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Blackpill Why genetics-only WEAKENS the Blackpill - GENES+CULTURE is the only way to make the Blackpill thrive

Bring it back into ID. It is serious stuff. Substantial debate about the Blackpill!!

@mods Thanks to whoever had the sanity and decency to move the thread.
Nigger, it's ingrained in your evolutionary programming. When an ovulating woman is more attracted a physically stronger and aggressive male, that behavior to seek a child from him is not biased by culture. That's the "hard data."
That is the softest data I have ever seen, idiot. Mammal females are attracted to the alpha male. The alpha male is not "a physically stronger and aggressive male" because that is hard to determine. The alpha is the one who has won the fight. Mammal reproductive strategy is precisely to organise fights between males because they are more clear cut than vague "physically stronger and aggressive" criteria.

As a result, mammal females do not evaluate the appearance of males. They observe the result of a fight, which is far less subjective.

However, among men, in a cultural context, the fight can be rigged in order to make a certain predetermined category of males appear to always win. This is what the aristocracy did for millennia. And women were fooled. On the surface, aristocrats always appeared to win and so foids got wet over them. Look at the huge amount of snobbery that titles have generated among foids.

Of course, because you are an illiterate in History, you probably do not even know what I am talking about.
Ass kisser nigger
Feel free to talk out of your asshole about your blue pilled crap. God knows you have free rein here to do so.

But anyone who's been here through the debacles in the forum knows I've given mods plenty of shit for some very questionable decisions in the past. So fuck you very much.
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It is "free rein", illiterate midwit.
Auto correct, nigger. I edit my posts regularly for such mistakes.

But good job latching on low hanging fruit. It's all you're good for.
Auto correct, nigger. I edit my posts regularly for such mistakes.

But good job latching on low hanging fruit. It's all you're good for.
Keep coping. I have unmasked you, glowie.
anyone who thinks genetics are everything is coping really hard, i made a thread about how it hurts more to get lifemogged by guys uglier and shorter than you than to be lifemogged by a chad but it just got ignored by most people on the forum and called bluepilled for posting it
low IQ as fuck.

There is no such thing as "getting lifemogged by a guy uglier and shorter than you".
Because everything he achieved (money, education, social status, etc.) can also be achieved by you if you put in the work and dedication.

That's the reason why men can only mog through genetics.
Because genetics are the only thing a man cannot control or change through his actions.

If you are taller and look better YOU are mogging him, because there is NOTHING he can do to get to your height and to your lookslevel.
But you can very much work towards getting to his social status/wealth/education.

It fucking pisses me off that this forum has so many obvious bluepilled reddit morons who are unable to grasp the most basic blackpill concepts. What are the fucking retarded mods doing? This fucking MORON even says that everyone is calling him bluepilled ... it seems that these DUMB AS DIRT MODERATORS are the only ones who don't get it ...
There is no such thing as "getting lifemogged by a guy uglier and shorter than you".
Because everything he achieved (money, education, social status, etc.) can also be achieved by you if you put in the work and dedication.

That's the reason why men can only mog through genetics.
Because genetics are the only thing a man cannot control or change through his actions.

If you are taller and look better YOU are mogging him, because there is NOTHING he can do to get to your height and to your lookslevel.
But you can very much work towards getting to his social status/wealth/education.
(money, education, social status, etc.) can also be achieved by you if you put in the work and dedication.
imagine unironically saying "just put in the work and dedication" while simultaneously calling others bluepilled, leave this forum and kys you fucking braindead redditor
kys fucking braindead redditor
no need to call me redditor when I don't even have an account there, while you little piece of dirt have it on your front page.

imagine unironically saying "just put in the work and dedication"
imagine giving zero arguments but still thinking you're right. Average redditor spotted.
imagine having zero arguments and still feel like you're right.
your argument is literally telling me i can get to a different guys level of money or social status by "putting in the work and dedication", this is literally giving boomer advice which is one step away from saying "just pull yourself up by the bootstraps bro!!!"

