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Blackpill A Blackpill order of Monkcels - Should we create one ? [Clarifications and improvements]



Sep 30, 2019
Clarifications first. This is not about:
  1. larping in robes,
  2. believing in anything supernatural
  3. NoFap
The basic idea is this:
  1. "Science" and "Reason" have lead us where we are. They are the indirect cause of our misery.
  2. Religions were far more based and fought inceldom and foid worship, often quite successfully
  3. We need to get out of the cycle we are stuck in.
  4. We are idle brains mostly free of bullshit. New religions/civilizations in the past emerged among people who were like that
  5. We have nothing to lose.
Given the above, I think that a religious approach, a religious style, is what we need. I am thinking of something that mirrors The Kübler-Ross grief cycle (Denial/Anger/Depression/Bargaining/Acceptance) but on a larger scale and with the last stage being not "acceptance" but "building something new" (@HotPotCel).

The main goal of the order would be to clarify and give a structured account of what we mean by "the Black Pill". Atm there are way too many divergent/contradictory interpretations of it.

The activities of the order would be (list not limitative) :
  1. Online discussions (format/platform to be determined) on points of the Black Pill
  2. Publications of the minutes of these discussions
  3. Development of a P@P forum software to create an uncensorable safe-haven for the incel community (accessible to non-members of the order)
The doctrine of the order would include the following points (list open to revision/modification/addition):
  1. Monkceldom means dedicating one's life to the Blackpill
  2. Monkceldom does not mean sexual abstinence. Fapping and Escortcelling are ok (those who want to nofap of course can).
  3. Monkceldom is about not believing in Bullshit. Believing in Bullshit is the only real sin.
  4. Believing (and saying) that one does not believe in any Bullshit is Bullshit. It is a sin.
  5. Admitting that one has been believing in some bullshit is the best way to cleanse oneself from Bullshit. A true Monkcel makes such admissions on a frequent basis.
  6. The Blackpill is the absence of belief in Bullshit
  7. No one is ever fully blackpilled. The Blackpill is the limit towards which every Monkcel strives although he knows it can never be reached entirely.
  8. Idolatry is the typical form of Bullshit (rather than outright lies)
  9. Worship of foids (idolatry of foids) is the most widespread form of bullshit (gynolatry/feminism)
  10. Chads are also whorshiped by many incels (not to mention normies). Not idolizing Chads is as important as not idolizing foids (two sides of the same coin)
  11. The Blackpill is anti-romantic love (@SlayerSlayer)
  12. The Blackpill does not reject Science but it does not believe that Science is "the truth". Sometimes what "scientists" say is reliable; sometimes it is not (Global Warming, etc)
  13. The "truth" does not exist. We cannot know "the Truth" about anything
  14. The scientific method is not about the truth, or about "getting ever closer to the truth". It is about developing trustworthy methods to predict the results of experiments
  15. The only real science (the only one that really follows the scientific method) is Physics/Chemistry. The rest are part of the humanities and fraudulently claim the label of "Science"
  16. Everything in human life revolves around Trust, not "truth". The worst part of Inceldom is the broken trust. We are rejected (mistrusted) and we don't trust anybody anymore (justifiably). But life without trust is impossible. Overcoming Inceldom means rebuilding trust on a new/different basis.
  17. Marxism and its derivatives (Bluepiller/SJW) are an evil cult. It is the chief enabler of feminism in our culture.
  18. Fascism in all its forms is an evil cult that worships Chad. It is a rage cope/masturbation. The blackpill has nothing to do with it.
  19. Believing and desiring are the same. You cannot desire if you do not believe the object of your desire to be desirable. You cannot believe without having an opinion about the object you have a belief about. Either you believe it to be desirable or you believe it to be anti-desirable (disgusting, stupid, uninteresting, etc)
  20. Admission to the order would be open to any member of incels.co/.is
  21. Expulsion (banning) would be decided through a trial-like process by brocel Monk peers.
  22. The text discussed in this thread could become the order's Bible, to be read and discussed in common.
  23. This short story could be used as an allegory of the Monkcel journey: killing one's own tendency to idolize foids and killing one's own tendency to betray the Balckpill to bolster one's ego (@Iamnothere000)
  24. The order would not claim to represent all Incels and not even all Monkcels. It would be an order of Monkcels.
None of these points needs to be accepted outright. They must be discussed and clarified before being accepted (or rejected)

