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Serious 10 Ideas blackpillers and radical feminists agree on

Also, JFL, any sort of moral ground has been lost the moment when people like Elliot Rodger or Alek Minassian started killing people.
Oh no, killing people just like basically every country in human history

Feminism has been ascendant since long before St. ER and Alek, idk how they're even relevant to this discussion
Agree with most of those, great post:yes::yes:.

3. Back in the time, women were oppressed
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A famous thesis from feminist is the idea that marriage is sexual slavery. In other words, women are forced to marry men they dont like to get resources from them.

Backpillers completely agree with that. You’ll often hear them explain how now that women have access to an unlimited amount of partners, it’s no surprise they do decide to fuck a different guy every week. So why weren’t they doing back in the days ? Well, because they “didn’t have the choice”, in other terms : the patriarchy was oppressing them.

See, women fucking a different chad every week is not the result of corrupted morals, it’s just the result of being free.
This one I respectfully disagree with. Marriage for sure is slavery, but I'd say it's an economic one first and foremost. When you have a social institution where one person doesn't have to work, and the other is required to not only work, but provide a good living standard for the other one, then it's impossible to me to see the working group as somehow not being the enslaved one.

Central elements of gynocentric culture are derived from practices originating in medieval society such as feudalism, chivalry and courtly love that continue to inform contemporary society in subtle ways.[5] Peter Wright refers to gynocentric culture patterns as constituting a "sexual feudalism", as attested by 16th century female writers such as Lucrezia Marinella or Modesta Pozzo. In 1590, Pozzo wrote,
"Don’t we see that men’s rightful task is to go out to work and wear themselves out trying to accumulate wealth, as though they were our factors or stewards, so that we can remain at home like the lady of the house directing their work and enjoying the profit of their labors? That, if you like, is the reason why men are naturally stronger and more robust than us—they need to be, so they can put up with the hard labor they must endure in our service."[6]
In similar vein Lucrezia Marinella (1600 AD) recounted that women of lower socioeconomic status (women she refers to as of "humble and low" class) were treated as superiors by men who acted as servants or beasts born to serve them:
Women are honored everywhere with the use of ornaments that greatly surpass men’s, as can be observed. It is a marvelous sight in our city to see the wife of a shoemaker or butcher or even a porter all dressed up with gold chains round her neck, with pearls and valuable rings on her fingers, accompanied by a pair of women on either side to assist her and give her a hand, and then, by contrast, to see her husband cutting up meat all soiled with ox’s blood and down at heel, or loaded up like a beast of burden dressed in rough cloth, as porters are. At first it may seem an astonishing anomaly to see the wife dressed like a lady and the husband so basely that he often appears to be her servant or butler, but if we consider the matter properly, we find it reasonable because it is necessary for a woman, even if she is humble and low, to be ornamented in this way because of her natural dignity and excellence, and for the man to be less so, like a servant or beast born to serve her.[7]

9. Submissive, faithful wives are “brainwashed”

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Have you ever seen the reaction of feminists when some tradwife say that she likes taking care of the chores on twitter ? Nothing but rage, hysteria, and insults.

Blackpillers are 100% aligned with feminists on this one. First of all, tradwives are just sluts who are a faking it. But in the rare cases where they don’t ? Well, they’re just oppressed, ignorant and/or brainwashed by religion.

The proof ? Give them a year in LA, put them on some dating app, take em to a male strip clubs with da gurlz, have them read a couple dozens feminists publications, and voila ! Here she is dressing provocatively, cheating on her oofy doofy husband and taking control of her life

See ! she just needed to be liberated from religious bigotry and patriarchy. She just needed to see what real life is, ie : having fun in Los Angeles instead of doing house chores in a small farm in Montana.
With this I'd likewise disagree for the same reason as the previous one. Human nature is the now as it was hundreds of years ago. There's absolutely no proof that women in the past were submissive and faithful, or reason for them to be. Even in contemporary, traditional, highly religious societies, studies that look at domestic violence in a gender neutral way just about always find that women are as much, if not more abusive than the men, which is the same as in rich, progressive, Western societies. If in both Northwest Europe and Subsaharan Africa you find as many women abusing their husbands as the reverse, there's no reason why in the past it should've been any different.

10. Men should just stop trying and accept that women are in charge now

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This is what feminists say all the time. The patriarchy is gone and it’ll never comeback. Just accept it, stupid losers ! The world is better now.

Well, blackpillers agree. Every single thing a man tries to do to better the situation will be mocked and called a cope. The blackpiller is on a spiritual journey of acceptance. The journey is complete when he finally realises that his fate is to rot, NEET and LDAR.

After that, he becomes a teacher : He hunts younger, ignorant men who are still trying and explain them how they should stop because it’s all a cope.

Chads will fuck Stacies, incels will rot, it’s perfectly okay because of Darwin and the only thing we should do about it is tell other sub8 males to not bother because it’s all a cope.

If only young males listened to blackpillers ! Girls could finally go out and have fun without being bothered by genetic anomalies.
This one is just genuinely baffling to me, no offense meant. I've never seen a single feminist say that "patriarchy" has been defeated or went away, or that women are in charge now. Not a single one. Their entire shtick is supposed female oppression, it makes absolutely no sense why they would be claiming that women aren't oppressed. If anything it's the opposite. Feminists never talk about all the countries, age groups and so on where women outearn men, they censor studies of domestic violence against men, and so on. Feminists do their best to pretend that the world is much worse for women than it actually is, they've never said that patriarchy is gone and women are dominant now.

