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Blackpill [Hard To Swallow Edition] - Love & Happiness Don't Exist, Female Validation Is Not Valuable

I'll never understand the men (especially incels) who endlessly chase after these illusory concepts like "love", "happiness" and "female validation".

Love doesn't exist, not in the "cultural sense", where its this deep meaningful thing, its just a series of chemical reactions used to increase the likeliness of pair bonding and reproduction, its our brains using us like puppets to carry out a desired function. You didn't miss out on anything, it would be like a person who never had a lucid dream saying they missed out on an "out of body experience", it isn't really that, nobody actually "astrally projects" themselves, its all in your head, a trick the brain plays on us. I never get the people who feel regret for not experiencing things that we know aren't real..

There is no such thing as "love", its all lust, and the feeling of "love" is nothing but our brains giving us an excuse to take pride in lust, because when someone feels "justified" in something they will do it more fervently, its our brain playing its typical puppet tricks, in an alternate reality our brains will inflict pain on our bodies to get us to reproduce, because we evolved differently, so instead of taking the "coercion and deception" approach our brains take the "force and blackmail" approach.

Humans love doing things that are pleasurable, but more than that we love stroking our ego while doing said things, because it makes it both mentally and physically enjoyable, we need these "mental passes" to give us the "go ahead", the "justification" to pursue things that are not really "morally good", we ascribe morals to the act to make it mentally easier for us to do.

I talk about this in detail in another thread - https://incels.is/threads/normies-l...ired-to-realize-their-core-motivations.97039/

Where I make the distinction between "core motivations" (what were actually trying to do) and "surface motivations" (the "veils" that cover "core motivations" that make us feel justified in committing said act).

Most music likes to affirm love as this almost "moral" and "deep" thing that just must be good and you're definitely a good person for feeling it, but at its core LOVE IS SELFISH, it is driven by selfishness, its the desire to possess someone else, their very being, and have that exist for your sake, for your "happiness" (pleasure). Notice how meta that was, another example popped up within an example, the "surface/veiled motivation" is "happiness" but the "core/actual" motivation is PHYSICAL PLEASURE (there are both psychological [ownership and dependency] and physical [pleasure] "core motivations" propping up the "surface motivation" of "love"). Normies don't want to think about "dark" shit like that, they only want the "warm fuzzies" of life so they can stroke their egos and avoid an existential crisis (two birds one stone).

The "core motivation" of all things are selfish and usually immoral, it is always about the person even when they convince themselves otherwise.

Religion is a good example of this:


and within that there's also:


Its quite obvious which one is the actual motivation, its the one that is always veiled beneath the other, the "surface motivation" is always something that is seen as "moral" or "good" and is used to cover the TRUE MOTIVATION, the "core motivation".

Its like a symbiotic relationship within your psyche, both help eachother to survive and both have some positive benefit to the individual, the "surface motivation" is all about the dopamine reward system, you feel good about yourself and that in turn feels good for your body, the "core motivation" is all about survival, its driven by our survival instincts, the desires and urges that push us, its about keeping the individual alive and satisfied.

Love is just a "surface motivation" for the "core motivation" of physical pleasure (lust, orgasms, etc).

Happiness is subjective, it is rarely if ever truly attained because its standard is determined by the beliefs and mindset of the person chasing after it, it is dictated by two variables (Personal Standards and/or Ignorance of Standards). There are people out there in life whose lives are complete shit in comparison to ours in terms of standards of living, but they are "happier" than us, and they want to keep living while we feel suicidal, and that's because of:

1. Personal Standards - Their standards for existence are low, they don't want for much, could be because they'd suffered so much in life before that the meager pleasures they have now are enough in comparison to the past, could be because they have low self esteem and consider what they currently have "enough for someone like me", at the end of the day, they are "happy" based on the standards of living they have for their own life.

2. Ignorance of Standards - They are unaware of how much better their standards of living could be (e.g. someone born in some remote/tribal village/community with barely any technology). For example someone born in an amish community and is never exposed to any technology or modern media, or someone born in a monastery in some mountain in china and they have never left that community. They likely feel more satisfied and fulfilled with life than we ever will, but that's simply because they don't know what they are missing out on. If a 10/10 stacy walked up into said monastery in a bikini and an Ipad with a movie playing on it, that same guy who had "discovered nirvana" (a state of perfect happiness and enlightenment) would lose his shit and that would throw his peace out the window, he'll now realize many things he wanted deep down that he wasn't even truly aware of, entertainment, to have his lust satiated rather than repressed and controlled, etc.

The Amish are a better example of this, they have this rite of passage called Rumspringa,


The usual behavioral restrictions are relaxed, so that Amish youth can acquire some experience and knowledge of the non-Amish world.