let me guess you also think only a chad mogs you? i get lifemogged by tons of guys including those who are uglier and 10cm shorter than me because unlike you i am a real incel and not some larping normie
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your argument is literally telling me i can get to a different guys level of money or social status by "putting in the work and dedication", this is literally giving boomer advice which is one step away from saying "just pull yourself up by the bootstraps bro!!!"

let me guess you also think only a chad mogs you? i get mogged by tons of guys including those who are uglier and 10cm shorter than me because unlike you i am a real incel and not some larping normie
How do uglier and shorter men mog you? The definition of "mog" is to beat someone else in something they can't compete and win against you. If someone is a foot taller than you, then they mog you and there's nothing you can do about that. Likewise for if they're better looking than you.

It's patently absurd to say that uglier, shorter men MOG you. No. YOU mog THEM. That's how mogging works.
How do uglier and shorter men mog you? The definition of "mog" is to beat someone else in something they can't compete and win against you. If someone is a foot taller than you, then they mog you and there's nothing you can do about that. Likewise for if they're better looking than you.

It's patently absurd to say that uglier, shorter men MOG you. No. YOU mog THEM.
i meant to say lifemog not mog. just fixed it
your argument is literally telling me i can get to a different guys level of money or social status by "putting in the work and dedication", this is literally giving boomer advice which is one step away from saying "just pull yourself up by the bootstraps bro!!!"

let me guess you also think only a chad mogs you? i get mogged by tons of guys including those who are uglier and 10cm shorter than me because unlike you i am a real incel and not some larping normie
Yes, money can be made through work. That's just ... well ... a fact.
Social status can be built and maintained by being social, attending social events, showing interest in people. That's also just a fact.

It's simply a fact that money can be made and social status can be built. I don't even know what the fuck we have to discuss here because these are just such basic facts.

Genetics cannot be built or achieved, they're god-given.
That's why they're the only true mog and the most painful.
Yes, money can be made through work. That's just ... well ... a fact.
Social status can be built and maintained by being social, attending social events, showing interest in people. That's also just a fact.

It's simply a fact that money can be made and social status can be built. I don't even know what the fuck we have to discuss here because these are just such basic facts.

Genetics cannot be built or achieved, they're god-given.
That's why they're the only true mog and the most painful.
i dont give a fuck about genetics, i feel nothing seeing a chad with his gf, i feel terrible seeing a guy with worse genetics than me living a good life while i live an incel life
i meant to say lifemog not mog. just fixed it
OK, that's fair. Someone uglier and shorter could easily lifemog you. Sons of Arab oil sheiks could be ugly shitskin sandniggers, but they never have to work a day in their lives, drive the most luxurious cars, have houses in the best places in the world, and have done the most degenerate sexual acts with the most degenerate filthy whores. And they have multiple wives, plus progeny.

They easily lifemog everyone here.
i dont give a fuck about genetics,
i feel terrible seeing a guy with worse genetics than me living a good life while i live an incel life
These two statements contradict each other. You give a fuck about genetics, because let's face it, that's where it truly matters.
@based_meme you're coping so hard with "scientific data" JFL
Go get pegged by your dominatrix, you cuck. Why are you even here?
i dont give a fuck about genetics, i feel nothing seeing a chad with his gf, i feel terrible seeing a guy with worse genetics than me living a good life while i live an incel life
low IQ as fuck.

You can CHANGE your shitty life, while an ugly short guy can't do anything about it.
You can CHANGE your shitty life
ok so why are you on this site if you are telling incels we can change our life, im seriously confused why you are here and not outside doing self improvement stuff if you actually believe this
i feel terrible seeing a guy with worse genetics than me living a good life while i live an incel life
These two statements contradict each other. You give a fuck about genetics, because let's face it, that's where it truly matters.