Other than that, I agree, and I also can't see any lurker daring to repost this anywhere else to try to argue against it.
is this thread satire? serious question, i have autism
Foid worship, not a single molecule, i only care about myself

And what if it only benefits your dick? It's not right or wrong. Not caring about the quality of the gene pool or about only chads reproducing is dark triad, high IQ and based, just disregard all life on earth and do whatever you can get away with, humanity must go extinct. These radfems just assign a net positive value to life itself, failing to realize that it has none and that nothing has any ultimate meaning.
And what if it only benefits your dick? It's not right or wrong. Not caring about the quality of the gene pool or about only chads reproducing is dark triad, high IQ and based, just disregard all life on earth and do whatever you can get away with, humanity must go extinct. These radfems just assign a net positive value to life itself, failing to realize that it has none and that nothing has any ultimate meaning.
She's just coping by saying that, all she wants to do is blame men for everything, she thinks they're deeply flawed, female sexuality is about ego too, fucking chads doesn't make society better if it's not done for reproduction and even if it was that's how you get a society of good for nothing himbos, she's just a coping retard.
I'm sure most blackpillers and feminists also agree that 2+2=4 and that the Earth is round. Should i stop believing in those truths because feminists also think that's the truth? I don't give a damn about what feminists think, all i care about is reality. If believing in reality means agreeing with feminists on some issues, so be it.
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Stating something is a self evident observation in a matter of fact tone to convey the information truthfully is different from passing value judgements on an action for you to personally determine if they're either morally good or bad based on the subjective beliefs and convictions you hold as an individual.
Passing value judgements on something to personally discern if they're either morally good or bad based on what you personally believe is morally right is obviously not objective analysis of any issue.
As far as I'm concerned, incels and feminists that believe in nature as the sole arbiter and judge of what's morally correct and ethically acceptable are both clowns. You can say something is true without trying to pass it off as a good morally sound thing or trying to portray it as an absolute evil sin in the worst possible terms imaginable to condemn the action.
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It is both evil and their nature

Acknowledging it as reality ≠ believing it’s perfectly okay
One day I hope feminism is eradicated, radicals deserve to be locked up in the deepest pits of Tartarus.
I do NOT accept i should give up my rights to foids
Nice post. True white pill :whitepill:
If you're not Chad, the only value modern women will see in you is as a cuck (if you're lucky). Is your choice if you cuck yourself.
the most cucked shit i've ever read on this site
1. Most men are useless and ugly

View attachment 1181860

Feminists are very clear about the fact that most men are trash.
Similarly, you'll often hear blackpillers say that :
- depriving most men of sex is actually perfectly normal, the proof being that 90% of men never reproduced according to science
- most men are indeed valueless, because eggs > sperm

2. It's okay for women to be chad only
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Feminists and promiscuous girls are becoming more and more open to the fact that they'd rather share a chad than have sex with a beta male. Just look at tik tok.
Evil ? Not according to some Blackpillers, which are keen to explain why this behaviour is normal, and good. Here’s what they have to say :
- in the animal kingdom, it's pretty common to see entire populations of males deprived of sex while the alpha fuck all the females
- having the most powerful males impregnate most females while the weakest ones dont pass their genes improves the overall genetic quality of the population

3. Back in the time, women were oppressed
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A famous thesis from feminist is the idea that marriage is sexual slavery. In other words, women are forced to marry men they dont like to get resources from them.

Backpillers completely agree with that. You’ll often hear them explain how now that women have access to an unlimited amount of partners, it’s no surprise they do decide to fuck a different guy every week. So why weren’t they doing back in the days ? Well, because they “didn’t have the choice”, in other terms : the patriarchy was oppressing them.

See, women fucking a different chad every week is not the result of corrupted morals, it’s just the result of being free.

4. Women cheating is not “evil”, it’s their nature

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Feminists are quick to defend a woman caught cheating. “She was neglected !” they’ll say. Here too, blackpillers come with some solid science-based reasoning to justify this behaviour. They call it “the dual mating strategy”. It’s just how evolution work, guys ! Stop blaming women ! Evolution made them like that. And you know what that means ? it’s good for the overall quality of the genetic material. What’s best than having a betabuxxer raise Chad’s seed, right ? Resource optimisation.

5. Choosing a mate strictly based his looks is perfectly okay

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Now, feminist won’t always admit that. “We care about his personality too !” they’ll say. Hopefully, blackpillers are here to free them from this social shame as well. “Looks means genetic quality, so it’s perfectly understandable why women evolved to choose to most genetically fit partner”. See girls ? You don’t need to hide anymore. Just fuck the hottest guy and have the oofy doofies pay for it. It’s evolution ! It’s for the common good !

6. Men approaching women in the street is harassment

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I don’t need to break this one down for you. You’ll hear feminists talking about this all day long. But what happens when a video of some short or ugly dude approaching end up on a blackpilled forum ? You’ll be surprised to see him being shamed, insulted, humiliated 10x worse than if had been posted on TwoXChromosomes !