Amish adolescents may engage in rebellious behavior, resisting or defying parental norms. In many cultures, enforcement may be relaxed, and misbehavior tolerated or overlooked to a degree. A view of rumspringa has emerged in popular culture that this divergence from custom is an accepted part of adolescence or a rite of passage for Amish youth.

Among the Amish, however, rumspringa simply refers to adolescence. During that time a certain amount of misbehavior is unsurprising and is not severely condemned (for instance, by Meidung or shunning).

A minority of Amish youth do diverge from established customs. Some may be found:
  • Wearing non-traditional clothing and hair styles (referred to as "dressing English")
  • Driving vehicles other than horse-drawn vehicles (for communities that eschew motor vehicles)
  • Not attending home prayer
  • Drinking and using other recreational drugs

A lot of amish youths after going through this period never return to their communities because they now know the life they are missing out on, the phrase "ignorance is bliss" means "ignorance is happiness", its part of happiness, not knowing what you're missing out on allows you to set lower standards for happiness, and the mere introduction of those things into your consciousness destroys any peace of mind you had, your happiness is now sub par because you know your life could be more enjoyable now.

You can cope and deny all you want at that point, but you'll always know deep down its true.

Happiness is based on the limitations one places on themselves (ego, goals, etc) and the limitations that life placed on them (birth place, physical/mental disabilities, etc)

That's why I don't aspire to be "happy", I aspire to be "physically satisfied" and "stress free", that criteria is much more objective than "being happy", because talk to the average person who says they are "happy" and they live stressful and problematic lives, and that's because their personal standards for themselves revolves around "facing challenges", so they never stop chasing after more stresses in life, and they are always stuck wondering why they never feel "truly satisfied". Its because they are playing the game wrong, life isn't an endless series of achievements to be met, and that's the mindset (((they))) have indoctrinated onto the masses to keep us "happy and busy worker drones" while they actually enjoy what a fulfilling life is aboue (peace and prosperity).

A lot of incels hold on to multiple concepts that contradict eachother.

They believe things about women related to evolution psychology that devalue their existence (they are genetically hardwired to be hypergamous, inherently selfish, etc), while at the same time they value their validation and what they think of them, those are two contradictory concepts, if women are as bad as the black pill tells us, and we truly believe it, then there is no reason to value anything they think.

I've been saying this for a while, nobody really wants female validation, we've just been indoctrinated over years as children and basically socialized to value and chase after it, that's because female validation is the prerequisite to what we really want, sex. Well its the prerequisite to attaining sex the "usual way" (courtship), you can just pay for it.

Its completely contradictory to both acknowledge that women are basically instinct driven and illogical, and yet somehow value whether or not they admire you or think highly of you. They are basically like an AI running lines of code, would you care if an AI, something that has no true concept of reality and merely does what its "code" dictates, cares about you? (I doubt it).

Of what value is its evaluation of you, when it has no true sense of self. How can you devalue women as an existence, while at the same time claiming that their evaluation of you is something that matters (do you see the obvious contradiction yet?).

That would be like me saying I have a broken mirror, yet I trust its ability to give me an accurate reflection. One should only value the evaluation given by someone relative to how much they value the logical integrity of said person, in other words, if you truly believe everything the black pill says, then by valuing female validation, aren't you putting stake in the competency of a group of individuals, you yourself deem as incompetent?

Female validation is just the usual prerequisite to attaining sex, it is not the goal it is the prerequisite to achieving the goal, and only a foolish egoist chases after validation, as black pillers were supposed to be introspective, the "deep thinkers", to cling and chase after female validation is illogical, especially for an incel, you already know what it is you really want, sex, so chase after that, and when you simply see things in such a manner a whole slew of options open up to you, things you did not even consider because your ego was blinding you from it.
massive superlevel omega IQ post
remember women love how you make them "feel" if she doesnt feel it anymore then its over, shes fucking another dude.
remember women love how you make them "feel" if she doesnt feel it anymore then its over, shes fucking another dude
Male love: "I'd sacrifice everything for you."
Female love: "He makes me feel happy / good teehee."
Male lust: "I'd sacrifice everything to fuck you"
Female lust: "He makes me feel horny, i'll allow him to court me, tee hee"


You missed the point of the thread

Were not "better people" than they are, our existence is just inherently more self sacrificial due to the nature of biology.

Love doesn't exist, its all just lust

You missed the point of the thread

Were not "better people" than they are, our existence is just inherently more self sacrificial due to the nature of biology.

