have men who never bald, such as native americans.
The problem is you are brainwashed by western standards of beauty to say NERDics are top.
High IQ
Another CON:
Some races have men who never bald, such as native americans.

Fuck. Yes. Correct as well. Added. All white men bald quickly.

Given the existence of finasteride/dutasteride/minoxidil and the fact that a man/woman's sexual prime is their teens/twenties, I don't think it changes the analysis though. This would be relevant if it was true that "men peak at 50" but we all know that's bullshit.

Now, if you're South American, imagine the average South American walking around in a Nordic country surrounded by 6'+ giants and tell me if I'm wrong. Which country would MOG you harder than a Nordic one?

This has nothing to do with "brainwashing". Physical attractiveness and superiority is a pretty objective thing.
serbs win in every respect tbh

brb tall af
brb robust af
brb wide af
brb everybody has 2.0+ fwhr
brb everyone has hair
brb nightmare tier brow ridges
brb everyones a violent criminal
brb high DHT
brb probably massive cocks due to high DHT
brb dark triad and low trust
serbs win in every respect tbh

brb tall af
brb robust af
brb wide af
brb everybody has 2.0+ fwhr
brb everyone has hair
brb nightmare tier brow ridges
brb everyones a violent criminal
brb high DHT
brb probably massive cocks due to high DHT
brb dark triad and low trust

Really? You think so? Everyone always says how subhuman EE men are.

I think one of the big failos for EE men is their weak jawlines which is simultaneously what makes EE women so attractive. EE phenotype generally involves a neotenous short lower jaw and soft midface. Very favorable for EE women. Not as favorable for EE men.

Nordics in general have "healthier looking" faces I think which comes from better midface support and stronger jaws. EE men and women are prone to a sunken eye look due to weak midface. EE also bloodlines tend to have some race mixing involved in them so they are a bit ethnic in features. Some look like gypsies. Eg. Mila Kunis who I never even knew was "white".

If I was to rank, I would put EE as the second highest phenotype after Nordic. But I definitely think Nordic overall beats EE.
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Enjoy your coping session
Enjoy your coping session

Hey man, I'm just posting my opinion from what I've studied, read, and seen. I'm open to discussion. That's why I posted. This is a new revelation for me. I just realized this tonight as the conclusion of this thread.

If you think there's a superior phenotype that can objectively MOG Nordics physically for both genders overall what is it?

Beauty is mostly not subjective and neither are measures of general physical superiority.
Hey man, I'm just posting my opinion from what I've studied, read, and seen. I'm open to discussion. That's why I posted. This is a new revelation for me. I just realized this tonight as the conclusion of this thread.

If you think there's a superior phenotype that can objectively MOG Nordics physically for both genders overall what is it?

Beauty is not subjective and neither are measures of general physical superiority.
Normally I would have this debate but it’s past midnight where I’m at and I have a lot to do tomorrow. I’ll adress this sometime tomorrow if you feel like debating
Normally I would have this debate but it’s past midnight where I’m at and I have a lot to do tomorrow. I’ll adress this sometime tomorrow if you feel like debating

Absolutely. That's why I posted.
Absolutely. That's why I posted.
I stated that your posts were cope because it comes from a viewpoint that was programmed into you by western society. Specific features such as white skin,blue or green eyes, or blonde hair, are only worshiped because those that posses them have told everyone under their influence that they are the standard of beauty and try to pass it of as facts via conditioning
After studying the race pill for years= after reading 1 article for 1 hour
Our buddy Hitler came to the same conclusion.
I stated that your posts were cope because it comes from a viewpoint that was programmed into you by western society. Specific features such as white skin,blue or green eyes, or blonde hair, are only worshiped because those that posses them have told everyone under their influence that they are the standard of beauty and try to pass it of as facts via conditioning

This is bluepilled as fuck. I will break down the reasons one by one.

1) Eyes
Someone once posted that blue eyed dogs & cats are more expensive than black eyed dogs & cats. This is because almost everyone finds colorful eyes beautiful. In surveys of eye color attractiveness, black always loses. No one anywhere is impressed by the black eyes of billions of Chinese and Indian people. This is not culture. It is biological.

