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Serious The long promised new poll: Which kind of Foid Avis should be allowed?

The long promised new poll: Which kind of Foid Avis should be allowed?

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kill yourself and fuck your worthless pedophile faggot prophet i order free qurans from mosques to use them ass firewood and toilet paper
And what do you have left? A decadent and increasingly lost culture that rewards women while the rest of the men are forced to be cucks like you?

Poor idiot ignorant. Islam has done for incels more along history than your retarded Christian culture that tries and is cucking the world.

And this is how we see it: a foidavi faggot defending his own femdom/braincuck.
I was a massive fat fuck that had ended up with lymphedema due to being complete genetic shit largely thanks to my father and the excess fluid combined with my pre-existing fat weight had me nearing but not quite at 600lbs.

This led to hypoventillation I believe its called where my body could no longer on its own properly dispose of carbon dioxide, which of course led to me feeling weak and sleepy all the time.

Eventually I fell asleep at my bathroom counter and collapsed onto the floor on my left side badly bruising my left foot and mildly fucking up my left leg where as a result of the fall my knee or leg itself seems to lose power for a split second or two as I walk sometimes which makes my body tilt slightly to the left when this happens and produces a very mild limp effect in me. I’m glad it’s not far worse but it is annoying.

Anyway I digress.

When I fell down due to my leg heaviness and swelling I could not get up and literally would have died on my bathroom floor had my mother not been with me at the time to call 911 and have the local fire chief that is a bit of a family friend as well his team of EMT’s all come over and somehow drag my fat ass out of the house to the hospital, albeit first the chief himself somehow got me out of my bathroom on a slider board then the rest of the guts arrived and eventually loaded me up onto an ambulance gurney.

Sadly I estimate once they got me near my kitchen area I then reportedly passed out and stopping breathing on my own leading to emergency intubation and probably before that the crude beginnings of a tracheostomy hole cut into my neck to allow me to breath (throat swelling up I guess happened preventing my breathing after I passed out) but then later after I arrived at a second hospital after I was stabilized at the first a kindly surgeon had a brief conversation with me that I do not remember where I authorized him to complete my proper tracheostomy which initially had me on a ventilator until I was strong enough to be off of it and now have what is known as a cuff less trach ie which is a fancy way of saying one that doesn’t have a balloon inside of it to work with a ventilator.

Anyway before all of this at the first hospital I was placed in a 14 day medically induced coma and they told my aunt and mother they had to take the intubation tube out after the 14 days to see if I could finally breathe on my own not to mention you can’t have an intubation tube be left in you indefinitely so 14 days is usually the cut off point.

Tragically I still could not breathe on my own after 14 days and apparently my throat started swelling up so bad after they initially removed the intubation tube that the doctor could barely get it back in, in time to once again save my sorry ass.

I’m guessing it was either that last intubation episode or perhaps the initial (assuming it was the EMT’s that first intubated me?) that led to my developing bilateral vocal fold paralysis that fortunately downgraded slightly to paresis sometime later but in anycase these are fancy terms for saying your vocal cords are now fucked.

So now I can barely talk decently and have a breathy quality to my voice and this condition may be permaneant for life. Wonderful.

Plus the disgusting whales blowhole in my neck and large disposable filter mechanism that now sits in front of it can only raise my SMV with the ladies even higher than it was previously right? Jfl.

Oh well even though the hole makes washing my face and hair far more difficult than it has to be now at least there was one positive benefit which is the trach has cured my severe sleep apnea for as long as I have it, so I don’t need to use a cpap to obtain perfect rest now nor will I possibly die in my sleep or have a debilitating stroke due to a lack of oxygen while out cold. Some more suicidal brothers of ours would see this as a negative but yeah since I fear death and further disability this feature is at least the one bright spot I have found from having the procedure.

Oh and it was necessary for me to survive anyway since fucked vocal cords don’t simply impact talking but one’s breathing as well and mine where paralyzed where they were not opening widely enough when I breathed to provide me adequate oxygen intake thus the trach blow hole bypasses that.

Other things to mention? A fat cunt nurse and a somewhat attractive dark haired nurse literally openly plotted to kill me while I was all fucked up and couldn’t walk or defend myself but it turns out it was a case of mistaken identity as apparently they got me mixed up with a different person they wanted dead and left me alone once they figured this out.

P.S: I could not walk because I’d been out of commission ie down for so long my legs had atrophied I guess but after enough rehab I regained the ability quite obviously.

So after a few hospital stays and surgery I was planted in a literal old folks nursing home for a couple of months until I healed enough to go home.

During my stay there I received more rehab and got athletically mogged by a 100 or 101 year old woman that out walked me to a local restaurant we were being rewarded by the staff with a visit to since my rehab was going so well and these particular old folks were close to being discharged themselves.