Love doesn't exist, its all just lust

Lol low iq post not gonna lie. The emotional attachment to partners has existed among humans since the first hominids you actually moron lmao. Since when does having sexual desire for their partners prevent people from developing a strong connection to that person and their brain chemicals reacting in such a way as to cause love? I swear the posts on this site get dumber and dumber every day. This is maximum copepill. The truth is most people will experience both lust and love and have it reciprocated, except us. Cope harder though.
I'll never understand the men (especially incels) who endlessly chase after these illusory concepts like "love", "happiness" and "female validation".

Love doesn't exist, not in the "cultural sense", where its this deep meaningful thing, its just a series of chemical reactions used to increase the likeliness of pair bonding and reproduction, its our brains using us like puppets to carry out a desired function. You didn't miss out on anything, it would be like a person who never had a lucid dream saying they missed out on an "out of body experience", it isn't really that, nobody actually "astrally projects" themselves, its all in your head, a trick the brain plays on us. I never get the people who feel regret for not experiencing things that we know aren't real..

There is no such thing as "love", its all lust, and the feeling of "love" is nothing but our brains giving us an excuse to take pride in lust, because when someone feels "justified" in something they will do it more fervently, its our brain playing its typical puppet tricks, in an alternate reality our brains will inflict pain on our bodies to get us to reproduce, because we evolved differently, so instead of taking the "coercion and deception" approach our brains take the "force and blackmail" approach.

Humans love doing things that are pleasurable, but more than that we love stroking our ego while doing said things, because it makes it both mentally and physically enjoyable, we need these "mental passes" to give us the "go ahead", the "justification" to pursue things that are not really "morally good", we ascribe morals to the act to make it mentally easier for us to do.


Love is just a "surface motivation" for the "core motivation" of physical pleasure (lust, orgasms, etc).

Happiness is subjective,

This thread is cope of the year ngl, truly outstanding levels of "interpreting" reality so you feel less envious of what most people on this planet will experience.

The truth is that romantic love is a chemical response that originally served to keep partners together and to protect each other (therefore increasing the likelihood of the offsprings survival), and if you're with someone and enjoy being with them you're going to develop attachment towards them. Especially if you're with them every day and even sleep in the same bed and do loads of shit together. Fuck I love some male friends I have. It's not a romantic love but its a very strong attachment and affection.

However you pointing out its a chemical reaction literally means nothing, yes it's true but completely irrelevant. Every single emotional response we have is a chemical reaction. I know its sounds edgy to be like "hurrdurr itz just chemicals gais lmao!" but its the most pointless shit ever. So fucking what? So is everything else. It doesn't mean humans don't have an intense desire to be validated and wanted, that's so deeply ingrained in them. You identifying the cause solves fuck all edgelord.
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You're not really miserable. Its just chemicals in your brain.
The emotional attachment to partners has existed among humans since the first hominids you actually moron lmao.

I don't see how this statement goes against anything I said, it just means the illusion of love as a concept has existed for that a long time, doesn't change the fact that it is an illusion

Since when does having sexual desire for their partners prevent people from developing a strong connection to that person and their brain chemicals reacting in such a way as to cause love?

I never claimed it prevents people from forming connections, what kind of strawman BS is this, I'm going to go out on a limb here and say you didn't even read the post, or you definitely didn't read it properly.

My point is without lust there is no such thing as "romantic love", because its actually just lust combined with the mental cope our brains give us to justify pursuing lust based urges.

Love = Lust + Chemically Based "Moral" Justification

The truth is that romantic love is a chemical response that originally served to keep partners together and to protect each other (therefore increasing the likelihood of the offsprings survival)

Again, nothing in my post says anything against this, it actually agrees with it and works in congruence with it, you did not read the thread or you are too fucking stupid to understand what I said.

It doesn't mean humans don't have an intense desire to be validated and wanted

Of course the desire is there, but if you are truly black pilled, truly introspective, and you are aware that its all just in your head, then why are you clutching so tightly to it, why are you paining yourself so, chasing after these illusory things, that you yourself admit are all in your head and don't really matter, are you getting the point now idiot, why cling to these concepts, why keep wasting your time?.

You're not really miserable. Its just chemicals in your brain.

Actually true, hence why there are things you can do to alter your brain chemistry and make you stop feeling depressed. One day there will actually be drugs with no side effects that make you "feel love" because scientists would have identified what does what to a T. Drugs like these may even be prescribed during relationship counseling sessions, etc.
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My point is without lust there is no such thing as "romantic love", because its actually just lust combined with the mental cope our brains give us to justify pursuing lust based urges.

Love = Lust + Chemically Based Justiification

You're wrong boyo, you have no evidence of this and it's retarded. Most people will have sexual attraction and romantic attachment to the person they're with in a LTR.

