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13 reasons why you shouldn't commit suicide



Catfish master, women abuser!
Jan 8, 2018
for me =

1. good

2. Feelings cant change if ur blackpilled

3. lol @ things getting better, im ugly af, retail minimum wagecel, only got 1 shitty qualification that i did ages ago and its not even uni degree level

4. only my family "loves me" , sure itd be hard for me to kill myself and knowing that id leave a bit of pain in their hearts behind, but i believe that my burden of my existence is way stronger than the former.

5. am alone, no gf, small number of friends who i hardly talk to or see anymore because they all have gfs.

6. lol @ "but muhh pets cope". most animals cant actually experience/ understand human misery/ sadness, they mimic it because they have observed these things

7. life is meaningless, it has no purpose, its boring af and i want to die

8. cant miss out on anything when ur ugly af

9. who? family? who gives me bluepilled platitudes or siblings who insult me kek

10. looks is everything, our looks determine our quality and quantity of life from birth

11. i am unique, i am subhuman and extremely ugly.

12.death = good thing for me

13. story such as? im pre sure people would shoot themselves in the head if someone made a story about my life due to how boring it is/ was.
The amount of blue pill makes me vomit.
Disgusting. None of that matters when your life is beyond fucked.
they're right that suicide is futile and stupid.

if you're already offing yourself, why not at least raise awareness for the incel problem by going ER?

suicide is indeed a very selfish act
finding reasons to live is a daily struggle for incels.
You can tell this chart was made for Becky.
What a fucking joke, I'm sure those 13 reasons were created by a normie with no problems in life. Same platitudes as always
"When you're ugly, the world is ugly too" sums up inceldom perfectly. Spoken like a poet
14. Because God said you couldn't.
"When you're ugly, the world is ugly too".

Good quote
#1 reason not to sui:

#1: going on a mass shooting > sui
Number one and only reason you shouldn't commit suicide is cause that's instant hell.

“Whoever throws himself down from a mountain and kills himself will be in the Fire of Hell, throwing himself down therein for ever and ever. Whoever takes poison and kills himself, his poison will be in his hand and he will be sipping it in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever. Whoever kills himself with a piece of iron, that piece of iron will be in his hand and he will be stabbing himself in the stomach with it in the Fire of Hell, for ever and ever.” Prophet Muhammad SAW
GunnaSecure said:
Number one and only reason you shouldn't commit suicide is cause that's instant hell.

“Whoever throws himself down from a mountain and kills himself will be in the Fire of Hell, throwing himself down therein for ever and ever. Whoever takes poison and kills himself, his poison will be in his hand and he will be sipping it in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever. Whoever kills himself with a piece of iron, that piece of iron will be in his hand and he will be stabbing himself in the stomach with it in the Fire of Hell, for ever and ever.” Prophet Muhammad SAW

HyperThreaded Cope™
gentsupreme said:
they're right that suicide is futile and stupid.
if you're already offing yourself, why not at least raise awareness for the incel problem by going ER?
suicide is indeed a very selfish act
yep, a "temporary solution to a permanent problem" why don't you man up and leave a permanent mark on this world you pussy
GunnaSecure said:
It's kind of cope to call my "cope" cope

You should be ashamed to tell incels that the only escape that's fast and effective would lead them to suffer even more. Thank goodness I'm not so gullible but many are.
FeminismsCancer said:
You should be ashamed to tell incels that the only escape that's fast and effective would lead them to suffer even more. Thank goodness I'm not so gullible but many are.

I'd be ashamed if I didn't. I don't want any of you losers in hell.
Recon9 said:
yep, a "temporary solution to a permanent problem" why don't you man up and leave a permanent mark on this world you pussy

Mocking suicide should be a bannable offence. You're as bad as normies.
Edit: I guess that was sarcasm to that other cuck, sorry for the misquote.

GunnaSecure said:
I'd be ashamed if I didn't. I don't want any of you losers in hell.

