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News "What should women do if they're involuntarily celibate?"



Nov 12, 2017

Last year, after a period of involuntary celibacy, I met a man. He was cute and smart and great company. I liked him a lot. We went out a few times, and even made out a bit in his car, but he never took me up on my rather unsubtle offers of sex. I was left confused and disappointed, and more than a little frustrated. My period of involuntary celibacy continued.

So how did I respond?

Did I,

  1. Rant against the injustice of a man I wanted not giving me sex;
  2. Go on a murderous rampage in honour of all men who won’t have sex with me and the women they do have sex with;
  3. Think "Bugger" and take myself off to bed?
I suspect you know the answer.

On Monday, a 25-year-old man was charged with killing ten people in Toronto as part of an "incel" rebellion. Incels (short for "involuntarily celibate") are cis, hetero men who cannot find sexual partners. They are filled with rage at the women who (they believe) deny them sex, and at the men who (they believe) find sexual partners easily. Incels are exclusively male, as they believe “women always get sex, regardless of how ugly they are.”

The incels harbour several misconceptions about women. Firstly, they believe that we women can get sex whenever we please. And yes, in the most basic sense this is true. I could put out a call on Tinder for no-strings-attached sex and find someone willing to provide it.

But it’s a moot point, because I don’t want that kind of sex. I don’t want sex with some random Tinder dude who I don’t find attractive, and who doesn’t meet my needs. I want safe sex, satisfying sex, with a considerate partner, and that kind of sex can be very difficult to find indeed. The idea that "women always get sex" is utterly meaningless, if the sex that we can "always get" is sex we don’t enjoy.

Secondly, incels believe that women don’t get sexually rejected. This, sadly, is eminently false, and feeds into the myth that men will have sex with anyone. Men won’t have sex with just anyone. Most men have preferences and tastes and discernment. And so, women will experience rejection. I was rejected just last year.

The difference, of course, is that, unlike incels, I don’t feel entitled to have sex. I know that men do not owe me their sexual favours, no matter how much I feel I would enjoy them. I may feel hurt, I may feel disappointed, I may even feel diminished, but I do not feel entitled.

I do, however, feel frustrated, which may come as a surprise to the incels. Because their third prevailing myth is that sexual frustration is solely the providence of men, given we women can get sex (unsatisfying, impersonal, unsafe sex) whenever we want.

They are wrong. This is nonsense. Women get sexually frustrated too. My own libido has a party for a few days a month, and when there are no invited guests, it can get pretty maddening. But it’s my party, and my desire, and I do not have a god given right to share the celebrations. And so, on those months when I’ve been forced to party alone, I deal. I throw myself into the rest of my life, which is full and rich because I don’t define myself solely by how much sex I’m having.

Caitlin Moran yesterday posed the question: Could women tell me what they do when they are involuntarily celibate? It’s a fascinating and uplifting thread, and the answers include everything from masturbation to eating chocolate, from growing leg hair to seeing friends, from travelling to completing PhDs. What they don’t include is killing people, or a sense that the males of our species are somehow to blame.

The incels are a pathetic group of misogynists who will never get sex until they change their attitude. Sex is about connection and desire, and it’s hard to feel it for a ranty little man who feels the world owes him a shag. If I’d been celibate for a decade, and an incel hit me up, what do you think I’d do?

  1. Give him a quick shag;
  2. Educate him in the ways of love;
  3. Think ‘As if’ and go to bed. I suspect you know the answer.

Women cant be incel: https://lookism.net/Thread-Pig-Woman-POF-thread
Go fuck a MALE incel, stupid lookist cunts
Women incels are voluntary meaning waiting for chad.
I could put out a call on Tinder for no-strings-attached sex and find someone willing to provide it.... The difference, of course, is that, unlike incels, I don’t feel entitled to have sex.

Like a fat person eating cake telling a starving person they shouldn't feel hungry.
>PERIOD of involuntary celibacy

What will it take to get it through normies thick skulls that involuntary celibacy is for life
are women even sentient?
I got banned from r/foreveralone because I said calling woman FA was a joke.

The female version of "forveralone" subreddit was password locked so men wouldn't go there and try to date them. Let that sink in for a moment. They obviously just wanted a place to bitch about Chad not wanting them.
This should be RageFuel. This is exactly why women can never be Incel. Involuntary Celibacy does not mean that sometimes you go a few weeks or months without sex, because it doesn't quite work out with the people you are dating at the moment. It means that you go years without sex and no, Chad not getting the hint that you want to sleep with him does not count as being Incel. Want to cure your Inceldom, lady? Just tell him you want sex instead of expecting him to magically know. Sometimes i wonder if women even have the capability to imagine what life as a non-Chad man is like.
Luckily they don't have to do anything (like usual), because it isn't possible for a female to be involuntarily celibate.
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How any man can read through this and not hate females is beyond me. Must have low T and low IQ. Most normies would start virtue signaling if someone born rich starts lecturing a hobo.
Look at how many replies this overweight female got from thirsty betas. Now imagine if this was just some fat dude and how many replies he would get from woman.
ask the local ugly guy if he wants to be her boyfriend
I got banned from r/foreveralone because I said calling woman FA was a joke.

