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A Bunch Of White Bashing Ethnics Popping Up Here

The white hate must stop.
Tbh. When you go out on public with a Whites Lives Matter sign, then you will be branded as right-wing extremist and racist. Or if you stand by your country as a white man, you are automatically a Nazi.This Cucked liberal anti white Propaganda needs to stop.
I dislike whites now for the reason.
Bring degeneracy in to ethnic countries "alphabet soup rights", "womens rights"
Some how superior but subverted by jews?
I am tired of but my "freinds" "my childhood" "my parents" type brag threads.
Throwing their culture down the drain and allowing muttification.

This site will become a place where whites will post first world problems reddit type trash not seeing the golden spoon in their mouths. Being an ethnic is nightmare mode, being a white incel in a white country is a good life, at least you don't have to worry about getting out of a trash bin livelyhood.
Cope. Most ethnics mog white soyboys in terms of attractiveness and lifestyle, at least there where I live. Guys like you need to shut up.
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colvin lives matter
It's only natural since white's are the main cause of hypergamy.

That's not me "bashing" white's or anything, that's just a blackpilled truth.
Most ethnics mog white soyboys in terms of lifestyle, at least there where I live.
Yes ethnics always have more swagger and/or education. There is no white alive that mogs any ethnic in both swagger AND career opportunities.
You really think it has stopped?
Not really. Can't even tell if it's slowed down any in fact, just that there's a loud counter voice to it now.
I am tired of but my "freinds" "my childhood" "my parents" type brag threads.
What do you mean by this?
Romello it’s probably or at least very well could be refugees from Wizchan who’ve finally had enough of all the faggot shit the Mod Fag Clique permits over there.

The huge and disgusting homosexual/fur fag/bestiality thread over there for example as well I think they have even openly allowed fags looking for a boyfriend to hit on wizards over there with no repercussions.

Again unfortunately most of these refugees are likely the same self hating white race traitor communist bug men and non white turds and Jew parasites I did regular battle with over there whom are now leaving the toilet produced by their own sick ideologies rather than marinating in it as they rightfully deserve and should.
Over for Wizchancels
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I see more ethnic self hate tbh especially from that Zabbalen sandnigger
I see more ethnic self hate tbh especially from that Zabbalen sandnigger
That's going by the wayside slowly but surely thanks to the social atmosphere around the world like I said. And just btw anyone who says BLM only benefits tyrone is coping hard.
I don't mind an occasional slur, but I simply block obvious race-baiters like @FullTimeLoser -- you only need to read a few posts to know he's obviously trolling
I wouldn't be surprised if race-baiters were planted here by the feds to divide and conquer
anyone who says BLM only benefits tyrone is coping hard.
BLM benefits all blacks that's true but not everyone gets the same benefits. For some 3/10 blackcel it's less racism and more respect and still no sex but for some 8/10 Tyrone it's more sex and more Tinder matches. That's it. I don't think any truecel blackcel here will ascend because of the BLM. That's how I interpret.
Keep crying cumskin. It seems like white people have a big mouth when being racist against other races of people, yet when the tables are turned they cry. Don't dish out what you can't take. @ThoughtfulCel

"Haha good kill all Arabs"
"Omg you can't shit on white people"

Isnt it FUNNY that whitey is always a victim when its his turn to get shit on. You don't hear any other race here complaining when they're called shit skins, chinks, niggers, or spics. In fact ITS THE NORM here.

BUT the moment whitey gets shit thrown his way he recoils and starts wailing. Isn't that just fucking hilarious.

What goes around does indeed come around, and until mods say its ban-able I will give vocalizing my hate for cumskins the same way they shit on every single race here.

Cry me a God damn river.


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Keep crying cumskin. It seems like white people have a big mouth when being racist against other races of people, yet when the tables are turned they cry. Don't dish out what you can't take. @ThoughtfulCel

"Haha good kill all Arabs"
"Omg you can't shit on white people"
You addressing me, the OP? I aint butthurt about any of it. Just making (correct)observations and tbh I knew this topic was gonna get a bunch of attention so I could get that sweet, sweet notification rush.
i also wanted to mention that some days ago. its clear as the day...
Keep crying cumskin. It seems like white people have a big mouth when being racist against other races of people, yet when the tables are turned they cry. Don't dish out what you can't take. @ThoughtfulCel

"Haha good kill all Arabs"
"Omg you can't shit on white people"
shut up
Keep crying cumskin. It seems like white people have a big mouth when being racist against other races of people, yet when the tables are turned they cry. Don't dish out what you can't take. @ThoughtfulCel

"Haha good kill all Arabs"
"Omg you can't shit on white people"

Isnt it FUNNY that whitey is always a victim when its his turn to get shit on. You don't hear any other race here complaining when they're called shit skins, chinks, niggers, or spics. In fact ITS THE NORM here.

BUT the moment whitey gets shit thrown his way he recoils and starts wailing. Isn't that just fucking hilarious.

What goes around does indeed come around, and until mods say its ban-able I will give vocalizing my hate for cumskins the same way they shit on every single race here.

Cry me a God damn river.
Come to think of it, I never see ethnics complain about racial slurs being thrown at them. I'll have to give it to ethnics on this, they don't make thread after thread about racism being thrown at them, but whitecels seem to keep making them, "one prominent member who shall remain nameless" comes to mind. My question however is, how come ethnics don't complain about racism, but whites do, when both ethnics and whites have racism thrown at them?
Come to think of it, I never see ethnics complain about racial slurs being thrown at them. I'll have to give it to ethnics on this, they don't make thread after thread about racism being thrown at them, but whitecels seem to keep making them, "one prominent member who shall remain nameless" comes to mind. My question however is, how come ethnics don't complain about racism, but whites do, when both ethnics and whites have racism thrown at them?
Because it has been normalized here and some people are too pussy to speak out against shit like this. Not to mention some non white here are self haters.

Notice how some users who aren't even white are quick to jump to whiteys defense. Some of them don't even know why. Imagine licking whiteys boot while he shits on you because your skin isn't as pasty as pizza dough. Literally Cuck shit.

I personally dont give one shit why non whites don't complain about it. Maybe its because they don't have the fragile baby boy egos that whites have.

Maybe it's because they aren't insecure faggots hiding behind a screen flinging insults like how I fling my poo sometimes because I'm a Gorilla.

All I know is that I hate whites and racism here is allowed. So I dont care how hard cumskins cry about it. I'm still going to participate in it and make it fair game for both sides.

Also I'm a Gorilla. Not relevant I know, but I wanted to point that out.


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It’s white genocide. The only ethnic group allowed to use the internet is asians
you are a cuckhold if you have given up on your life but not on your race\country etc.
Race allegiance is a cope this is an incel forum not a war race debating one
keep crying cumskin :feelshmm:
yea tbh would be nice if we kept the infighting to a minimum
the race bait rule is applied very selectively.

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