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Blackpill My life story (shortcels and those sick of red pill/self-improvement/“its easy to be in the top 20% of men if you in the effort” gaslighting OPEN



Jun 11, 2022
My first post…and its long, because I want to vent and have nowhere else to go. I thought about going to a therapist, but i’d rather vent to those who understand the truth about lookism, female nature, etc and not gaslight me. Long post, but I think I bring a unique perspective thats worth reading.

Stats: 5’6” white. 23 (almost 24). Looks scale: I estimate myself at a 4 when i’ve been fatter, and around a 5-6 when i’m more lean, have a summer tan, etc. Attractiveness AI’s give me anywhere from a 4-6. Still little boyish looking for my age: weak jaw, not a lot of masculine facial features like Wide(er) prey -like brown eyes. Can’t achieve an above 6 facial status without surgery. And I may very well be too generous in the looks estimation I give myself at around a 5 on average, 6 at my peak

Main point :blackpill:: Self-improvement is bullshit for a lot of men (yeah, yeah, I know….water is wet) and that is true even for guys like me, who many of you might be ready to call a “fakecel” or something similar based on my stats. My life experience has proven that point to me in every way possible, so I want to share my life story. Have fun reading.

I’ve been lonely and wanted a girlfriend since the 4th grade. That year was when the torture that I feel now first started, always wanting one but never getting it because I was extremely short even for a 9 year old (basically a pudgy runt).

Middle school: Bullied badly by a tall blue eyed white guy. A real son of a bitch that always knew the privledge that his height brought him. All of the girls, of course, loved him. Even my wantitus, who I had liked since I was a little boy. Among other things, he rubbed it in my face that I was a virigin and couldn’t get any girls to like me. That torment lasted over the course of middle school. Started my first step in my long, unfufilling “self improvement journey” by starting to work out and read more about “confidence” in the last half of the 8th grade.

Highschool: No girlfriend, remained a virgin. Continued to workout and firmly believed that “confidence” was the difference between guys who got women and those who did not. Thought mascluine hobbies would help my cause: took up hunting, fishing, and golfing

College and graduate school: Remained a virgin throughout college and the extra year I did for grad school. No girls were interested in me. In 2019 I discovered this form and became blackpilled, realizing my looks and height were always the problem. I can go into more detail later, but college gave me a lot of great examples of hypergamy and polygamy. The few decently attractively women at my pretty small college (6’s and a few 7’s…very few stacies) only chased a few chads that were 8-9’s ….saw many, many examples of this. I wasn’t fully blackpilled though and joined a frat, because I still had some hope that the social status of being in it would help me…it didn’t. The girls that came around our frat only chased the same three chads (weren’t really any attractive guys in my fraternity at this school besides them…small school, weird situation…can go into details if you asked). The redpill BS still left in me got me to take up MORE masculine hobbies to try to prove the black pill wrong, like drinking and cigar smoking. I though I needed an “edge” and that a lack of masculine qualities might be part of my problem. Got to the point of being able to outdrink or at least keep up with most guys in the frat, chads included; the women that came around could care less. I was also one of the most physically fit and strongest guys in the fraternity…. those women didn’t care. I can go into many examples of blackpills the “frat experience” brought me, and most of it revolves around the three chads. Chad one was a complete loser, but slayed with women his whole life due to being extra tall and 9/10 facially attractive. Unlike even some of the most nerdy guys in the frat, he still lived with his parents (locals to the area). He routinely embarrassed himself while drunk, including pissing in his girlfriends floor and on her cat…..his gf was a pretty sweet (personality wise) Stacy (not really but for this college with overall mediocre women) who I had a thing for. Chad 2 was tall, blue eyed, and pretty boy attractive (8/10)….but a complete pussy personality wise and lacked masculine qualities (couldn’t drink more than 2 beers…literally). He and I became close, and he constantly (not even bragging) told me about fucking at least one Tinder girl a week. He was a rural county EMT and 6/10 to sometimes outright hot girls from bigger colleges in the closest city would drive over an hour to see him. Chad 3 was a dick, sneaky ex marine; lived next to me and at one of our parties pulled the girl who he knew was my wantitus. Had to see her going in and out of his appartment a lot after that (brutal). He was a real son of a bitch that later stole a dude’s girlfriend a few months later; she was a girlnextdoor becky that is kinda my looksmatch. she treated him like she worshipped him, and she had also rejected me the year before. Verdict of the fraternity expeirnce: it didn’t help me at all with women….it only helped firmly cement my belief that height and facial attractiveiness are the only things women care about…..not “personality,” having a good direction in life, or even being masculine. The rest of my college experience was spent slaving away over grades and studing for the LSAT. I stayed an extra year and got a masters, and I am now enrolled at a top 25 law school.