This is a blue eye:


It is inherently gorgeous. You can see every detail and strange shape of the iris. It looks like a marble.

This is a black eye:


You can see absolutely NOTHING of it.

Is it any wonder colorful eyes are considered beautiful? No it is not. It is obvious why.

2) Skin
Bright skin color has been considered desirable across all races for tens of thousands of years. The caste system in India was largely based around how dark your skin is. SEA men/women have been avoiding the sun and powdering their skin as white as possible for millennia as well. Even blacks are notorious for treating brighter skinned members of their race better than darker ones.

Why? Again this is biology, not culture. Bright skin leads to greater contrast and stands out more.

Light skin:


Dark skin:


An argument can be made that darker skin/coloration is more masculine/dominant which is likely true on some level. However the absolute dominance of white men in attractiveness studies and the desire for whiteness through all races throughout all human history shows being "brighter" is worth the most overall.

3) Height
Nordics are among the tallest people in the world. Height is one of the most objective traits you can observe, and one of the most desired by women. There is really nothing to debate here.

If you raised a woman in a shelter where she had never seen another human being her whole life, and then you showed her an average brown skinned 5'7" black eyed curry next to an average 5'11"+ white skinned blue eyed Nordic, which one do you think she would say is more impressive?

9/10 I guarantee will pick the Nordic. Because this has nothing to do with culture. It's just basic biology.
Germanics mog them I reckon. They have light eyes with dark hair usually which is a better combo. The problem with nordics is the colouring for males. They usually have blond hair and eyebrows which is a failo. Goes against the tall dark handsome stereotype for attractive men
Amon Amarth. Thats it.
Mogs me in every way.
1) Eyes
Someone once posted that blue eyed dogs & cats are more expensive than black eyed dogs & cats. This is because almost everyone finds colorful eyes beautiful. In surveys of eye color attractiveness, black always loses. No one anywhere is impressed by the black eyes of billions of Chinese and Indian people. This is not culture. It is biological.

This is a blue eye:


It is inherently gorgeous. You can see every detail and strange shape of the iris. It looks like a marble.

This is a black eye:


You can see absolutely NOTHING of it.

Is it any wonder colorful eyes are considered beautiful? No it is not. It is obvious why.
The main reason for the supposed "superiority" of blue eyes is simply a matter of supply and demand. There is nothing about blue eyes that are intrensicaly better than "black eyes". Btw nice cherry picking with those picture selections
2) Skin
Bright skin color has been considered desirable across all races for tens of thousands of years. The caste system in India was largely based around how dark your skin is. SEA men/women have been avoiding the sun and powdering their skin as white as possible for millennia as well. Even blacks are notorious for treating brighter skinned members of their race better than darker ones.

Why? Again this is biology, not culture. Bright skin leads to greater contrast and stands out more.

Light skin:


Dark skin:


An argument can be made that darker skin/coloration is more masculine/dominant which is likely true on some level. However the absolute dominance of white men in attractiveness studies and the desire for whiteness through all races throughout all human history shows being "brighter" is worth the most overall.
To start with, the Indian caste system was based on ones socio-economic position and occupation not skin color. Asians avoid sun exposure because the regular exposure to the sun ages you much faster than you would naturally. White worship amongst black people is a direct result of conditioning, that is irrefutable. Once again, whiter skin is propped up by its rarity and social conditioning, there is nothing objectively about it that makes it more beautiful than any other skin tone.
3) Height
Nordics are among the tallest people in the world. Height is one of the most objective traits you can observe, and one of the most desired by women. There is really nothing to debate here.
I agree with you here, height is objective (unlike the other categories you've discussed so far) and people from these nations are taller than those from other nations on average
If you raised a woman in a shelter where she had never seen another human being her whole life, and then you showed her an average brown skinned 5'7" black eyed curry next to an average 5'11"+ white skinned blue eyed Nordic, which one do you think she would say is more impressive?
I'd ask how you can confirm this but the simple answer is that you can't. The result can't be as clear cut as this because the control aka the woman would most likely base her decision on what is most familiar to her i.e., herself; there are more factors at play than this however. The only thing the Nordic man would have over the Indian man in this instance is height, so while the taller of the two would look more impressive, their overall attractiveness is an entirely different debate
The main reason for the supposed "superiority" of blue eyes is simply a matter of supply and demand. There is nothing about blue eyes that are intrensicaly better than "black eyes". Btw nice cherry picking with those picture selections

