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It's Over 75% of Public School Teachers Are Foids



Sep 28, 2018
The public school system is worse than a total malinvestment. Much worse. It's a direct investment in Chads' job and career prospects, since women are incapable of being even slightly objective and are completely biased towards Chads even when Chads are children. By the time Chads hit puberty, public schools and, by extension, society and the job world itself become(s) comparable to concentration camps for incels.

I don't want to imply that 100% male public school teachers would be much better. Obviously it would still be far too cucked to be worth having, since public schools are a cucked institution.

But take a moment to reflect on the fact that there are females in charge of giving grades to classrooms of students with Chads in them. Do we really think this isn't exacerbating incels' career problems by like...a million-fold?
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I had so many foid teacher in my life , and they all hated me from day 1. It's so easy for a foid to become a teacher....:feelsbadman:
Lifefuel for school principalcels tbh
in my last year in HS, we had a divorced blond foid as geography/history teacher

we noticed that the girls in our class had better grades than the boys
The rest of the world just acts like teachers don't care about looks. Math is the only subject where they can't fuck you if you're correct.
Fuck this biased hellhole.
I don't want to imply that 100% male teachers would be much better. Obviously it would still be far too cucked to be worth having.

But take a moment to reflect on the fact that there are females in charge of giving grades to classrooms with Chads in them. Do we really think this isn't exacerbating incels' job and career problems by like...a million-fold?

It may be cucked but it´s still better than having femoids in teaching positions, but I do acknowledge that cucked male teachers gave problems. The few non-cucked teachers I had were exceptional, though.

And yes, they´re exacerbating the career issues for incel as well. However, the major roadblock (besides the fucked up job market) I see for jobs are HR departments, which are basically run by femoids.
Look at the ridiculous amount of elementary school (teaching ages 4-11) are young women. They know that there aren't any sub 8 men to want to have crushes on them. That was far before puberty.
The only foids teaching math are Asian.

Just Lol @ the bs classes being taught by foids the real ones are math and science.

Just Lol @ me for being humanities.
And I want to become a public teacher as a white straight incel virgin male lmao
Wish me luck.
BTW I agree, public education is extremely cucked, bluepilled, feminized and deluded In general. Also, it's promotes Chad worshipping, radical feminism and man-hating (incel-hating) when most teachers are foids.
Onetime a teacher was wearing a miniskirt and sandals and i hadn't fapped the day before so i went to the school toilets during lunch and fapped into the sink. I must of had like 5 boners in that one class.
High IQ

Foids basically run the “education” system in Western countries. They brainwash each generation into being leftwing feminists.
Why ? It would be objectively better.

It would be objectively better, but I think it's easy to underestimate the level of cuckoldry among the subset of men that want to become public school teachers as opposed to wanting to be in a career where one actually has to compete against others in the labor market.
Onetime a teacher was wearing a miniskirt and sandals and i hadn't fapped the day before so i went to the school toilets during lunch and fapped into the sink. I must of had like 5 boners in that one class.

Femoids have no sense of good morals or shame, since they cannot defeat men by themselves they are destroying masculinity in young boys because they are weaker and more dumb, femoids are those bullies who only attack the weak who can't defend by themselves
femoids are those bullies who only attack the weak who can't defend by themselves
I remember I was bullied at 7 by foids who were 13-14 ...

Technically, I was more bullied in my life by older foids than other dudes (the only time it happened is when I was bullied later by a low tier normie dude of my age who wanted to appear alpha doing so. He failed.).

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