Law school: Got a great physique the summer before….got real cut from bulking clean on my first testosterone cycle. Gained 20 pounds of lean muscle. Made myself miserable with the diet I had be on to maintain that. Got tan. Spent the summer bible reading and reading about things I like: space, western philosophy, etc. Also took up a new hobby: surfing. Finally, that June, at 22 I lost my virginity….to a fat, 4/10 Asian girl I met on Bumble (go crazy with the JBW comments, but all other Asian have been rude to me…would love to debate that topic). Once I started law school, no were girls interested except one obese hispanic girl. Was one of the biggest manlets there. More blackpills in LS that I can go into detail about, but many were examples of girls dating pretty unattractive dudes who were 6’1 and up. Overhead at least two conversations of women gushing about height. Those blackpills extra bad with everything I’d done to improve my physique and greatly worsened the depression I already had about my height from the fraternity experience. Idk why, but law school seems to be even more in your face with the height pill than college. My law school is in a bigger city with a hell of a lot more options on dating apps than the small college I was at before….but no luck there. Even when I met a girl for dinner or coffee on a few occasions, she always ghosted me. Black pill after blackpill…..

Here I am, 1st summer after law achool, and its another summer spent alone (like every summer in my entire fucking life). I am utterly exhausted with self improvement bullshit. I hate Jordan Peterson and basically anyone that could be considered a redpiller or a male-focused self-help guru. I’m more educated and have better career prospects than literally like 97% of young men. Being at a top 25 law school alone puts me in an elite class of people as far as education, let alone the fact that I have a masters too at this age. My IQ’s in the low 120’s, and law school has exhausted me; i’ve truly found my limits as far as what I can do education and career wise. I also still have a good physique, am currently nice and tan, have a nice head of hair (haircut sort of like Carl Urban in the Boys), use teeth whitener, and am strong enough to be considering a powerlifting comp with a year or two of more training and *cough cough* roiding (300 bench paused and 430 squat). I also still hunt, fish, drink, golf, watch mma, and smoke cigars for my own enjoyment. Perhaps most importantly, I also have a strong shower taking ability. Nobody, especially men around my age, has a right to tell me to self improve or that i’m too lazy and have to try harder or some bullshit like that. There is a extremely high chance i’m more accomplished than anyone that would try to tell me that. NOTHING of anything that I have done since the eighth fucking grade has allowed me to find even a 5/10 girl that would date or fuck me….in fact, those level girls (which are honestly my looksmatch) have been the biggest cunts to me over the years and have been the biggest whores for chad. Call me a “fakecel” if you want based on certain things, but my life experience has been that of an incel…..and I firmly agree with this forum’s view on lookism, hypergamy, and self-help/redpill talking points being bullshit. My 5’6 height and boyish facial features have royally fucked me….and if its this brutal for me, I can only imagine what its like to be a sub 5 (or less than 5’6) and less accomplished. As I get older, I get more and more blackpilled, angry, and just hopeless feeling at my prospects of finding a girl to marry that I at least don’t find ugly ( basically a 4 or below). That’s my life story. I came to vent, so….idk….feel free to comment; would love to actually talk to some of you guys after lurking for so long. I feel like the extremes that i’ve gone to in self-improving and still being a miserable failure with even average, 5/10 women helps me bring a unqiue perspective to the forum….maybe a few of you graycels can beat me…but I doubt it.

[UWSL]Also: my old bully has a blonde stacy wife who gushes over him on social media….despite him being a AC repairman and living in a trailer. They just had their first child [/UWSL]:blackpill:
Didn’t read, way too long. G you at least a 12 but you act like a flower child with little to no will which is rather unattractive
Even when I met a girl for dinner or coffee on a few occasions, she always ghosted me.
That's because you didn't keep your spine upright with your shoulders back. Take that lesson from the lobsters bucko.

Also, shower more. Buy a high pressure shower, install multiple showerheads in your bathroom, rinse more vigorously.

And buy my self-authoring course.
I sort of browsed that. If you could tell me your weight that'd be great

First off your height listed at 5'6'', so I'm going to guess 5'4'' in reality, but I'll be kind and give you 5'5'''. You didn't gain 20 pounds of lean mass on a T cycle, I'd bet you gained 15 pounds, and 5 pounds water/fat at best. YOu've also been fat in the past so I doubt your super cut but you say you got cut.

I'm going to guess you're 150 pounds and 12% body fat. This means 132 pounds of lean body mass.

Now I can calculate your score via my system

You get 16.8/20 points for body fat, 5.5/40 for LBM, 6/17.5 for face (~33rd percentile), 5/5 points for race, and 11.8/17.5 points for status. This gives you 45.1 points

I gave you 80th percentile for status, which gives you 11.8 points. top 25 ranked law school means you go to the 25th ranked law school imo, and since there are multiple lists on this maybe as low as 50th, but presumably you'll get a decent high 5 figure job out of school and be in the low 6 figures in a few years. Status is the most variable between women. Some will think more of going to a decent law school than others. Money speaks for everyone, so your status will stabilize more when you're out.