To start with, the Indian caste system was based on ones socio-economic position and occupation not skin color. Asians avoid sun exposure because the regular exposure to the sun ages you much faster than you would naturally. White worship amongst black people is a direct result of conditioning, that is irrefutable. Once again, whiter skin is propped up by its rarity and social conditioning, there is nothing objectively about it that makes it more beautiful than any other skin tone.

I agree with you here, height is objective (unlike the other categories you've discussed so far) and people from these nations are taller than those from other nations on average

I'd ask how you can confirm this but the simple answer is that you can't. The result can't be as clear cut as this because the control aka the woman would most likely base her decision on what is most familiar to her i.e., herself; there are more factors at play than this however. The only thing the Nordic man would have over the Indian man in this instance is height, so while the taller of the two would look more impressive, their overall attractiveness is an entirely different debate

The power of eye color can also be demonstrated here:


Saying "colorful eyes are desirable because they're rare" doesn't make them less desirable. Regardless of the reason, whether it is objective beauty of a marble like iris or that people want them solely due to rarity, either way, we can agreed they are desired, and Nordics have colorful eyes abundantly.

It is a known fact that skin color is one of the important determining factors for how the caste system was developed and that overall the higher castes are lighter skinned and the lower castes darker skinned:

Japanese have been trying to be whiter and using facial whitening powders for thousands of years:

This has nothing to do with "anti-aging".

"During the Nara Period (710–94), women painted their face with a white powder called oshiroi, and in the Heian Period (794–1185), a white facial color continued to stand as a symbol of beauty. References to the beauty of light skin tone are found in the Diary of Lady Murasaki and Tale of Genji. More than a thousand years ago, cosmetics for whitening the skin had already become a status symbol among the aristocracy"

It is absolutely not "irrefutable" that a preference for lighter skin is due to "conditioning". There is plenty of evidence that most societies have figured out on their own for thousands of years that lighter skin is generally more beautiful and that continues to today.

So you've agreed colorful eyes are valuable, you've agreed height is valuable, and you've agreed white skin is valuable (although you claim like a good cuck that it's "social conditioning"). Nordics have all these things.

So what race/subrace of humanity can overall physically mogs Nordics? I believe none can.

Put an average Nordic man/woman in any country on earth and they will be seen as attractive. Put an average member of any other race in any other country and you will have mixed results at best. That says it all.
It is absolutely not "irrefutable" that a preference for lighter skin is due to "conditioning". There is plenty of evidence that most societies have figured out on their own for thousands of years that lighter skin is generally more beautiful and that continues to today.

So you've agreed colorful eyes are valuable, you've agreed height is valuable, and you've agreed white skin is valuable (although you claim like a good cuck that it's "social conditioning"). Nordics have all these things.

So what race/subrace of humanity can overall physically mogs Nordics? I believe none can.

I'm ignoring the first part of your post because you are simply restating your arguments. The second half of your post consists of your opinions based on your research that you conducted in order to prop up your NPC level musings. I only agreed that height is valuable and objective, the rest is once again subjective and if history went a different way, you'd be preaching the opposite. I don't believe that an entire race or ethnicity mogs another as there are individuals within every group which I could pit against another. That however would be cherry picking, because of the complexity that is attractiveness, I would not be so bold as to praise one group over the other. Your entire argument boils down to "White races are the most attractive so I'm going to declare the group with the European features as the most attractive