his statement is another ban reason.
he feels superior because of his good genetics and thinks his better genetics entitle him to a better life than the genetically inferior man.
he's a bluepilled asshole and he just proved that genetics are everything, he secretly feels superior because of his genetics because deep down he KNOWS that his genetics should put him above small and ugly men.
ok so why are you on this site if you are telling incels we can change our life, im seriously confused why you are here and not outside doing self improvement stuff if you actually believe this
I'm on this site because I can't find a girlfriend because I'm ugly. Why else would I be here?
Every other area of my life is sorted, but this won't get me a gf, because girls only care about GENETICS.
you're acting like the blackpill is as done as dusted as the theory of evolution when most of the claims it makes have barely been studied
It's not, but it's all based on data. Nobody conducts "black pill studies and experiments." Studies are done by academics on various topics, some directly related, others tangentially, and then we make observations about the results. Once we have enough data on certain things, those observations become a black pill. It's really that simple. From these black pills there are sometimes theories that develop. Some are good, others not so much.
keep spewing your schizo shit
Me not being able to get a gf because I'm ugly is "schizo shit"?
Girls caring about looks is "schizo shit"?
What kind of drugs are you retard on?


Me not being able to get a gf because I'm ugly is "schizo shit"?
Girls caring about looks is "schizo shit"?
What kind of drugs are you retard on?


wow just lol at crying for mods, you're a retarded fuck who invalidates other incels suffering
wow just lol at crying for mods, you're a retarded fuck who invalidates other incels suffering
You just called me a schizo because I said foids care about looks/genetics.
You need to be exterminated from this forum.
wow just lol at crying for mods, you're a retarded fuck who invalidates other incels suffering
You just called me a schizo because I said foids care about looks/genetics.
You need to be exterminated from this forum.
We can't have civilized discussion if we have to argue bluepilled reddit faggots like you about basic blackpill facts like the fact that foids care about looks and genetics. What the fuck even is this?
You are a bluepilled infiltrator and if you don't get banned for this they should just delete this whole fucking forum, because if we now get called a schizo for saying girls care only about looks then this forum isn't any better than reddit.
we now get called a schizo for saying girls care only about looks
you are acting like a tall rich NTmaxxed guy will have a bad life if he has a shit face. if you truly believe face is the only thing that matters then yes you are going schizo
there's barely any in-depth scientific investigation of blackpill topics and there aren't enough good datasets, 90% of what users post here dont have any backing from a scientific study but are based on personal experience
you are acting like a tall rich NTmaxxed guy will have a bad life if he has a shit face. if you truly believe face is the only thing that matters then yes you are going schizo
I'm not "acting like" anything and I don't "truly believe" the things you're suggesting I believe.
Redditor tactics spotted.
there's barely any in-depth scientific investigation of blackpill topics and there aren't enough good datasets, 90% of what users post here dont have any backing from a scientific study but are based on personal experience
Define "good dataset." How much fucking data do you need? OK, then make a thread about it and challenge everything in the wiki.
there's barely any in-depth scientific investigation of blackpill topics and there aren't enough good datasets, 90% of what users post here dont have any backing from a scientific study but are based on personal experience
said the tranny maxxer who only posts brainrot threads.
what you say is simply a lie. There is plenty of scientific investigation and plenty of investigation done by incels themselves which all provide perfect datasets.
Nationally-representative sample that control for all relevant demographic variables. Most data on the incel wikipedia is gathered from university students. There's even a study on the incel wikipedia which used "data gathered from Finnish national archives pertaining to Finnish conscripts who fought in the Winter War".
Then PM @Master and make the Incel Wiki edits.

Hell, in your post about Hamilton's Rule, you sent me an article conducted by financial economists that asked how much money a person would be willing to give to a relative to "prove" the theory.
That article about Hamilton's principle is evidence, not proof. Nowhere in the article is the word "proof" even mentioned. You've failed to understand the point of the article in addition to the concept itself. Your entire problem with the idea (which is very well established) was that there's no evidence of it.

The study designs need to be more nuanced as well as the questions that are being asked. It doesn't really tell much to conduct a speed-dating experiment and then survey who the participants were most interested in.
Then PM @Master and make the Incel Wiki edits.