In other words 12 is your high for status (ambiently), but you're probably in the view of younger college women as low as a 6 (unless your family is rich).

so you're a 39-45 depending on the woman and if you can get out that you're in law school. Before you got cut and cycled I think you would be ~7 points lower, so a 32-38. There's a big difference there in my opinion, 32-38 is off of women's radar. 39-45 is entering beta orbiter territory, and get invited to things territory. Light association at work territory. It's fuck 3-5s territory with some effort. Of course you're probably very low status among your law school peers, so I would suggest joining a group, a meet-up, etc. because you can't compete with other moderately high IQ people who have the same status (your biggest advantage), and are thinner than the general population because high IQ people are thinner than the general population.

I suggest you get about as cut as you can (I stop granting points below 8% though) and really, really angling the 'I'm high status because I'm in law school' angle. You can't flash this to your classmates (unless you're top of class), but you can flash this at everyone else. If you can project status and get a little more cut, maybe even a little more muscle, you can get into the very low 50s, and the low 50s is normie dating territory. You should be able to either A. Get a 7 who is seeking wealth who is ready to settle down after her cock-carousel days, or B. cradle rob a shy girl 6/10 who hasn't been full of all sorts of dick
That's because you didn't keep your spine upright with your shoulders back. Take that lesson from the lobsters bucko.

Also, shower more. Buy a high pressure shower, install multiple showerheads in your bathroom, rinse more vigorously.

And buy my self-authoring course.
Lmaoo. I almost posted the multiple shower head part. I guess my 5 showers per day aren’t peak shower ability
I sort of browsed that. If you could tell me your weight that'd be great

First off your height listed at 5'6'', so I'm going to guess 5'4'' in reality, but I'll be kind and give you 5'5'''. You didn't gain 20 pounds of lean mass on a T cycle, I'd bet you gained 15 pounds, and 5 pounds water/fat at best. YOu've also been fat in the past so I doubt your super cut but you say you got cut.

I'm going to guess you're 150 pounds and 12% body fat. This means 132 pounds of lean body mass.

Now I can calculate your score via my system

You get 16.8/20 points for body fat, 5.5/40 for LBM, 6/17.5 for face (~33rd percentile), 5/5 points for race, and 11.8/17.5 points for status. This gives you 45.1 points

I gave you 80th percentile for status, which gives you 11.8 points. top 25 ranked law school means you go to the 25th ranked law school imo, and since there are multiple lists on this maybe as low as 50th, but presumably you'll get a decent high 5 figure job out of school and be in the low 6 figures in a few years. Status is the most variable between women. Some will think more of going to a decent law school than others. Money speaks for everyone, so your status will stabilize more when you're out.

In other words 12 is your high for status (ambiently), but you're probably in the view of younger college women as low as a 6 (unless your family is rich).

so you're a 39-45 depending on the woman and if you can get out that you're in law school. Before you got cut and cycled I think you would be ~7 points lower, so a 32-38. There's a big difference there in my opinion, 32-38 is off of women's radar. 39-45 is entering beta orbiter territory, and get invited to things territory. Light association at work territory. It's fuck 3-5s territory with some effort. Of course you're probably very low status among your law school peers, so I would suggest joining a group, a meet-up, etc. because you can't compete with other moderately high IQ people who have the same status (your biggest advantage), and are thinner than the general population because high IQ people are thinner than the general population.

I suggest you get about as cut as you can (I stop granting points below 8% though) and really, really angling the 'I'm high status because I'm in law school' angle. You can't flash this to your classmates (unless you're top of class), but you can flash this at everyone else. If you can project status and get a little more cut, maybe even a little more muscle, you can get into the very low 50s, and the low 50s is normie dating territory. You should be able to either A. Get a 7 who is seeking wealth who is ready to settle down after her cock-carousel days, or B. cradle rob a shy girl 6/10 who hasn't been full of all sorts of dick
No, i’m actually 5’6. I have no reason to lie on this forum. IRL I tell people i’m 5’8. I’ll be 160 14-15% body fat at the end of my current cut.

Where are you getting all of those calculations from? I literally have no idea what you’re referencing in adding these things up, and i’ve been browsing this forum everyday for a long ass time. Did I miss something?

And if everything you said is correct…..how fucking ridiculously high of a standard just to date a 5/10. The fact that I apparently still haven’t done enough to date such a low status girl should be fucking suicide fuel for most….because there’s a lot of dudes less accomplished and otherwise worse off than me. I don’t *think* you’re preachinf self improvement, pull yourself up by the bootstraps garbage at me, but man is that suicide fuel. I fucking hate the modern world
No, i’m actually 5’6. I have no reason to lie on this forum. IRL I tell people i’m 5’8. I’ll be 160 14-15% body fat at the end of my current cut.

Where are you getting all of those calculations from? I literally have no idea what you’re referencing in adding these things up, and i’ve been browsing this forum everyday for a long ass time. Did I miss something?

And if everything you said is correct…..how fucking ridiculously high of a standard just to date a 5/10. The fact that I apparently still haven’t done enough to date such a low status girl should be fucking suicide fuel for most….because there’s a lot of dudes less accomplished and otherwise worse off than me. I don’t *think* you’re preachinf self improvement, pull yourself up by the bootstraps garbage at me, but man is that suicide fuel. I fucking hate the modern world
No, i’m actually 5’6. I have no reason to lie on this forum. IRL I tell people i’m 5’8. I’ll be 160 14-15% body fat at the end of my current cut.

