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Serious A Solution to the Forum Dying



Im just another ole regular Larping Faggot
Jun 9, 2018
Look, I know this is a pretty controversial topic, but it should be discussed, saying the forum is dying is prob a bit of an exaggeration, but obviously there's a lot less users than were at its peak. There's a reason for this. It's the same reason I even joined this forum in the first place. Advertising. Serge wont advertise the website, that's not his fault, i'm sure there are monetary reasons why he wont, and that's completely understandable, however the reason why/how this forum got new users, including myself, was because of free advertising, YouTubers, and content creators have done, usually negative press.

For example the reason I even heard of this website, was because of a YouTube video that was slandering Incels, and I wanted to join, because, while at the time I primarily used /r9k/, it was being overrun with trannies/the trap agenda, and I wanted somewhere better, and this place overall IS better, and we need more users.

How do we solve this? Easily. Several months ago, probably a little over a year at this point, I was a moderator/admin on some very large /r9k/ and 4chan discord servers, they amassed hundreds to thousands of new members because I was primarily responsible for attracting new members, using various different schemes, tactics, etc.

One tactic I found that is very very very successful is the what I like to call The Watermark Option.

The Watermark option is very simple, and is how many websites found new traffic to their website. The biggest successful examples of this would be these

Ignoring the staleness of the meme, you get the point, if you have used the internet to any serious degree, i'm sure you've seen memes with these watermarks, well the same thing can be done by you, to anything really, very simply, using even a basic program like Microsoft Paint, which is just about on everyone's computer, on basically every version of windows. You see what I did in the past to advertise some servers is I would put a little watermark on an image, and spread the image around, whether it be on 4chan/Reddit/Etc, it doesn't really matter, it got the job done, no matter what the image was, what the meme was, what the webm was, what the gif was, whatever it was, you'd see a little watermark on it.

You can't really get banned for watermarks, you can typically just give an excuse of, "I downloaded it that way in the first place" or something like that.

Here's an example of me using this watermark using only paint, this took less than a minute to do, and anyone can do it, and add it to any image.

You can resize, reshape, or even make your own watermarks, you can add them to a corner of a youtube video, to a corner of a webm you found to spread on /gif/ on 4chan or 8ch, you can use a normie alt on reddit and post various different memes and such to try and get upvotes to try and get people to join, you can pretend you're using the watermark ironically, just a joke, to make the meme more funny, as one of the watermark examples above showed with multiple watarmarks of various different websites, you get the idea.

Now you may be thinking, "well wont this attract a lot of normies to the website, I don't really want them invading our personal space" that's what the vetting process is for, you see all you'll be doing is alerting and interesting more people to the website, if they're an Incel, and relate to the issues at hand, they'll sign up, tell their story, and they'll be a member, if they try and bullshit or are a normie, i'm sure Knajjd or one of the various other mods will prevent them being an actual member.

If you want this website to be much more active again, you need to do your part, and this isn't just for us to get members, there are many important truths, and arguments discussed on this forum, the more people who join, the better it is for men, and Incels as a whole.

If you use and upload things to, 4chan, 8ch, Reddit, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc, do your part, add the watermark, or a watermark to everything you upload, every meme you post, every image, video, gif, webm, etc. It does not take a lot of effort. Do this, and people will come in. I know because I have done this method before, and thousands of people came into various shitty active discord servers, I used to moderate and run. There are other methods aswell, and feel free to discuss them, but I have vast knowledge and experience on this topic specifically. Advertising has always been my skill.