@kikecel @grondilu @Emba @yikerinos @Fight_back @achref @your personality @latin_elioth @Izayacel @Copexodius Maximus @dirtykombatcel @ReconElement @IslaVista2014 @Robtical @suigin @JayGoptri @kampman @Iamnothere000 @ThePopeofCope @NapoliPizzaPie @HotPotCel @Shigechi @Aadi @Speedloader @NorthernWind @Taniscel @Wizard32 @BigMorons @AbsolutelyBrutal @BoramHyunKi @erenyeager @ldar_ricecel @Broly @ilieknothing @Pence2024 @xatoshii @REBEL2003 @DostoevskyCel @GeneticTrashLoser @FlyFace @Mordred2000 @MarquisDeSade @randomguy1235 @NearlyOver @Greyandoldcel @ropecel64 @get_even @BPJ @Mountainbikecel @squirrelsonfire2 @Meus @Miserable @Currycel25 @L Lawliet @gsmcel @SlayerSlayer @Deadend @FlamingCel @sckicksal345 @lifeisbullshit95 @Mecoja @Made in Heaven @IsolationHurts @solblue @SuperPerfectCel @Mogged Loner @slimshady
Question for you OPe.
What are the goals or 'performance outcomes' of such a brotherhood?
I don't believe in God but I believe in one thing and that is if religion as a social control is discarded, wokeness would take it's place cos let's be very honest about it most normies are dumb petty fucks and foids don't have brains at all to begin with. But brotherhood can never be achieved and let's be very honest about it we're a bunch of unimportant outcasts and there's no gains in it, neither tangible nor intangible.
Question for you OPe.
What are the goals or 'performance outcomes' of such a brotherhood?
  1. Improving the lives of monkcel members (getting out of the anger/depression loop) through the clarification of the Black Pill
  2. As a byproduct: clarification of the Black Pill for everyone else.
Point 1. is similar to what Buddhism strives to do, but the teachings would be different.
I think larping in robes would be cool. It is what I imagine what would be worn in the The Council of Eldercels (the legislature) when we establish the Anti-Female Republic of Incelistan.
I think larping in robes would be cool. It is what I imagine what would be worn in the The Council of Eldercels (the legislature) when we establish the Anti-Female Republic of Incelistan.
Why not. But there are a number of things to do first
And it would operate under the assumption that Black Pill as it is can improve quality of life or smooth over the cel cycle?

I'm no expert on this as I moved past the anger and depression phases years ago before cels and pills.

Also, by doing so, it is important that this brotherhood take up the mantle of Black Pill and be it's custodian?
The Black Pill is then whatever this brotherhood decides it is?

Sorry for the questions. Curious.
I don't see the purpose
would make a lot more sense to have a doomsday kvlt equipped with nuclear or chemical weapons
What I really want to see is a group of men who unmistakably understand nature and want to eradicate it
I cannot take seriously someone that has "Otaku" in his name. Anime is one of the biggest spreaders of bullshit

  1. "Science" and "Reason" have lead us where we are. They are the indirect cause of our misery.
I don't think so, Science tells us men are stronger than women, science tells us that intact families produce better people. So is not science that leads us here but cucked and weak people that blind themself to those facts.

Religions were far more based and fought inceldom and foid worship, often quite successfully
Yes I agreed. Well enforced religion.

  1. The Blackpill is the absence of belief in Bullshit
You always believe in some bullshit, someway somehow

gluten-free products

The list is huuuuge.
larping in robes? well sheit sounds like fun tho

great post anyway
And it would operate under the assumption that Black Pill as it is can improve quality of life or smooth over the cel cycle?
Buddhism's starting point is the idea that "Full insight into the origin of the Suffering is the end of the Suffering". I believe that for many people, Buddhism worked and that this premise is fundamentally sound. Even Christianity can be said to teach something similar (but that is another story)

The Blackpill as it is cannot really have this effect because it has to many versions/contradictions. However, by working on it, I believe it can be made into a liberating body of teachings. Then it would fully deserve the name of a "pill"

I'm no expert on this as I moved past the anger and depression phases years ago before cels and pills.
That is why the input of oldcels like you would be very useful, I think

Also, by doing so, it is important that this brotherhood take up the mantle of Black Pill and be it's custodian?
Yes, because the Black Pill is what we have. It is the foundation we must build on.

