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Abrahamic Religion is Cucked

The whole Gospel story itself is an ape of Euripides's the Bacchae, where Dionysus the son of Zeus visits Greece disguised as a man and does socially provocative things to expose the moral hypocrisy of the political and religious elites, even the point that Penteus tries to get Dionysus stoned for blasphemy.
This is nonsense: Jesus' first disciples were simpleminded people who had never heard of this Greek tragedy and it's obvious these events took place, we simply don't know the scientific explanation for that. Jesus himself was doubtlessly a historical figure. As to Paul/Saul, it has been hypothesized that he had a bout of temporal lobe epilepsy when travelling to Damascus. This event took place later and is even better attested.
This is nonsense: Jesus' first disciples were simpleminded people who had never heard of this Greek tragedy and it's obvious these events took place, we simply don't know the scientific explanation for that. Jesus himself was doubtlessly a historical figure. As to Paul/Saul, it has been hypothesized that he had a bout of temporal lobe epilepsy when travelling to Damascus. This event took place later and is even better attested.

It's irrelevant whether Jesus was historical or not, it's obvious the Gospel is highly mythologized and takes literary license for eschatological and mystical purposes. There's no doubt in my mind, for instance, that there was no Judas who betrayed Jesus, because his story and name is a reference to the Old Testament and references the Church's relationship to the Jews. The Greek word for "Judah" is "Judas", and Judah / Judas, Joseph's oldest brother from Genesis ( the Joseph with the technicolored dreamcoat) sells Joseph for 20 pieces of silver into Egyptian slavery. The tribe of Judah, of Judas, which comes from this same figure, is the tribe of the Jews and is synonymous with the Southern Kingdom of Judah. There is an intentional spiritual meaning of the Jews repeating Judah's crime of selling Isaac's favorite son for silver.

The New Testament is layered with stuff like this that makes it hard to believe it's purely a historical account and not some parable based mystical story tradition.

It's also suspicious that Paul only mentions the Gospel events once, Paul doesn't even mention the Road to Emmaus story, he claims Jesus gave him revelations directly. And the one mention of Paul of the Gospel events, the Last Supper, we know is a later Christian interpolation because the Marcion Bible version, the oldest New Testament canon we have, mysteriously lacks that reference. It's similarly suspicious that the Apocalypse of John is absent of Gospel imagery, save for the reference to the Crucifixion.

At any rate, simpleminded people who nonetheless composed the Gospels in Greek? And despite the piety signaling, contemporary sources paint a more gray picture assuming these events were even real: the Protoevangelium of James describes the Virgin Mary coming from a wealthy family, and many Marian oral traditions, including her studying at the Temple and being a Temple Virgin until the age of maturation where she got hitched to Joseph, comes from that Protoevangelium.

By the way, the way Greek was taught in the Ancient World was by reading Homer and the Classic Playwrights. Euripedes was one of those writers, It's not at all implausible that Greek speaking Jews would know these stories. Early Synagogues in Israel and Christian catacombs are filled with Greek mythological references, most noteably Orpheus, whom many Christians and Jews confused with Museus of Athens, the teacher of Orpheus.
No, abrahamic religions are probably the biggest source of civilization that humans ever had.
What's your claim to this statement it's clearly not even true
The alternative is pure void materialism that only brought to where we are to day: the antithesis of civilization
No we had many types of spiritualism even before that
Evangelicals exist because of Jews. That exists because of Zionism which is impossible to separate from Christianity.
“For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel.” Romans 9:6

“For he is not a jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumsision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” Romans 2:28-29

“Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work.” - 2 John 9-11

To be Christian, you literally have to believe:
1. Salvation comes from the Jews
2. Jews are the Chosen People
3. The Jews are meant to lead the nation and all nations should bow to Israel

And, you need to ignore the facts:
1. Jews are evil
2. Jews are liars
False, false, false, false.

  1. Salvation come from Jesus Christ only. (John 3:16-18)
  2. It’s literally believed in Christianity that the Jews are NOT the chosen people of God

“The Jew can never understand the scripture and will forever bear the guilt for the death of Jesus.” - St. Augustine

"Their synagogues should be set on fire, and whatever does not burn up should be covered or spread over with dirt...their homes should likewise be broken down and destroyed. They should be deprived of their prayer-books and Talmuds in which such idolatry, lies, cursing,and blasphemy are taught." - Martin Luther

Martin Luther literally made a whole book called “the jews and their lies”

“The synagogue is worse than a whorehouse. It is the den of scoundrels and the repair of wild beasts. the temple of demons devoted to idolatrous cults...the refuge of dabauchees, and the cavern of devils. It is a criminal assembly of Jews...a place of meeting for the assassins of Christ…a den of thieves, a dwelling of iniquity, the refuge of devils, a gulf and an abyss of perdition. I would say the same things about their souls." - St. John Chrysostom

Read Matthew 23:13-37

“So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” - Galatians 3:26-29


Galatians 3:29 “If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

“From the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but from the standpoint of God's choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers” Romans 11:28

“Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist—denying the Father and the Son. No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also.” 1 John 2:22-23

So, with all this,

We dont believe salvation comes from the Jews.

We dont believe the Jews are the chosen ones.

I’m Christian, I fully believe that Jews are evil and liars and so do many other Christians.

