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RageFuel 10/10 Asian Whore Toilet let herself go to tyrone, OVER FOR RICECELS



✝️ Christmaxxing subhuman
Nov 23, 2022

View: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7NamHmp6ve/?img_index=1

I can't wait to see this toilet get beat up and black eyed to death by mr. tryoneZOG here jfl
If they have kids, fucking over for them, unless if it is another toilet. their kid would be registering here and the merry age of birth jfl while explaining that his pops left after killing his slut of a mom :lul:

but guys he dindu nuffin yet so we can't get mad xD

why can't it be me with her?
Holy shit. Actual high-E noodleslut and she's with some nigger normie with weird eyebrows:reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:.
atleast shes not white onree like most noodlewhores. not that this is a good thing but its something
she's probably second generation, fresh off the boat ones all worship whites
Yeah exactly, give it time & they will fall for the propaganda bullshit.
atleast shes not white onree like most noodlewhores. not that this is a good thing but its something
Blaisan mix is just as bad as HAPA imo, and I'm sure most Rices would be pissed off about this even more.
":soy:: B-but muh JBW is law!1!1!"

@Regenerator @Adolf Hitler @WorthlessSlavicShit
":soy:: B-but muh JBW is law!1!1!"

@Regenerator @Adolf Hitler @WorthlessSlavicShit
@Lv99_BixNood @mcmoohyun but it’s the muh evil white men stealing your foids
Can you guys fuck off. Me and her are happy together so can you just leave us the fuck alone?
@Lv99_BixNood @mcmoohyun but it’s the muh evil white men stealing your foids
But to be fair, I can get why Rices go on about it because they're the most impacted by it.

Sure, a lot of it is just guys betabuxxing, but then some NTfag normies-high tier normies do get genuine attraction from noodles.

However, it's outlandish when Blacks, Curries, and Sands go on about it when no one really wants their foids compared to other races+they mateguard hard. And as stats show, there's way more Black guys with White foids than White guys are with Black foids
R u serious ? My niggas this is one example :feelsclown:
I was never saying JBB is law, I've said I dont believe in it.

And you do the same shit with your Tik-Tok obsession; look who's trying to argue now.
Can you guys fuck off. Me and her are happy together so can you just leave us the fuck alone?
Whatever you do, do not have kids.

We don't need another ER.
Kek literally every JBW copers argument
I was never saying JBB is law, I've said I dont believe in it.

And you do the same shit with your Tik-Tok obsession; look who's trying to argue now.

Whatever you do, do not have kids.

We don't need another ER.

Dude why tf do you guys act like looks is just gonna completely ruin your life???

Just touch some fucking grass and have a good personality and you'll be good.

I have a 4'4 indian balding NEET friend who slays so I don't wanna hear any excuses
Brown ricecels :feelskek: imagine the seethe of ER combine with the warriors gene of Tyrone, he would basically be the anti-Stacy, no white whore could stop him
Dude why tf do you guys act like looks is just gonna completely ruin your life???

Just touch some fucking grass and have a good personality and you'll be good.

I have a 4'4 indian balding NEET friend who slays so I don't wanna hear any excuses
Yeah bro, I also have a 4'11 Pygmy friend who's a billionaire & has a HAPA Stacy GF, so ig we have no excuses.

He's also giga-NT & IQmaxxed, he even allegedly might solve hunger in Africa.
Sea is called sea for a reason
Sea countries are south east asian ( Phillipines, thai, Vietnam etc)countries not east asian

Willingly being foolish
That meme isn’t trying to say SEA and East Asia are the same thing you spic retard
Brown ricecels :feelskek: imagine the seethe of ER combine with the warriors gene of Tyrone, he would basically be the anti-Stacy, no white whore could stop him
He will be ER on crack, literally.
Sea is called sea for a reason
Sea countries are south east asian ( Phillipines, thai, Vietnam etc)countries not east asian

Willingly being foolish
South-East Asia is a shithole, in which you can escortmaxx for cheap or the foids want to leave.

East Asia is first-world & very Liberalized.

