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SuicideFuel 38 years of inceldom and the realization that it's finally really over.

Women would rather be with men who have bad personalities according to IT's own standards.
Make them suffer and cry in pain and agony.
Vengeance. And total war.
Absolutely brutal. I'm really sorry you have to go through this and know that feeling partially (I'm also an oldcel but younger than you).

I have two certainties in this life: 1) I'll die one day and 2) The only thing between me and an amazing relationship in which I would be a top tier boyfriend/husband is the fact I'm not good-looking enough to get one
Sub8 men just dont have any value anymore.
Threads like this makes me want to cry. But le me call the oldestcel @FrustratedWhiteMale
This bit is true but there is a slight difference that has a huge impact. If you act as a soldier or worker you are basically creating a "happiness quotient" for another person in some manner

Helping other people doesn't matter either, it doesn't matter if things you do only benefit you or they benefit others, none of that shit matters, humans artificially ascribe worth to things based on the collective benefit it has to us, but our existences don't matter either, were just deciding that it matters to us, but it makes no difference

If you killed someone today, really what difference does it make, you took something that was temporary anyways and you made its duration shorter, it was going to die anyways, all you did was speed up the inevitable, which is why it always sounds weird to me when people say "they were so young" when a young person dies, what difference does that make, their collective memories of all the years they have existed cease the exist whether they died at 12 or at 92, and ironically in their 90's they won't remember most shit anyways

Everything goes to zero at the end of it all, it doesn't matter

Look at it this way

If I'm going to format a flashdrive, what does it matter if I wait until it has 10GB worth of data on it, or when it only has 10MB worth of data, when I format the flashdrive, all the data gets deleted all the same, that's my point, the end result is always nothing, so it doesn't matter what happened previously
If I'm going to format a flashdrive, what does it matter if I wait until it has 10GB worth of data on it, or when it only has 10MB worth of data, when I format the flashdrive, all the data gets deleted all the same, that's my point, the end result is always nothing, so it doesn't matter what happened previously

Well with that horrible attitude I'm not surprised you inkwell, sweaty!! Maybe get a haircut, take a shower and put yourself out there! Maybe that beautiful Stacy is just around the corner!!!

obvs just kidding. No I see your point I'm just COPING with a different viewpoint. Using your example above consider the thoughts between formatting of the hard drive or not. As long as you have a decision/waiting therein just try to make that liminal moment more bearable. But you are right...I'm just throwing a cope out there.

Cliffs: Ummm yeah sweaty...it's STILL over.
Everything goes to zero at the end of it all, it doesn't matter

If I ever meet you I will kick you in the nuts as hard as I can. If you ask why I did it I will kick you again.
I'm just 29 and I need drugs to bear this miserable life. I don't know how you did it, to be honest. Isolation is the fucking worst feeling ever. There are days that, after working 8 hours, I really FEEL that I'm losing my fucking head.

Your post makes me so fucking sad. I don't know how many fucking times I've also thought "I would be an awesome husband... If ANY girl could see beyond my fucking face". This world is collapsing, there are no real values anymore. All that matters is physical appareance. It doesn't matter how hard you try, no effort is enough if you're an ugly male. I'm so fucking tired. Nothing is going to change, everything is going to be the same painful isolation, but everyday is harder and harder to just keep my sanity and to remember any reason to keep going... I'm just the worst version of myself, and every day it keeps getting worse and worse.

I'm so fucking sad...
Fap and do drugs or ER
2) The only thing between me and an amazing relationship in which I would be a top tier boyfriend/husband is the fact I'm not good-looking enough to get one

3.) Youre a fucking weeb.

Also, "top tier boyfriend/husband" sounds fucking cucked as hell. I would actually not be surprised if you hold the door open for a foid. I think youre highly overestimating your personality and your ability to serve a foid.
Sorry I call BS on this, humans have trained ourselves to do and not to do many things, a lot of what we do today is based on culture and not biology, cultural values that we created and passed down and refined through generations. The average man won't hit a woman because he fears hurting her and fears being seen as a "bad person", do you think that's "biological" or "cultural", the answer is obvious, its a cultural value, cave men were probably slapping the fuck out of bitches as a norm JFL

The truth is that a lot of men just don't want to give up on the dream, because in some ways they enjoy just being able to think about it, they don't want to let go, it has nothing to do with anything "hardwired" into your brain, its just an excuse

Its funny how all that hardwired primitive thinking hasn't lead to all these incels raping any women, you'd think that would be the most naturally primitive and obvious response to our situation, yet for some reason cultural values and introspective thought wins out in this case, and you don't want to rape because you've been trained to think its "wrong" and to feel bad about it, and you are aware of the laws and risks

