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Brutal A cunt's opinion of men

The funniest part about all of this is that they're truly their own worst enemy. I can promise that at least 80% of the foids responding in agreement :foidSoy: are pretty much exclusively attracted to the same male power that is venerated by what they call the patriarchy. The vast majority of them are sleeping with the enemy, regularly, and instead of interrogating their own desires, they're saying "Well it's complicated..." and "Nobody can control their desires", both of which are blatant falsehoods. Yes you can control your desires and no it's not hard. You can figure out if a person has good character by talking to them for 10 minutes, and giving off the illusion of power is not a fucking measurement of character.

But here we are, aren't we?
sounds like foid feminists need to spend more time looking into the mirror
Women deserve all that restriction because they are no better then animals.
dumb whore said:
Your archaic belief systems dictate our worth.

1. Your uninformed policies control our bodies.

2. Your gun lust kills our children.

3. You are a blight, an absolute parasite on this earth, responsible for so much violence and destruction.

4. Women are your highest prize. Your trophy wives, your baby makers, your caretakers, your maids, your cooks, your nurses....

5. You NEED us, so you control us so we can't reject you. And when we do, you rape us.

6. But it won't last. Our rage runs deep and long, and you will all pay for this for years to come.

7. More and more women are realizing how much they despise you. Women are divorcing their husbands and leaving their boyfriends. More of us are swearing off men and refusing to have your babies.

8. More and more of you will be friendzoned. Rejected. Dumped. Alone.

9. The very thing you fear most is coming to pass and it's all your own fault.

10. Edit: So many fragile boys in my DMs. I'm married to a man though, sorry.

1. No. You have the right to your own body and I believe that you should. Fortunately however you won’t be able to murder your unborn children for much longer though. God bless America for that too as Roe Vs. Wade finally crumbles and burns. :feelsEhh:

2. Gun lust? Lady I don’t even own a gun. My only enjoyments out of life are McDonald’s, videogames and endlessly dunking on stupid whores such as yourself on any as of yet uncensored by libtards or Jews platforms or venues I can as of yet still manage to find. :feelsahh: Pssst. I do support the 2nd Amendment though. :feelzez:

3. And proud of it. I will forever be a leech on the Jewish system and gladly collect and enjoy my NEETbux by the fistful. I’ll never actively support the world you dumb whores prefer via my labor, which is a world of child murder for convenience and or subjecting the children you actually don’t murder to violent nigger or related third world boyfriends you worthless holes seem to prefer over decent and moral men. Fuck you cunt up you’re the violent one here.

4. Nope. Chad only. I could give a fuck whether your next nigger pet beats you to death or not. Please continue to date worthless evil setbacks and niggers like War Machine and Zac Stacy as I do enjoy watching the brutality you whores refer to as “love” whereby the savage nigger throws you through your flatscreen TV or your wetback MMA lover caves your face in while making the new man you cucked him with piss his pants like a sissy bitch begging not to be killed and secretly praying in his mind that the cops show up in time to save the both of you from your own selfishness and stupidity. :feelsgah:

5. We don’t need you. We want you dead along with the communist feminist ideology that has forever rotted out and ruined your brains. Our only wish is for future male generations to not have to deal with you and your kind and so grow up to know what it’s like to have a peaceful and normal loving relationship or simple happy and contented co existence with the opposite sex. As for raping you? Don’t let your fantasies of desire ability get out of control there hon bun. You’re not that special and if a rapes going to take place it’s 99.9% statisticically most likely going to be performed by your nigger. :feelsUnreal:

6. The only thing that runs deep and long is that overused gash of yours. Close your legs you disgusting foul piglet!

7. You reject men for nigger apes and wetback hyenas and then retardedly get mad at men when the nigger apes or wetback hyenas rape, beat you and or leave you after knocking your sorry asses up with their fatherless future criminal bastards. Put the hate where it actually belongs you dumb bitch. Precisely at the person staring back at you in the mirror in the morning. :feelsclown:

