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News New Incels.is Rule Announcement: Do not sexualize prepubescent minors in any way, shape, or form.

This rule was thoroughly discussed by the moderation team. As many of the OGs know, Pedophiles have long attempted to colonize the forum and turn it into Pedophiles.is. Well, the buck stops now. Pedophilia has nothing to do with inceldom and is regularly championed by LGBT types. If you are a pedophile, there are many other communities that cater to that particular “taste.” But this forum is for inceldom discussion.
To clarify, teens/jailbate are fine correct? There’s no issue I’m seeing here with mid-puberty women. Correct me if I’m wrong — I’m personally more in the free speech absolutist camp, but I do have to admit these sorts of rules might limit the amount of ammunition opponents of the incel community would have.

To some extent if the goal is to grow the movement I can understand picking and choosing what hills to die on and trying to unify around core positions if that’s the goal — as far as I know probably most successful “civil rights” type movements have operated like that and if we really do want things to improve we might need more mainstream appeal and more members.

Or maybe I’m wrong, will have to think about it more. Side note I dig that mods are all from TNG.
Not all minors are prepubescent.
Very true — particularly this is what I’d like clarified. E.g. a 14 year old girl is well and far into puberty in most cases and looking historically it wasn’t uncommon for women that age to be married or pregnant. Age of consent varies a good bit between different countries.

In blind studies it’s also relevant that most men are attracted to young teen/mid puberty women (jailbait), it’s very common whereas attraction to pre-puberty women/actual children is not.
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Very true — particularly this is what I’d like clarified. E.g. a 14 year old girl is well and far into puberty in most cases and looking historically it wasn’t uncommon for women that age to be married or pregnant. Age of consent varies a good bit between different countries.

In blind studies it’s also relevant that most men are attracted to young teen/mid puberty women (jailbait), it’s very common whereas attraction to pre-puberty women/actual children is not.
High iq. If you would have sex with a short foid there's no reason to exclude jbs. They are the same as short foids only way better looking.
I would say that it is actually virtuous to be a pedophile and never mention or act on it in any way. That must require great strength, moral character, and determination. But if you are bragging about being a pedophile, maybe you are not so virtuous.
I personally agree — one thing the mainstream doesn’t have sight of is for the people who do have sexual attraction to pre pubescent children, they didn’t choose to have this attraction and going all their lives having to resist that urge/knowing it will forever go unrequited must be a burden. It’s something most people don’t have to live with.

To clarify since everybody always bombs you out assuming you “must be” a pedophile if you put yourself in their shoes, no I’m not personally attracted to children.
To clarify, teens/jailbate are fine correct? There’s no issue I’m seeing here with mid-puberty women. Correct me if I’m wrong — I’m personally more in the free speech absolutist camp, but I do have to admit these sorts of rules might limit the amount of ammunition opponents of the incel community would have.

To some extent if the goal is to grow the movement I can understand picking and choosing what hills to die on and trying to unify around core positions if that’s the goal — as far as I know probably most successful “civil rights” type movements have operated like that and if we really do want things to improve we might need more mainstream appeal and more members.

Or maybe I’m wrong, will have to think about it more. Side note I dig that mods are all from TNG.
I believe the policy is 14-17 is fair.

But I assume nuance comes into play (i.e. posts about 13 year olds and 5 years are not treated the same)
The incel movement has always been about men unable to have sexual relationships with women who are sexually involuntary celibate, but somehow over the course of many years now, pedos have tried to subvert in infiltration all of that in trying to transform inceldom into a pro-pedophile consortium. The fact of the matter is, there are many of us incels who don't support pedos of any kind of nature. It has gotten to the point we have problems hosting our forum because of all the pro-pedophile content or members here. Inceldom will never be a pedophile movement and frankly, we've tolerated pedos in our ranks for far too long, you might call it agecuck to which I would say find a pro-pedophile online group at your own peril as they're all filled with glowies or Chris Hansen types anyways. The age of tolerating pedos is over and frankly, I support this move in all honesty. Those of us men who want a normal relationship with adult women but are unable to are tired of being lumped up together with pedos who fantasize about sexual relationships with children, we are not the same as you. We don't want to be identified with you where this is an official breakup between both parties. As I've said in the past, I don't mind talking about the age of consent regarding cultural taboo in discussions or even the more malicious acts concerning more mentally violent psychologies, those are interesting forbidden intellectual discussions that sometimes warrant talking about, however, that doesn't mean we're going to officially support such acts openly either under a public format. I'm always up for debating, but this shouldn't be an official platform for pedos in any such form. :feelsjuice::yes:

@Fat Link @Komesarj89 @Dregster666 @Infinity

@PPEcel @Robtical

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Based and high iq take. I came here for the Blackpill and only the Blackpill, not JB and CP
Damn, you can't say that a 16 year old girl is hot :feelsbadman: (not saying she is btw)

What the fuck is this gay ass rule? Low T move. Do you only like used up grannies?

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prepubescent, they said prepubescent. can you retards even read? or are you seriously telling me that you would fuck a 9yo?
I am mostly inactive on Discord so I don't any honeypot servers there but there is this forum that is focused on loli (also shota) stuff called AllThefallen in which I was active for a while, tbh I might go back there sometime.

How good is that site? I mostly use sankaku and nhentai for lol*
prepubescent, they said prepubescent. can you retards even read? or are you seriously telling me that you would fuck a 9yo?
They obviously edited the title and modified the rules since those posts, GrAYcel
If you were not already aware of the announcement, here it is again:

That is all.
being attracted to prepubescent is being a literal pedo. This is incels.is not pedos.is tf is with these replies
It's usually leftists who are against 21 year old men dating 16 year olds.
For me a pedophile is a sexual attraction to anybody younger than fourteen, I myself don't really view anything between the ages of fourteen to eighteen to be pedophilia, however, the law does. I agree the law isn't perfect, that there is a grey area, and that often enough foids will pursue relationships willingly with older men in their teenage years despite laws in place which endanger the men they interact with. I have no problems talking about these issues out of intellectual or mental curiosity, where I have explained such in the past. Yes, it was a terrible joke and attempt at humor on my part.

You must understand with these conversations it is not all biology unfortunately as that would be the purely simple logical approach, but much of these conversations revolve around cultural sentiment and of course the laws created that enforce that sentiment with threats of violence for the non-obedient.
Pedophilia is a scientific, medical term, not a legal term. You can not get arrested for pedophilia.

I could elaborate but I think you know this and are just concerned about PR. @Wizard32
Pedophilia is a scientific, medical term, not a legal term. You can not get arrested for pedophilia.

I could elaborate but I think you know this and are just concerned about PR. @Wizard32

Psychology is barely worth of being called scientific or medical tbh tbh

The APA fucked up with the DSM in 1940s assigning pedophilia to girls when it is meant to be boys-only since 1911
Psychology is barely worth of being called scientific or medical tbh tbh

The APA fucked up with the DSM in 1940s assigning pedophilia to girls when it is meant to be boys-only since 1911
another reason why these terms are all garbage, they keep changing the meaning.
Pedophilia is a scientific, medical term, not a legal term. You can not get arrested for pedophilia.

I could elaborate but I think you know this and are just concerned about PR. @Wizard32
The government makes up its own rules, it doesn't even abide by its own rules or laws where it does whatever it wants, and it weaponizes public opinion ideologically. :feelsjuice:
and nowhere does it saying like 13 year olds is pedophilia in lw

pedophilia is not a legal term

this has more to do with undercover public psyops
The government doesn't even believe in its own laws, so if anybody thinks that laws means much of anything at all boy do I got news for you, especially with such a contentious subject like the one in this thread. :feelsjuice:
The government doesn't even believe in its own laws, so if anybody thinks that laws means much of anything at all boy do I got news for you,
chris hansen always used a 13 year old, and would mention Aoc is 16, implying he couldnt use a 17 year old
especially with such a contentious subject like the one in this thread. :feelsjuice:
how is it conetntious if speaking about it in public will get your head bashed in

at least with abortion you can state you opinion with being assaulted
I think this is fine. I can tolerate/accept the idea that some of us are into wanting to bang a 14 year old, but going below as in someone under 12, yeah… you’re kinda fucked.