Then don't expect anyone to take your criticisms seriously. If they're legitimate, then you have to make the effort to show it and bring to everyone's attention.

You want to reject the black pill, but don't want to admit it.
This is an amazing post @K9Otaku but whats up with your banner underneath your post with the blonde white stacy? Also is the other woman some indian diety? Are you actually hindu despite being white?
No there isn't. The "scientific investigation" of the blackpill is limited to questionnaires of people who participated in a speed-dating experiment. Fundamental questions such as what constitutes physical attractiveness and whether there are universal features regarded as attractive in all human cultures and even distant species is not investigated nearly as enough.

All the "racepill" studies fail to adjust for demographic factors across the difference races that may be confounding variables.

There isn't any scientific study on betabuxxing or nichemaxxing or "Just be First" or the attractiveness of light skin or light hair, despite those being common points made on this forum.
Yes, there is.
What is considered attractive has already been scientifically studied and proven.
Companies and designers don't roll a dice when they choose their models.
Facial symmetry, hip to waist ratios, upper body to legs ratio and bodyfat are just a few criteria which have already been figured out.
It's not really rocket science to figure out what is seen as attractive, the fact that you're trying to question this topic shows that you're either retarded or a basement dweller.
No, I don't care about "perfecting the incel wikipedia" :feelskek:
Then don't talk out of your ass.

You claim the idea is well established, but it's not, there's a debate on whether it's useful at all.

You nitpicking over the difference between "evidence" and "proof" doesn't change the fact your conclusions are based entirely on limited data.
Have you even read the Wikipedia entry on the principle? I'm betting no. There have been criticisms about it for decades, but it still has plenty of support.

That article is dated, btw. What I sent you was recent.

No one takes any of this theory seriously LMAO. Everyone here bases their opinions on personal experience, not autistically reading a 50-page study published on the incel wiki.
Then fuck off with this shit. Just make it easy and say that you don't accept the black pill.
What's the relationship between "talking out of your ass" and "not wanting to waste time editing a wikipedia no one but aspies will read"?

"Have you read this" "Have you read that" jesus you're literally a fucking redditor why are you even on this site :lul::lul:

Like redditors, you read wikipedia articles, start linking to a bunch of research studies you found online but profess to be well-red in, and then start demanding anyone who doesn't trust the results of it to read dozens and dozens of different research papers (that you didn't read yourself because the majority of words in a research article are often irrelevant to people who want to assess its correctness) because you think posting X number of studies makes your arguments more robust.

Well I got knews for you pal, the vast majority of "research studies" are not read by anyone but the study's authors and often fail replication. You can find research studies all over the internet that provides support for every kind of claim but they're forgotten once better evidence comes around.

The article I linked above argues that everything can be used to support "Hamilton's Rule" because the equation itself is so ambiguous and gives so much freedom in how its terms are defined that all datasets can be shown to be in support of it.

The fuck are you talking about :lul: :lul: that article you sent from MIT doesn't prove shit. It's a pop-science article about an experiment conducted by economists on the amount of money people were willing to give to different types of relatives. It doesn't address any of the objections the researchers I linked to above made.
That's a lot of words for saying you don't read shit. Thanks, ignoramus. Well done.
This is an amazing post @K9Otaku but whats up with your banner underneath your post with the blonde white stacy? Also is the other woman some indian diety? Are you actually hindu despite being white?
Absolutely not! These are different versions of the goddess Ishtar, that you will read about in Chapter 4. The blond one is Madonna. If you click on the link above the pictures, it will take you to a thread I made on the subject
Yes, there is.
What is considered attractive has already been scientifically studied and proven.
Companies and designers don't roll a dice when they choose their models.
Facial symmetry, hip to waist ratios, upper body to legs ratio and bodyfat are just a few criteria which have already been figured out.
It's not really rocket science to figure out what is seen as attractive, the fact that you're trying to question this topic shows that you're either retarded or a basement dweller.
- you forgot "minimum height"
This is what being the richest guy in the world gets you, if you're short and bald. This is beta-buxing.