You literally claim this moronic rhetoric with absolutely no evidence. What do you think lust is you Somalia-iqlet? Its another chemical response in your brain. Whys that anymore real than love? The fact you even had an urge to respond is a chemical reaction. The emotions you feel right now reading this are chemical reactions. When you registered on this forum it was a chemical reaction that caused it.

Of course the desire is there, but if you are truly black pilled, truly intropsective, and you are aware that its all just in your head, then why are you clutching so tightly to it, why are you paining yourself so, chasing after these illusory things, that you yourself admit are all in your head and don't really matter, are you getting the point now idiot, why cling to these concepts, why keep wasting your time?.

Lol you are seriously another kind of fuckwit. Your dumb-ass "muh chemicals" cope is completely unoriginal and more tired unhelpful bs. Every single feeling you have is chemicals reacting. Your entire consciousness. It means nothing at all idiot and doesn't erase the feelings from existing or make them any less intense.

Also I truly emphasize how utterly unoriginal and dumb your post it. You aren't saying anything that's not been stupidly said before. You didn't realize some deep meaningful truth nobody else has.
Lol you are seriously another kind of fuckwit. Your dumb-ass "muh chemicals" cope is completely unoriginal and more tired unhelpful bs..

Like I said to @Inceldo here:
One day there will actually be drugs with no side effects that make you "feel love" because scientists would have identified what does what to a T. Drugs like these may even be prescribed during relationship counseling sessions, etc.

When science reaches this point, people like yourself are going to face an existential crisis, especially normies with your mindset, being "in love" is going to feel "lacking" and "not as special" as you once thought it was. Its not going to "mean anything anymore", in actuality it never meant anything, you just were never in a place to admit that to yourself.

When love itself can now be prescribed as a drug to treat depression, thoughts of infidelity, etc what will be the significance of love then? (serious question, try and answer this)

Are you getting my point now, you are desperately clutching at something that doesn't exist and doesn't really mean anything, we just exist in a time frame where you can't truly comprehend this.

I'm not going to keep this back and forth up, because I've made my points clear, history will decide the victor, but its obvious here who is thinking logically and who is just sperging out, you are clinging to the concept because you want to believe in it on the off chance that if you ascend there's something waiting there for you, there's something worth trying to ascend for, stop coping.
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Pjw even did a video about “love”

Pjw even did a video about “love”

"Love is merely the lust for possession, its a fundamentally instinctive biological force, which is why its kind of bizarre how society exalts it as an idealistic moral good"

Literally what I fucking said in my thread, same things I point out, anybody who cannot recognize this is in denial, these things are self evident and easily observable, anybody who is introspective and honest can see this about the world and various concepts.

most music likes to affirm love as this almost "moral" and "deep" thing that just must be good and you're definitely a good person for feeling it, but at its core LOVE IS SELFISH, it is driven by selfishness, its the desire to possess someone else, their very being, and have that exist for your sake, for your "happiness" (pleasure). Notice how meta that was, another example popped up within an example, the "surface/veiled motivation" is "happiness" but the "core/actual" motivation is PHYSICAL PLEASURE (there are both psychological (ownership and dependency) and physical (pleasure) "core motivations" propping up the "surface motivation" of "love"). Normies don't want to think about "dark" shit like that, they only want the "warm fuzzies" of life so they can stroke their egos and avoid an existential crisis (two birds one stone).

Society treats love like it is this "moral" thing when it isn't, that's because it is just the "surface motivation" for a more carnal "core motivation".
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Like I said to @Inceldo When science reaches this point, people like yourself are going to face an existential crisis, especially normies with your mindset, being "in love" is going to feel "lacking" and "not as special" as you once thought it was. Its not going to "mean anything anymore", in actuality it never meant anything, you just were never in a place to admit that to yourself.

When love itself can now be prescribed as a drug to treat depression, thoughts of infidelity, etc what will be the significance of love then? (serious question, try and answer this)

What are you even talking about idiot? How does this invalidate anything I said you absolute Aboriginal village idiot scorned-by-the-other abos-for-being-dumb-cel? The invention of such pills literally would be a great thing for incels and it's likely this forum would lose 80% of it's membership.

Are you getting my point now, you are desperately clutching at something that doesn't exist and doesn't really mean anything, we just exist in a time frame where you can't truly comprehend this.

Lol you really are stupid. Like man I'm not even just being an internetfag casually insulting, you are legit dumb nigga kek.

Your entire moronic point is that love doesn't exist because it's just chemicals, when literally every emotion you have is chemicals you absolute brainletcel.

It has nothing to do with me desiring for it to exist or not, humans and other hominids have had strong attachments and affection for literal millions of years of evolution, and even other life forms lol.

Your response clearly shows you didn't understand a single thing I said and just want to repeat "muh chemicals bruh! itz not real!" while being motivated to do so cuz of a chemical reaction lmao.

