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It's Over 3 Signs your a Truecel: Never been to a Party/Concert/Wedding in your adulthood. I can't be the only one.



Jun 24, 2018
Sure I went to birthday parties as a kid, and I remember going to some concert as a really small kid. I might of went to 1 wedding as a 4yr old but it could of been something else, but I can honestly say that perhaps since 13yo+ I didn't go to one birthday party, not one concert with friends, and no weddings.

I am sure Normies my age 35yo have been to dozens of fucking Weddings(maybe even more). Dozens of Concerts. Probably 20+ various kinds of Parties.

Man I really am a sad fucking cunt. Please tell me i'm not the only one to suffer this fate.

If you can think of any related things please share.
I don't even want to go to any one of those really
I went to 3 parties in high school, but calling them parties is questionable. There were zero popular kids at them, only a small group of ugly nerds and very few females.

Zero concerts, but I've never had interest in music and especially not for normalfag groups like that.

I've been to a few weddings, but only family ones where I was forced to, and I sat in the corner like a retard.
I've been to one wedding when I was 12 (I'm 36 now). Not that I'd go to a wedding even if I were invited. What the hell would I do there?
Never been to a party, haven't been to a concert since i was 15 (with my dad) and haven't been to wedding since i was like 9 or 10
Never been to party my entire life (if excluding semi-big friend gatherings and birthday parties during middle and early highschool)
Never been to concert my entire life
Went to my cousins wedding a long time ago but none as an "Adult"
Imagine going to those normal infested places. Home is the best place tbh
I’m in the same boat but that speaks to either unusual ugliness OR social aversion/awkwardness, not to being a truecel necessarily. While I’m decidedly ugly, it’s not uniquely so and I’m socially apathetic, what’s the point of going to a party when you get no sex or play during or at the end? I have no large ethnic family so there’s no 15th Birthday to celebrate for Lupe or a Bar/Bat Mitzvah.
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I am 18 and have never been to a party or concert. Im as truecel as they get
Back when I was in school I had a roommate who is a 9/10 Chad, great lad never put down anyone and would play WoW and Axis & Allies with us for weeks on end disregarding women entirely. After graduating he of course started his life and found a Stacy, but he invited us all to his wedding and it was actually a good time getting obliterated for free.

Parties are gay.
Concerts are stupid, the music sounds better on a record anyway.
Never been in a party since my childhood 14 years ago.
Never been in concerts or wedding.
I went to concerts (nationalist concerts kek) and parties (with no girl)
Going to concerts / drugcelling at concerts is one of my most efficient copes.
I've been to 2 parties in my adult life. They are largely hype. Mostly girls just dancing on one another and some random ethnic foids slutting it up with chads.
Sure I went to birthday parties as a kid, and I remember going to some concert as a really small kid. I might of went to 1 wedding as a 4yr old but it could of been something else, but I can honestly say that perhaps since 13yo+ I didn't go to one birthday party, not one concert with friends, and no weddings.

I am sure Normies my age 35yo have been to dozens of fucking Weddings(maybe even more). Dozens of Concerts. Probably 20+ various kinds of Parties.

Man I really am a sad fucking cunt. Please tell me i'm not the only one to suffer this fate.

If you can think of any related things please share.
The only sign of a truecel: virgin because no one wants him.
You're right. The only way for a truecel to ascend is to not screwing your suicide.
Never been to a party (not even when I was a kid as my parents inhibited social interaction because they saw school as more important - black parents).

Never been to a concert.

Went to a wedding when I was 1 year old (doubt that counts).
If you are a turkcel you need to go to weddings often tbh @Cuyen
Im a trucel confirmed.Only been to a wedding of a relative
If you are a turkcel you need to go to weddings often tbh @Cuyen

Turkcel here, weddings suck dick. All the people there I don't know, constantly exposed to the public, annoying and loud music, basically nothing fun to do all. Fuck weddings, especially Turkish ones tbh
I haven't been invited to anything for 5 years.
No weddings or concerts for me but parties is a different story
Never even attended one.
Yes that's a good one. Also I agree with the argument that a true incel:
  1. Has never been to a wedding/concert/party as an adult
  2. Would not attend a wedding/concert/party b/c there is no point
I have been to three birthday parties in my life, and all of them were when I was a kid. Been to 1 wedding as a kid, but that's probably because I had estranged parents growing up so they never liked to meet with their relatives.
Party: Never. Never been invited. I would have went to one if I had been invited tbh
Concert: Have an Uncle who has similar taste in music as me. Used to go with him since he had a car and would drive. As a kid I used to go to a lot of concerts with my Dad. The majority of my concert-going experience has been me going by myself though.
Wedding: Never. Never been invited. When I was younger I probably would have went just for the experience but now that I'm 30+ it would just bring me bad memories and sorrow for never having a gf or been on a date.
Back when I was in school I had a roommate who is a 9/10 Chad, great lad never put down anyone and would play WoW and Axis & Allies with us for weeks on end disregarding women entirely

it was actually a good time getting obliterated for free.

Are you saying that chad was winning at games too???

It's over for videogamecels
Been to 1 party in college, was a total sausagefest. 1 wedding, it sucked. I've been to several concerts though, but I had to go alone :feelsbadman:
Three of my coworkers are younger than me (I'm 25, them 23-24) and they are married. I was told people didn't marry until around late 20s/early 30s or so these days. Whoever came up with that cope is a total fucking liar.
Parties are a meme tbh, only Chads get pussy at them, most normies usually cope with alcohol, beer pong or just joking around with each other.
I've been to cousins' weddings, but never been to a party or concert. I used to feel like I was missing out, but not anymore. Only a degenerate moron would truly care about missing out on going to parties/concerts, because only a degenerate moron would enjoy these. There is nothing fun about them they are just gatherings where low IQ normies scream "WOOO!!". What really matters is whether you miss out on teen love. If you experience teen love then who cares if you missed out on parties/concerts?
Wouldn't want to go to a wedding anyway. You gotta" dress up and buy people shit and the worst part is going there solo without a date as a young person lmao.
I’ve been to parties before but I hated it. My brother had to calm me down because of how anxious I got.

Embarrassing tbh.
I’ve been to parties before but I hated it. My brother had to calm me down because of how anxious I got.

Embarrassing tbh.
Lmao i can imagine you getting anxious and bout to sperg out and your brother try to calm you down
suifuel bro
Wedding's are beyond fucking stupid.

Some incel looking idiot marrying an old ass white woman. That's 90% of weddings right there.
I never was invited to a single party throughout the entirety of my teenage years

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