Jannies/Mods/Admin, please pin this thread if you would, this is important, even if the title to the thread is a little clickbaity.
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Or permabans should be given out to real larpers and fakes. And just longer temps for others.
Also advertising is useless, if someone is truly blackpilled they will find their way. Promoting it for normfags isnt plausible.
Don't advertise this site to the normalfags.
Don't advertise this site to the normalfags.
Why? They wont make it through the vetting process if they're not actually an Incel.
Why? They wont make it through the vetting process if they're not actually an Incel.
True enough but normalfags can easily just lie their way into joining the site. But knowing some of the mods, they can easily just ban them on the spot win the first day.
Why? They wont make it through the vetting process if they're not actually an Incel.
Replacing quality posters with shit ones won't solve the problem nigga.
Possibly by not banning everyone and trying to increase post quality
this meme has been brought to you by gang weed
Look, I know this is a pretty controversial topic, but it should be discussed, saying the forum is dying is prob a bit of an exaggeration, but obviously there's a lot less users than were at its peak. There's a reason for this. It's the same reason I even joined this forum in the first place. Advertising. Serge wont advertise the website, that's not his fault, i'm sure there are monetary reasons why he wont, and that's completely understandable, however the reason why/how this forum got new users, including myself, was because of free advertising, YouTubers, and content creators have done, usually negative press.

For example the reason I even heard of this website, was because of a YouTube video that was slandering Incels, and I wanted to join, because, while at the time I primarily used /r9k/, it was being overrun with trannies/the trap agenda, and I wanted somewhere better, and this place overall IS better, and we need more users.

How do we solve this? Easily. Several months ago, probably a little over a year at this point, I was a moderator/admin on some very large /r9k/ and 4chan discord servers, they amassed hundreds to thousands of new members because I was primarily responsible for attracting new members, using various different schemes, tactics, etc.

One tactic I found that is very very very successful is the what I like to call The Watermark Option.

The Watermark option is very simple, and is how many websites found new traffic to their website. The biggest successful examples of this would be these
View attachment 117261View attachment 117262View attachment 117263
Ignoring the staleness of the meme, you get the point, if you have used the internet to any serious degree, i'm sure you've seen memes with these watermarks, well the same thing can be done by you, to anything really, very simply, using even a basic program like Microsoft Paint, which is just about on everyone's computer, on basically every version of windows. You see what I did in the past to advertise some servers is I would put a little watermark on an image, and spread the image around, whether it be on 4chan/Reddit/Etc, it doesn't really matter, it got the job done, no matter what the image was, what the meme was, what the webm was, what the gif was, whatever it was, you'd see a little watermark on it.

You can't really get banned for watermarks, you can typically just give an excuse of, "I downloaded it that way in the first place" or something like that.
View attachment 117264

Here's an example of me using this watermark using only paint, this took less than a minute to do, and anyone can do it, and add it to any image.
View attachment 117266
You can resize, reshape, or even make your own watermarks, you can add them to a corner of a youtube video, to a corner of a webm you found to spread on /gif/ on 4chan or 8ch, you can use a normie alt on reddit and post various different memes and such to try and get upvotes to try and get people to join, you can pretend you're using the watermark ironically, just a joke, to make the meme more funny, as one of the watermark examples above showed with multiple watarmarks of various different websites, you get the idea.

Now you may be thinking, "well wont this attract a lot of normies to the website, I don't really want them invading our personal space" that's what the vetting process is for, you see all you'll be doing is alerting and interesting more people to the website, if they're an Incel, and relate to the issues at hand, they'll sign up, tell their story, and they'll be a member, if they try and bullshit or are a normie, i'm sure Knajjd or one of the various other mods will prevent them being an actual member.

If you want this website to be much more active again, you need to do your part, and this isn't just for us to get members, there are many important truths, and arguments discussed on this forum, the more people who join, the better it is for men, and Incels as a whole.

If you use and upload things to, 4chan, 8ch, Reddit, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc, do your part, add the watermark, or a watermark to everything you upload, every meme you post, every image, video, gif, webm, etc. It does not take a lot of effort. Do this, and people will come in. I know because I have done this method before, and thousands of people came into various shitty active discord servers, I used to moderate and run. There are other methods aswell, and feel free to discuss them, but I have vast knowledge and experience on this topic specifically. Advertising has always been my skill.