It doesn’t make anyone an agecuck, it’s just wisdom.
In legal standing and due to almost universal cross-cultural inclinations we say 14 as an outlier. Of course, this angers the crib robbers, but nobody really cares what they have to say. Once again, this is not pedos.is, and it never will be. Nothing will dissuade these recent changes, nothing. A forum consensus has been achieved. And for the would-be nay-sayers, understand this, we are the largest incel forum and the most infamous well-known one at that, even we have to maintain a minimum of public relations. Sure, it's annoying and even troublesome, but nonetheless, for this forum to continue on existing we have to maintain certain protocols. It's simply the nature of the game. People can either cry about this, or adapt and move on going forward. :feelsjuice::yes:
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Prepubescent i dont know when starts, but 14, 15, 16 and 17 is not prepubescent, in my country at 15 they already have a extremely high body count (cock carroussel) and brag about it on social media, all straight guys like them but dont admit. These girls describe in detail that they are used to give head and sex to a bunch of guys of any age, while being attractive themselves, but the virtuous self-righteous cucks still insist that they are kids just like the ones from the kindergarten.
Prepubescent i dont know when starts, but 14, 15, 16 and 17 is not prepubescent, in my country at 15 they already have a extremely high body count (cock carroussel) and brag about it on social media, all straight guys like them but dont admit. These girls describe in detail that they are used to give head and sex to a bunch of guys of any age, while being attractive themselves, but the virtuous self-righteous cucks still insist that they are kids just like the ones from the kindergarten.
I would say there's a difference between child and teenager, but yes, the self-righteous cucks will still call them children regardless. We now live in a world of what I like to refer to as delayed adulthood or even extended childhood which I have my own theories on. :feelsjuice::yes:
In legal standing and due to almost universal cross-cultural inclinations we say 14 as an outlier. Of course, this angers the crib robbers, but nobody really cares what they have to say. Once again, this is not pedos.is, and it never will be. Nothing will dissuade these recent changes, nothing. A forum consensus has been achieved. And for the would-be nay-sayers, understand this, we are the largest incel forum and the most infamous well-known one at that, even we have to maintain a minimum of public relations. Sure, it's annoying and even troublesome, but nonetheless, for this forum to continue on existing we have to maintain certain protocols. It's simply the nature of the game. People can either cry about this, or adapt and move on going forward. :feelsjuice::yes:
Missed the point. Pre-pubescent = before pubescent = before 8-13 years old :feelsthink:
Missed the point. Pre-pubescent = before pubescent = before 8-13 years old :feelsthink:
You don't seem to get it. Do you honestly think the mods here want to argue in good faith. In the sense that if they have a particular goal in mod, they will debate you, and you defeat them, they will humbly accept defeat and give in to your demands, while acquiescing on the power and leverage they have over this forum?

They want what they want, they will debate you in an attempt to win, but if they lose, they will sidestep it because their agenda is more more important than integrity. The debate is a distraction.

This is a perfect example of why no mods can be trusted. They refuse to be transparent.
You don't seem to get it. Do you honestly think the mods here want to argue in good faith. In the sense that if they have a particular goal in mod, they will debate you, and you defeat them, they will humbly accept defeat and give in to your demands, while acquiescing on the power and leverage they have over this forum?

They want what they want, they will debate you in an attempt to win, but if they lose, they will sidestep it because their agenda is more more important than integrity. The debate is a distraction.
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This is a perfect example of why no mods can be trusted. They refuse to be transparent.
Well, I can't speak for other mods where I will speak for myself only. I try my best to be transparent and honest with all members here because at the end of the day we're all in the same life predicament where I try myself to treat others with respect. I rarely give members warnings or ban people unless it's for more obvious offenses. I also try to approach this subject carefully acknowledging that there are several nuances to this subject concerning cultural or sexual taboo regarding what is deemed appropriate sexual behavior of age to the much greater societies we all live in around the world. Believe it or not, I am well versed in this line of thinking as it is a subject of history that we shall say is often overlooked, deemed trivial, or of minor importance. Still, with that being said this is not the wild west concerning this corner of the internet in that there is nonetheless a level of the public protocol we must adhere to otherwise we run into hosting issues where I would think that nobody here wants the forum permanently shut down. And as I've said before, a level of public relations must be maintained for a forum of this nature, there is no way around that. A level of organization must be maintained at some level for us to exist.