The Black Pill is then whatever this brotherhood decides it is?
There is no way a group of people like this order could "decide" anything. It would just strive to give a coherent and structured account of the Blackpill that people would decide to follow if they like it (see point 24 in the OP)

Buddhist incelism does sound kinda based ngl
You get it. That is indeed what I have in mind.
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ngl i was thinking about creating and producing a constructive and elaborate guideline to what I BELIEVE what the very core the blackpill foundation embodies in a youtube video, i just didnt have the energy for it yet.
I cannot take seriously someone that has "Otaku" in his name. Anime is one of the biggest spreaders of bullshit
Otaku is not linked with Anime initially. In Japan, it is the word that ppl used before "hikkikomori" was coind. The latter is just the current Japanese word for "Incel"

I don't think so, Science tells us men are stronger than women, science tells us that intact families produce better people. So is not science that leads us here but cucked and weak people that blind themself to those facts.
Some "scientists" indeed tell us that. But not all of them. At the moment, the label "science" is overused and increasingly fraudulent. That is what I have in mind. Not real science.

Today, "science" is inseparable from the bluepill. It is the main normie religion.

You always believe in some bullshit, someway somehow

gluten-free products

The list is huuuuge.
All bullshit has to go if you want to be truly blackpilled. It is a journey, not an end goal

count me in.
Good. I will DM you when enough people have expressed interest and will organize an online call.

It would be a nice larp but I don't see the point of it ultimately
The point would be this:
Buddhism's starting point is the idea that "Full insight into the origin of the Suffering is the end of the Suffering". I believe that for many people, Buddhism worked and that this premise is fundamentally sound. Even Christianity can be said to teach something similar (but that is another story)

The Blackpill as it is cannot really have this effect because it has to many versions/contradictions. However, by working on it, I believe it can be made into a liberating body of teachings. Then it would fully deserve the name of a "pill"
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Good ideas, but I'm not sure about the name "monkcel".
OP has the wrong kind of avi in their profile in that the Jedi are a bunch of faggots concerning replicating some kind of grand secret order or brotherhood fraternity. The correct symbol of inspiration should be this below.

I'll repeat, Jedis are a bunch of flaming faggots.


  • images (2).png
    images (2).png
    4.3 KB · Views: 18
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OP has the wrong kind of avi in their profile in that the Jedi are a bunch of faggots concerning replicating some kind of grand secret order or brotherhood fraternity. The correct symbol of inspiration should be this below.
It is not the Jedi symbol, although I know it looks like it somewhat

Good ideas, but I'm not sure about the name "monkcel".
I used it because it already exist and has the right connotations, I think. What is wrong with it?
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Why? . Those things are BS to me. Even reclying
Vegetarianism and people caring about nature isn't just a modern trend, it dates back to ancient times in many places.
ADHD is a real problem people can have due to a fucked up dopamine system (even if many people think it is over diagnosed).

You're right about recycling though, that is actually bullshit in many cases because in many cases it's easier to make the shit from scratch than to transport the used stuff, break it down, and then make new shit.

As for gluten free stuff, I don't know much about it so idk.
Ok caring about the environment may not be BS, but the modern environmental movement definitively is.

ADHD doesn't exist in undeveloped countries. Kids are straight the old ways and gain discipline this way. I don't see a problem of ADHD in china?
Clarifications first. This is not about:
  1. larping in robes,
  2. believing in anything supernatural
  3. NoFap
The basic idea is this:
  1. "Science" and "Reason" have lead us where we are. They are the indirect cause of our misery.
  2. Religions were far more based and fought inceldom and foid worship, often quite successfully
  3. We need to get out of the cycle we are stuck in.
  4. We are idle brains mostly free of bullshit. New religions/civilizations in the past emerged among people who were like that
  5. We have nothing to lose.
Given the above, I think that a religious approach, a religious style, is what we need. I am thinking of something that mirrors The Kübler-Ross grief cycle (Denial/Anger/Depression/Bargaining/Acceptance) but on a larger scale and with the last stage being not "acceptance" but "building something new" (@HotPotCel).