8. And more of you will be hospitalized, acid faced, murdered or left to rot alone or surrounded only by cats in your twilight years so what goes around comes around eh you dumb cunt? :feelsjuice:

9. No. The fault primarily lies as always with the Jews but your gullibility is a close second. :feelswhere:

10. Unlikely the thing you quantify as being a man is anything at all to actually closely resembling such. Most likely it’s either a nigger ape or a sniveling, crawling, ass kissing soy boy that you regularly cuck with a nigger. :feelskek:
Stop shooting our children, but let us kill them in the womb :foidSoy:
Where to even start?

The position and status of women in a society, insofar as it deviates from natural law, requires the consent of men, since we are the violent ones. So any intergender conflict will always be resolved in our favor. If we want x, and women want y, and those two things are, let’s say, diametrically opposed to one another, we can just go through with doing x, and how will women stop us? The only form of power they have over us is the threat of withholding pussy, but we can withhold resources from them, and they will give in first. She thinks a foid run utopia is coming? Reminder that the current dystopia tier gynocentric zeitgeist/social order could have only been brought about with the consent and violent enforcement of pussy ass bitchmade “men”. “Men” voting for other cucked men or “yasss wahmens!”, then “men” in power directing the state’s guns at other men on women’s behalf, and “men” wielding those guns against other men. “Men” in a crowd being such reliable white knights that will rush to rescue any woman, that women can do and say whatever they want since an army of cucks will materialize out of nowhere to save them.

Second, does this foid really think leftist, ally, feminist men are perfectly pure in thier motivations? Wtf does she not realize every single male feminist doesn’t give a fuck about their gay ass ideology, and is just using it to get pussy? I mean, it’s a shit tier sexual strategy and does work, but nevertheless that’s why it’s done. I thought that was well known by now tbh.

women are property, they shouldn’t vote, Islam is right about women, and so on. Fucking meme creatures.
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"Your uninformed policies control our bodies."

Does this toilet even knows what "right-wing" or "Libertarian" means? Both are extremely pro-abortion. She's confusing these people with Conservatives, which shows how much thought she actually put into her post. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Hah. Yeah. The libertarian policy on anything is basically no policy, just be peaceful.
Imagine a foid calling anyone else a "blight" or "parasite." :feelsseriously:
they're always threathening with their only worth: babies and sex :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
they say they're more but we find the truth always in posts like this
raging feminists on reddit

Ha Ha Ha Lol GIF
Wonder what she thinks is going to happen after a significant number of men are perpetually alone. They're just going to LDAR?
You’d think not, but if the situation in Japan is any indicator, yeah probably.
Left-wing whores & communist foids, we hate you.
Your degenerate belief systems dictate no worth, but that everybody is equal.
Your uninformed policies control bodies of male worker bees tax payers.
Your sex lust kills family.
You are a blight, an absolute parasite on this earth, responsible for so much violence and destruction.
Chads are your highest prize. Your fuck boys, your single-mother makers, your bad boys, your aids, your cocks, getting into your purses....
You NEED us, so you can control us so you can reject us. And when you do, you then blame us.
But it won't last. Our rage runs deep and long, and you will all pay for this for years to come.
More and more men are realizing how much they despise you. Women are divorcing their husbands and leaving their boyfriends. More of us are swearing off women and refusing to make you babies.
More and more of you will be friendzoned. Rejected. Dumped. Alone.
The very thing you fear most is coming to pass and it's all your own fault.
Edit: So many fragile roasties in my DMs. I'm used to be a king though, sorry.
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You’d think not, but if the situation in Japan is any indicator, yeah probably.
Japan is odd because it's foids, too, that are perpetually alone. Their 70-hour work weeks are killing them.
She loves Right wing Chads. Just not short bald or sub 5 right wing men.
I'm eternally rejected and alone anyway, so WTF do I care? :feelsjuice:
Do pigs finally see why giving women rights was a mistake? :feelskek:
To be fair she is talking about "libretarian men". She loves bluepilled beta cuck men just not men who can stand up for themselves.
‘Married’. Probably a betabux relationship.
You know it is since she implies at the end that her husband is some woke liberal soy chugging faggot who clearly just “yes dear” goes along with whatever his wife wants him to think.
Yeah ok, right wing men are the "parasites". :feelskek: these people are so delusional.
I know right? Holy shit women are retarded — the absolute gall and delusion to call the conservatives “parasites” holy moly.