Blackpillers do not tolerate street harassment - also called sub8 approaching - and they’ll happily team up with feminists to destroy any man attempting to do so.

If the poor guy is being brutally rejected by an arrogant stacy, blackpillers will support her behaviour :
“ Have you seen your face ? you’re out of my league ! “ says stacy
“ JFL no cold approach for your face ! totally deserved, he should have known that his faith is to LDAR and rot ! “ says the blackpiller

The words are different, but the reaction is the same.

7. Children are annoying as fuck

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Everyday another feminist on tiktok or twitter explains why she doesn’t want children.
Well, blackpillers often the same. Most of them find children to be annoying, noisy, retarded little humans who anyway will become either normies, chad, stacies - in which case they should be killed at birht - or incels - in which case they should be mercy-killed at bith.

Both feminists and blackpillers embrace anti-life philosophies.

8. There is no good or bad, nothing have sense

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Feminists usually aren’t that nihilistic, but their behaviour is 100% coherent with that idea. “Let’s just have fun because, well, we can !”, they then proceed to fuck a different chad every day while bullying incels, because again, they can and it’s fun.

Blackpillers are more rational about it, but at the end of the day, they completely agree with femininsts : as a matter of fact, they would fuck a different girl everyday, if only they could.

The blackpiller often embrace nihilistic philosophies and do not tolerate religious bigotry. They’re very clear about the fact that there is no God, no judgement, that “good” and “evils” are copes, and that we should just do what makes us feel good because we can. The only issue is that they’re born in the wrong body.

Chads and Stacies fuck and have fun, while they rot, and it’s not “good” or “bad”, it just “is”.

9. Submissive, faithful wives are “brainwashed”

View attachment 1181869

Have you ever seen the reaction of feminists when some tradwife say that she likes taking care of the chores on twitter ? Nothing but rage, hysteria, and insults.

Blackpillers are 100% aligned with feminists on this one. First of all, tradwives are just sluts who are a faking it. But in the rare cases where they don’t ? Well, they’re just oppressed, ignorant and/or brainwashed by religion.

The proof ? Give them a year in LA, put them on some dating app, take em to a male strip clubs with da gurlz, have them read a couple dozens feminists publications, and voila ! Here she is dressing provocatively, cheating on her oofy doofy husband and taking control of her life

See ! she just needed to be liberated from religious bigotry and patriarchy. She just needed to see what real life is, ie : having fun in Los Angeles instead of doing house chores in a small farm in Montana.

10. Men should just stop trying and accept that women are in charge now

View attachment 1181871

This is what feminists say all the time. The patriarchy is gone and it’ll never comeback. Just accept it, stupid losers ! The world is better now.

Well, blackpillers agree. Every single thing a man tries to do to better the situation will be mocked and called a cope. The blackpiller is on a spiritual journey of acceptance. The journey is complete when he finally realises that his fate is to rot, NEET and LDAR.

After that, he becomes a teacher : He hunts younger, ignorant men who are still trying and explain them how they should stop because it’s all a cope.

Chads will fuck Stacies, incels will rot, it’s perfectly okay because of Darwin and the only thing we should do about it is tell other sub8 males to not bother because it’s all a cope.

If only young males listened to blackpillers ! Girls could finally go out and have fun without being bothered by genetic anomalies.

Conclusion :

See, radical feminists and blackpillers have a lot more in common than we think. My advice ? Next time a woman call short men “goblins” or “mini-fridge”, calmly explain to other males that she’s right. She’s just doing what evolution wants her to do. Nothing can be done about it and nothing should be done about it because it’s all a cope and at the end of the day, she’s improving the overall genetic quality of our specie.

What you should do, as a truely enlightened dark knight - the opposite of a white knight - is to pay taxes to help raise Chad’s offspring. That way he can spread his elite seed with as many girls as he can, which is the ultimate goal of existence.
It took me 10 years to realize that supporting chads outside your bloodline is beyond stupid, others will realize too, is an obsolete gene from when families had big numbers and you had to support your oldest brother who had the more chances of mating with an stacy but now that's worthless and in decline because most families are one-two children only so I see tax evasion rising up in the next generations.
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Dnr coping tradcel
The muh better genetic quality argument is cope. You dont take into account that even a 1/10 foid can easily procreate, which is bad for the genepool
Exactly, If a garbage toilet can procreate, why not a sub 5? Is very cucked accept the rot fate and let those badtards go away with it.
1. Most men are useless and ugly

View attachment 1181860

Feminists are very clear about the fact that most men are trash.
Similarly, you'll often hear blackpillers say that :
- depriving most men of sex is actually perfectly normal, the proof being that 90% of men never reproduced according to science
- most men are indeed valueless, because eggs > sperm

2. It's okay for women to be chad only
View attachment 1181861

Feminists and promiscuous girls are becoming more and more open to the fact that they'd rather share a chad than have sex with a beta male. Just look at tik tok.
Evil ? Not according to some Blackpillers, which are keen to explain why this behaviour is normal, and good. Here’s what they have to say :
- in the animal kingdom, it's pretty common to see entire populations of males deprived of sex while the alpha fuck all the females
- having the most powerful males impregnate most females while the weakest ones dont pass their genes improves the overall genetic quality of the population

3. Back in the time, women were oppressed
View attachment 1181862

A famous thesis from feminist is the idea that marriage is sexual slavery. In other words, women are forced to marry men they dont like to get resources from them.

