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Blackpill After studying the race pill for years, I have concluded that Nordics are the top human phenotype overall (for both men and women)

I agree with a lot of your points but the black guys you chose were better looking than the white guys.

Personally, I think that Persian guys are the most attractive, but it's just another breed of caucasoid.

I intentionally used better looking blacks so people wouldn't say I was intentionally skewing the comparison. Dark skin just looks "dull" and doesn't stand out in most circumstances. Light skin looks "bright" and "vibrant" and stands out even in the middle of the night. It also creates better contrast with features like hair and eyes.

I think this is why lighter skin has been considered generally desirable across almost all cultures and most of human history.
JFL @ this bluepilled cope, there is an inherent evolutionary preference for light (blue/green) colored eyes which is being able to see the pupil dilate (which can be a sign of attraction), not just because they are rare. Gingers are rare and nobody gives a fuck about being a redhead
Why don’t you create an argument of your own instead of ripping off of @RageAgainstTDL
Why don’t you create an argument of your own instead of ripping off of @RageAgainstTDL

It's nothing to rip off. This is just basic blackpill reality. Most people know all these things to be true whether they admit it or not. Human preferences for these things existed thousands of years before any of us did.
I agree with op to an extent
scandi people tend to be the most flawless (on average) when it comes to lookism.
Nevertheless, there's still plenty of them that look very undesirable.
however, women usually prefer robust south european/american men types than nordic ones. Plus the fact that the latter tend to have higher social skills enhances their value on the eyes of women
It's nothing to rip off. This is just basic blackpill reality. Most people know all these things to be true whether they admit it or not. Human preferences for these things existed thousands of years before any of us did.
The racepill like sub8 is a cope. When it comes to the sexual marketplace, you’re fucked and you realize that, but to soften the blows of reality you go down two paths. Either you’re a whitecel and you say to yourself “I’m gonna die alone but at least I’m apart of the most attractive race so I have it better than ethnicels.” Or you’re an ethnicel who says to himself “It’s not my fault I can’t get laid, I wasn’t born white, the game is rigged I never had a chance haha gg.” At the end of the day either someone deems you good enough to pass on you’re genes or you get to take a seat with the other rejects, no amount of coping and rationalization is going to negate those facts
The racepill like sub8 is a cope. When it comes to the sexual marketplace, you’re fucked and you realize that, but to soften the blows of reality you go down two paths. Either you’re a whitecel and you say to yourself “I’m gonna die alone but at least I’m apart of the most attractive race so I have it better than ethnicels.” Or you’re an ethnicel who says to himself “It’s not my fault I can’t get laid, I wasn’t born white, the game is rigged I never had a chance haha gg.” At the end of the day either someone deems you good enough to pass on you’re genes or you get to take a seat with the other rejects, no amount of coping and rationalization is going to negate those facts

You're talking about what you do with the knowledge of the racepill internally for yourself as an individual. That's a separate matter completely.

The racepill is simply that there are objective differences between the races which lead to predictable outcomes in terms of those race's general SMV.

You can do a million things with the racepill. You can move countries. You can try to max your other attributes. You can try to stick to same race or other race partners to improve your chances. You can LDAR. It doesn't matter. That's your individual choice.

The racepill is objective. It doesn't care what you decide to do about it. It will still be there long after we are all dead and gone.
You're talking about what you do with the knowledge of the racepill internally for yourself as an individual. That's a separate matter completely.

The racepill is simply that there are objective differences between the races which lead to predictable outcomes in terms of those race's general SMV.

You can do a million things with the racepill. You can move countries. You can try to max your other attributes. You can try to stick to same race or other race partners to improve your chances. You can LDAR. It doesn't matter. That's your individual choice.

The racepill is objective. It doesn't care what you decide to do about it. It will still be there long after we are all dead and gone.
I’m speaking on the very basis of the racepill itself. It’s another cope theory grounded ignoring the truth about ones failures. Wether or not you believe in its objectivity or not, the racepill is not based on science and it only holds do to hundreds of years of social conditioning, propaganda, and self aggrandizing Caucasian media and art
I’m speaking on the very basis of the racepill itself. It’s another cope theory grounded ignoring the truth about ones failures. Wether or not you believe in its objectivity or not, the racepill is not based on science and it only holds do to hundreds of years of social conditioning, propaganda, and self aggrandizing Caucasian media and art

I already referenced that white skin has been worshiped for thousands of years in South and Southeast Asian countries. Height you admitted is universally attractive on a genetic basis. Big dicks are universally preferred for men. Broad shoulders are universally preferred for men.

Which race(s) have the most tall white men with broad shoulders and good sized dicks?

Answer that and you have your racepill in its most barebones form. No modern culture required.
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Why don’t you create an argument of your own instead of ripping off of @RageAgainstTDL

That is my argument and the truth JFL at thinking I would read all of that rambling I just had to adress the first autistic cope I saw
I already referenced that white skin has been worshiped for thousands of years in South and Southeast Asian countries. Height you admitted is universally attractive on a genetic basis. Big dicks are universally preferred for men. Broad shoulders are universally preferred for men.