P.P.S: Due to months of starvation and being on extreme amounts of diuretics I have practically transformed into skinny Link which will no doubt make my best friend for life and Dino nuggy conniseur @Todd Thundercock vERy proud of me since he too went on his own slimming journey in order to try and obtain Stacy and or greatER health. :feelsclown:
Jesus. I'm glad to hear the whole ordeal at least had some silver lining.
Quick somebody make an alt to fraud it
Please ban all foid avi (including existing ones). We are here in a forum of men who suffer from sexual exclusion by women. People who want such bullshit should go to a dominatrix if they are masochistically inclined fags.
And what do you have left? A decadent and increasingly lost culture that rewards women while the rest of the men are forced to be cucks like you?

Poor idiot ignorant. Islam has done for incels more along history than your retarded Christian culture that tries and is cucking the world.

And this is how we see it: a foidavi faggot defending his own femdom/braincuck.
kill yourself you brown piece of dirt hahahaha just look at any islamic ruled country and how your low IQ hordes behave here in europe
push your quran into your brown hairy monkey rectum you repulsive goatfucker go marry and rape a little girl if thats what your into or marry your sister worthless mudslim cunt
kill yourself you brown piece of dirt hahahaha just look at any islamic ruled country and how your low IQ hordes behave here in europe
push your quran into your brown hairy monkey rectum you repulsive goatfucker go marry and rape a little girl if thats what your into or marry your sister worthless mudslim cunt
Q It seems that you are trying to justify your supposed intelligence and you may just be a negative statistical deviation from the average of white people wherever you come from.

What form of government do you want to have? There is nothing but competition, savings and hard work to get ahead, wherever you are. And yet, what can I do with the money I spend but have absurd money in a relatively poor country? Almost the same as you: videogames, travelling, new PC...; and yet none of it is satisfactory except for a time.

Regarding immigrants, yeah. They should be expelled. But the white race has become a cucked race, that supports immigration to replace its increasingly aging population who prefers to have dogs and cats as adopted children instead of procreating.

And to put things in your ass, you are better off, because I see that you enjoy being a faggot trannymaxxer who enjoys the halo effect to have a foidavi and wants to continue like the femboy you aspire to be.

And finally, if I could islammaxx, I'd not be here, but thanks to your cucked culture and feminism imposed worldwide I cannot even ascend!!!!!! AND BECAUSE I AM BEYOND REPULSIVE!!!!
Q It seems that you are trying to justify your supposed intelligence and you may just be a negative statistical deviation from the average of white people wherever you come from.

What form of government do you want to have? There is nothing but competition, savings and hard work to get ahead, wherever you are. And yet, what can I do with the money I spend but have absurd money in a relatively poor country? Almost the same as you: videogames, travelling, new PC...; and yet none of it is satisfactory except for a time.

Regarding immigrants, yeah. They should be expelled. But the white race has become a cucked race, that supports immigration to replace its increasingly aging population who prefers to have dogs and cats as adopted children instead of procreating.

And to put things in your ass, you are better off, because I see that you enjoy being a faggot trannymaxxer who enjoys the halo effect to have a foidavi and wants to continue like the femboy you aspire to be.

And finally, if I could islammaxx, I'd not be here, but thanks to your cucked culture and feminism imposed worldwide I cannot even ascend!!!!!! AND BECAUSE I AM BEYOND REPULSIVE!!!!
do you think ill read this?
I hope you kick the bucket one day
kill yourself you brown piece of dirt hahahaha just look at any islamic ruled country and how your low IQ hordes behave here in europe
push your quran into your brown hairy monkey rectum you repulsive goatfucker go marry and rape a little girl if thats what your into or marry your sister worthless mudslim cunt
How can one man be so based?
Permaban users with irl foid avi they are foid worshipping simp cuck soy normie tiktok "blackpill" looksfaggers
No please I can't lose her so quick :cryfeels: :feelsbadman:
JFL at the amount of GrAYs voting
Anyone with a foid AVI is a femine soy fag
We should exclude GrAYs, 2024fags, and honorary 2024fags.
I asked fl to move this thread to the bunker but he refused since he himself want all foid avis gone
Only virtual ones since they are perfect representation of how foids should behave.
Guess what
voted for? :feelsseriously:
Using any picture of them, drawn or otherwise, is glorifying the children of Lucifer. Would you build a shrine to your tormenters? To psychopaths, sociopaths? Would you put up a picture of them in your bedroom to glance at every day of the week, the sadistic cunts who tortured you? Remove all of these disgusting displays of base hedonism and savagery from this website. A video of someone dying is less repulsive than glancing at a smiling female face.
Based and thanks for the vote
Q It seems that you are trying to justify your supposed intelligence and you may just be a negative statistical deviation from the average of white people wherever you come from.

