No man will turn down sex with a beautiful woman (or most any woman), and women crave Chad for sex just as much. are natural hypogamous fucker, women..hypergamous
a relationship where women had to sleep down actually goes completely against nature
so I guess its bound to fail...without heavy restraint
And men don't realize how manipulative women are about this
If they dont lie about their nature, no man would wanna be with em, really..
Most men would just go after other women who would pretend to be more chaste
Because most men would think such honest bitches are just loose
and they dont wanna commit that
Men could be a dog and it doesnt reduce our desirability either way..
Men are supposed to be able to provide, protect and entertain milady
women being honest about their nature, makes them unattractive
kinda like when men shows our weakness
and their cuck would never see them the same way again after that
women had to be 'chaste' and beautiful
so it makes sense that they lie more, its pretty simple, ngl