It was only in the Old Testament that the ISRAELITES, not Jews, ISRAELITES were meant to lead the nation because THEY were actually the chosen people to lead the rest of the world to God. Also, Christians are supposed to only bow to God.

“But you are not to be called ‘Rabbi,’ for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. And do not call anyone on earth ‘father,’ for you have one Father,and he is in heaven.” Matthew 23:8-9

Reading this verse, Jesus Christ would obviously agree with not bowing to anyone but God

Please, read and study scripture…
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No, abrahamic religions are probably the biggest source of civilization that humans ever had.

The alternative is pure void materialism that only brought to where we are to day: the antithesis of civilization.
No, abrahamic religions are probably the biggest source of civilization that humans ever had.

The alternative is pure void materialism that only brought to where we are to day: the antithesis of civilization.
Where is your foreskin?
Brutal, but being mutilated irreparably in your most vulnerable state as a new born is justified because the jew on a stick told you to do it, right?
Brutal, but being mutilated irreparably in your most vulnerable state as a new born is justified because the jew on a stick told you to do it, right?
I was circumcized when I was 7. I still feel the pain of it. But beyond that, it is okay
couldnt give less of a shit about believing on imaginary shit. God doesnt exist, end of conversation. Further discussion is useless, god doesnt exist and it is a fucking fact
I was circumcized when I was 7. I still feel the pain of it. But beyond that, it is okay
to be honest thats the one aspect that turns me off completely from abrahamic stuff
to be honest thats the one aspect that turns me off completely from abrahamic stuff
So most babies pass through it and that's it, when you are older, you forget it. I remember it because I was circumcized later.

It is an exageration to make it a big thing.
So most babies pass through it and that's it, when you are older, you forget it. I remember it because I was circumcized later.

It is an exageration to make it a big thing.
It isn't.
If anyone supports Abrahamic religion then they're effectively Jew Cucked.

People already had religion. Jews invent a new one that's based on Judaism except for anyone.

Since then...

They destroyed the advanced Goyim empires in the ancient world
Has a purge of all science, culture, and religion of pagans
Outlawed all other religions
The peak of science was the Roman Empire then it crashed and Europe descended into 1000 years of mostly primitive society
Most people became serfs who had obligations to a feudal lord

Not to mention the typical divide and conquer tactics

Also, there was an obligation for a 10% tithe. Easy way to enrich the clergy class. The clergy was not serfs and beneath the feudal lords, with bishops in some cases just as powerful. And the Pope for a time more powerful than Kings for much of history.

Christianity effectively destroyed the more warrior nature of pagans. It's that warrior nature that resisted Jews.

Evangelicals exist because of Jews. That exists because of Zionism which is impossible to separate from Christianity.

Also, Islam is just as cucked but in diffERent ways and they too had a habit of protecting the Jews during (necessary) "pERsecution" in Europe.

To be Christian, you literally have to believe:
1. Salvation comes from the Jews
2. Jews are the Chosen People
3. The Jews are meant to lead the nation and all nations should bow to Israel

And, you need to ignore the facts:
1. Jews are evil
2. Jews are liars
3. Christianity operates on Bolshevik tactics, it wasn't natural. The Christians were no better than the Islamic extremists. Both Christians and Muslims purged their societies of pre-Abrahamic things. The Bolshevik tactics were arguably much worse from the Christians. So, the Jews used extreme violence, purges, and erasing history to make Christianity dominant.

Does that sound like a "true religion" to you?

And, there's the false dichotomy that if you aren't Abrahamic, you must be atheist. Another lie promoted by Jews.

Most people abandon any belief for atheism. Jews actively promote atheism more because humanitarianism and the holohoax exist. That's humanist religion that seeks to encourage depravity and degeneracy in the now.

If society is to ever get better, the Jewish influence needs to end. This Abrahamic religion effectively Judaized Goyim.

Even the religion of Christianity itself is largely cucked.

1. A guy has his wife impregnated by the god of the Jews
2. She's a virgin and abstains from sex forever
3. Gives birth to a son
4. The guy remains an incel betabuxx despite having a wife
5. The supposed "son of the god of the Jews" must for a weird reason be crucified to "redeem" humanity

It's all rubbish.

Instead of the warrior spirit of pagans who would have killed such extreme people or oppressors, once Christianity became dominant, it was all:
1. Live for the Jew God
2. Avoid all sin for a reward in heaven
3. Obey the Elites

And Israel is considered the Holy Land.

There's nothing Holy about Israel. Unless it's Holey from all the bullet holes and missile strikes!

The Holohoax is a myth. If someone wanted to extERminate the Jews, they could have just gunned down every Jew then retrieved the bodies later. It's insane to waste time transporting them, giving them free food by spending enormous amounts of tax revenue, only to eventually put a bullet in some and gas others, and the idea that 6,000,000 went through all that ok a Holohoax. Seriously? That's a myth!

You aren't completely JQ if you still believe in Abrahamic religion.
JESUS SAVES ,plain and simple ,trust the gospel!!!
Read every molecule. Btw regarding that "Christianity and Bolshevism are essentially the same thing" point, Dietrich Eckart and Adolf Hitler had a conversation about this, it was published as "Bolshevism: From Moses To Lenin"
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