The main goal of the order would be to clarify and give a structured account of what we mean by "the Black Pill". Atm there are way too many divergent/contradictory interpretations of it.

The activities of the order would be (list not limitative) :
  1. Online discussions (format/platform to be determined) on points of the Black Pill
  2. Publications of the minutes of these discussions
  3. Development of a P@P forum software to create an uncensorable safe-haven for the incel community (accessible to non-members of the order)
The doctrine of the order would include the following points (list open to revision/modification/addition):
  1. Monkceldom means dedicating one's life to the Blackpill
  2. Monkceldom does not mean sexual abstinence. Fapping and Escortcelling are ok (those who want to nofap of course can).
  3. Monkceldom is about not believing in Bullshit. Believing in Bullshit is the only real sin.
  4. Believing (and saying) that one does not believe in any Bullshit is Bullshit. It is a sin.
  5. Admitting that one has been believing in some bullshit is the best way to cleanse oneself from Bullshit. A true Monkcel makes such admissions on a frequent basis.
  6. The Blackpill is the absence of belief in Bullshit
  7. No one is ever fully blackpilled. The Blackpill is the limit towards which every Monkcel strives although he knows it can never be reached entirely.
  8. Idolatry is the typical form of Bullshit (rather than outright lies)
  9. Worship of foids (idolatry of foids) is the most widespread form of bullshit (gynolatry/feminism)
  10. Chads are also whorshiped by many incels (not to mention normies). Not idolizing Chads is as important as not idolizing foids (two sides of the same coin)
  11. The Blackpill is anti-romantic love (@SlayerSlayer)
  12. The Blackpill does not reject Science but it does not believe that Science is "the truth". Sometimes what "scientists" say is reliable; sometimes it is not (Global Warming, etc)
  13. The "truth" does not exist. We cannot know "the Truth" about anything
  14. The scientific method is not about the truth, or about "getting ever closer to the truth". It is about developing trustworthy methods to predict the results of experiments
  15. The only real science (the only one that really follows the scientific method) is Physics/Chemistry. The rest are part of the humanities and fraudulently claim the label of "Science"
  16. Everything in human life revolves around Trust, not "truth". The worst part of Inceldom is the broken trust. We are rejected (mistrusted) and we don't trust anybody anymore (justifiably). But life without trust is impossible. Overcoming Inceldom means rebuilding trust on a new/different basis.
  17. Marxism and its derivatives (Bluepiller/SJW) are an evil cult. It is the chief enabler of feminism in our culture.
  18. Fascism in all its forms is an evil cult that worships Chad. It is a rage cope/masturbation. The blackpill has nothing to do with it.
  19. Believing and desiring are the same. You cannot desire if you do not believe the object of your desire to be desirable. You cannot believe without having an opinion about the object you have a belief about. Either you believe it to be desirable or you believe it to be anti-desirable (disgusting, stupid, uninteresting, etc)
  20. Admission to the order would be open to any member of incels.co/.is
  21. Expulsion (banning) would be decided through a trial-like process by brocel Monk peers.
  22. The text discussed in this thread could become the order's Bible, to be read and discussed in common.
  23. This short story could be used as an allegory of the Monkcel journey: killing one's own tendency to idolize foids and killing one's own tendency to betray the Balckpill to bolster one's ego (@Iamnothere000)
  24. The order would not claim to represent all Incels and not even all Monkcels. It would be an order of Monkcels.
None of these points needs to be accepted outright. They must be discussed and clarified before being accepted (or rejected)