What form of government do you want to have? There is nothing but competition, savings and hard work to get ahead, wherever you are. And yet, what can I do with the money I spend but have absurd money in a relatively poor country? Almost the same as you: videogames, travelling, new PC...; and yet none of it is satisfactory except for a time.

Regarding immigrants, yeah. They should be expelled. But the white race has become a cucked race, that supports immigration to replace its increasingly aging population who prefers to have dogs and cats as adopted children instead of procreating.

And to put things in your ass, you are better off, because I see that you enjoy being a faggot trannymaxxer who enjoys the halo effect to have a foidavi and wants to continue like the femboy you aspire to be.

And finally, if I could islammaxx, I'd not be here, but thanks to your cucked culture and feminism imposed worldwide I cannot even ascend!!!!!! AND BECAUSE I AM BEYOND REPULSIVE!!!!
High IQ. Niggas defending this are faggots and troons

May Allah grant you jannat ul firdous and spare you the punishment of the grave
To piss off anime troons like you after the first poll, brainlet.
I'm not against 3d foid avis since I myself used them in my early months here, in fact I might use them again soon before a potential ban of all foid avis :feelscry:
JFL if you voted for "none" then you are technically and statistically a GrAY
Here it is friends the long ago promised Foid Avi Worship poll! :feelsclown:

The poll will be conducted using @LeFrenchCel’s guideline's as posited in my thread in the news and announcements section referencing this topic and very contentious and controversial issue. Ahem. :feelshehe:

Apologies for this new poll taking so long to materialize btw but that of course was on account of my nearly dying during the first half of 2023 and thus being more pre-occupied with surviving and fighting for my life than niche incel forum politics. :feelsgah:

And since this thread is heavily influenced and in a way inspired into being and literally helped along by @LeFrenchCel the thread theme song is “Bad Boy” which of course is both @LeFrenchCel’s pro wrestling theme song as well the soundtrack to our homoerotic fanfic written by that crazy coon @THE TRUE DIGLET! :forcedsmile:

View: https://youtu.be/9tDzvJMXDRw?si=bvfiBNRNnZ9skpgt

Anime foid avatars are fine.
@THE TRUE DIGLET I have come out of my retirement to vote against the last remant of gynocentrism on this site.

@JayGoptri come, and let us end what we began!
Umm. Wait sorry what did we begin again? The Anime request ban thing?
Originally voted to ban all of them but changed my vote to only virtual... when women engage with media they see fictional women as real women and view them as competetion which is why they cry so much about "female beauty standards" being unrealistic in media.
I am against coom culture and don't like anime profiles personally but choose to allow it due to it causing seethe and body dysmorphia to the average female.
Here it is friends the long ago promised Foid Avi Worship poll! :feelsclown:

The poll will be conducted using @LeFrenchCel’s guideline's as posited in my thread in the news and announcements section referencing this topic and very contentious and controversial issue. Ahem. :feelshehe:

Apologies for this new poll taking so long to materialize btw but that of course was on account of my nearly dying during the first half of 2023 and thus being more pre-occupied with surviving and fighting for my life than niche incel forum politics. :feelsgah:

And since this thread is heavily influenced and in a way inspired into being and literally helped along by @LeFrenchCel the thread theme song is “Bad Boy” which of course is both @LeFrenchCel’s pro wrestling theme song as well the soundtrack to our homoerotic fanfic written by that crazy coon @THE TRUE DIGLET! :forcedsmile:

View: https://youtu.be/9tDzvJMXDRw?si=bvfiBNRNnZ9skpgt

“all foid avi” counts in either of the other 2 when you make a total count. Otherwise it’s rigged.
I've never understood it at all, why would you want to represent yourself as a foid when you are a man? Genuine question i dont know why people do this

Then it feels even more out of place on an incel forum since

1. We have never had a girlfriend

2. Blackpilled people should be aware of the halo effect a foids appearance has, real or not real.
Huh? What's that?

On a more serious note, you don't talk about fight club. Edit your comment.
Everyone knows about the bunker even us 2024 GrAYs
Huh? What's that?

On a more serious note, you don't talk about fight club. Edit your comment.
already infiltrared by IT
I've never understood it at all, why would you want to represent yourself as a foid when you are a man? Genuine question i dont know why people do this

Then it feels even more out of place on an incel forum since

1. We have never had a girlfriend

2. Blackpilled people should be aware of the halo effect a foids appearance has, real or not real.
Questions foidavifags never answer.
Will I be grandfathered in? Or will I have to change?
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