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Discussion Addressing the 2d toilet avi from a neutral non weeb/anti-weeb perspective



Fat link fanboy
Sep 3, 2021
first, I am completely neutral, I will showcase arguments with and against 2d toilet avi. the goal of this thread is to address this once and for all.
personally it's a subject that doesn't bother me but I know many weebs with foid avis who completely fit the definition of foid worshipping, well, imaginary foid worshipping <-this is the controversial part

now we have to list arguments that support 2d avis:

1- anime and manga in their essences are (or atleast used to be) incel media, even now after being infiltrated heavily by foids and chads to gain attention, the majority of anime watchers (excluding japshit slanted eye faggots) are actually either incels or atleast mentalcels.

2-because it's imaginary drawing, it can't be classified as foid worship

say you're having fantasies about fucking a foid that never existed, that shouldn't qualify it to be foid worship. this is also the case for an AI gf or a videogame character or even a character from a fictional book just because she's a foid. if foid worshipping is absolute, then it should be applied to those categories mentioned in the earlier statement as well, which doesn't sound practical or logical.

arguments that go with banning 2d avis:

1-the most obvious being halo effect, typically any form of things that have a slit between their legs will get male attention, and this effect is amplified in a place where celibacy is the main problem. halo effect of 2d toilet avi has been actually proved and documented in it's effect in this very place (courtesy to @subhuman on a note I'd like to appreciate his brilliant threads that I often use as source material)

so that excludes suspicion around that argument with a concrete evidence available.

2-having fantasies about any foidish figure here (the 2d waifu in this case) is annoying, especially if you stick with that as a choice of your posted content for too long. you may dismiss this as a personal bias but it is not, because this is a place that should be devoid of nice things to say about the other gender, sometimes the waifus being discussed here or used as avis are yandere or tsundere or femdom shit which makes this action cucked.

to further make this clear, imagine having your avi as drawing of cersei lannister hypothetically im the book before the series. that's fucking cucked.

what's worse is that it could be a loli from a loli hentai or even worse, a tranny 2d character.

3-the last and argument is actually the most common argument against 2d foid avis in general even out of this place: having a humanid foid figure as an avi robs the user of some masculinity or credibility. I don't give one flying fuck about how you'll cope with this you have to face it. you chose to have a 2d foid avi out of all possible avis you can pick, an avi is supposed to represent yourself or your alter ego, you chose a foid out of all living and non living beings. you kind of, fucked up tbh.

weighing in the arguments:

-so far these are all the arguments I could recollect in my head from witnessing many threads and opinions about this topic, 2 main arguments rooting for 2d foid avi and 3 against, keep in mind that quantity isn't the only factor here, this is why I am weighing the points here.

-the strongest argument out of the duo arguments rooting for 2d toilet avi to me is surprisingly argument no.2, it's objectively a logical argument that is less affected by factors and variables, the second argument that many pro toilet avi users here often use is ironically weaker because it relies heavily on circumstantial evidence since it's not an incel exclusive hobby, became not directly related to inceldom and because incel indulgences are not always valid.

-the strongest argument against 2d toilet avis is obviously no.1.

halo effect of 2d toilet foid is undeniable, also more importantly, generally speaking
halo effect is heavily underestimated here and has other forms beside 2d toilet avi. if admins don't start countering halo effects this place will just turn to a giant mangina having reddit v2 with circlejerk and everything.

I'll leave conclusion for later, as for now I need to gather opinions on this matter

tagging INCELS who could be interested (besides subhuman, whom is already tagged):
@kay' @proudweeb @laanda @incelerated @PortSir1223
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Good analysys. I dont see it as a female worship also. Regarding the halo effect, for me cute animals like cats give biggest halo.
I dont see it as a female worship also. Regarding the halo effect, for me cute animals like cats give biggest halo.
Anything intriguing can give a halo effect but foid related stuff will have the most traction of course due to the environment.
However that being said it it can't be outright classified as foid worship (in my personal opinion) I am still contemplating this waiting for some to argue with or against, maybe this thread should've been a poll but let's have it as an open discussion for now.
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My honest opinions:

1- The halo argument is fair. A popularity contest or popularity boost, based on looks, has no place in an incel forum. A hardline incel forum should ban any form of display that would make a user more likeable based on their looks, or worse yet, based on the looks borrowed from a Stacy or Chad be it 2d or 3d.

2- You are talking about 2d foid avis in a forum that has decided to allow 3d foid avis. As long as they are allowed any talk about 2d foids is hypocritical and irrelevant.

3- If halo is an issue there is a million anime girls out there and any user who wants halo could pick one for himself. It's not like there's a shortage.

4- "Anime = Incel" nullifies any other argument.

5- I don't give a fuck because I like sexy Jahy and the halo.
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My brutally honest opinions:

1- The halo argument is fair. A popularity contest or popularity boost, based on looks, has no place in an incel forum. A hardline incel forum should ban any form of display that would make a user more likeable based on their looks, or worse yet, based on the looks borrowed from a Stacy or Chad be it 2d or 3d.

2- You are talking about 2d foid avis in a forum that has decided to allow 3d foid avis. As long as they are allowed any talk about 2d foids is hypocritical and irrelevant.

3- If halo is an issue there is a million anime girls out there and any user who wants halo could pick one for himself. It's not liketthere's a shortage.

4- "Anime = Incel" nullifies any other argument.

5- I don't give a fuck because I like sexy Jahy and the halo.
1-That is hard, logical but hard and also opens the door for another argument about restricting user's freedom to an extreme degree.