Backpillers completely agree with that. You’ll often hear them explain how now that women have access to an unlimited amount of partners, it’s no surprise they do decide to fuck a different guy every week. So why weren’t they doing back in the days ? Well, because they “didn’t have the choice”, in other terms : the patriarchy was oppressing them.

See, women fucking a different chad every week is not the result of corrupted morals, it’s just the result of being free.

4. Women cheating is not “evil”, it’s their nature

View attachment 1181863

Feminists are quick to defend a woman caught cheating. “She was neglected !” they’ll say. Here too, blackpillers come with some solid science-based reasoning to justify this behaviour. They call it “the dual mating strategy”. It’s just how evolution work, guys ! Stop blaming women ! Evolution made them like that. And you know what that means ? it’s good for the overall quality of the genetic material. What’s best than having a betabuxxer raise Chad’s seed, right ? Resource optimisation.

5. Choosing a mate strictly based his looks is perfectly okay

View attachment 1181864

Now, feminist won’t always admit that. “We care about his personality too !” they’ll say. Hopefully, blackpillers are here to free them from this social shame as well. “Looks means genetic quality, so it’s perfectly understandable why women evolved to choose to most genetically fit partner”. See girls ? You don’t need to hide anymore. Just fuck the hottest guy and have the oofy doofies pay for it. It’s evolution ! It’s for the common good !

6. Men approaching women in the street is harassment

View attachment 1181865

I don’t need to break this one down for you. You’ll hear feminists talking about this all day long. But what happens when a video of some short or ugly dude approaching end up on a blackpilled forum ? You’ll be surprised to see him being shamed, insulted, humiliated 10x worse than if had been posted on TwoXChromosomes !

Blackpillers do not tolerate street harassment - also called sub8 approaching - and they’ll happily team up with feminists to destroy any man attempting to do so.

If the poor guy is being brutally rejected by an arrogant stacy, blackpillers will support her behaviour :
“ Have you seen your face ? you’re out of my league ! “ says stacy
“ JFL no cold approach for your face ! totally deserved, he should have known that his faith is to LDAR and rot ! “ says the blackpiller

The words are different, but the reaction is the same.

7. Children are annoying as fuck

View attachment 1181866

Everyday another feminist on tiktok or twitter explains why she doesn’t want children.
Well, blackpillers often the same. Most of them find children to be annoying, noisy, retarded little humans who anyway will become either normies, chad, stacies - in which case they should be killed at birht - or incels - in which case they should be mercy-killed at bith.

Both feminists and blackpillers embrace anti-life philosophies.

8. There is no good or bad, nothing have sense

View attachment 1181867

Feminists usually aren’t that nihilistic, but their behaviour is 100% coherent with that idea. “Let’s just have fun because, well, we can !”, they then proceed to fuck a different chad every day while bullying incels, because again, they can and it’s fun.

Blackpillers are more rational about it, but at the end of the day, they completely agree with femininsts : as a matter of fact, they would fuck a different girl everyday, if only they could.

The blackpiller often embrace nihilistic philosophies and do not tolerate religious bigotry. They’re very clear about the fact that there is no God, no judgement, that “good” and “evils” are copes, and that we should just do what makes us feel good because we can. The only issue is that they’re born in the wrong body.

Chads and Stacies fuck and have fun, while they rot, and it’s not “good” or “bad”, it just “is”.

9. Submissive, faithful wives are “brainwashed”

View attachment 1181869

Have you ever seen the reaction of feminists when some tradwife say that she likes taking care of the chores on twitter ? Nothing but rage, hysteria, and insults.

Blackpillers are 100% aligned with feminists on this one. First of all, tradwives are just sluts who are a faking it. But in the rare cases where they don’t ? Well, they’re just oppressed, ignorant and/or brainwashed by religion.

The proof ? Give them a year in LA, put them on some dating app, take em to a male strip clubs with da gurlz, have them read a couple dozens feminists publications, and voila ! Here she is dressing provocatively, cheating on her oofy doofy husband and taking control of her life

See ! she just needed to be liberated from religious bigotry and patriarchy. She just needed to see what real life is, ie : having fun in Los Angeles instead of doing house chores in a small farm in Montana.

10. Men should just stop trying and accept that women are in charge now

View attachment 1181871

This is what feminists say all the time. The patriarchy is gone and it’ll never comeback. Just accept it, stupid losers ! The world is better now.

Well, blackpillers agree. Every single thing a man tries to do to better the situation will be mocked and called a cope. The blackpiller is on a spiritual journey of acceptance. The journey is complete when he finally realises that his fate is to rot, NEET and LDAR.

After that, he becomes a teacher : He hunts younger, ignorant men who are still trying and explain them how they should stop because it’s all a cope.

Chads will fuck Stacies, incels will rot, it’s perfectly okay because of Darwin and the only thing we should do about it is tell other sub8 males to not bother because it’s all a cope.

If only young males listened to blackpillers ! Girls could finally go out and have fun without being bothered by genetic anomalies.

Conclusion :

See, radical feminists and blackpillers have a lot more in common than we think. My advice ? Next time a woman call short men “goblins” or “mini-fridge”, calmly explain to other males that she’s right. She’s just doing what evolution wants her to do. Nothing can be done about it and nothing should be done about it because it’s all a cope and at the end of the day, she’s improving the overall genetic quality of our specie.