The female version of "forveralone" subreddit was password locked so men wouldn't go there and try to date them. Let that sink in for a moment. They obviously just wanted a place to bitch about Chad not wanting them.

Women can be forever alone, but it has to be pretty much voluntary for the most part.

I'm fat and ugly so I understand why women don't like me, I don't like female versions of me. I am taking steps to looksmax though, I have lost a lot of weight, mewing, etc. Everyone here should try to improve themselves, if your face is deformed at least try and earn a lot of money so you can attract gold diggers. But my sister is even fatter than me, and she is engaged. Before she was engaged she got hit on by random dudes way out of her league. Her fiance literally looks like the guy who plays Aquaman in Justice League that all women like. He's a little out of shape too but he's tall and very masculine looking so makes up for it. She's been hit on by chads. There are Chads who fetishize obese women. But she didn't want to be fetishized by Chads and guys who are into fitness and whatnot so turned them down lmao.

I mean imagine if there was a 10/10 woman who was sexually aroused by men with lack of a jawline, the thought is just so foreign to me that I would turn them down because it just seemed strange.

We had a long discussion on my life a few nights ago, she was asking why I have no ambition and so on. I was trying to get her to understand the disconnect and how easier life is as a woman in terms of relationships. She's not a feminist or some shit so she's at least sometimes rational, but still won't admit her privilege and how easier it is her, and comparing her situation to mine is a joke.
If by "incel" they mean "I can't have access to the >99.9% Greek God tier chads", then yeah , i guess foids can be incels. Kek

Haggard old roastie. Loony SJW feminazi whining about dishes, negging and online abuse.
"Last year, after a period of involuntary celibacy, I met a man. He was cute and smart and great company. I liked him a lot. We went out a few times, and even made out a bit in his car, but he never took me up on my rather unsubtle offers of sex."

Sent her a message. Now we wait


Careful, I just caught a bit of a video where she reference some cunt reporting a guy for "online abuse" to his boss and getting him fired. Any disagreeable contact with an FHO = online abuse, as we know.
>PERIOD of involuntary celibacy

What will it take to get it through normies thick skulls that involuntary celibacy is for life

Female involuntary celibacy = 2 weeks without chad's cock
More proof that female incels don't exist.
Careful, I just caught a bit of a video where she reference some cunt reporting a guy for "online abuse" to his boss and getting him fired. Any disagreeable contact with an FHO = online abuse, as we know.

lol Damn. I sent her the message with a troll account
Stopped reading here.

lol I was just kidding. I read your post and you made good points. I think we all know woman have to pretty much choose to be celibate. Even the ugliest girl at my school got pregnant before she was even out of high school.

Haggard old roastie. Loony SJW feminazi whining about dishes, negging and online abuse.

"Slim pickins"


Can you even imagine reverse of this, a man talking about how all the options for dating women are so shitty.

Then go on to insult short men. Women are so shallow, I'm 5'7'' and I would date a midget woman if she wasn't a bitch.
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"Slim pickins"


Can you even imagine reverse of this, a man talking about how all the options for dating women are so shitty.

Then go on to insult short men. Women are so shallow, I'm 5'7'' and I would date a midget woman if she wasn't a bitch.

Last year, after a period of involuntary celibacy

what a few weeks, maybe a few months., that's not what incel means, why don't you go for 37 years without any sexual contact, then you can write about what it means to be incel.

first line of the article and she already has no clue what she is talking about
do femoids seriously think they can be incel? the delusion.
1. open a tinder account
2. wait
3. meet up
4. succ
5. fucc
6. ???
7. profit


Someone should deliver a blackpill to le reddit
LOL! The only thing a bitch has to do to get laid is fucking ask or make a tinder account. There’s no such thing as a female incel.
She was offering sex. Men don't ever just offer sex like an option.
>after a period of involuntary celibacy

Basically if a female hasnt had sex for a couple of minutes, she is incel.
Women think not choosing to fuck a man because they do not like him is involuntary celibacy.


That's voluntary celibacy.

Most of us have no options, not no good options. We should all better ourselves but for ourselves only. So we can get more vidya games.

If they were truly involuntarily celibate they would make posts here asking for meet ups, or make a sign somewhere like a homeless person offering their bodies. If we did that we would get arrested.
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Women incels are voluntary meaning waiting for chad.
even 2/10 femoids can get chad. ive seen it happen. no women is involuntary celibate. Beta orbiters are always willing.
I skipped breakfast this morning. Now I know what a starving African child feels like.

- how women sound when they talk about loneliness and inceldom
literally just download tinder what a dumb bitch
I’ll disprove that right now.

05701FEA 0C53 4FEF A98E 4E4DA2BEB23D

I’m no expert of the gay culture but lesbians wear an engagement/wedding ring on their RIGHT hand. Also, how likely is it that a female would let an ugly male hold her like that or without showing utter revulsion as we’ve seen in pics of ugly guys photo’d with girls.
Tee hee I went on a date made out with a good looking guy but I am still incel. As usual females have no perspective on what it means to be an actual incel, someone who is so undesirable they have never even hugged held hands, kissed, dated or had sex with the opposite sex their entire lives. This is only proof that females cannot actually be incel, they only claim incel whenever they have a brief period in their lives where they cannot get chads, even though they still have orbiters and guys showing interest in them.

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