@kikecel @grondilu @Emba @yikerinos @Fight_back @achref @your personality @latin_elioth @Izayacel @Copexodius Maximus @dirtykombatcel @ReconElement @IslaVista2014 @Robtical @suigin @JayGoptri @kampman @Iamnothere000 @ThePopeofCope @NapoliPizzaPie @HotPotCel @Shigechi @Aadi @Speedloader @NorthernWind @Taniscel @Wizard32 @BigMorons @AbsolutelyBrutal @BoramHyunKi @erenyeager @ldar_ricecel @Broly @ilieknothing @Pence2024 @xatoshii @REBEL2003 @DostoevskyCel @GeneticTrashLoser @FlyFace @Mordred2000 @MarquisDeSade @randomguy1235 @NearlyOver @Greyandoldcel @ropecel64 @get_even @BPJ @Mountainbikecel @squirrelsonfire2 @Meus @Miserable @Currycel25 @L Lawliet @gsmcel @SlayerSlayer @Deadend @FlamingCel @sckicksal345 @lifeisbullshit95 @Mecoja @Made in Heaven @IsolationHurts @solblue @SuperPerfectCel @Mogged Loner @slimshady
science is just a pile of evidence. In the context of society, if the prosecution does a shitty job laying out the evidence to support their claims to dimwit jurors, they are bad scientists. It's not up to the public, nor the "intelligensia" to claim what's good science or not. That should always be the choice of the individual in a free society.

I would rather hang out with a bunch of chill idiotic flat Earthers than a bunch of pretentious asshole vegan professors.
OP has the wrong kind of avi in their profile in that the Jedi are a bunch of faggots concerning replicating some kind of grand secret order or brotherhood fraternity. The correct symbol of inspiration should be this below.

I'll repeat, Jedis are a bunch of flaming faggots.
The jedi are gatekeeping assholes. I don't know why Disney just doesn't depict the Sith as the good guys and prosperity bringers they deserve to be portrayed as. It's better for capitalism
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science is just a pile of evidence. In the context of society, if the prosecution does a shitty job laying out the evidence to support their claims to dimwit jurors, they are bad scientists. It's not up to the public, nor the "intelligensia" to claim what's good science or not. That should always be the choice of the individual in a free society.

I would rather hang out with a bunch of chill idiotic flat Earthers than a bunch of pretentious asshole vegan professors.

Why? . Those things are BS to me. Even reclying
Ok caring about the environment may not be BS, but the modern environmental movement definitively is.
True, I agree some of them are pretty low iq.
However there are some that are gigabased as well.
Ted Kaczynski - Wikipedia

ADHD doesn't exist in undeveloped countries. Kids are straight the old ways and gain discipline this way. I don't see a problem of ADHD in china?
It probably does exist, but those kids probably get no help and just fall behind and become slum lords.
But you do make a good point that modern society might be increasing the rates.
I think this is probably true because it's been shown that hunter gatherer tribes have far better abilities to concentrate compared to humans living in industrialized regions.
This might because shit like social media and entertainment gives us constant dopamine hits, and fried the systems of many of us.
The word Monkcel makes it sound like you're celibate because you're a Monk. How about "Eldercels"

"Marxism and its derivatives (Bluepiller/SJW) are an evil cult. It is the chief enabler of feminism in our culture". Well actually inceldom was born out of capitalism and a sexual free market. The tenants of Marxism which is redistribution of wealth would help Incels most of who are on lower incomes or NEET. SJW culture arose from Capitalist states.

To stop the bluepill infiltration No 2021cels allowed!
The correct answer is incel brotherhood of Sith Lords.
[I never grow tired of watching this.]

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Kl0OsHIDepA

Unironically sounds fitting.