What you should do, as a truely enlightened dark knight - the opposite of a white knight - is to pay taxes to help raise Chad’s offspring. That way he can spread his elite seed with as many girls as he can, which is the ultimate goal of existence.

Lotta info.
I disagree with 7/10 of these
Did a redpill cuck write this?
we don't enjoy the truth we just know it
cucks.is thread.

The main point of the thread is to illustrate how some blackpill concepts end up justifying feminism and manshaming.

If we agree that :
1. Women can only be attracted by the most handsome men
2. This trait has been crafted by millions of years of evolution

Then the logical conclusion is that
1. Any woman who is not with a chad is either brainwashed or oppressed
2. Alpha fucks beta bucks ("dual mating strategy") is not evil, it's natural and it increase the genetic quality of the specie

For example :

View attachment 1181875
NONE of these points are black pill tenets. You have it completely backwards. These are blackpilled observations of what is WRONG.

Even worse, most of these items have majorly flawed explanations. Women's hypergamy is dysgenic. Women were never oppressed, they simply had societal roles, like men have always had them. Men are never useless, they make society function.

Nothing can be done about it

The Taliban did a good job demonstrating that much CAN BE DONE do control foid behavior.

Marxism-Rodgerism goes a step further proposing we ABOLISH FOID BEHAVIOR by putting them ALL in a coma and use their bodies for breeding only.

The Taliban did a good job demonstrating that much CAN BE DONE do control foid behavior.

Marxism-Rodgerism goes a step further proposing we ABOLISH FOID BEHAVIOR by putting them ALL in a coma and use their bodies for breeding only.

Correct, but the taliban didn’t believe in evolution, dual mating strategy, and « passing the best genes »

They believed that females had role dictated by God.
Correct, but the taliban didn’t believe in evolution, dual mating strategy, and « passing the best genes »

They believed that females had role dictated by God.
public beliefs
private beliefs.

Obviously, every minimally educated gentleman of culture knows the scientific facts. But they may or may not profess those publicly.
public beliefs
private beliefs.

Obviously, every minimally educated gentleman of culture knows the scientific facts. But they may or may not profess those publicly.

No, none of them believe in it. And this is why they’re able to discipline their women. Because they have a doctrine (Islam) that justifies it.

We on the other hand, believe in the nihilistic non sense. Therefore we don’t have any justification to why women should or shouldn’t do something.

This is why we lose.
extremely cucked thread. The entire post is based on that foid's selfish and hedonistic perspective represents a objective reality. No, you are not "useless" just because some spoiled ugly bitch doesn't suck your cock in this unnatural hypergamy. Civilization was built by the labor and intelligence of men not by purple haired feminist whores with useless social science degrees. So stop defining your own value through them.
Feminists and promiscuous girls are becoming more and more open to the fact that they'd rather share a chad than have sex with a beta male. Just look at tik tok.
Evil ? Not according to some Blackpillers, which are keen to explain why this behaviour is normal, and good
No? It is NOT good? What the fuck dude
1. Most men are useless and ugly

View attachment 1181860

Feminists are very clear about the fact that most men are trash.
Similarly, you'll often hear blackpillers say that :
- depriving most men of sex is actually perfectly normal, the proof being that 90% of men never reproduced according to science
- most men are indeed valueless, because eggs > sperm

2. It's okay for women to be chad only
View attachment 1181861

Feminists and promiscuous girls are becoming more and more open to the fact that they'd rather share a chad than have sex with a beta male. Just look at tik tok.
Evil ? Not according to some Blackpillers, which are keen to explain why this behaviour is normal, and good. Here’s what they have to say :
- in the animal kingdom, it's pretty common to see entire populations of males deprived of sex while the alpha fuck all the females
- having the most powerful males impregnate most females while the weakest ones dont pass their genes improves the overall genetic quality of the population

3. Back in the time, women were oppressed
View attachment 1181862

A famous thesis from feminist is the idea that marriage is sexual slavery. In other words, women are forced to marry men they dont like to get resources from them.

Backpillers completely agree with that. You’ll often hear them explain how now that women have access to an unlimited amount of partners, it’s no surprise they do decide to fuck a different guy every week. So why weren’t they doing back in the days ? Well, because they “didn’t have the choice”, in other terms : the patriarchy was oppressing them.

See, women fucking a different chad every week is not the result of corrupted morals, it’s just the result of being free.

4. Women cheating is not “evil”, it’s their nature

View attachment 1181863

Feminists are quick to defend a woman caught cheating. “She was neglected !” they’ll say. Here too, blackpillers come with some solid science-based reasoning to justify this behaviour. They call it “the dual mating strategy”. It’s just how evolution work, guys ! Stop blaming women ! Evolution made them like that. And you know what that means ? it’s good for the overall quality of the genetic material. What’s best than having a betabuxxer raise Chad’s seed, right ? Resource optimisation.

5. Choosing a mate strictly based his looks is perfectly okay

View attachment 1181864

Now, feminist won’t always admit that. “We care about his personality too !” they’ll say. Hopefully, blackpillers are here to free them from this social shame as well. “Looks means genetic quality, so it’s perfectly understandable why women evolved to choose to most genetically fit partner”. See girls ? You don’t need to hide anymore. Just fuck the hottest guy and have the oofy doofies pay for it. It’s evolution ! It’s for the common good !