"Love is merely the lust for possession, its a fundamentally instinctive biological force, which is why its kind of bizarre how society exalts it as an idealistic moral good"

Literally what I fucking said in my thread, same things I point out, anybody who cannot recognize this is in denial, these things are self evident and easily observable, anybody who is introspective and honest and see this about the world and various concepts.

Society treats love like it is this "moral" thing when it isn't, that's because it is just the "surface motivation" for a more carnal "core motivation".

Morality is not an objective thing, so love can't be definitely stated to be moral by anyone. Regardless of whether its not moral, this doesn't change the fact its an extremely powerful emotion in humans and other species, so much that it can completely cloud peoples judgements and even make them murder other humans.
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I like your thread and I agree with the majority of your thoughts.

I think that the romantic interpretation of the so called “love” is based on cultural values of your society. That means (thinking of love) you will value what your society has set as a “value”, the collective interpretation of what “love” is worth in terms of meaning, determination, and value.

The definition of love is very vague, and there are many concept of that “feeling”. I think that for an incel is better to maintain a “love relativist” position, thinking that every “meaningful content” created to define the value of “love” isn’t absolute, but relative.

That’s my opinion. But thinking that love is relative, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist as a psychological phenomenon. Obviously love exist, it’s a characteristic exclusively of a mental phenomenon, induced by chemical drugs produced by the host and the way he represent this phenomenon in his mind.

As incels we are “missing” a lot not feeling “love”, though we can cope maintaining the position of “love relativists”. So, because we never experienced that chemical-love-feeling we can only represent in our mind an idea closely associated with the conventional “love meaningful-content” that the mention of the name “love” calls into our mind.

We don’t know exactly what “love” is, on that argument we know less than normies.
The definition of love is very vague, and there are many concept of that “feeling”. I think that for an incel is better to maintain a “love relativist” position, thinking that every “meaningful content” created to define the value of “love” isn’t absolute, but relative.

That’s my opinion. But thinking that love is relative, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist as a psychological phenomenon. Obviously love exist, it’s a characteristic exclusively of a mental phenomenon, induced by chemical drugs produced by the host and the way he represent this phenomenon in his mind.

Agreed, that's why my point is love doesn't exist in the sense that society makes it out to be, to be this deep moral thing that you are definitely a good person for experiencing and "only good people feel love", which is why you see cliche phrases like - "you have no love in your heart" used against the "evil" antagonist in media.

Love is actually immoral, its a selfish thing, but somehow humans have ascribed being morally good to it, its really weird when you think about it.

We don’t know exactly what “love” is, on that argument we know less than normies.

But we know what it isn't, and on that argument we know than normies who've just fallen under the spell of something and think that its meaningful, and this thing will control their entire lives and the choices they make, this isn't really a bad thing for women who are living on tutorial mode, but for normie males it is, its what leads to divorce rape, falling for the cope of love and not recognizing what it truly is.

All this obsession about "love" and "missing out on it", is going to seem so pointless and ridiculous in the era when you can go to your local pharamacy and buy a "love pill", boom you've experienced love, on to the next thing. I think incels who obsess over it ironically are as indoctrinated by society as normies, yet they'd think of themselves as "black pilled", they think of it as a "deep and moral" thing just like normies do.
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All this obsession about "love" and "missing out on it", is going to seem so pointless and ridiculous in the era when you can go to your local pharamacy and buy a "love pill", boom you've experienced love, on to the next thing. I think incels who obsess over it ironically are as indoctrinated by society as normies, yet they'd think of themselves as "black pilled", they think of it as a "deep and moral" thing just like normies do.
I don’t know, the concept of “missed opportunities” related to “love” is flawed.

Speaking of “love”, an incel can come to the conclusion that a lot of opportunities (normies opportunities) are eventually found out to have been missed (love is an example) - that because the incel is making the error of comparing himself to a normie - and later in life the incel will develop the self-awareness (“blackpill”) of what was once a good opportunity, but now it’s not anymore for him, in that situation the opportunity is perceived to be lost. This concept can be coherent if the only thing stopping the incel from having those experiences (love, companionship, etc...) was only his awareness, but for an incel the whole thing is different, specifically regarding to the concept of the so called “love”, because an incel (unwanted by foids) cannot experience “love” the same way normies do, or he never experienced at all, so he’s missing nothing since he don’t even know what is the thing he is missing (because in this case, the thing “missed” is just a mental representation and a psychological phenomenon), he can only speculate about it (about what? The love meaning is created by society).

My point is that for an incel, there’s no love to be missed, he cannot miss something he is unable to get and he never known, because one thing is being indoctrinated by society to assign a sense of importance to a specific feeling (in this case, love), another thing is having a direct experience of that phenomenon, and then “miss it” when it will not be available anymore.