Which race(s) have the most tall white men with broad shoulders and good sized dicks?

Answer that and you have your racepill in its most barebones form. No modern culture required.
I’m glad you’re no longer using circular arguments but once again, you’ve assumed a biological approach to a sociological issue. Asian didn’t “worship” white skin because of any inherent beauty it possesed, it was a matter of status. So if we were to simply use the characteristics you’ve laid out: height, shoulder width, and penis size, you’d find the the Nordic ethnicity doesn’t hold all of the cards. They may very well the top percentile of the white race, however the white race isn’t the standard of attractiveness on the biological and genetic front
I’m glad you’re no longer using circular arguments but once again, you’ve assumed a biological approach to a sociological issue. Asian didn’t “worship” white skin because of any inherent beauty it possesed, it was a matter of status. So if we were to simply use the characteristics you’ve laid out: height, shoulder width, and penis size, you’d find the the Nordic ethnicity doesn’t hold all of the cards. They may very well the top percentile of the white race, however the white race isn’t the standard of attractiveness on the biological and genetic front

Okay. Let's say you can't handle this step yet.

- Height is objectively genetically attractive for men
- Broad shoulders are objectively genetically attractive for men
- Physical strength and muscular physiques are objectively genetically attractive for men
- Bigger penises are objectively genetically attractive for men
- Deeper voices are objectively genetically attractive for men

Please list for me the races which best fulfill those criteria on earth now.
That is my argument and the truth JFL at thinking I would read all of that rambling I just had to adress the first autistic cope I saw
Funny your post seems eerily similar to those of @RageAgainstTDL’s. If you have anything else to add that I haven’t seen, then present it. If you’re going to follow the paved road that’s been set before you however, I won’t waste my time debating two different people spouting the same arguments
Okay. Let's say you can't handle this step yet.

- Height is objectively genetically attractive for men
- Broad shoulders are objectively genetically attractive for men
- Physical strength and muscular physiques are objectively genetically attractive for men
- Bigger penises are objectively genetically attractive for men
- Deeper voices are objectively genetically attractive for men

Please list for me the races which best fulfill those criteria on earth now.
At this point, I doubt you're even reading my posts anymore so let me make myself as clear as possible
Height: Nilotic people with an average male height is 6ft 3in (1.9m).
Shoulders:Nordics (though East Asians have broader shoulders relative to their size)
Strength: Samoans
Penis size: Non conclusive
Voices: Black/African
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Funny your post seems eerily similar to those of @RageAgainstTDL’s. If you have anything else to add that I haven’t seen, then present it. If you’re going to follow the paved road that’s been set before you however, I won’t waste my time debating two different people spouting the same arguments

At this point, I doubt you're even reading my posts anymore so let me make myself as clear as possible
Height: Nilotic people with an average male height is 6ft 3in (1.9m).
Shoulders:Nordics (though East Asians have broader shoulders relative to their size)
Strength: Samoans
Penis size: Non conclusive
Voices: Black/African

Nailed it. Except with the correction that almost all the top strongmen in the world are Germanic. Furthermore, penis size is correlated with height, so those two are answerable by each other:

Thus the tallest, broadest, strongest, biggest dicked, and deepest voiced men are either Germanic (Nordic) whites or varieties of African men.

And there you have your first basic entry point into understanding the racepill, and why so many of the arguments on this forum center around whether whites or BBCs are the top race. You will find no threads arguing that curries or ricecels are the top race, because they objectively aren't.

Once you start taking into other factors in terms of whites vs. blacks, it becomes obvious why whites are most successful. Eg. Whites have higher IQ in studies, whites have brighter skin, whites have more colorful eyes, whites have more refined facial features (while blacks look "primal" to put it generously), and yes, whites have a more successful cultural history.

The racepill is not hard to understand. Some people just can't accept that some people in this world are objectively better than others.
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Okay. Let's say you can't handle this step yet.

- Height is objectively genetically attractive for men
- Broad shoulders are objectively genetically attractive for men
- Physical strength and muscular physiques are objectively genetically attractive for men
- Bigger penises are objectively genetically attractive for men
- Deeper voices are objectively genetically attractive for men

Please list for me the races which best fulfill those criteria on earth now.
Nailed it. Except with the correction that almost all the top strongmen in the world are Germanic. Furthermore, penis size is correlated with height, so those two are answerable by each other:

Thus the tallest, broadest, strongest, biggest dicked, and deepest voiced men are either Germanic (Nordic) whites or varieties of African men.

And there you have your first basic entry point into understanding the racepill, and why so many of the arguments on this forum center around whether whites or BBCs are the top race. You will find no threads arguing that curries or ricecels are the top race, because they objectively aren't.