OP, I like the idea. We need an Incel council, to join the incel council you have to be an oldcel, wise, and a person who has gone past the anger, misery and dread that inceldom brings on its sufferers. The main things I hate about bhuddism is its unnesscary compassion to the everyone, compassion should only be directed towards other incels, and other people who do not contribute to unesscary struggling of incels.
OP, I like the idea. We need an Incel council, to join the incel council you have to be an oldcel, wise, and a person who has gone past the anger, misery and dread that inceldom brings on its sufferers. The main things I hate about bhuddism is its unnesscary compassion to the everyone, compassion should only be directed towards other incels, and other people who do not contribute to unesscary struggling of incels.
Absolutely. Buddhism is just a very general inspiration. Details have to be worked out independently of it
Absolutely. Buddhism is just a very general inspiration. Details have to be worked out independently of it
I'll be awaiting the new threads, interested into seeing the blackpill evolve from genetic determinism and endless complaining to something actually practical in dealing with the problems of being an ugly male entails.
I think larping in robes would be cool. It is what I imagine what would be worn in the The Council of Eldercels (the legislature) when we establish the Anti-Female Republic of Incelistan.
I'll be awaiting the new threads, interested into seeing the blackpill evolve from genetic determinism and endless complaining to something actually practical in dealing with the problems of being an ugly male entails.
Yeah, "genetic determinism and endless complaining" is really getting old.
Clarifications first. This is not about:
  1. larping in robes,
  2. believing in anything supernatural
  3. NoFap
The basic idea is this:
  1. "Science" and "Reason" have lead us where we are. They are the indirect cause of our misery.
  2. Religions were far more based and fought inceldom and foid worship, often quite successfully
  3. We need to get out of the cycle we are stuck in.
  4. We are idle brains mostly free of bullshit. New religions/civilizations in the past emerged among people who were like that
  5. We have nothing to lose.
Given the above, I think that a religious approach, a religious style, is what we need. I am thinking of something that mirrors The Kübler-Ross grief cycle (Denial/Anger/Depression/Bargaining/Acceptance) but on a larger scale and with the last stage being not "acceptance" but "building something new" (@HotPotCel).

The main goal of the order would be to clarify and give a structured account of what we mean by "the Black Pill". Atm there are way too many divergent/contradictory interpretations of it.

The activities of the order would be (list not limitative) :
  1. Online discussions (format/platform to be determined) on points of the Black Pill
  2. Publications of the minutes of these discussions
  3. Development of a P@P forum software to create an uncensorable safe-haven for the incel community (accessible to non-members of the order)
The doctrine of the order would include the following points (list open to revision/modification/addition):
  1. Monkceldom means dedicating one's life to the Blackpill
  2. Monkceldom does not mean sexual abstinence. Fapping and Escortcelling are ok (those who want to nofap of course can).
  3. Monkceldom is about not believing in Bullshit. Believing in Bullshit is the only real sin.
  4. Believing (and saying) that one does not believe in any Bullshit is Bullshit. It is a sin.
  5. Admitting that one has been believing in some bullshit is the best way to cleanse oneself from Bullshit. A true Monkcel makes such admissions on a frequent basis.
  6. The Blackpill is the absence of belief in Bullshit
  7. No one is ever fully blackpilled. The Blackpill is the limit towards which every Monkcel strives although he knows it can never be reached entirely.
  8. Idolatry is the typical form of Bullshit (rather than outright lies)
  9. Worship of foids (idolatry of foids) is the most widespread form of bullshit (gynolatry/feminism)
  10. Chads are also whorshiped by many incels (not to mention normies). Not idolizing Chads is as important as not idolizing foids (two sides of the same coin)
  11. The Blackpill is anti-romantic love (@SlayerSlayer)
  12. The Blackpill does not reject Science but it does not believe that Science is "the truth". Sometimes what "scientists" say is reliable; sometimes it is not (Global Warming, etc)
  13. The "truth" does not exist. We cannot know "the Truth" about anything
  14. The scientific method is not about the truth, or about "getting ever closer to the truth". It is about developing trustworthy methods to predict the results of experiments
  15. The only real science (the only one that really follows the scientific method) is Physics/Chemistry. The rest are part of the humanities and fraudulently claim the label of "Science"
  16. Everything in human life revolves around Trust, not "truth". The worst part of Inceldom is the broken trust. We are rejected (mistrusted) and we don't trust anybody anymore (justifiably). But life without trust is impossible. Overcoming Inceldom means rebuilding trust on a new/different basis.
  17. Marxism and its derivatives (Bluepiller/SJW) are an evil cult. It is the chief enabler of feminism in our culture.
  18. Fascism in all its forms is an evil cult that worships Chad. It is a rage cope/masturbation. The blackpill has nothing to do with it.
  19. Believing and desiring are the same. You cannot desire if you do not believe the object of your desire to be desirable. You cannot believe without having an opinion about the object you have a belief about. Either you believe it to be desirable or you believe it to be anti-desirable (disgusting, stupid, uninteresting, etc)
  20. Admission to the order would be open to any member of incels.co/.is
  21. Expulsion (banning) would be decided through a trial-like process by brocel Monk peers.
  22. The text discussed in this thread could become the order's Bible, to be read and discussed in common.
  23. This short story could be used as an allegory of the Monkcel journey: killing one's own tendency to idolize foids and killing one's own tendency to betray the Balckpill to bolster one's ego (@Iamnothere000)
  24. The order would not claim to represent all Incels and not even all Monkcels. It would be an order of Monkcels.
None of these points needs to be accepted outright. They must be discussed and clarified before being accepted (or rejected)