That same way of thinking can be applied to the "dreams" incels have, you are aware of the laws of today's sexual market and you can adopt the black pill as your new culture to shape what you desire, in the same way that you were raised to be disgusted by the thought of rape, you can make yourself understand that the "dream" you had is a lie, it never existed, and you need to be logical and stop chasing it

To act as if we have no control over our own desires is complete BS, one can literally shape the way they think, its just easier to tell yourself you can't, so you don't have to even try

It has nothing to do with incels "just can't resist", it has to do with the fact that they enjoy dreaming too much, and they don't want to give up the dream, ITS A CHOICE, absolutely nothing is stopping any of them from giving up such a pointless cope

Also JFL at saying we can't access or modify the way we think, the first animal humans domesticated was us, we domesticated ourselves, changed the way we think, act, communicate, etc
if we rape, we will get raped in prison, as an incel you stfu and cope or rope
Brutal ngl, having your life flow before your eyes without ever having the chance to experience things even a 15yo has experienced in his life.
I am really sad. I could have been a good husband for a woman. Would have been loyal to her. I would have never cheated. Would not have let her down even if she got sick. Would have been a good father for the kids.

INSTEAD I was born into a ridiculous joke of a clown world that is entirely about materialistic shit. When your washing machine breaks down you don't repair it anymore. You through it out and get another one. You are used to replace what doesn't work. Likewise people are replacing each other in their relationships. You are nothing but a "good" on a "market" where you have a "market value" based on your looks and status.

Women are competing over the hottest guys on Instagram then eventually settle down with some retarded cuck.

Meanwhile my best years have passed me by. No first kiss. No first love. No first sex. No first relationship. Cuddling as teenagers...didn't happen. And now I am old. I am 38. The curtain has fallen. My life was nothing but a waste of resources so far.

Can you youngcels imagine how fucked up this is? I mean at least you can tell yourself that it might still happen. Like even if you are 30 you can still have a little bit of hope. But I am now at an age where it is final. No hope left. It's just...OVER. :cryfeels:
You have another 40 years of life left so you can still ascend. Keep hope alive.
It is like telling a 70 year old guy that was in jail innocently for 40 years: It all went out well for you. Now you are free. Enjoy your life.
I hope I'll die before 38 or at least will learn attain hyper-coping skills.
Hope you will cope well and stay living more in this shithole world.
things will get bettER
Brutal, I tell myself I still have time, I’m 20 years younger than you but tbh I don’t think anything will change. Time seems to flow so fast after you’re 20... I will either kill myself before 30 or mental illness takes over me and I will go crazy. I don’t see any other option right now.
I am really sad. I could have been a good husband for a woman. Would have been loyal to her. I would have never cheated. Would not have let her down even if she got sick. Would have been a good father for the kids.

INSTEAD I was born into a ridiculous joke of a clown world that is entirely about materialistic shit. When your washing machine breaks down you don't repair it anymore. You through it out and get another one. You are used to replace what doesn't work. Likewise people are replacing each other in their relationships. You are nothing but a "good" on a "market" where you have a "market value" based on your looks and status.

Women are competing over the hottest guys on Instagram then eventually settle down with some retarded cuck.

Meanwhile my best years have passed me by. No first kiss. No first love. No first sex. No first relationship. Cuddling as teenagers...didn't happen. And now I am old. I am 38. The curtain has fallen. My life was nothing but a waste of resources so far.

Can you youngcels imagine how fucked up this is? I mean at least you can tell yourself that it might still happen. Like even if you are 30 you can still have a little bit of hope. But I am now at an age where it is final. No hope left. It's just...OVER. :cryfeels:

I feel your pain, brocel. Truly. I'm right behind you at 36.

You know how people think and daydream about certain things like winning the lottery or being famous or some other normie shit? With me I think about my death a lot. Every day in fact.

When is it gonna happen? How is it going to happen? Who will be the last person I talk to? What will be the last thing I eat? What will be the last emotion I feel? Will I accomplish what I set out to do in life? Will my life have any meaning to mankind or anyone? Will Valve ever release HL3?
3.) Youre a fucking weeb
3.) Youre a fucking weeb.
So what?

Also, "top tier boyfriend/husband" sounds fucking cucked as hell. I would actually not be surprised if you hold the door open for a foid. I think youre highly overestimating your personality and your ability to serve a foid.
I wouldn't be a male feminist doormat, but I do want some cute, affectionate romance. That's why the girl being a virgin and preferable kissless (i.e. very young) is so important to me. I think it'd be cucked indeed to have a lovey-dovey cute relationship with a foid whom other men used as cum dumpsters/personal fucktoys and then threw to the side (and the foid loved it if it was Chad, of course).

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