Where are you getting all of those calculations from? I literally have no idea what you’re referencing in adding these things up, and i’ve been browsing this forum everyday for a long ass time. Did I miss something?

And if everything you said is correct…..how fucking ridiculously high of a standard just to date a 5/10. The fact that I apparently still haven’t done enough to date such a low status girl should be fucking suicide fuel for most….because there’s a lot of dudes less accomplished and otherwise worse off than me. I don’t *think* you’re preachinf self improvement, pull yourself up by the bootstraps garbage at me, but man is that suicide fuel. I fucking hate the modern world
Well, my system (I made it all up arbitrarily based off my own beliefs), height doesn't actually matter, just lean body mass. But 1 inch is about 5 free pounds in LBM and therefore a 6 foot guy has 30 pounds more LBM than you if you're both completely untrained

Your score is about 44.5 then, a little lower because of the BF%. If you cut to 8 you'll be 50.1, and that's getting 5s and 6s off of Tinder somewhat consistently territory.

I suggest you cut and post a few new pictures and see how that goes
Another thi
I sort of browsed that. If you could tell me your weight that'd be great

First off your height listed at 5'6'', so I'm going to guess 5'4'' in reality, but I'll be kind and give you 5'5'''. You didn't gain 20 pounds of lean mass on a T cycle, I'd bet you gained 15 pounds, and 5 pounds water/fat at best. YOu've also been fat in the past so I doubt your super cut but you say you got cut.

I'm going to guess you're 150 pounds and 12% body fat. This means 132 pounds of lean body mass.

Now I can calculate your score via my system

You get 16.8/20 points for body fat, 5.5/40 for LBM, 6/17.5 for face (~33rd percentile), 5/5 points for race, and 11.8/17.5 points for status. This gives you 45.1 points

I gave you 80th percentile for status, which gives you 11.8 points. top 25 ranked law school means you go to the 25th ranked law school imo, and since there are multiple lists on this maybe as low as 50th, but presumably you'll get a decent high 5 figure job out of school and be in the low 6 figures in a few years. Status is the most variable between women. Some will think more of going to a decent law school than others. Money speaks for everyone, so your status will stabilize more when you're out.

In other words 12 is your high for status (ambiently), but you're probably in the view of younger college women as low as a 6 (unless your family is rich).

so you're a 39-45 depending on the woman and if you can get out that you're in law school. Before you got cut and cycled I think you would be ~7 points lower, so a 32-38. There's a big difference there in my opinion, 32-38 is off of women's radar. 39-45 is entering beta orbiter territory, and get invited to things territory. Light association at work territory. It's fuck 3-5s territory with some effort. Of course you're probably very low status among your law school peers, so I would suggest joining a group, a meet-up, etc. because you can't compete with other moderately high IQ people who have the same status (your biggest advantage), and are thinner than the general population because high IQ people are thinner than the general population.

I suggest you get about as cut as you can (I stop granting points below 8% though) and really, really angling the 'I'm high status because I'm in law school' angle. You can't flash this to your classmates (unless you're top of class), but you can flash this at everyone else. If you can project status and get a little more cut, maybe even a little more muscle, you can get into the very low 50s, and the low 50s is normie dating territory. You should be able to either A. Get a 7 who is seeking wealth who is ready to settle down after her cock-carousel days, or B. cradle rob a shy girl 6/10 who hasn't been full of all sorts of d
I sort of browsed that. If you could tell me your weight that'd be great

First off your height listed at 5'6'', so I'm going to guess 5'4'' in reality, but I'll be kind and give you 5'5'''. You didn't gain 20 pounds of lean mass on a T cycle, I'd bet you gained 15 pounds, and 5 pounds water/fat at best. YOu've also been fat in the past so I doubt your super cut but you say you got cut.

I'm going to guess you're 150 pounds and 12% body fat. This means 132 pounds of lean body mass.

Now I can calculate your score via my system

You get 16.8/20 points for body fat, 5.5/40 for LBM, 6/17.5 for face (~33rd percentile), 5/5 points for race, and 11.8/17.5 points for status. This gives you 45.1 points

I gave you 80th percentile for status, which gives you 11.8 points. top 25 ranked law school means you go to the 25th ranked law school imo, and since there are multiple lists on this maybe as low as 50th, but presumably you'll get a decent high 5 figure job out of school and be in the low 6 figures in a few years. Status is the most variable between women. Some will think more of going to a decent law school than others. Money speaks for everyone, so your status will stabilize more when you're out.

In other words 12 is your high for status (ambiently), but you're probably in the view of younger college women as low as a 6 (unless your family is rich).

so you're a 39-45 depending on the woman and if you can get out that you're in law school. Before you got cut and cycled I think you would be ~7 points lower, so a 32-38. There's a big difference there in my opinion, 32-38 is off of women's radar. 39-45 is entering beta orbiter territory, and get invited to things territory. Light association at work territory. It's fuck 3-5s territory with some effort. Of course you're probably very low status among your law school peers, so I would suggest joining a group, a meet-up, etc. because you can't compete with other moderately high IQ people who have the same status (your biggest advantage), and are thinner than the general population because high IQ people are thinner than the general population.