She would prefer Leonardo DiCaprio, who is tall and not visible bald, but she can't get him because she's too old.

Here's guys closer to ideal with more attractive girlfriends. All Blonde Haired, Blue eyed, Tall, Muscular, Low Body-fat, Caucasian men. You can't become this unless you were born with the right genetics.

It's not a mystery what's attractive. Think about the hottest girls you've ever known, and what guys they lusted after and wound up with. I've known thousands of people in my life. There's a template for what women are attracted to: Tall, good skin, Good teeth, Square Jaw, Thick Hair, Low body-fat, Muscular, socially normal, Blue eyes, Dirty/Dark Blonde Hair, Decent Above average Job (But doesn't have to be rich).

Fame doesn't even help significantly. Guys as good looking as the above could get girlfriends of that quality without being famous, with only decent above average jobs and swiping on tinder.

There are exceptions, but they're not the norm and there's usually more going on with them. Like pickup artist that pay girls to be in videos, or girls that pretend to date very ugly men for the fame and attention (knowing the men are crippled enough that they'll never have to have sex with them.

If you have incel genetics, hoping to get rich is cope. First, it's not just hardwork and determination, it's also luck, and secondly even if you manage to get rich, you still have incel genetics and you'll wind up with a physically ugly gold digger that doesn't love you.
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on the order of hundreds of thousands of years
Didn't finish reading yet, but that part is 100% wrong. A concrete example would be the Bajau sea people adapting genetically to their way of life (ocean diving) with enlarged spleens etc within maybe a few thousand(s of?) years.
We also left Africa somewhere around 50-130K years ago, all the very much relevant genetic variation that every other ethnicity displays realized within that time frame.
In addition, I remember reading multiple rather recent studies relating to how even random genetic drift is happening faster than previously thought, though I would prefer not having to dig those up.
Didn't finish reading yet, but that part is 100% wrong. A concrete example would be the Bajau sea people adapting genetically to their way of life (ocean diving) with enlarged spleens etc within maybe a few thousand(s of?) years.
Just read the Wikipedia article about this. Interesting indeed. My comment would be this: The Bajau display some fairly simple biological adaptations : enlarged spleens, modified vasoconstriction and carbon blood transfer. My gut feeling is that in order to modify human behavior, much more serious genetic changes would have to occur. Again, we are not here in the domain where modern science can apply because there is no scientific way in which we can quantify and measure "human behavior" to a sufficient degree of precision in order to correlate it to genetic change.

We also left Africa somewhere around 50-130K years ago,
Yes, but Neanderthal left Africa over 400 000 years ago and we interbred with them.

In addition, I remember reading multiple rather recent studies relating to how even random genetic drift is happening faster than previously thought, though I would prefer not having to dig those up.
You will have to if you want to convince me. The question here is exactly what kind of "genetic drift" we are talking about there. Just a few changes in a protein somewhere or actual macroscopic phenotypal modifications?
First of all, let this be clear: most people who pretend to support the genetics-only interpretation of the blackpill know nothing about genetics and make ridiculous claims in its name.

male Genetics among mammals have always been filtered through alpha-male fighting, never based on looks.
Looks don't win fights. Some people actually need to be told this. The lookspill has a correct dosage, and it's not infinity mg.
Culture acts as an additional genetic layer on top of our actual genes and that is what makes us more adaptable than other species.
Culture is pretty much a software layer. Unlike hardware (genetics), your software can change over the course of your life. You can imitate successful methods, prune ineffective practices, and refine effective practices into being even more effective. Culture is Lamarckian rather than Darwinian; you really can grow a bigger claw and pass it on to your progeny, so to speak. Most human differentiation will happen here because it's the only place it can meaningfully happen anymore.