6. Men approaching women in the street is harassment

View attachment 1181865

I don’t need to break this one down for you. You’ll hear feminists talking about this all day long. But what happens when a video of some short or ugly dude approaching end up on a blackpilled forum ? You’ll be surprised to see him being shamed, insulted, humiliated 10x worse than if had been posted on TwoXChromosomes !

Blackpillers do not tolerate street harassment - also called sub8 approaching - and they’ll happily team up with feminists to destroy any man attempting to do so.

If the poor guy is being brutally rejected by an arrogant stacy, blackpillers will support her behaviour :
“ Have you seen your face ? you’re out of my league ! “ says stacy
“ JFL no cold approach for your face ! totally deserved, he should have known that his faith is to LDAR and rot ! “ says the blackpiller

The words are different, but the reaction is the same.

7. Children are annoying as fuck

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Everyday another feminist on tiktok or twitter explains why she doesn’t want children.
Well, blackpillers often the same. Most of them find children to be annoying, noisy, retarded little humans who anyway will become either normies, chad, stacies - in which case they should be killed at birht - or incels - in which case they should be mercy-killed at bith.

Both feminists and blackpillers embrace anti-life philosophies.

8. There is no good or bad, nothing have sense

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Feminists usually aren’t that nihilistic, but their behaviour is 100% coherent with that idea. “Let’s just have fun because, well, we can !”, they then proceed to fuck a different chad every day while bullying incels, because again, they can and it’s fun.

Blackpillers are more rational about it, but at the end of the day, they completely agree with femininsts : as a matter of fact, they would fuck a different girl everyday, if only they could.

The blackpiller often embrace nihilistic philosophies and do not tolerate religious bigotry. They’re very clear about the fact that there is no God, no judgement, that “good” and “evils” are copes, and that we should just do what makes us feel good because we can. The only issue is that they’re born in the wrong body.

Chads and Stacies fuck and have fun, while they rot, and it’s not “good” or “bad”, it just “is”.

9. Submissive, faithful wives are “brainwashed”

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Have you ever seen the reaction of feminists when some tradwife say that she likes taking care of the chores on twitter ? Nothing but rage, hysteria, and insults.

Blackpillers are 100% aligned with feminists on this one. First of all, tradwives are just sluts who are a faking it. But in the rare cases where they don’t ? Well, they’re just oppressed, ignorant and/or brainwashed by religion.

The proof ? Give them a year in LA, put them on some dating app, take em to a male strip clubs with da gurlz, have them read a couple dozens feminists publications, and voila ! Here she is dressing provocatively, cheating on her oofy doofy husband and taking control of her life

See ! she just needed to be liberated from religious bigotry and patriarchy. She just needed to see what real life is, ie : having fun in Los Angeles instead of doing house chores in a small farm in Montana.

10. Men should just stop trying and accept that women are in charge now

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This is what feminists say all the time. The patriarchy is gone and it’ll never comeback. Just accept it, stupid losers ! The world is better now.

Well, blackpillers agree. Every single thing a man tries to do to better the situation will be mocked and called a cope. The blackpiller is on a spiritual journey of acceptance. The journey is complete when he finally realises that his fate is to rot, NEET and LDAR.

After that, he becomes a teacher : He hunts younger, ignorant men who are still trying and explain them how they should stop because it’s all a cope.

Chads will fuck Stacies, incels will rot, it’s perfectly okay because of Darwin and the only thing we should do about it is tell other sub8 males to not bother because it’s all a cope.

If only young males listened to blackpillers ! Girls could finally go out and have fun without being bothered by genetic anomalies.

Conclusion :

See, radical feminists and blackpillers have a lot more in common than we think. My advice ? Next time a woman call short men “goblins” or “mini-fridge”, calmly explain to other males that she’s right. She’s just doing what evolution wants her to do. Nothing can be done about it and nothing should be done about it because it’s all a cope and at the end of the day, she’s improving the overall genetic quality of our specie.

What you should do, as a truely enlightened dark knight - the opposite of a white knight - is to pay taxes to help raise Chad’s offspring. That way he can spread his elite seed with as many girls as he can, which is the ultimate goal of existence.
Total cuckery of a post
extremely cucked thread. The entire post is based on that foid's selfish and hedonistic perspective represents a objective reality. No, you are not "useless" just because some spoiled ugly bitch doesn't suck your cock in this unnatural hypergamy. Civilization was built by the labor and intelligence of men not by purple haired feminist whores with useless social science degrees. So stop defining your own value through them.
Horseshoe theory proven again
You're right, it's pyramidal, my bad
Besides of actual trolling today official version is earth is “pear shaped” of course it’s bs and it’s probably plane and level
Why is that shit still pinned
Based thread tbh. Just accept it and come to peace with it all. It's cathartic
1. Most men are useless and ugly

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Feminists are very clear about the fact that most men are trash.
Similarly, you'll often hear blackpillers say that :
- depriving most men of sex is actually perfectly normal, the proof being that 90% of men never reproduced according to science
- most men are indeed valueless, because eggs > sperm

2. It's okay for women to be chad only
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Feminists and promiscuous girls are becoming more and more open to the fact that they'd rather share a chad than have sex with a beta male. Just look at tik tok.
Evil ? Not according to some Blackpillers, which are keen to explain why this behaviour is normal, and good. Here’s what they have to say :
- in the animal kingdom, it's pretty common to see entire populations of males deprived of sex while the alpha fuck all the females
- having the most powerful males impregnate most females while the weakest ones dont pass their genes improves the overall genetic quality of the population
It’s not that it’s okay or not, it’s just a fact.