2-I believe real foid avis should be banned, period.

3-it's not a supply and demand issue, it's an issue of whether this is benefitable or damaging to the forum's identity and userbase, whether it should stay or not.

4-see point number 2 in weighing in arguments section, not all incel indulgences are blackpilled, for example most new gen incels are obsessed about social media, doesn't mean it's approved blackpill-wise. another thing, anime USED to be mainly an incel indulgence, now you got foids, chads, cosplay whores, normies, O.F whores, literally anyone in that space. it's an inclusive art that isn't bound to incels and doesn't relate directly to inceldom anymore.

5-I c :feelshehe: :feelsdevil:
halo effect of 2d toilet avi has been actually proved and documented in it's effect in this very place
True, wanting to fuck some of you guys' avis makes me nicer to you
2-having fantasies about any foidish figure here
You have 10,317 posts on a site being a support group for ones struggling with lack of foids, so it's hard to pretend you don't have fantasies about them
tagging INCELS who could be interested (besides subhuman, whom is already tagged):
You have 10,317 posts on a site being a support group for ones struggling with lack of foids, so it's hard to pretend you don't have fantasies about them
oh shit I am sorry that you're a cyan '24 cel :what: should we paragons bow to you nigga?
and that's not the point either
the point was announcing your fantasies to a specific foid figure, or going on a series of posts about your fantasy regarding a specific foid figure.
read and comprehend.
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oh shit I am sorry that you're a cyan '24 cel :what: should we paragons bow to you nigga?
and that's not the point either
the point was going on a tirade of posts about your fantasy about a specific foid.
Chill, I'm not saying it's wrong to be here, I'm saying that it's hard to pretend you don't care about them while putting so much energy into it.

Also for me (and probably the most) it's not about a specific foid (I've been setting random ones), it's just to suggest that we're this sort of guys.
Chill, I'm not saying it's wrong to be here, I'm saying that it's hard to pretend you don't care about them while putting so much energy into it.
it's ok mang I understand, I never pretended I don't have fantasies about foids but when I do post such fantasies it's not on my profile 24/7 like an avi or keep posting in a series about them like an obsession/oneitism. there's a big difference.

Also for me (and probably the most)

may b may b not, you can consider this specific point (no.2 of arguments against) directed against those who only do it that way :feelsaww::feelsthink:

moreover none of these are actually my argumemts. me personally im pro 2d toilets
where dnr?
Dnr but im gona say my opinion.

I think some niggas here cope and fap to these 2d drawings like @AsakuraHao so taking them out would take out copes of my brothers in arms which i dont want.

I personally do not think its a good cope, just like porn is not too, and simply seeing an escort is 1000 times better in my opinion than brain frying on hentai.

I mean at least porn is somewhat real (somewhat because real sex is not like what pornstars do)

But 3d female avis, the correct answer is obvious, should not even be a discussion mango
blessing you with the magic letters ldar :feelscomfy:
im gona say my opinion.

I think some niggas here cope and fap to these 2d drawings like @AsakuraHao so taking them out would take out copes of my brothers in arms which i dont want.

I personally do not think its a good cope, just like porn is not too, and simply seeing an escort is 1000 times better in my opinion than brain frying on hentai.

I mean at least porn is somewhat real (somewhat because real sex is not like what pornstars do)

But 3d female avis, the correct answer is obvious, should not even be a discussion mango
I think it's not about being a good cope or a bad cope or it's effects on the one coping with it, it's about the effects it has on others here
you have two sides, the weebs and those who are always nagging to ban 2d foid avis.
but I personally agree, denying those brocels of their cope sounds cruel, may b they enjoy some halo boost and may b it's bluepilled, but atleast you know they aren't putting a real foid on a pedestal, at least not directly :feelsautistic::feelsmage::feelsLightsaber:
may b may b not, you can consider this specific point (no.2 of arguments against) directed against those who only do it that way :feelsaww::feelsthink:
Yeah, that's fair (I just wanted to specific that it's not necessarily a rule) :feelsokman:
keep posting in a series about them like an obsession/oneitism
Yeah, that's a bit too much
2d foids are honest and pure unlike actual foids
blessing you with the magic letters ldar :feelscomfy:

I think it's not about being a good cope or a bad cope or it's effects on the one coping with it, it's about the effects it has on others here
you have two sides, the weebs and those who are always nagging to ban 2d foid avis.
but I personally agree, denying those brocels of their cope sounds cruel, may b they enjoy some halo boost and may b it's bluepilled, but atleast you know they aren't putting a real foid on a pedestal, at least not directly :feelsautistic::feelsmage::feelsLightsaber:
We really need japanese boyos in this forum id like to talk to them :bigbrain:
My honest opinions:

1- The halo argument is fair. A popularity contest or popularity boost, based on looks, has no place in an incel forum. A hardline incel forum should ban any form of display that would make a user more likeable based on their looks, or worse yet, based on the looks borrowed from a Stacy or Chad be it 2d or 3d.

2- You are talking about 2d foid avis in a forum that has decided to allow 3d foid avis. As long as they are allowed any talk about 2d foids is hypocritical and irrelevant.

3- If halo is an issue there is a million anime girls out there and any user who wants halo could pick one for himself. It's not like there's a shortage.

4- "Anime = Incel" nullifies any other argument.

5- I don't give a fuck because I like sexy Jahy and the halo.
Based Jahycel

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByaOT2wPLV4
2d anime foids are 3d foids without the flaws and evil. only the good attractive traits are kept

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