I suggest you get about as cut as you can (I stop granting points below 8% though) and really, really angling the 'I'm high status because I'm in law school' angle. You can't flash this to your classmates (unless you're top of class), but you can flash this at everyone else. If you can project status and get a little more cut, maybe even a little more muscle, you can get into the very low 50s, and the low 50s is normie dating territory. You should be able to either A. Get a 7 who is seeking wealth who is ready to settle down after her cock-carousel days, or B. cradle rob a shy girl 6/10 who hasn't been full of all sorts of dick
Also, please don’t insinuate that i’m lying to you again. I’m not pressed about it, but why the hell would I ever lie on a damn incel forum? Anyways, you seen like an extremely smart, perceptive dude. What you said stung me a little just by how accurate it was. Let me ask you to take into account a couple of more things….

If you’re gonna run calculations on me, here’s another thing I want you to consider….for a few months i have rigged the system *a little bit* with my height. If I wear timberlands or Jordans (yeah, I know, nigger max) or some hightop dress shoes I just bought, then I can legit put 4 inches of lifts *inside* the shoe…(meaning, yes, i’m taking into account that everyone else where’s shoes) and still have the regular heel. So, I’ve effectively been a legit 5’10 on my last few dates. And yes…I measured the lifts themsleves….its a solid 4 inches, so don’t say some corny shit like “i’m gonna assume you were ahutually 5’8 lmao.” Can you an alternate calculation with me as 5’10? I have shoes where I can slap 4 inches in for abour every occasion now: gym, school, special occasions (recently wore them at a wedding).

I also dress nice. My parents have gone out of their way to buy me plenty of nicer clothes than most people over the years…doesn’t matter much at law school where everyone just aboht has money….but that *should* matter other places. And yes…..I wear brands that are stylish for the region that i’m in.

I notice you suggesr I cut….idk if thats a good idea. I’m kind of at a cross roads….one thing you haven’t considered is how few women want a man who’s a manlet and super skinny….they literally get the idea that you’re a faggot twink…espeically with the boyish features I alresdy have. I’m very comfortable being 14-15% bf…and i’ve never been able to get lower than 13% even on gear. When I said I was cut earlier, I wasn’t talkijg shreaded….I meant clear muscle separation and a good amount of vasculaitt. My plan has kind of been to keep adding muscle and cutting back down to 14% bf til i’m 185-190 and14%. I kind of have a gut feeling that the boyish facial features are so feminije as to be a turn off….so I think adding muscle is probably the right route. I already have test and tren for my bulk this fall…i’ve heard tren is great for adding lean mass…so fingers crossed that I can maybe be 170, 14% bf aftrr this years bulk and cut cycle.

Kinda have a idea in my head of wolverine maxing lol. As I said, I have good hair and brown eyes…so i’ve got it cut like Karl Urban and kinda see him as a looks role model. Pretty soon i’m gonna try to get some tattoos on my arms, maybe a sleeve. Trying my best to grow out my beard, but I have shitty genetics for growing it on my cheeks. I just feel like I have to get away from the little boyish look at my current age…..when I was leaner and at a smaller weight last summer, I literally had gay dudes trying to message me…..willing to bet thats part of my problem with women
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Well, my system (I made it all up arbitrarily based off my own beliefs), height doesn't actually matter, just lean body mass. But 1 inch is about 5 free pounds in LBM and therefore a 6 foot guy has 30 pounds more LBM than you if you're both completely untrained

Your score is about 44.5 then, a little lower because of the BF%. If you cut to 8 you'll be 50.1, and that's getting 5s and 6s off of Tinder somewhat consistently territory.

I suggest you cut and post a few new pictures and see how that goes
Well, my system (I made it all up arbitrarily based off my own beliefs), height doesn't actually matter, just lean body mass. But 1 inch is about 5 free pounds in LBM and therefore a 6 foot guy has 30 pounds more LBM than you if you're both completely untrained

Your score is about 44.5 then, a little lower because of the BF%. If you cut to 8 you'll be 50.1, and that's getting 5s and 6s off of Tinder somewhat consistently territory.

I suggest you cut and post a few new pictures and see how that goes
And my law school is not number 25 lmao. Its between 20-25, and you can take a guess which. Our median starting salary for those that stay in state is 130k. Those that do big law (around 40%) make 180-200k on average as a starting salary. High 5 figures is kind if you’re at the bottom tier of the class and get a smaller firm or do JD advantage work at a corp or bank.
Foids 5/10+ seem so unreachable tbh. They act so stuck up and nose always buried in their phones probably talking to chadlites. The only foids I interact with are 10+ years older than me and this one 3/10 “friend”
Another thi

Also, please don’t insinuate that i’m lying to you again. I’m not pressed about it, but why the hell would I ever lie on a damn incel forum? Anyways, you seen like an extremely smart, perceptive dude. What you said stung me a little just by how accurate it was. Let me ask you to take into account a couple of more things….