Jannies/Mods/Admin, please pin this thread if you would, this is important, even if the title to the thread is a little clickbaity.
This is a good idea tbh, blackpilling more people is always good.
There'll be an uptick of users once the BBC documentary comes out. People had the same concerns about the forum dying pre-AM due to the lack of active users.
Our memes are very rarely posted in a watermarkable format tbh. People here just make written posts, sometimes with pictures added.
This could work for braincels, not us
Possibly by not banning everyone and trying to increase post quality
Agreed, this forum has strict admission process which is necessary in my opinion. But we are banning some of our already members for reasons I don't get. I just joined May 1st but some of this forums most active users have been banned from it and I miss their posts
Post pictures in anime forums with incels.co watermark ¦>
Weebs need to be saved from slavery of thots
Our memes are very rarely posted in a watermarkable format tbh. People here just make written posts, sometimes with pictures added.
This could work for braincels, not us
They don't even have to be our memes, they just have to be memes/content in general, the more advertising the better, this has always been the case.
I think the "incel panic" which brought a lot of attention to incel websites has had its moment, so not as many people will have places like this brought to their attention, which isn't a bad thing really. I also think that trying to do PR for men who can't have sex is a futile gesture, the contempt is simply too hardwired into peoples' brains.
They don't even have to be our memes, they just have to be memes/content in general, the more advertising the better, this has always been the case.
IDK bro, somehow it wouldn't feel like it's in our character. People go to 9gag etc. and find shitloads of memes, when they visit here they won't find anything of the sort.
The most effective ads for us are incels going ER tbh
it is a good thing that it's dying nobody should be on this forum
When incels get news pieces again, for whatever reason, the site will grow. I hope.
More members will join.
I found this site because it was mentioned by some fucked up kid Steve Hoca was interviewing.
Advertising the site encourages LARPing. If you're an incel you'll find this place.
There's nothing wrong with the site being smaller or slower if we retain a solid and purer user base.
Unless it gets cracked down on, this site will exist as long as incels exist. Anyways, the BBC documentary or some good event like another ER will bring new users and activity will increase.
Online communities always go to shit the bigger the userbase becomes. You should know this since you have seen this happen with /r9k/ and 4chan in general. Attracting more people just means attracting more shitposters. Sure, there's going to be some genuine incels mixed in with the newcomers but at least half of them are going to be here just to bait. I have never seen an online community improve by getting bigger, it always brings in unwanted elements.
Those who identify with inceldom will find this place on their own, the term "incel" is already well-known enough so anyone who looks up the definition and sympathises with it will get curious and look up this place.
I mean the reason this site was big in the first place was because of all the hERos and news coverage this could be the golden age
I mean the reason this site was big in the first place was because of all the hERos and news coverage this could be the golden age
I think if someone from the site goes ER, they're gonna try to shut this place down saying it's full of violent inkels
just ban the people that are killing the site
Good now find solution to me dying

I don't want normies and fakecels infiltrating this forum.

If they're an Incel. They'll find their way here (Either through r/Braincels or cucktears).
The moment you promote this site then being 'incel' will just become a trend normies will adopt to be seen as edgy and different from their normie peers and we'll get flooded with fakecels and LARPers. Look at what happened to /r9k/...go there now and it is literally just normies roleplaying as robots because they adopted board culture and changed it to suit themselves...same thing would happen here.

This place isn't supposed to bolster numbers or even remain hugely active. It's a place of solace for incels to talk freely with each other and not worry about normies invading and setting new standards and a new culture to alienate us from our own group.
Just allow shit posting and blue pilled normies. When you let people shit post eventually they'll learn to think of creative/original posts.

Without them you won't have much content.

Plus allowing blue pills gives us new people to convert.
This would work if we actually made OC
Unban everyone, and allow traps/tranny posts.

Problem solved
unpopular opinion
The rules are way to strict and with everyone having the same oppinion there is nothing to discuss.

Just allow shit posting and blue pilled normies. When you let people shit post eventually they'll learn to think of creative/original posts.