Why are women like this? Imagine, just imagine, the fallout of a man on MGTOW or TRP or some shit had a made a post like this about liberal women lmfao.

The double standards never end with these faggots.
>if you don't think exactly how I think you should kill yourself
why are women like this
Indeed, well said, your paraphrase is spot on — shit like this being upvoted by mass women tells you all you need to know about their lack of basic ability and level of entitlement.

We all know how they would react if men had made a mirror of this post about liberal women. Suddenly it would be cried of mISogyNy. Honestly what is with women and double standards?
Wonder what she thinks is going to happen after a significant number of men are perpetually alone. They're just going to LDAR?
It is what they think — their egos have grown so large as society puts them on a pedestal and sucks them off no matter how retarded their dipshit opinions are. Our mission should be to blackpill as many men as possible since the only hope of eventually rebalancing society depends on men, as a group not a niche movement, forcing governments to stop treating us like second class citizens in our own god damn countries.
It doesn’t apply to chad.
They never admit this truth, but any man with half a brain sees it plain as day. It’s a shame how effective western propaganda has been at brainwashing men into feminists.
This is not my comment, it was Arthas93’s, credit where it’s due, but it seems to have been removed or deleted so I’m reposting it since it’s the most terabased decimation of this woman’s bullshit in the whole thread:

“1 Your archaic belief systems dictate our worth.
(And yet, femoids neither can come up with a better system nor do they use any other "systems" that they make up.)
(Femoids never want to leave those "archaic belief systems" and survive on their own. They are parasites.)

2 Your uninformed policies control our bodies.
(The policies are informed and they indeed exert control over the foid bodies)
(These same policies exert control over male bodies as well, and have done so for hundreds of year. Yet foids never fought or complained about that)
(Forced army conscription, forced labor, imprisonment laws, child support laws, tax laws, vaccine laws all those have control over men's bodies and yet foids don't care)
(Abortion laws are not about the femoid body, it's about protecting the baby and his right to exist and have a Life)
(Don't want a baby? Simple then, don't let Chad/Tyrone raw dog and cum inside your hole)
(Yes, the policies control your body to prevent you from killing an innocent baby. Just like it does with men)
(Men also can't kill babies inside their mother wombs, even if they don't want to raise/take care of these babies)
(There are more policies today that "control men's body" than there are ones controlling women's body)
(Femoids legally have much more body autonomy than men have. Law after law femoids have much more rights over their own body than men have)

3 Your gun lust kills our children.
(Sure, continue that argument. Which ethnicity is responsible for the vast majority of gun crimes/'gun violence' and gun killings of children?)
(Yeah that is right: Blacks, Chinese and Muslims).

4 You are a blight, an absolute parasite on this earth, responsible for so much violence and destruction.
(And yet, you willingly and gratefully benefits from it all. And are not willingly to put in the work or the effort neither to stop it nor to provide in it's place)
(And yet wahmen always willingly reward with free sex and their body holes the men that most destroy and cause violence)

5 Women are your highest prize. Your trophy wives, your baby makers, your caretakers, your maids, your cooks, your nurses....
(W*men are a natural resource, not a prize)
(Most femoids refuse to be wives, let alone "trophy wives")
(Yes, femoids are baby makers, Nature/God created them for that. Men are baby makers as well, without a man you can't make a baby)
(Caretakers? Maids? Most femoids can't take care of a potted plant)
(There are more male janitors, cooks and nurses. And they do a better job than wormen do.)
(Men are the ones doing all those jobs while femoids give sex to the top 1% of Chads)