To put it into concrete terms, genetics can decide how big and strong you are. But literally every culture has developed fighting techniques that literally exist to overcome these differences. Martial arts are culture, size is nature. Size absolutely does matter, anyone saying it doesn't is a liar, but it doesn't decide everything. If you think you don't have to train because you're big, you become prey.
This is genetic superstition. Cultural norms dominate aesthetics. Look at the depictions of "beauty" from the past (paintings, etc). None appears attractive to us today. In medieval China, a special edict was issued to ensure that no one was forced to marry Kipchaks, because they were too ugly:

"if Chinese persons do not wish to marry Qincha [Kipchak] [they] latter may marry among their own race. [...] Kipchaks have light hair and blue eyes. Their appearance is vile and peculiar, so there are those who do not wish to marry them."

In other words, Kipchaks were blond Chads with blue eyes (they were steppe warriors), so no Chinese noodlewhore wanted to marry them!
I was saying in another thread that there is no hard-wired aesthetic preference. Women are attracted to the features of the hegemonic group. Women are shamelessly treacherous like this. They looked down on these Qincha, so they found them ugly. If/when China becomes the ruling power, people are going to be puzzled when women worldwide spit upon blond blue-eyed Europeans and chase Fu Manchu look-alikes.
Now, I can foresee the explosion of claims about "STUDIES, STUDIES, STUDIES" that this will trigger. Sorry guys, most studies are false. Academia is completely broken and people are allowed to produce bullshit studies by the ton. You just cannot trust "studies".
Linking any human behavior to genes is unscientific because we cannot do real experiments.
Also the fields of study that address these topics are usually pseudosciences. Psychology, sociology, anthropology, these are not sciences. Science doesn't exist without objective observation, that is literally step 1. Next, there is no falsifiability. Pseudoscience papers are not far from creative writing, they just follow a format where you have to do certain statistical tests on your data, which you can manipulate or even fabricate to pass them.

This stuff will be remembered as a western superstition. The excessive fixation on genetics, the pseudosciences, women's rights, egalitarianism; there will be museum exhibits on this stuff in the far future, and people will think the modern west was more retarded than ancient Egypt.
Looks don't win fights. Some people actually need to be told this. The lookspill has a correct dosage, and it's not infinity mg.

Culture is pretty much a software layer. Unlike hardware (genetics), your software can change over the course of your life. You can imitate successful methods, prune ineffective practices, and refine effective practices into being even more effective. Culture is Lamarckian rather than Darwinian; you really can grow a bigger claw and pass it on to your progeny, so to speak. Most human differentiation will happen here because it's the only place it can meaningfully happen anymore.

To put it into concrete terms, genetics can decide how big and strong you are. But literally every culture has developed fighting techniques that literally exist to overcome these differences. Martial arts are culture, size is nature. Size absolutely does matter, anyone saying it doesn't is a liar, but it doesn't decide everything. If you think you don't have to train because you're big, you become prey.

I was saying in another thread that there is no hard-wired aesthetic preference. Women are attracted to the features of the hegemonic group. Women are shamelessly treacherous like this. They looked down on these Qincha, so they found them ugly. If/when China becomes the ruling power, people are going to be puzzled when women worldwide spit upon blond blue-eyed Europeans and chase Fu Manchu look-alikes.

Also the fields of study that address these topics are usually pseudosciences. Psychology, sociology, anthropology, these are not sciences. Science doesn't exist without objective observation, that is literally step 1. Next, there is no falsifiability. Pseudoscience papers are not far from creative writing, they just follow a format where you have to do certain statistical tests on your data, which you can manipulate or even fabricate to pass them.

This stuff will be remembered as a western superstition. The excessive fixation on genetics, the pseudosciences, women's rights, egalitarianism; there will be museum exhibits on this stuff in the far future, and people will think the modern west was more retarded than ancient Egypt.
I agree.
@To koniec, you are a foid worshiper who does not even have the strength to write his own sentence
@To koniec, you are a foid worshiper who does not even have the strength to write his own sentence
at least i'm not deranged cult member ( oh sorry cult benefitor in your regard with your best buddy @JayGoptri )

you seem to be very aggresive, narcisstic sex havers have this on common

@Copexodius Maximus

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