An incel may develop his “missed love” fetish comparing to another incel he knows experienced “love” (the normie meaning of what love is) when he did not even see it was an opportunity available to him also. So when an incel is “blackpilled” and his eyes are open he can finally see specifically what he has lost.

Apart from this mental-masturbation, I can’t really understand why so many incels are concerned about “love”, maybe it’s for the fact that generally people want what they can’t have, I don’t know. But incels should not focus on “missed love”.

In my opinion, the only “opportunities” an incel can lose are the ones he is not pursuing remaining stuck to his “love” fetish, if he continue believing in love and other normie bullshit he will seriously miss a lot in life, because believing in the social concept of love is a huge waste of time for an incel. An incel should not increase his desire for love, because wasting time pursuing “love” is detrimental for an incel.
In my opinion, the only “opportunities” an incel can lose are the ones he is not pursuing remaining stuck to his “love” fetish, if he continue believing in love and other normie bullshit he will seriously miss a lot in life, because believing in the social concept of love is a huge waste of time for an incel. An incel should not increase his desire for love, because wasting time pursuing “love” is detrimental for an incel.

This, the entire point of my thread, a lot of incels waste their time chasing after illusory concepts and they never get out of that rut, they never start pursuing things that are actually within their reach. Why focus and obsess over what you will likely never have, its better to focus on the things that you can acquire for yourself.
Love = Sex

Cry = manipulation

Laughs = superiority

Emotions = Mental illness
Yes, it is all an illusion, once you are enlightened you just become totally cynical to everything because you realize most normies are braindead sacks of meat and chemicals.
It’s a great point to be made. Love between men and women is simply lust and nothing more. There are various stories I’ve seen of couples ‘losing their spark’ once someone loses their looks.
Pjw even did a video about “love”

PJW is a sodomite. No surprise that he thinks love and cum mean the same thing.
This queer should stop opining on something normal human beings use to reproduce and go cure his own mental illness with a glock
this is pure gold I agree on everything
they should teach this in schools
This is so incredibly high IQ :feelsthink:
This thread should be moved to “Must-Read Content”. @SergeantIncel


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cope. You are denying your instincts
I'll never understand the men (especially incels) who endlessly chase after these illusory concepts like "love", "happiness" and "female validation".

Love doesn't exist, not in the "cultural sense", where its this deep meaningful thing, its just a series of chemical reactions used to increase the likeliness of pair bonding and reproduction, its our brains using us like puppets to carry out a desired function. You didn't miss out on anything, it would be like a person who never had a lucid dream saying they missed out on an "out of body experience", it isn't really that, nobody actually "astrally projects" themselves, its all in your head, a trick the brain plays on us. I never get the people who feel regret for not experiencing things that we know aren't real..

There is no such thing as "love", its all lust, and the feeling of "love" is nothing but our brains giving us an excuse to take pride in lust, because when someone feels "justified" in something they will do it more fervently, its our brain playing its typical puppet tricks, in an alternate reality our brains will inflict pain on our bodies to get us to reproduce, because we evolved differently, so instead of taking the "coercion and deception" approach our brains take the "force and blackmail" approach.

Humans love doing things that are pleasurable, but more than that we love stroking our ego while doing said things, because it makes it both mentally and physically enjoyable, we need these "mental passes" to give us the "go ahead", the "justification" to pursue things that are not really "morally good", we ascribe morals to the act to make it mentally easier for us to do.

I talk about this in detail in another thread - https://incels.is/threads/normies-l...ired-to-realize-their-core-motivations.97039/

Where I make the distinction between "core motivations" (what were actually trying to do) and "surface motivations" (the "veils" that cover "core motivations" that make us feel justified in committing said act).

Love is just a "surface motivation" for the "core motivation" of physical pleasure (lust, orgasms, etc).

Happiness is subjective, it is rarely if ever truly attained because its standard is determined by the beliefs and mindset of the person chasing after it, it is dictated by two variables (Personal Standards and/or Ignorance of Standards). There are people out there in life whose lives are complete shit in comparison to ours in terms of standards of living, but they are "happier" than us, and they want to keep living while we feel suicidal, and that's because of:

1. Personal Standards - Their standards for existence are low, they don't want for much, could be because they'd suffered so much in life before that the meager pleasures they have now are enough in comparison to the past, could be because they have low self esteem and consider what they currently have "enough for someone like me", at the end of the day, they are "happy" based on the standards of living they have for their own life.