If you’re gonna run calculations on me, here’s another thing I want you to consider….for a few months i have rigged the system *a little bit* with my height. If I wear timberlands or Jordans (yeah, I know, nigger max) or some hightop dress shoes I just bought, then I can legit put 4 inches of lifts *inside* the shoe…(meaning, yes, i’m taking into account that everyone else where’s shoes) and still have the regular heel. So, I’ve effectively been a legit 5’10 on my last few dates. And yes…I measured the lifts themsleves….its a solid 4 inches, so don’t say some corny shit like “i’m gonna assume you were ahutually 5’8 lmao.” Can you an alternate calculation with me as 5’10? I have shoes where I can slap 4 inches in for abour every occasion now: gym, school, special occasions (recently wore them at a wedding).

I also dress nice. My parents have gone out of their way to buy me plenty of nicer clothes than most people over the years…doesn’t matter much at law school where everyone just aboht has money….but that *should* matter other places. And yes…..I wear brands that are stylish for the region that i’m in.

I notice you suggesr I cut….idk if thats a good idea. I’m kind of at a cross roads….one thing you haven’t considered is how few women want a man who’s a manlet and super skinny….they literally get the idea that you’re a faggot twink…espeically with the boyish features I alresdy have. I’m very comfortable being 14-15% bf…and i’ve never been able to get lower than 13% even on gear. When I said I was cut earlier, I wasn’t talkijg shreaded….I meant clear muscle separation and a good amount of vasculaitt. My plan has kind of been to keep adding muscle and cutting back down to 14% bf til i’m 185-190 and14%. I kind of have a gut feeling that the boyish facial features are so feminije as to be a turn off….so I think adding muscle is probably the right route. I already have test and tren for my bulk this fall…i’ve heard tren is great for adding lean mass…so fingers crossed that I can maybe be 170, 14% bf aftrr this years bulk and cut cycle.
Foids 5/10+ seem so unreachable tbh. They act so stuck up and nose always buried in their phones probably talking to chadlites. The only foids I interact with are 10+ years older than me and this one 3/10 “friend”
They despise the idea of dating their looksmatch. They know they aren’t stacies and are insecure about their own looks….hate being with a man thats on their level.
And my law school is not number 25 lmao. Its between 20-25, and you can take a guess which. Our median starting salary for those that stay in state is 130k. Those that do big law (around 40%) make 180-200k on average as a starting salary. High 5 figures is kind if you’re at the bottom tier of the class and get a smaller firm or do JD advantage work at a corp or bank.
Really? Us news has university of Alabama ranked 25th and average starting salary is listed as 70k
Really? Us news has university of Alabama ranked 25th and average starting salary is listed as 70k
Thats in fucking poor, deep south Alabama. I just looked at our ABA report. Also, there are not “several” law school rankings list…only one is taken seriously, and that is US News and World Report. So, respectfully, stop arguing with me about things outside of your expertise and please run those updated calculations. For devil’s advocate sake, on a bad day, assume I do work at a small firm or do JD advantage work and lets say I make high 5 figures. Factor that in your calculations.
Thats in fucking poor, deep south Alabama. I just looked at our ABA report. Also, there are not “several” law school rankings list…only one is taken seriously, and that is US News and World Report. So, respectfully, stop arguing with me about things outside of your expertise and please run those updated calculations. For devil’s advocate sake, on a bad day, assume I do work at a small firm or do JD advantage work and lets say I make high 5 figures. Factor that in your calculations.
I’m not trying to be overly rude, but i don’t on why you insist on arguing with me on certain things or insinuating that i’m lying. The point of this thread is for honest venting
My first post…and its long, because I want to vent and have nowhere else to go. I thought about going to a therapist, but i’d rather vent to those who understand the truth about lookism, female nature, etc and not gaslight me. Long post, but I think I bring a unique perspective thats worth reading.

Stats: 5’6” white. 23 (almost 24). Looks scale: I estimate myself at a 4 when i’ve been fatter, and around a 5-6 when i’m more lean, have a summer tan, etc. Attractiveness AI’s give me anywhere from a 4-6. Still little boyish looking for my age: weak jaw, not a lot of masculine facial features like Wide(er) prey -like brown eyes. Can’t achieve an above 6 facial status without surgery. And I may very well be too generous in the looks estimation I give myself at around a 5 on average, 6 at my peak

Main point :blackpill:: Self-improvement is bullshit for a lot of men (yeah, yeah, I know….water is wet) and that is true even for guys like me, who many of you might be ready to call a “fakecel” or something similar based on my stats. My life experience has proven that point to me in every way possible, so I want to share my life story. Have fun reading.

I’ve been lonely and wanted a girlfriend since the 4th grade. That year was when the torture that I feel now first started, always wanting one but never getting it because I was extremely short even for a 9 year old (basically a pudgy runt).