I would also argue that for anybody studying world history from ancient civilizations to our modern present since the time of agriculture's first introduction that nowhere was it deemed appropriate on any wide acceptable level of having sexual relations with anybody younger than thirteen, although once again, we utilize the age of fourteen as an outlier concerning modern international law on the age of consent. In ancient Rome, you might have heard of the Vestal Virgins, even in ancient Rome the age of sexual maturity wasn't acceptable until the ages of thirteen or fourteen. Anything younger than that would end up a man executed on the spot by family members or a residing local magistrate. Certainly, sexual deviants have existed in all forms of history, nothing unusual there, but generally, they have been abhorred by the general population during all historical periods. There is nothing new about conversations like these, however, the laws do change over time and have throughout history which I agree can seem historically ambiguous at best on the subject. I try my best to approach this subject with a careful sensibility, still, we musn't forget the current historical post-modern epoch we live in either, to ignore that is simply foolish. :feelsjuice::yes:

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Can someone write the exact limit in number? Yeah I am that dumb.
There's something about loli that makes it an excellent litmus test for the quality of a forum. It doesn't even have to be about loli specifically, it's just the freedom of discussion it signals and being normalfag repellant.
I'm a bit disappointed that this rule basically confirms most incels are just failed normalfags who would have been irrecoverably bluepilled if it weren't for their social and sexual failures.
There's something about loli that makes it an excellent litmus test for the quality of a forum. It doesn't even have to be about loli specifically, it's just the freedom of discussion it signals and being normalfag repellant.
I'm a bit disappointed that this rule basically confirms most incels are just failed normalfags who would have been irrecoverably bluepilled if it weren't for their social and sexual failures.
Many are still bluepilled :feelshaha:.
Your concerns will be brought to attention. :feelsjuice:

@Fat Link
The man told me he’s not gay. :feelsstudy:

Something about his blood pressure medication can maybe make him seem that way at times I think he said. :feelshehe: :feelsclown:
There's something about loli that makes it an excellent litmus test for the quality of a forum. It doesn't even have to be about loli specifically, it's just the freedom of discussion it signals and being normalfag repellant.
I'm a bit disappointed that this rule basically confirms most incels are just failed normalfags who would have been irrecoverably bluepilled if it weren't for their social and sexual failures.

This is no surprise, given the amount of users that openly say they wish they could wagecuck/betabuxx for a woman or have reality-denying copes like religion.

Many are forcefed the blackpill and resent its bitterness. They would happily go back to a bluepilled paradigm if they could.
The man told me he’s not gay. :feelsstudy:

Something about his blood pressure medication can maybe make him seem that way at times I think he said. :feelshehe: :feelsclown:
incels are just failed normalfags who would have been irrecoverably bluepilled if it weren't for their social and sexual failures.
I’ve been saying it for time now, most 'blackpill' incels are normies at heart. They are just to ugly to really part take.
Many are forcefed the blackpill and resent its bitterness. They would happily go back to a bluepilled paradigm if they could.
And they only accept certain parts of it. Actually blackpillers especially incel blackpillers are rare very rare. We speaking about the alives ones here, some are probably dead.
This is no surprise, given the amount of users that openly say they wish they could wagecuck/betabuxx for a woman or have reality-denying copes like religion.
Pres mentioned this too, most incels are sleeper agents.

If you were not already aware of the announcement, here it is again:

That is all.
the amount of triggered pedophiles is sublime
Does it count if its hentai

I like watching loli hentai ngl
This is no surprise, given the amount of users that openly say they wish they could wagecuck/betabuxx for a woman or have reality-denying copes like religion.

Many are forcefed the blackpill and resent its bitterness. They would happily go back to a bluepilled paradigm if they could.
Who says they wanna betabuxx?

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