2. Ignorance of Standards - They are unaware of how much better their standards of living could be (e.g. someone born in some remote/tribal village/community with barely any technology). For example someone born in an amish community and is never exposed to any technology or modern media, or someone born in a monastery in some mountain in china and they have never left that community. They likely feel more satisfied and fulfilled with life than we ever will, but that's simply because they don't know what they are missing out on. If a 10/10 stacy walked up into said monastery in a bikini and an Ipad with a movie playing on it, that same guy who had "discovered nirvana" (a state of perfect happiness and enlightenment) would lose his shit and that would throw his peace out the window, he'll now realize many things he wanted deep down that he wasn't even truly aware of, entertainment, to have his lust satiated rather than repressed and controlled, etc.

The Amish are a better example of this, they have this rite of passage called Rumspringa,


A lot of amish youths after going through this period never return to their communities because they now know the life they are missing out on, the phrase "ignorance is bliss" means "ignorance is happiness", its part of happiness, not knowing what you're missing out on allows you to set lower standards for happiness, and the mere introduction of those things into your consciousness destroys any peace of mind you had, your happiness is now sub par because you know your life could be more enjoyable now.

You can cope and deny all you want at that point, but you'll always know deep down its true.

Happiness is based on the limitations one places on themselves (ego, goals, etc) and the limitations that life placed on them (birth place, physical/mental disabilities, etc)

That's why I don't aspire to be "happy", I aspire to be "physically satisfied" and "stress free", that criteria is much more objective than "being happy", because talk to the average person who says they are "happy" and they live stressful and problematic lives, and that's because their personal standards for themselves revolves around "facing challenges", so they never stop chasing after more stresses in life, and they are always stuck wondering why they never feel "truly satisfied". Its because they are playing the game wrong, life isn't an endless series of achievements to be met, and that's the mindset (((they))) have indoctrinated onto the masses to keep us "happy and busy worker drones" while they actually enjoy what a fulfilling life is aboue (peace and prosperity).

A lot of incels hold on to multiple concepts that contradict eachother.

They believe things about women related to evolution psychology that devalue their existence (they are genetically hardwired to be hypergamous, inherently selfish, etc), while at the same time they value their validation and what they think of them, those are two contradictory concepts, if women are as bad as the black pill tells us, and we truly believe it, then there is no reason to value anything they think.

I've been saying this for a while, nobody really wants female validation, we've just been indoctrinated over years as children and basically socialized to value and chase after it, that's because female validation is the prerequisite to what we really want, sex. Well its the prerequisite to attaining sex the "usual way" (courtship), you can just pay for it.

Its completely contradictory to both acknowledge that women are basically instinct driven and illogical, and yet somehow value whether or not they admire you or think highly of you. They are basically like an AI running lines of code, would you care if an AI, something that has no true concept of reality and merely does what its "code" dictates, cares about you? (I doubt it).

Of what value is its evaluation of you, when it has no true sense of self. How can you devalue women as an existence, while at the same time claiming that their evaluation of you is something that matters (do you see the obvious contradiction yet?).

That would be like me saying I have a broken mirror, yet I trust its ability to give me an accurate reflection. One should only value the evaluation given by someone relative to how much they value the logical integrity of said person, in other words, if you truly believe everything the black pill says, then by valuing female validation, aren't you putting stake in the competency of a group of individuals, you yourself deem as incompetent?

Female validation is just the usual prerequisite to attaining sex, it is not the goal it is the prerequisite to achieving the goal, and only a foolish egoist chases after validation, as black pillers were supposed to be introspective, the "deep thinkers", to cling and chase after female validation is illogical, especially for an incel, you already know what it is you really want, sex, so chase after that, and when you simply see things in such a manner a whole slew of options open up to you, things you did not even consider because your ego was blinding you from it.
Women don't understand nor have the capacity for Love, only LUST.
Love is a good practice in terms of evolutionary but that doesn't apply to subhumans like us.
There is nothing for free in this world. Love means a female that wanna subconsciously possess the beauty and the superior physical features of the chad and transmit them to her offspring and the chad is wanting to get laid and spread his genes. People want to rationalize everything so they call this mutual bestial attraction "love".
now this is some hiroshima-nagasaki level blackpilled thread.
Happiness is acquired by achieving more evolutionary (ultimately reproductive) success than your competitors, which the act of having sex is a proxy for. Only Chad can therefore be happy. Stoicism, which is an emotionless mindset that unsuccessful people (including myself) can adopt in order to cope easier, is not happiness. Thus, happiness exists, but just not for incels. If happiness neither existed for Chad, he would subjectively (from his point of view) live an as boring life as us though.
Happiness is acquired by achieving more evolutionary (ultimately reproductive) success than your competitors, which the act of having sex is a proxy for. Only Chad can therefore be happy. Stoicism, which is an emotionless mindset that unsuccessful people (including myself) can adopt in order to cope easier, is not happiness. Thus, happiness exists, but just not for incels. If happiness neither existed for Chad, he would subjectively (from his point of view) live an as boring life as us though.