6 You NEED us, so you control us so we can't reject you. And when we do, you rape us.
(Femetards NEED men much more than men need them.)
(If all femoids magically disappeared from my country today, everything would still function properly for decades. Every single part of society)
(If all men magically disappeared from my country today, everything would collapse in a matter of hours because the remaining wahmen don't have the physical or mental capacity/competence to maintain any it)
(The control/reject/rape bullshit is a complete femoid lie and imbecility.)
(Femoids reject millions of males online and in real life everyday and are not raped, not even a single time.)

7 But it won't last. Our rage runs deep and long, and you will all pay for this for years to come.
(It will last because the ones keeping it up are the femoids themselves.)
(Your "rage" is ingratitude and retarded. And it doesn't run deep/long because in the very next second you go and willingly deepthroat Chad's dick.)
(Men pay every day for the comfortable lives that femoids have. Be it in child support or in unfair welfare laws that syphon tax money to whore single mothers)

8 More and more women are realizing how much they despise you. Women are divorcing their husbands and leaving their boyfriends. More of us are swearing off men and refusing to have your babies.
(What do you mean "they are realizing"? Femoids always despised ugly men.)
(W*men are divorcing their husbands because corrupt government rewards them his money for it.)
(Femoids never leave Chad. Chad is the one that leaves them once they are no longer tight)
("More of us are swearing off men and refusing to have your babies." No you are not. You suck Chad dick everyday,)

9 More and more of you will be friendzoned. Rejected. Dumped. Alone.
(Then more and more females will prostitute themselves online and offline too)
(And when the economy takes a hit more and more females will beg, go after and suck dick not to starve. Just like what happened in Venezuela)
(Femoidism only exists in wealthy, lazy, abnormal, over abundant Western Soycieties, which are very uncommon in Human history and are short lived anomalies)
(As soon as reality and Nature normalizes those soycieties, femoids go back to being property and willingly submissive)

10 The very thing you fear most is coming to pass and it's all your own fault.
(That is the femoid talking to herself. She is projecting.)
(Femoids fear being alone (that means no Chad), starving, they fear work, they fear honest heavy labor)
(Western economies will collapse because of western foids and it's all the female's fault indeed. They will go back to having to do heavy labor, no more cushioned jobs where they do nothing and just stay on Facebook/Instagram all day long)”
''anyways..heres my hubby, Buster..hes fresh out of jail after beating some guy who looked at him wrong to a bloody pulp. TeeHee''
A woman calling anyone else a parasite :feelsUgh::feelshaha:
These whores love the fact that we're rotting in misery. Can't say I'll feel bad for them if a day reckoning comes. Individually or society wide.
All men should immediately drop out of this cucked society and leave women alone
All men should immediately drop out of this cucked society and leave women alone
no because women would never allow that. Women are creatures that cannot survive without men and they would insist on living for the 20% of males they keep as Chad to rule over them.
Women who think like this should do everyone a favor and stay alone.
I'd rather die alone and incel than live with someone this deranged and brainwashed.
no because women would never allow that. Women are creatures that cannot survive without men and they would insist on living for the 20% of males they keep as Chad to rule over them.
Then the chads need to be taken away from them
As usual, the feminists saying men are violent but say nothing about the women that date them type of men, because they go for them type of men themselves.
And they don't say anything about women being passive and not doing anything good for society and men like inventions, life saving etc
Now join the army and defend the lovely fantastic West against chechen and russian Barbarians!!!!!! :feelskek:

Go inkwell goooo Russia asian snow nigger bad our race uait reis our wimminz!! 111 :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
If it's not a larping tranny then this is her husband

It's just a clump of cells sweaty:dab:

His ancestors must be rolling in their graves,this is the state of men in this modern world:feelspuke::feelspuke:

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