There is no hell. Religion is for primitive people.
GunnaSecure said:
Number one and only reason you shouldn't commit suicide is cause that's instant hell.
“Whoever throws himself down from a mountain and kills himself will be in the Fire of Hell, throwing himself down therein for ever and ever. Whoever takes poison and kills himself, his poison will be in his hand and he will be sipping it in the Fire of Hell for ever and ever. Whoever kills himself with a piece of iron, that piece of iron will be in his hand and he will be stabbing himself in the stomach with it in the Fire of Hell, for ever and ever.” Prophet Muhammad SAW
Good thing religion and hell aren't rea
Imagine all the people who've died throughout history. They don't mean shit, even if they were successful in their time. Incels don't mean shit while we're ALIVE, so why not pick the rope?
2 Shots but just 1 hit ... remember.
This was amde for the typical 'I only got 130 instagram likes' girl with a depression because shes can only fuck chadlites and not chads.
I hate this bs, just people who have meme depression applying the shitty advice that worked for them to us
Incel_Dikshit said:
For 7 years? FAKECEL OUT
LOL i meant i've been depressed for 7 years. not haven't had sex in 7 years. never had sex still
14. Because God said you couldn't.
this could be the only reason i haven't ended it yet, with family coming in 2nd
7339er said:
14. Because God said you couldn't.
this could be the only reason i haven't ended it yet, with family coming in 2nd
are you muslim? do you truly beleive in god man? why would he be so unfair
You better post a top 20 reasons why to kill yourself or a top 100 of you are feeling up to it
TheVman said:
are you muslim? do you truly beleive in god man? why would he be so unfair

he is not unfair. It's because of our degenerate ways and western laws that we are experiencing inceldom. 

Think about it, if adultery and extramarital sex was still punishable by death, and arranged marriage was the norm, would your life be as bad as it is today?
i want to play half life 3 first
Bluepilled lies. Only reason not to Sui are good copes.
7339er said:
TheVman said:
are you muslim? do you truly beleive in god man? why would he be so unfair
he is not unfair. It's because of our degenerate ways and western laws that we are experiencing inceldom.
Think about it, if adultery and extramarital sex was still punishable by death, and arranged marriage was the norm, would your life be as bad as it is today?
hmmmm. are you like an actual muslim or one of those who pretend here?
TheVman said:
hmmmm. are you like an actual muslim or one of those who pretend here?

im actual muslim, i don't LARP on a fucking incel forum lmao
7339er said:
TheVman said:
hmmmm. are you like an actual muslim or one of those who pretend here?
im actual muslim, i don't LARP on a fucking incel forum lmao
Ok. I can respect that. I still believe religion is a cope tho
"your life DOES have purpose"

No. No form of life has any significant purpose.
TheVman said:
7339er said:
TheVman said:
hmmmm. are you like an actual muslim or one of those who pretend here?
im actual muslim, i don't LARP on a fucking incel forum lmao
Ok. I can respect that. I still believe religion is a cope tho

Too many muslim LARPers on here kek.
"The door must always remain open to those who seek a way out". Seneca said something like that over a thousand years ago. It's funny how ancient people were much more enlightened than the current generation. We live in a world of hypocrites and liars. The truth is that no one gives a fuck about depressed people. At the end of the day, you're all alone. Ancient people knew this and they didn't sugar coat it. Christianity ruined our world with its false promises and "feel-good" philosophy. It's a religion that caters to the weak and morally depraved as they can always beg for forgiveness later on and be granted entrance to heaven despite of having committed nothing but evil. I wouldn't be off the mark if I claimed Christianity to be the backbone of marxism and all the degeneracy that comes along with its ideology.
this only applies to 4+ females or normies
7339er said:
this could be the only reason i haven't ended it yet, with family coming in 2nd

Literally same.
rope= victory for normfags.

anyone who ropes is a complete loser and moron and no one will ever remember his name

if you die anyway, why not die like a hERo?
Vman, you gonna ER soon bro? Wya? You'll let us know when not to go to work right?

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