You are falsely conflating physical satisfaction with happiness (an illusory concept)

Chad is physically satisfied, happiness is ones perception of being satisfied, but one percieving that they are doing something satisfactory doesn't necessarily mean that they are

I don't think you read my thread properly, to give a good example

Right now there is a literal cuck in an open relationship that is happy and gets off on it, he actually enjoys it

Right now there is a poor farmer in Africa who can barely feed his family but is happy to just be working and to have a family

Happiness is the root of complacency and complacency is the root of failure


This is why one should base their life choices around objective criteria, not subjective criteria like "happiness", because if one's goal is to just be "happy", they now have a blindspot that can lead to them making self detrimental decisions, that they are comfortable with because the results make them "happy" in some way for some reason

The most obvious example is men getting married, men get married to "find happiness" despite the financial risk and lack of security and reliability of modern marriage
cope hapiness and love exist but for chad only
cope hapiness and love exist but for chad only

They don't exist for anyone, the people who think it does merely live in a convenient bubble where belief in such concepts are bolstered by positive reinforcement

Santa is 100% real to kids because nobody tells them otherwise and they wake up to presents under a tree, so of course they believe in it

Nothing happening to disprove your belief in a concept doesn't make it true, and other people believing in a concept doesn't making it reality

There's no such thing as something existing just for a specific group, you know full well what you're saying makes no logical sense


You might as well say imaginary friends are real
Mr @BlkPillPres, you have repeatedly stated your desire for weath.

My guess is you are failing to see the value of these blackpill GEMS that you casually toss to your brothers here.

I have suggested before and will suggest again...

They don't exist for anyone, the people who think it does merely live in a convenient bubble where belief in such concepts are bolstered by positive reinforcement

Santa is 100% real to kids because nobody tells them otherwise and they wake up to presents under a tree, so of course they believe in it

Nothing happening to disprove your belief in a concept doesn't make it true, and other people believing in a concept doesn't making it reality

There's no such thing as something existing just for a specific group, you know full well what you're saying makes no logical sense


You might as well say imaginary friends are real
Sex doesn't exist for me but is real kek
Sex doesn't exist for me but is real kek

Lack of access =/= doesn't exist (and yes I know you are joking, and maybe that's the problem, so many of you don't take your own life seriously)
I do know love exists, because I feel it

"Feeling" something doesn't make it real, and God doesn't give one fuck about you hence you are incel, you aren't even sure he even exists either way, you just "believe"

Its funny that you say:
seeking any kind of validation from them is an exercise in futility

Yet you don't see the irony of saying this while also saying you "love" God (an even greater exercise in futility)

Also I'm not even sure you are speaking about love in the context I am, because in the same line you say you "love" your heated toilet seat, so you are speaking about things you "LIKE" in terms of "LOVE", you are conflating the concepts
I will pray for you, I am sure you will understand those things at your own time.

Make sure you pray to Sosuke Aizen, I'll be more likely to get something out of it
Make sure you pray to Sosuke Aizen, I'll be more likely to get something out of it
I am rewatching Bleach rn since they will finally finish it lol.
I am rewatching Bleach rn since they will finally finish it lol.

Haven't been online much so only just hearing about that, I've rewatched it so many times there's no point, I'll wait for the new episodes

I only watch bleach for Aizen anyways lol, to me he's the protagonist not Ichigo, and when you think about it, look at the outcome of the series

Ichigo Start: Weak low tier male with psychic abilities
Ichigo End: Most powerful soul reaper, wife and children

Aizen Start: Moratl demigod trying to create the hogyoku
Aizen End: Immortal God as a result of creating the hogyoku

Even when Aizen lost he still won, and his power ironically grows even as he is imprisoned
bumping this wonderful thread so more low iq cels might have a chance to enlighten themselves
Posting in an "I have figured out the meaning of life, the universe and everything" thread.
Happiness is the root of complacency and complacency is the root of failure
When I watched one of your videos discussing the three different pills, about happiness and complacency, I kinda meditated a lot on what you’ve said, and I think you’re right.

As much as I’d like to be with a woman, I also don’t see much of a point in it, let alone marriage. Deep down, I know that I’m always going to desire more than what I already have. I’ll never be satisfied…

My goal lies far beyond it, and as soon as I can transcend that desire, I’ll be on my way to actually finding peace. Sure, if I can have all the sex I can hope to get, that’d be nice, especially if I’m having it be with a companion. But to be in a “romantic” relationship like others do, I think that would serve to holding me back from realizing my true potential.

So, yeah… I’m with you on this one. :blackpill::whitepill:

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