Put an average Nordic man/woman in any country on earth and they will be seen as attractive. Put an average member of any other race in any other country and you will have mixed results at best. That says it all.
Once again your dealing with a world that lives under the shadow of Caucasian influence. All they see and hear of is the "glory and beauty of the white race" and because of that, their views are tainted. If we were to go back thousands of years ago and put your average Nordic man/woman in another region anywhere in the world, they would be seen as a rarity which would give them extra points but the group would rather mate amongst themselves because they are hardwired to prefer their own kind. This was how humans operated until years of conditioning suppressed this fact.
I'm ignoring the first part of your post because you are simply restating your arguments. The second half of your post consists of your opinions based on your research that you conducted in order to prop up your NPC level musings. I only agreed that height is valuable and objective, the rest is once again subjective and if history went a different way, you'd be preaching the opposite. I don't believe that an entire race or ethnicity mogs another as there are individuals within every group which I could pit against another. That however would be cherry picking, because of the complexity that is attractiveness, I would not be so bold as to praise one group over the other. Your entire argument boils down to "White races are the most attractive so I'm going to declare the group with the European features as the most attractive

Once again your dealing with a world that lives under the shadow of Caucasian influence. All they see and hear of is the "glory and beauty of the white race" and because of that, their views are tainted. If we were to go back thousands of years ago and put your average Nordic man/woman in another region anywhere in the world, they would be seen as a rarity which would give them extra points but the group would rather mate amongst themselves because they are hardwired to prefer their own kind. This was how humans operated until years of conditioning suppressed this fact.

The entire world has decided white people are most attractive overall. They get paid the most as models and actors. They are most desirable in all dating platforms.

As to your second point, do you think if you put an average 5'7" curry in a Nordic country back then it would "give them extra points"?
Do you think if you put an average 5'7" curry in a Nordic country back then it would "give them extra points"?
Of course, didn't you understand my argument that rarity breeds interest
Pretty accurate. I'd say either they or Netherlands produce the top men while Russia produces the top women
Of course, didn't you understand my argument that rarity breeds interest

Hahahaha. That's hilarious. A diamond is desirable because it is both beautiful and rare.

An albino black person is rare, but not desirable, because it is not beautiful.

Rarity by itself is not enough to make something desirable.
Hahahaha. That's hilarious. A diamond is desirable because it is both beautiful and rare.

An albino black person is rare, but not desirable, because it is not beautiful.

Rarity by itself is not enough to make something desirable.
Throw a wig on him and he'd pass as a slav
Hahahaha. That's hilarious. A diamond is desirable because it is both beautiful and rare.

An albino black person is rare, but not desirable, because it is not beautiful.

Rarity by itself is not enough to make something desirable.
So you're telling me that rarity only matters when a society says it does JFL. Don't you realize how circular your argument is
So you're telling me that rarity only matters when a society says it does JFL. Don't you realize how circular your argument is

No. I am saying our brains are hardwired by evolution to find certain things physically attractive. Height is a hardwired preference in women. It is not "culture". Symmetry is a hardwired preference for all. Broad shoulders and narrow waist is hardwired as attractive for men to have. Big dicks are hardwired as attractive to have. Hooded eyes for men are hardwired as attractive.

Similarly, I believe our history and current state of the world demonstrates the preference for bright eyes and white skin is also hardwired. The albino looks horrible because all albinos are genetic aberrations that have a sickly skin tone. Ideal "white" skin still has some pigment in it.

Beauty studies have found similar standards of beauty across multiple cultures in terms of fundamental facial structure. As another example, a narrow straight pointed nose is considered more attractive in almost all cultures.

There are very few points of attractiveness that are truly cultural. An example of culturally determined attractiveness is how SEA guys have turned into women and some girls there actually like that. But that is more a reflection that SEA countries are nearing their cultural end and deteriorating horribly. Read the rat utopia experiments if you want to know what I mean.