3. Back in the time, women were oppressed
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A famous thesis from feminist is the idea that marriage is sexual slavery. In other words, women are forced to marry men they dont like to get resources from them.

Backpillers completely agree with that. You’ll often hear them explain how now that women have access to an unlimited amount of partners, it’s no surprise they do decide to fuck a different guy every week. So why weren’t they doing back in the days ? Well, because they “didn’t have the choice”, in other terms : the patriarchy was oppressing them.

See, women fucking a different chad every week is not the result of corrupted morals, it’s just the result of being free.
Women were oppressed because others wouldn’t pay for her choices

4. Women cheating is not “evil”, it’s their nature

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Feminists are quick to defend a woman caught cheating. “She was neglected !” they’ll say. Here too, blackpillers come with some solid science-based reasoning to justify this behaviour. They call it “the dual mating strategy”. It’s just how evolution work, guys ! Stop blaming women ! Evolution made them like that. And you know what that means ? it’s good for the overall quality of the genetic material. What’s best than having a betabuxxer raise Chad’s seed, right ? Resource optimisation.
It is evil. Nature is evil as well.

5. Choosing a mate strictly based his looks is perfectly okay

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Now, feminist won’t always admit that. “We care about his personality too !” they’ll say. Hopefully, blackpillers are here to free them from this social shame as well. “Looks means genetic quality, so it’s perfectly understandable why women evolved to choose to most genetically fit partner”. See girls ? You don’t need to hide anymore. Just fuck the hottest guy and have the oofy doofies pay for it. It’s evolution ! It’s for the common good !
True, women don’t care about anything else. Feminists will reject this premise though as they are liars or delusional.

6. Men approaching women in the street is harassment

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I don’t need to break this one down for you. You’ll hear feminists talking about this all day long. But what happens when a video of some short or ugly dude approaching end up on a blackpilled forum ? You’ll be surprised to see him being shamed, insulted, humiliated 10x worse than if had been posted on TwoXChromosomes !

Blackpillers do not tolerate street harassment - also called sub8 approaching - and they’ll happily team up with feminists to destroy any man attempting to do so.

If the poor guy is being brutally rejected by an arrogant stacy, blackpillers will support her behaviour :
“ Have you seen your face ? you’re out of my league ! “ says stacy
“ JFL no cold approach for your face ! totally deserved, he should have known that his faith is to LDAR and rot ! “ says the blackpiller

The words are different, but the reaction is the same.

7. Children are annoying as fuck

View attachment 1181866

Everyday another feminist on tiktok or twitter explains why she doesn’t want children.
Well, blackpillers often the same. Most of them find children to be annoying, noisy, retarded little humans who anyway will become either normies, chad, stacies - in which case they should be killed at birht - or incels - in which case they should be mercy-killed at bith.

Both feminists and blackpillers embrace anti-life philosophies.
False, I like children.

8. There is no good or bad, nothing have sense

View attachment 1181867

Feminists usually aren’t that nihilistic, but their behaviour is 100% coherent with that idea. “Let’s just have fun because, well, we can !”, they then proceed to fuck a different chad every day while bullying incels, because again, they can and it’s fun.

Blackpillers are more rational about it, but at the end of the day, they completely agree with femininsts : as a matter of fact, they would fuck a different girl everyday, if only they could.

The blackpiller often embrace nihilistic philosophies and do not tolerate religious bigotry. They’re very clear about the fact that there is no God, no judgement, that “good” and “evils” are copes, and that we should just do what makes us feel good because we can. The only issue is that they’re born in the wrong body.

Chads and Stacies fuck and have fun, while they rot, and it’s not “good” or “bad”, it just “is”.
Feminists think the patriarchy is bad, so this is cope

9. Submissive, faithful wives are “brainwashed”

View attachment 1181869

Have you ever seen the reaction of feminists when some tradwife say that she likes taking care of the chores on twitter ? Nothing but rage, hysteria, and insults.

Blackpillers are 100% aligned with feminists on this one. First of all, tradwives are just sluts who are a faking it. But in the rare cases where they don’t ? Well, they’re just oppressed, ignorant and/or brainwashed by religion.

The proof ? Give them a year in LA, put them on some dating app, take em to a male strip clubs with da gurlz, have them read a couple dozens feminists publications, and voila ! Here she is dressing provocatively, cheating on her oofy doofy husband and taking control of her life

See ! she just needed to be liberated from religious bigotry and patriarchy. She just needed to see what real life is, ie : having fun in Los Angeles instead of doing house chores in a small farm in Montana.
It’s not brainwashing if they were always chad only for sexual enjoyment

10. Men should just stop trying and accept that women are in charge now

View attachment 1181871

This is what feminists say all the time. The patriarchy is gone and it’ll never comeback. Just accept it, stupid losers ! The world is better now.

