Abortion should be legal, because earth is already overpopulated, mankind should not be turned into livestock whose purpose it is to birth cows for one's owners, and enjoying one's sexuality is one of the essential things for every human being - in order to achieve this it is necessary to separate sexuality from reproduction.
People who enjoy their sexuality are more likely and willing to fight for the extension of this area of autonomy and freedom into the political realm, while sexual misery (as can be seen here or on tumblr) is a breeding ground for neuroses, violent revenge fantasies and an appetite for authoritarian misery.
Hence, all ruling classes who had an interest in keeping unjust domination over an oppressed class alive, have always supported systems that make it harder for people to enjoy their sexuality. Usuallly it boils down to that sex for pleasure is sinful and only tolerated if it'S in order create workers and soldiers. (This is also why homosexuals, a tiny, irrelevant minority, are always so radically hated: because gay sex is obviously sex for pleasure and not for procreation. They could always be role models for heterosexuals. These days, of course, they are embraced by the system and turned into pathetic caricatures of miserable heteros and only tolerated as long as they want to imitate miserable hetero marriages.)
Feminism fulfills the same role. It declares that sex is yucky, icky, RAPIST, SEXIST, harrassment, etc. Now they even sell this idea of hte Islamic hijab being a sign of female empowerment because it prevents the sexist "male gaze." Sexist and sinful both translate to: "Not being ashamed of the desire of wanting to have sex for pleasure."
Especially Africa would need a one-child policy like China had. Of course China had the problem with aborting mostly female babies so they don't have enough women there now, but all things considered this one-child policy was a good thing and Africa, especially the black part, would need this as well. We'd need a one-child policy with one-child families. One-child policy because overpopulatio nis destroy earth, automatization is killings more and more jobs anyway, and one-child family because sexual libertarianism results in the same kind of monopolization of sexual capital like economic libertarianism resulted in the monopolization of all capital in the hands of a few billionaires.
etc etc