Middle school: Bullied badly by a tall blue eyed white guy. A real son of a bitch that always knew the privledge that his height brought him. All of the girls, of course, loved him. Even my wantitus, who I had liked since I was a little boy. Among other things, he rubbed it in my face that I was a virigin and couldn’t get any girls to like me. That torment lasted over the course of middle school. Started my first step in my long, unfufilling “self improvement journey” by starting to work out and read more about “confidence” in the last half of the 8th grade.

Highschool: No girlfriend, remained a virgin. Continued to workout and firmly believed that “confidence” was the difference between guys who got women and those who did not. Thought mascluine hobbies would help my cause: took up hunting, fishing, and golfing

College and graduate school: Remained a virgin throughout college and the extra year I did for grad school. No girls were interested in me. In 2019 I discovered this form and became blackpilled, realizing my looks and height were always the problem. I can go into more detail later, but college gave me a lot of great examples of hypergamy and polygamy. The few decently attractively women at my pretty small college (6’s and a few 7’s…very few stacies) only chased a few chads that were 8-9’s ….saw many, many examples of this. I wasn’t fully blackpilled though and joined a frat, because I still had some hope that the social status of being in it would help me…it didn’t. The girls that came around our frat only chased the same three chads (weren’t really any attractive guys in my fraternity at this school besides them…small school, weird situation…can go into details if you asked). The redpill BS still left in me got me to take up MORE masculine hobbies to try to prove the black pill wrong, like drinking and cigar smoking. I though I needed an “edge” and that a lack of masculine qualities might be part of my problem. Got to the point of being able to outdrink or at least keep up with most guys in the frat, chads included; the women that came around could care less. I was also one of the most physically fit and strongest guys in the fraternity…. those women didn’t care. I can go into many examples of blackpills the “frat experience” brought me, and most of it revolves around the three chads. Chad one was a complete loser, but slayed with women his whole life due to being extra tall and 9/10 facially attractive. Unlike even some of the most nerdy guys in the frat, he still lived with his parents (locals to the area). He routinely embarrassed himself while drunk, including pissing in his girlfriends floor and on her cat…..his gf was a pretty sweet (personality wise) Stacy (not really but for this college with overall mediocre women) who I had a thing for. Chad 2 was tall, blue eyed, and pretty boy attractive (8/10)….but a complete pussy personality wise and lacked masculine qualities (couldn’t drink more than 2 beers…literally). He and I became close, and he constantly (not even bragging) told me about fucking at least one Tinder girl a week. He was a rural county EMT and 6/10 to sometimes outright hot girls from bigger colleges in the closest city would drive over an hour to see him. Chad 3 was a dick, sneaky ex marine; lived next to me and at one of our parties pulled the girl who he knew was my wantitus. Had to see her going in and out of his appartment a lot after that (brutal). He was a real son of a bitch that later stole a dude’s girlfriend a few months later; she was a girlnextdoor becky that is kinda my looksmatch. she treated him like she worshipped him, and she had also rejected me the year before. Verdict of the fraternity expeirnce: it didn’t help me at all with women….it only helped firmly cement my belief that height and facial attractiveiness are the only things women care about…..not “personality,” having a good direction in life, or even being masculine. The rest of my college experience was spent slaving away over grades and studing for the LSAT. I stayed an extra year and got a masters, and I am now enrolled at a top 25 law school.

Law school: Got a great physique the summer before….got real cut from bulking clean on my first testosterone cycle. Gained 20 pounds of lean muscle. Made myself miserable with the diet I had be on to maintain that. Got tan. Spent the summer bible reading and reading about things I like: space, western philosophy, etc. Also took up a new hobby: surfing. Finally, that June, at 22 I lost my virginity….to a fat, 4/10 Asian girl I met on Bumble (go crazy with the JBW comments, but all other Asian have been rude to me…would love to debate that topic). Once I started law school, no were girls interested except one obese hispanic girl. Was one of the biggest manlets there. More blackpills in LS that I can go into detail about, but many were examples of girls dating pretty unattractive dudes who were 6’1 and up. Overhead at least two conversations of women gushing about height. Those blackpills extra bad with everything I’d done to improve my physique and greatly worsened the depression I already had about my height from the fraternity experience. Idk why, but law school seems to be even more in your face with the height pill than college. My law school is in a bigger city with a hell of a lot more options on dating apps than the small college I was at before….but no luck there. Even when I met a girl for dinner or coffee on a few occasions, she always ghosted me. Black pill after blackpill…..