Once you start taking into other factors in terms of whites vs. blacks, it becomes obvious why whites are most successful. Eg. Whites have higher IQ in studies, whites have brighter skin, whites have more colorful eyes, whites have more refined facial features, and yes, whites have a more successful cultural history.

The racepill is not hard to understand. Some people just can't accept that some people in this world are objectively better than others.
JFL you were on the right track for a second there and then went onto full blown coping. Once again it’s well past time for me to sleep so I’ll address this tomorrow. To argue against your first points however, strongmen competitions have too many variables both within and outside of the competition to be used as evidence to cement your claim. The Nilotic group are taller than your average Nordics and even if more height=larger penis size (it doesn’t btw) it has been proven that for whites and blacks have no obvious edge over the other in terms of average size if you exclude the outliers. Blacks/Africans have higher T on average giving them slight advantages in all of the categories that you chose. Once again, I’ll address the second half tomorrow (or I should say later on today)
JFL you were on the right track for a second there and then went onto full blown coping. Once again it’s well past time for me to sleep so I’ll address this tomorrow. To argue against your first points however, strongmen competitions have too many variables both within and outside of the competition to be used as evidence to cement your claim. The Nilotic group are taller than your average Nordics and even if more height=larger penis size (it doesn’t btw) it has been proven that for whites and blacks have no obvious edge over the other in terms of average size if you exclude the outliers. Blacks/Africans have higher T on average giving them slight advantages in all of the categories that you chose. Once again, I’ll address the second half tomorrow (or I should say later on today)

I agree, and this is why I consider blacks the #2 race. What do you consider the top human phenotype overall for men and women? ie. When all physical and genetic factors by which a person can be objectively judged are considered, which race do you believe lands on top?



I agree, and this is why I consider blacks the #2 race. What do you consider the top human phenotype overall for men and women? ie. When all physical and genetic factors by which a person can be objectively judged are considered, which race do you believe lands on top?



I don’t consider any race to be on top of the other as they all do their job when it comes to their own circles. On a natural level these races were not supposed to interact as it was only through hundreds of years of technological and various other advancements that gave way to globalization and forced all the races to compete with each other. Each race is perfectly suited for its natural environment and specific sexual market place
Once you start taking into other factors in terms of whites vs. blacks, it becomes obvious why whites are most successful. Eg. Whites have higher IQ in studies, whites have brighter skin, whites have more colorful eyes, whites have more refined facial features (while blacks look "primal" to put it generously), and yes, whites have a more successful cultural history.
I had a feeling you were going to go the way of the “whites are the most angelic and intelligent argument”. While some do in fact have slimmer noses, and more angular chins, we’ve already established that these qualities are not seem as most desireable do to their inate superiority. The same goes for brighter skin and blue/green eyes. To move on to more objective subjects, Whites do in fact have a higher IQ score on average. However the IQ test was designed with only the thought process of whites and did not factor in the way other minds operated. Every race has a different leaning when it comes to how they process certain information and where one might struggle in a certain area, another might thrive. If IQ test where remolded in order to reflect these facts you would find that most races be fairly equal in terms of their new overall IQ scores though I do think that East Asians would come out as the on top by a small margin. As for culture, are you referring to languages, music, art, cusine, fashion, or are you just referring to the amount of power they have over the modern world

For males though, blonde hair and blue eyes aren't preferable at all to brown hair and brown eyes, because darker features look more masculine on whites. The Iberian/Mediterranean phenotype is better.
Having a young Aryan-looking natural blonde gf is the ultimate proof you're a winner in life. I've fully taken the ERpill.
There is no need to study the racepill anymore. It destroyed @Tellem--T
The entire world has decided white people are most attractive overall. They get paid the most as models and actors. They are most desirable in all dating platforms.

As to your second point, do you think if you put an average 5'7" curry in a Nordic country back then it would "give them extra points"?

Don't bother with these ethnic/White-guilt copers brother. They want to desperately convince themselves that it's conspiratorial to espouse basic truths about race. Who would think that the tallest, largest-framed, most ideal-complexioned race with rare genetic mutations that confer varied eye AND hair color look better on average? Only a racist of course!111!1

NOTE TO THE RACEPILL COPERS: The establishment has been promoting the notion of "beauty in all sizes" for obese females over the past decade. Why do humans still prefer slim, healthy females over morbidly obese warpigs? BECAUSE IT'S A BIOLOGICALLY INGRAINED MECHANISM. The same holds for why humans GENERALLY find White people more attractive than other races. Not because "muh imperialism" or "muh hollywood". Yeah, I'm sure if there was a concerted effort to promote balding, 5'2'' curries as sex icons it'd totally work broooooo.

They love blue eyed Mediterraneans more.
Race isnt everything, look at Gengis Khan. Just be fucking strong and pillage
Having a young Aryan-looking natural blonde gf is the ultimate proof you're a winner in life. I've fully taken the ERpill.

IMG 6542

Stick with East Aryans.

Those kinds of Aryans are manjaws and oozing test.

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