Without them you won't have much content.

Plus allowing blue pills gives us new people to convert.
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Brendioeee, you are visibly a good looking fakecel. Just gtfo you motherfuckin attention seeker
Solution: stop banning legit users.
A bunch of useless, low IQ spamming faggots getting banned or leaving =/= the forum dying.

Please fuck off back to /pol/ or 8chan or whatever other autistic community you came from.
Online communities always go to shit the bigger the userbase becomes. You should know this since you have seen this happen with /r9k/ and 4chan in general. Attracting more people just means attracting more shitposters. Sure, there's going to be some genuine incels mixed in with the newcomers but at least half of them are going to be here just to bait. I have never seen an online community improve by getting bigger, it always brings in unwanted elements.
Those who identify with inceldom will find this place on their own, the term "incel" is already well-known enough so anyone who looks up the definition and sympathises with it will get curious and look up this place.

Couldn't agree more. Advertising here on normie channels/platforms would just attract larpers and infiltrators. I also don't mind low activity if it means that the post quality is good and there is no gay shit or tranny shit. Quality over quantity, always.
A bunch of useless, low IQ spamming faggots getting banned or leaving =/= the forum dying.

Please fuck off back to /pol/ or 8chan or whatever other autistic community you came from.
Why? They wont make it through the vetting process if they're not actually an Incel.
They will though. fuck normans. This site will never truly die. It will only be purified by light and black flames.
Don't advertise this site to the normalfags.
U are right many normal fags will start lurking around. We have already enough lurkers. Im happy this forum isnt a big forum. We know each other and we keep everybody safe. :feelstrash::cryfeels:
But its sad if your buddy boys are getting banned :cryfeels:
U are right many normal fags will start lurking around. We have already enough lurkers. Im happy this forum isnt a big forum. We know each other and we keep everybody safe. :feelstrash::cryfeels:
But its sad if your buddy boys are getting banned :cryfeels:
Agreed, it does suck when you see posters that you know get banned by the mods. I'm also happy that this forum isn't as big as it is.
They will though. fuck normans. This site will never truly die. It will only be purified by light and black flames.
Even if they do somehow make it in, we have seen several times people getting exposed and getting banned for being inconsistent liars/normies/sex havers. Even if they stick around for a few months. While I personally would be harsher on sex havers as a whole, instead of irrelevant things such as, "low effort posting" or "racebaiting" i'd be lying if I said there haven't been a few prominent fakecels who have been exposed and were banned.

All publicity is good publicity, especially when you are in one of the most hated groups in the western world. I haven't really seen any good arguments to why this site shouldn't grow and have more users.
I couldn’t care less if this place dies from inactivity, but don’t let it become /r9k/.
Even if they do somehow make it in, we have seen several times people getting exposed and getting banned for being inconsistent liars/normies/sex havers. Even if they stick around for a few months. While I personally would be harsher on sex havers as a whole, instead of irrelevant things such as, "low effort posting" or "racebaiting" i'd be lying if I said there haven't been a few prominent fakecels who have been exposed and were banned.

All publicity is good publicity, especially when you are in one of the most hated groups in the western world. I haven't really seen any good arguments to why this site shouldn't grow and have more users.

I don't know to what degree the mods can handle the situation when hundreds of randoms no trustees can vouch for pour in and start wrecking havoc.

I couldn’t care less if this place dies from inactivity, but don’t let it become /r9k/.
The mods are adamant about not letting tha happen, but that can quickly change. That is why I'm so doubtful about this suggestion.
I don't know to what degree the mods can handle the situation when hundreds of randoms no trustees can vouch for pour in and start wrecking havoc.
Most new users were randoms that nobody could vouch for, how many people are even talking to eachother outside of the forum? Probably not a lot, sure doesn't help when active off site communities are banned, or shun people not in the in group.

This site shouldn't be an "in group" either, it should be a site for Incels regardless.

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