@kikecel @grondilu @Emba @yikerinos @Fight_back @achref @your personality @latin_elioth @Izayacel @Copexodius Maximus @dirtykombatcel @ReconElement @IslaVista2014 @Robtical @suigin @JayGoptri @kampman @Iamnothere000 @ThePopeofCope @NapoliPizzaPie @HotPotCel @Shigechi @Aadi @Speedloader @NorthernWind @Taniscel @Wizard32 @BigMorons @AbsolutelyBrutal @BoramHyunKi @erenyeager @ldar_ricecel @Broly @ilieknothing @Pence2024 @xatoshii @REBEL2003 @DostoevskyCel @GeneticTrashLoser @FlyFace @Mordred2000 @MarquisDeSade @randomguy1235 @NearlyOver @Greyandoldcel @ropecel64 @get_even @BPJ @Mountainbikecel @squirrelsonfire2 @Meus @Miserable @Currycel25 @L Lawliet @gsmcel @SlayerSlayer @Deadend @FlamingCel @sckicksal345 @lifeisbullshit95 @Mecoja @Made in Heaven @IsolationHurts @solblue @SuperPerfectCel @Mogged Loner @slimshady
Agree with everything except the science part. Also there is objective truth to most things and seeing the World objectively is the only way we can progress. However most people who claim to have "objectivity" Speak bullshit themselves.
I'd rather we have a paramilitary than a pussy holy order ngl, implement SS inspired ranks into the hierarchy and we'll be set
Ok caring about the environment may not be BS, but the modern environmental movement definitively is.

ADHD doesn't exist in undeveloped countries. Kids are straight the old ways and gain discipline this way. I don't see a problem of ADHD in china?
Adhd probably doesn't exist. Because if adhd is a problem then ugly looks are also a problem. Education system is made in such a way that impulsive people can't exert their through expressions and creativity. So adhd in this system is a disorder. Same with how being ugly in this society should also be a disorder. Other than that adhd I think is just another trait people have. Just like some people are overtly non impulsive.
The Blackpill as it is cannot really have this effect because it has to many versions/contradictions. However, by working on it, I believe it can be made into a liberating body of teachings. Then it would fully deserve the name of a "pill"
Good idea about this one. Some people think blackpill is just about dating etc but it affects all our lives. I don't know if the knowledge would improve anyone though. It may inspire losers like us to join and look for change so maybe that way we can change things for better
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what we should strive for is absolute removal of ego and indifference

and try to owe society as little as possible .
Sorry too low iq for understand
Good idea about this one. Some people think blackpill is just about dating etc but it affects all our lives. I don't know if the knowledge would improve anyone though. It may inspire losers like us to join and look for change so maybe that way we can change things for better
Yes, that is the idea
Ascension is enlightenment. Sex with qt’s is everything.
what we should strive for is absolute removal of ego and indifference

and try to owe society as little as possible .
There will come a day that a majority of sexless men will refuse to participate in this gay ass soyciety, I'm beginning to think that we might live long enough to see such a day.
There will come a day that a majority of sexless men will refuse to participate in this gay ass soyciety, I'm beginning to think that we might live long enough to see such a day.
I am pretty sure we will
Will there be free who'res?
(or just a 15% discount like the last Incel cult i was in...)
Will there be free who'res?
(or just a 15% discount like the last Incel cult i was in...)
Could be.

I was thinking that the order might start an escortcelling fund to help poorcels pop their cherry.
Could be.

I was thinking that the order might start an escortcelling fund to help poorcels pop their cherry.
That's nice. Finaly a worthy cause to donate to

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