Once you realize that most parameters by which we judge beauty are hardwired, you don't need culture to explain why one thing is better than another.
No. I am saying our brains are hardwired by evolution to find certain things physically attractive. Height is a hardwired preference in women. It is not "culture".
I've already stated that I agree with you on the height front multiple times
Similarly, I believe our history and current state of the world demonstrates the preference for bright eyes and white skin is also hardwired. The albino looks horrible because all albinos are genetic aberrations that have a sickly skin tone. Ideal "white" skin still has some pigment in it.
Speaking on a biological level, there would be no point for say a Native American to deem a Frenchmen as more desirable because they naturally would've had no contact with them. This "history and current state of the world" has been altered by the interests of Europeans. Their interests were to put themselves over as the most attractive, intelligent, and honorable and given the current state of the world, it is obvious that they have met this achievement. As for the albino example, they are unappealing due to the contrast in which their physical profile does not match with their skin tone, causing uneasiness
Beauty studies have found similar standards of beauty across multiple cultures in terms of fundamental facial structure. As another example, a narrow straight pointed nose is considered more attractive in almost all cultures.
Once again, if this study were to have been conducted thousands of years ago, the results would be much different
There are very few points of attractiveness that are truly cultural. An example of culturally determined attractiveness is how SEA guys have turned into women and some girls there actually like that. But that is more a reflection that SEA countries are nearing their cultural end and deteriorating horribly. Read the rat utopia experiments if you want to know what I mean.

Once you realize that most parameters by which we judge beauty are hardwired, you don't need culture to explain why one thing is better than another.
The parameters are in fact hardwired but they have been overridden by societal pressure which has shown time and time again to trump many facets of human nature
You see, if I made this post but glorifying blacks instead of whites I would get hit with a 10% for racebaiting. I doubt OP will get the same treatment

Mods are white volcels including knjdd who is obviously white and not brown skin turk
I’m not a racist but tbh I wish we lived in a white world they’re features are objectively the best looking JFL at being ethnic

The main reason for the supposed "superiority" of blue eyes is simply a matter of supply and demand. There is nothing about blue eyes that are intrensicaly better than "black eyes". Btw nice cherry picking with those picture selections

JFL @ this bluepilled cope, there is an inherent evolutionary preference for light (blue/green) colored eyes which is being able to see the pupil dilate (which can be a sign of attraction), not just because they are rare. Gingers are rare and nobody gives a fuck about being a redhead
Your conclusion should be that it is over
Your conclusion should be that it is over
A Channing Tatum type face (i.e. Alpine) mogs the fuck out of any Nordic.
This is bluepilled as fuck. I will break down the reasons one by one.

1) Eyes
Someone once posted that blue eyed dogs & cats are more expensive than black eyed dogs & cats. This is because almost everyone finds colorful eyes beautiful. In surveys of eye color attractiveness, black always loses. No one anywhere is impressed by the black eyes of billions of Chinese and Indian people. This is not culture. It is biological.

This is a blue eye:


It is inherently gorgeous. You can see every detail and strange shape of the iris. It looks like a marble.

This is a black eye:


You can see absolutely NOTHING of it.

Is it any wonder colorful eyes are considered beautiful? No it is not. It is obvious why.

2) Skin
Bright skin color has been considered desirable across all races for tens of thousands of years. The caste system in India was largely based around how dark your skin is. SEA men/women have been avoiding the sun and powdering their skin as white as possible for millennia as well. Even blacks are notorious for treating brighter skinned members of their race better than darker ones.

Why? Again this is biology, not culture. Bright skin leads to greater contrast and stands out more.

Light skin:


Dark skin:


An argument can be made that darker skin/coloration is more masculine/dominant which is likely true on some level. However the absolute dominance of white men in attractiveness studies and the desire for whiteness through all races throughout all human history shows being "brighter" is worth the most overall.

3) Height
Nordics are among the tallest people in the world. Height is one of the most objective traits you can observe, and one of the most desired by women. There is really nothing to debate here.

If you raised a woman in a shelter where she had never seen another human being her whole life, and then you showed her an average brown skinned 5'7" black eyed curry next to an average 5'11"+ white skinned blue eyed Nordic, which one do you think she would say is more impressive?

9/10 I guarantee will pick the Nordic. Because this has nothing to do with culture. It's just basic biology.
I agree with a lot of your points but the black guys you chose were better looking than the white guys.

Personally, I think that Persian guys are the most attractive, but it's just another breed of caucasoid.

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