Point is, JBW(unless normie & tall) is just betabuxxing as proven here: Both are populated by noodles, yet the only one willing to go for ugly guys are the ones in literal shitholes.
That meme isn’t trying to say SEA and East Asia are the same thing you spic retard
When people say seamax they obviously meant ascend with a brown noodle, not some jap or Korean women
That's what it literally means bozo
No the meme is trying to say “JBW” is simply betabuxxing/escortceling you 60 IQ wetback
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When people say seamax they obviously meant ascend with a brown noodle, not some jap or Korean women
That’s not the point the point is it’s just about money
He will be ER on crack, literally.

South-East Asia is a shithole, in which you can escortmaxx for cheap or the foids want to leave.

East Asia is first-world & very Liberalized.

Point is, JBW(unless normie & tall) is just betabuxxing as proven here: Both are populated by noodles, yet the only one willing to go for ugly guys are the ones in literal shitholes.
Well, beggars can't be choosers

That's why we have sea Maxxing methods and not nordic or Europe Maxxing for incels
For everyone 1 tyrone noodlemaxxing there are 100 white chads noodlemaxxing
I was mainly referencing the fact people claim an autistic white manlet such as myself can somehow get a prime noodlewhore like this guy did, never denied White Chad doesn't have the highest SMV.

I think we will see more of this when Asians become more of a significant demographic in America, since right now many are still FOB.
When people say seamax they obviously meant ascend with a brown noodle, not some jap or Korean women
SEAmaxx=Betabuxx some foid from a shithole, unless you're actually good-looking.
No the meme is trying to say “JBW” is simply betabuxxung/escortceling you 60 IQ wetback
Exactly, it was just pointing out how in many cases using "JBW" on noodles whom are supposedly the most susceptible to it is just betabuxxing one in a shithole.

Ofc, some actual attractive White guys can go to a first-world Chink country & run JBW there.
Well, beggars can't be choosers

That's why we have sea Maxxing methods and not nordic or Europe Maxxing for incels
Because that place is a first-world region.

SEA is a literal shithole, and is safer than LatAm+Spics mateguard more, so ofc guys will want to betabuxx a whore from there who wants a green-card.

Look at EE, sure they're not exactly Nordic but they're still very fair skinned, have lighter hair+eyes, and many even have Nordic phenos. However, the region is pretty poor. As such, tons of slavwhores go for ethnic men because they're betabuxxing, and because they're disgusting race-traitors & scum like all whitewhores are nowadays.

@WorthlessSlavicShit @To koniec @Ron.Belgrade @KillNiggers @PolskiKartofel
I was mainly referencing the fact people claim an autistic white manlet such as myself can somehow get a prime noodlewhore like this guy did, never denied White Chad doesn't have the highest SMV.

I think we will see more of this when Asians become more of a significant demographic in America, since right now many are still FOB.
Ah, I got yah, man this is why I hate racebaiting shit like JBW and JBB, race definitely has an effect but only for the medium, for trucels and chads race makes little difference.
Does this give you any hope? Seeing curries with cute girls gives me hope.
It's just don't be an asian male theory at this rate
As such, tons of slavwhores go for ethnic men because they're betabuxxing, and because they're disgusting race-traitors & scum like all whitewhores are nowadays.
ive seen countless cases of slavwhores going for rich sandnigs
SEA is a literal shithole, and is safer than LatAm+Spics mateguard more, so ofc guys will want to betabuxx a whore from there who wants a green-card.

Look at EE, sure they're not exactly Nordic but they're still very fair skinned, have lighter hair+eyes, and many even have Nordic phenos. However, the region is pretty poor. As such, tons of slavwhores go for ethnic men because they're betabuxxing, and because they're disgusting race-traitors & scum like all whitewhores are nowadays.
Very true, unlike LATAM where it's very dangerous and spics mateguard more than Asians or Slavs. I just saw btw in sunday group of brown colombianas in my local shithole :lul:, they were mid but not bad looking, still they didn't jump over my dicks despite having blond hair and blue eyes like many say :feelscry:
I don't feel any attraction to noodles in past there was some, but after taking tactical nuke :blackpill: i lost it, like with any hope of ascending :cryfeels:
Parents of @Intellau_Celistic
Blaisan mix is just as bad as HAPA imo, and I'm sure most Rices would be pissed off about this even
Not really, blasians are actually, good looking. Since, both blacks and Asians benifit. Asians get, more muscle, taller height, and Niggers get lighter skin, straight hair etc. @Made in Heaven

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