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Venting 26 year-old Truecel who'll never have a chance...

You have my sympathy, I'm invisible to people. not met with disgust by them so I guess I can navigate society without hateful eyes on me as much as you. I hope you go to a country where you are treated with some dignity
Thanks man. Every country I've been to (my parents travelled a lot with us before I was 20) I've been met with similar reactions sadly. Worst places were western countries (US, Europe). Most just stare or talk about me or laugh, but some actually do look at me with disgust, mutter something under their breath, and point (old people mostly). The disorder messes with head and facial bones/fat, so some people will say something mean about me to which the other replies "oh haha, I thought it was a woman." (I'm straight and cis-male obviously, but my disability just sucks).
God damn that's relatable. Glad I logged on just in time to see this. You sound like me. In fact, I've said verbatim many of the things you have on this site.

I don't want to gaslight or give you false hope, but don't count your chickens before they hatch. I'm 5'4" and literally been called a little monster/golem/Fred etc. Finding out I'm not hideous though. Just fucking tiny and (except my dick) and spergy. Regardless, welcome to .is homeskillet. Look forward to reading your posts.
Thanks man. My dick is above average too (width and length; again, not bragging, just saying no woman will EVER guess or find out, because... you know...). And yeah, my head/facial bones and flesh do make me look disfigured, but also kinda feminine. People sometimes call me "miss" (I'm straight and cis, but somehow hormones messed with my face because I was so stressed out during my much-too-early puberty, so yeah...)
I also have a weird voice, strangely shaped head (narrow from the front, but very weird profile view bc it's a big head) and face (jaw, cheekbones, and overall facial features; and my eyes are very asymmetrical). I can't count how many times I've overheard "he looks like a monster", "ugliest person I've ever seen", you get the idea.
This is very relatable, random people in the street mock me too.
You should go around ringing people's doorbells at night and throw acid in their faces. Spare the incels but normies are fair game. People will never see you as anything but a monster so you should become one. Make them know what it's like to live life as a truecel.
I don’t know what I can possibly say to ease your suffering but you have my absolute utmost sympathy, friend. Humans are cruel creatures who enjoy exerting superiority over others and thus, the ugly, the short, the weak, the diseased and so forth are easy targets. Take comfort in knowing that you have support here for your plight.
I don’t know what I can possibly say to ease your suffering but you have my absolute utmost sympathy, friend. Humans are cruel creatures who enjoy exerting superiority over others and thus, the ugly, the short, the weak, the diseased and so forth are easy targets. Take comfort in knowing that you have support here for your plight.
Sorry, I'm new. Does quoting him mean you agree with him? Thanks
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I feel ya. I basically look like Quentin Tarantino if he had curly ginger hair and freckles. Nobody ever compliments me on my looks. I get complimented on my skills from time to time but never on my looks. At best people will say I have "strong features" which is just a polite way of saying I look goofy as fuck.
I get you. I also have a shitty height coupled with a not so great face. So while i don't face mockery from strangers. i certainly do from people i know. So yeah, it's shitty. But what can we do? Hope the best for you brocel and know that you're not alone and there are people here that face the same things as you do and know what it feels like to be dealt a shitty hand and others expecting you to "play".

Happy birthday and i hope you find things that make you happy outside of dating
I don’t know what I can possibly say to ease your suffering but you have my absolute utmost sympathy, friend. Humans are cruel creatures who enjoy exerting superiority over others and thus, the ugly, the short, the weak, the diseased and so forth are easy targets. Take comfort in knowing that you have support here for your plight.
Thanks man. Appreciate the sympathy. Though it sucks. Was just eating my favorite food (pizza), and suddenly felt really sad.
I get you. I also have a shitty height coupled with a not so great face. So while i don't face mockery from strangers. i certainly do from people i know. So yeah, it's shitty. But what can we do? Hope the best for you brocel and know that you're not alone and there are people here that face the same things as you do and know what it feels like to be dealt a shitty hand and others expecting you to "play".

Happy birthday and i hope you find things that make you happy outside of dating
Thanks. Sorry if I already replied but appreciate your words. Your last sentence is really tough to accept
I feel ya. I basically look like Quentin Tarantino if he had curly ginger hair and freckles. Nobody ever compliments me on my looks. I get complimented on my skills from time to time but never on my looks. At best people will say I have "strong features" which is just a polite way of saying I look goofy as fuck.
Yeah. Yesterday I went to the city with my mom, people stared at me or laughed. Just now, I come home with the car, open the door, and kids laugh about me (tell each other I look like "monster). This upsets me more than it should, but it still upsets me, why is my timing so bad? All these things make me sad for the rest of the day...... the implications too... like never getting a (pretty and kind) girlfriend
Basically I've turned 26 today. I'm so ugly people stare at me, make fun of me, and talk about me (strangers, too, this has been going on since I'm 11). I have a disability (but I can walk normally and drive). I'm 5'3" in height, but my dick is above average (not bragging, just pointing out no woman will ever know of it, she'll just guess it's extremly tiny or non-existent). I also have a weird voice, strangely shaped head (narrow from the front, but very weird profile view bc it's a big head) and face (jaw, cheekbones, and overall facial features; and my eyes are very asymmetrical). I can't count how many times I've overheard "he looks like a monster", "ugliest person I've ever seen", you get the idea. People in a restaurant usually turn their heads to look at me. So yeah. I'm already 26 years old, I've had my last friend over a decade ago, and I never had the social experience others had in this time-frame. People have even taken pictures of me in the past, while laughing in the process.

So yeah. Of course I'm insecure and awkward, all things considered. How will I – an outcast, an absolute underdog of society – ever get a kind, pretty girlfriend? The odds are colossally small. How should I ever stand a snowball's chance in hell, with all the competition? Oh, and I also have a very discoloured chest because of this disability.

Life is SO freaking unfair. I see beautiful couples on Instagram (young ones) and the inequality is so sad.
you got a personality problem. be confident. stop blaming your looks and learn game
I don't really have any advice but no matter how bad it is just remember that its only temporary. We will soon perish and all the curses and blessing of this life will be gone too.

So I guess just do the best you can in the meanwhile. Enjoy what little this world has to offer to you and try not to let it worry you too much. If you center your entire life around being miserable you will just end up suffering needlessly.
I don't really have any advice but no matter how bad it is just remember that its only temporary. We will soon perish and all the curses and blessing of this life will be gone too.

So I guess just do the best you can in the meanwhile. Enjoy what little this world has to offer to you and try not to let it worry you too much. If you center your entire life around being miserable you will just end up suffering needlessly.
Thanks for the advice, if I can do that it would be a miracle. And I'm not talking about getting a pretty girlfriend. Because that's IMPOSSIBLE.
you got a personality problem. be confident. stop blaming your looks and learn game
I do look really strange due to a disability. It is my looks.

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