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JFL 30 Year Old 6’1 “Ricecel” with 200 Conversations On Dating Apps Blames His Parents for His Inceldom



Incelius Savage is The Godfather of Inceldom
Jul 23, 2021

"not bragging saying I'm GL but being 6'1 as an asian is like a huge advantage"

Avg. tallfag IQ here.
Nicolas Cage Laughing GIF

This is @wei#3959 btw caught bragging, which was so obvious because he somehow got a date with an Asian girl, the most money hypergamous race of women, as a fucking NEET, then bragged about it here.

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Complete Schizophrenia.
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Holy fuck, how can someone be this autistic to let their parents run their lives for themselves at 30? Tallfag = mentalcel @Iranianoldcel
also who is weixin? is it @wei#3959 ?
can he be banned already? this isnt new we all knew this
the mods will 1000% skip over this
@depressedblackcel @BraincelsRefugee @based_meme @Mecoja
lol pure schizo babble
the guy is probably lying about not having had free sex too
200 CONVERSATIONS, not 200 matches, meaning at least 200 holes actually replied to him
he also went on a date before from said dating app
of course he's talking to bragging fakecel Tryna Ascend
View attachment 715967
"not bragging saying I'm GL but being 6'1 as an asian is like a huge advantage"

Avg. tallfag IQ here.
Nicolas Cage Laughing GIF

This is @wei#3959 btw caught bragging, which was so obvious because he somehow got a date with an Asian girl, the most money hypergamous race of women, as a fucking NEET, then bragged about it here.
View attachment 715975
If fakecels like jaygoptri haven’t been banned, don’t get your hopes up wei will either.
If fakecels like jaygoptri haven’t been banned, don’t get your hopes up wei will either.
Exposing fakecels is just a cope tbh. They intended for us to give up after Moeggels
go make another thread humble bragging about your stats but how you are so giga incel but also have a plan to ascend in 6 months
Exposing fakecels is just a cope tbh. They intended for us to give up after Moeggels
dude admitted to getting 60 tinder matches in 3 days and somehow isn't banned
I swear, shitcord is a fakecel magnet.
the mods will 1000% skip over this
"i have 200 convos on tinder" also graycel or new user > Instant ban

"i have 200 convos on tinder" well known contributing user > mods won't care mostly
"i have 200 convos on tinder" also graycel or new user > Instant ban

"i have 200 convos on tinder" well known contributing user > mods won't care mostly
Bro I legit have a plan in place to boost my SMV

its too work really hard to make the college sports team so I can play on the niggerball team and ascend

the fact I have too work so hard in order just to make the niggerball team just too stand out in college makes me an incel

people just exist at those college campuses and get invited to those sexhaving parties and fuck at those parties

whereas I have to work 100x harder just to get a chance at that

and its not a humble brag its a smart plan too boost my SMV you should try making a plan rather then being a defeatist soyboy cuck

I might be tall but I am an ugly ethnic curry you on the otherhand you are white
didn't read

you are a humble bragging tallfag

get off the forum retard
Least fake “incel” on discord
That's crazy he did kind of read like a fakecel too. I've been saying the trucels on this forum are actually a very small percentage.

I can definitely confirm as well that 6ft+ asian guys have it pretty easy. Kpop has given them a collective smv boost and the scarcity. I only see 6ft+ azn guys with girls in NYC. White guys get to be at eye level or even less cuz JBW.
That's crazy he did kind of read like a fakecel too. I've been saying the trucels on this forum are actually a very small percentage.

I can definitely confirm as well that 6ft+ asian guys have it pretty easy. Kpop has given them a collective smv boost and the scarcity. I only see 6ft+ azn guys with girls in NYC. White guys get to be at eye level or even less cuz JBW.
You live in NYC?
Cut me some slack, my life’s been set up to not only prevent me from ascending, but to completely prevent me from interacting with foids

I am old too, I’ve also been on this forum for almost 3 years now.
That's crazy he did kind of read like a fakecel too. I've been saying the trucels on this forum are actually a very small percentage.

I can definitely confirm as well that 6ft+ asian guys have it pretty easy. Kpop has given them a collective smv boost and the scarcity. I only see 6ft+ azn guys with girls in NYC. White guys get to be at eye level or even less cuz JBW.
I’m way more of an incel than normie/Fakecel

I bet there’s ppl that post here who have an actual girlfriend in their lives
I’m way more of an incel than normie/Fakecel

I bet there’s ppl that post here who have an actual girlfriend in their lives
It's giving mentalcel
6'1, asian, literally life on easy mode. Still fails.

More evidence that asian intelligence is a myth, if you had any social skills you wouldn't be here
Cut me some slack, my life’s been set up to not only prevent me from ascending, but to completely prevent me from interacting with foids

I am old too, I’ve also been on this forum for almost 3 years now.
How are you still being abused by your midget mother, at the age of 30?
It's giving mentalcel

Oh yea I’m definitely a mental cel too. Not only does it take me super long to understand things, but I also constantly fuck up and make poor decisions throughout my life

This is why the somatic is nothing without the cerebral, especially when you have people in your life who’s life also revolves around thwarting you and making sure you fail in life
6'1, asian, literally life on easy mode. Still fails.

More evidence that asian intelligence is a myth, if you had any social skills you wouldn't be here
hmm, let's just say my life would be easier if i had a better head on my shoulders

yea it truly is. i know dumbass asians that are ricecels, that have a girlfriend, are dating, are married, or are women. and likewise i know dumbass whites, indians, blacks, etc etc

but ya it rly depends on the individual
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