Well, blackpillers agree. Every single thing a man tries to do to better the situation will be mocked and called a cope. The blackpiller is on a spiritual journey of acceptance. The journey is complete when he finally realises that his fate is to rot, NEET and LDAR.

After that, he becomes a teacher : He hunts younger, ignorant men who are still trying and explain them how they should stop because it’s all a cope.

Chads will fuck Stacies, incels will rot, it’s perfectly okay because of Darwin and the only thing we should do about it is tell other sub8 males to not bother because it’s all a cope.

If only young males listened to blackpillers ! Girls could finally go out and have fun without being bothered by genetic anomalies.

Conclusion :

See, radical feminists and blackpillers have a lot more in common than we think. My advice ? Next time a woman call short men “goblins” or “mini-fridge”, calmly explain to other males that she’s right. She’s just doing what evolution wants her to do. Nothing can be done about it and nothing should be done about it because it’s all a cope and at the end of the day, she’s improving the overall genetic quality of our specie.

What you should do, as a truely enlightened dark knight - the opposite of a white knight - is to pay taxes to help raise Chad’s offspring. That way he can spread his elite seed with as many girls as he can, which is the ultimate goal of existence.
Disagree. Thinking it won’t turn back is obviously a gigacope. Rome collapsed and patriarchy returned in seconds.
No? It is NOT good? What the fuck dude
He's not saying it's good

he's saying that some 'blackpilled' simps think it's good, and they basically agree with feminism in practice

his point is that blackpillers ignore the moral evil of foids

which is true but I think that disapproving of whores doesn't require a strong moral sense, just a working gag reflex
Agree with most of those, great post:yes::yes:.

This one I respectfully disagree with. Marriage for sure is slavery, but I'd say it's an economic one first and foremost. When you have a social institution where one person doesn't have to work, and the other is required to not only work, but provide a good living standard for the other one, then it's impossible to me to see the working group as somehow not being the enslaved one.

With this I'd likewise disagree for the same reason as the previous one. Human nature is the now as it was hundreds of years ago. There's absolutely no proof that women in the past were submissive and faithful, or reason for them to be. Even in contemporary, traditional, highly religious societies, studies that look at domestic violence in a gender neutral way just about always find that women are as much, if not more abusive than the men, which is the same as in rich, progressive, Western societies. If in both Northwest Europe and Subsaharan Africa you find as many women abusing their husbands as the reverse, there's no reason why in the past it should've been any different.

This one is just genuinely baffling to me, no offense meant. I've never seen a single feminist say that "patriarchy" has been defeated or went away, or that women are in charge now. Not a single one. Their entire shtick is supposed female oppression, it makes absolutely no sense why they would be claiming that women aren't oppressed. If anything it's the opposite. Feminists never talk about all the countries, age groups and so on where women outearn men, they censor studies of domestic violence against men, and so on. Feminists do their best to pretend that the world is much worse for women than it actually is, they've never said that patriarchy is gone and women are dominant now.

Other than that, I agree, and I also can't see any lurker daring to repost this anywhere else to try to argue against it.
>See wall of text
>Dnr, just say you agreed with it because wall of text
>Randomly pick a few points which seem connected to your pet issues to talk about
>Months later, OP is banned because bluepill
>Nobody even calls you out or notices you, because your post is on the second page

Think About It GIF by Identity
leonardo dicaprio GIF

Cuckoldry, parental fraud and uncertain parentage cause orders of magnitude more issues in the long run than some guys wanting to cheat. The presence of a stepparent or other unrelated adult is one of, if not the greatest risk factor for child abuse, which in turn is a major factor for criminality in adult life. Plus, as we've seen in such stories over and over again, there's nothing stopping the betas from simply ceasing to support alphas' children once those are found out. On top of that, this is something where "sisterhood" or "female unity" wouldn't even come into play, mothers don't want their sons to be cucked and to not reproduce and would very much do anything they can to prevent that.

There's a reason why in Islamic countries it's women who perform female circumcision, and why overall it's women who police female sexuality and slut shame, not men, that's simply how reality works. I even remember some "blackpilled feminist" or whatever once despairing on thepinkpill.co (when it was still online) over a study she read which showed that for men, it's evolutionarily advantageous to support each other's reproductive success, whereas for women, it's advantageous to compete with other women and pussyblock them:feelskek::feelskek:.

That post has the feel of a religious nut trying to checkmate an atheist with "well, if it's all about making sure that my genes continue and thrive, does that justify randomly killing anyone we want to reduce the competition:soy:?" which is then followed by said atheist taking a deep sigh to prepare to explain all the ways in which murder is evolutionarily bad, followed by a 30-minute explanation of how there's nothing more selfish than to live in a perfectly peaceful and harmonious society where one's offspring face no threats and can only thrive:feelshaha:.
Nothing can be done about it
Yes, it can be done. It's called burqa and over the foid it goes. The taleban showed us the way.

and nothing should be done about it
why not? Enslaving all foids and using them for autists' procreation sounds fun and totally okay with me.

Whatever moral position you may have against total female slavery is just a minor inconvenience when compared with the alternative, which is genocide of autists.

So, I also agree with feminists, that patriarchy is toxic and evil --- and I'm LOVING IT.

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