Here I am, 1st summer after law achool, and its another summer spent alone (like every summer in my entire fucking life). I am utterly exhausted with self improvement bullshit. I hate Jordan Peterson and basically anyone that could be considered a redpiller or a male-focused self-help guru. I’m more educated and have better career prospects than literally like 97% of young men. Being at a top 25 law school alone puts me in an elite class of people as far as education, let alone the fact that I have a masters too at this age. My IQ’s in the low 120’s, and law school has exhausted me; i’ve truly found my limits as far as what I can do education and career wise. I also still have a good physique, am currently nice and tan, have a nice head of hair (haircut sort of like Carl Urban in the Boys), use teeth whitener, and am strong enough to be considering a powerlifting comp with a year or two of more training and *cough cough* roiding (300 bench paused and 430 squat). I also still hunt, fish, drink, golf, watch mma, and smoke cigars for my own enjoyment. Perhaps most importantly, I also have a strong shower taking ability. Nobody, especially men around my age, has a right to tell me to self improve or that i’m too lazy and have to try harder or some bullshit like that. There is a extremely high chance i’m more accomplished than anyone that would try to tell me that. NOTHING of anything that I have done since the eighth fucking grade has allowed me to find even a 5/10 girl that would date or fuck me….in fact, those level girls (which are honestly my looksmatch) have been the biggest cunts to me over the years and have been the biggest whores for chad. Call me a “fakecel” if you want based on certain things, but my life experience has been that of an incel…..and I firmly agree with this forum’s view on lookism, hypergamy, and self-help/redpill talking points being bullshit. My 5’6 height and boyish facial features have royally fucked me….and if its this brutal for me, I can only imagine what its like to be a sub 5 (or less than 5’6) and less accomplished. As I get older, I get more and more blackpilled, angry, and just hopeless feeling at my prospects of finding a girl to marry that I at least don’t find ugly ( basically a 4 or below). That’s my life story. I came to vent, so….idk….feel free to comment; would love to actually talk to some of you guys after lurking for so long. I feel like the extremes that i’ve gone to in self-improving and still being a miserable failure with even average, 5/10 women helps me bring a unqiue perspective to the forum….maybe a few of you graycels can beat me…but I doubt it.

[UWSL]Also: my old bully has a blonde stacy wife who gushes over him on social media….despite him being a AC repairman and living in a trailer. They just had their first child [/UWSL]:blackpill:
5’6” white and lost his virginity meanwhile I’m a 5’11” ethnic still rotting :feelsrope::feelsrope:. JBW strikes again and again
That's because you didn't keep your spine upright with your shoulders back. Take that lesson from the lobsters bucko.

Also, shower more. Buy a high pressure shower, install multiple showerheads in your bathroom, rinse more vigorously.

And buy my self-authoring course.
Have you tried taking a shower?
Gotta hate self-help gurus
I'll read this later
I'll read this later
Okay. And i’m not saying nobody else on here has done as much as me, its a big fucking form (sadly). But I think like i’ve gone through all the self-improvement crap that you could do.
@Misogynist Curry 卐 look this bunch of GrAys giving redpill advice :lul:
Dude…this is a post about how my life proves redpill bullshit is wrong
yes just get moneymaxxed and buy ultra high end gaming pc thats the only redpill advice u need right now :feelsLSD:
My first post…and its long, because I want to vent and have nowhere else to go. I thought about going to a therapist, but i’d rather vent to those who understand the truth about lookism, female nature, etc and not gaslight me. Long post, but I think I bring a unique perspective thats worth reading.

Stats: 5’6” white. 23 (almost 24). Looks scale: I estimate myself at a 4 when i’ve been fatter, and around a 5-6 when i’m more lean, have a summer tan, etc. Attractiveness AI’s give me anywhere from a 4-6. Still little boyish looking for my age: weak jaw, not a lot of masculine facial features like Wide(er) prey -like brown eyes. Can’t achieve an above 6 facial status without surgery. And I may very well be too generous in the looks estimation I give myself at around a 5 on average, 6 at my peak

Main point :blackpill:: Self-improvement is bullshit for a lot of men (yeah, yeah, I know….water is wet) and that is true even for guys like me, who many of you might be ready to call a “fakecel” or something similar based on my stats. My life experience has proven that point to me in every way possible, so I want to share my life story. Have fun reading.

I’ve been lonely and wanted a girlfriend since the 4th grade. That year was when the torture that I feel now first started, always wanting one but never getting it because I was extremely short even for a 9 year old (basically a pudgy runt).

Middle school: Bullied badly by a tall blue eyed white guy. A real son of a bitch that always knew the privledge that his height brought him. All of the girls, of course, loved him. Even my wantitus, who I had liked since I was a little boy. Among other things, he rubbed it in my face that I was a virigin and couldn’t get any girls to like me. That torment lasted over the course of middle school. Started my first step in my long, unfufilling “self improvement journey” by starting to work out and read more about “confidence” in the last half of the 8th grade.

Highschool: No girlfriend, remained a virgin. Continued to workout and firmly believed that “confidence” was the difference between guys who got women and those who did not. Thought mascluine hobbies would help my cause: took up hunting, fishing, and golfing

College and graduate school: Remained a virgin throughout college and the extra year I did for grad school. No girls were interested in me. In 2019 I discovered this form and became blackpilled, realizing my looks and height were always the problem. I can go into more detail later, but college gave me a lot of great examples of hypergamy and polygamy. The few decently attractively women at my pretty small college (6’s and a few 7’s…very few stacies) only chased a few chads that were 8-9’s ….saw many, many examples of this. I wasn’t fully blackpilled though and joined a frat, because I still had some hope that the social status of being in it would help me…it didn’t. The girls that came around our frat only chased the same three chads (weren’t really any attractive guys in my fraternity at this school besides them…small school, weird situation…can go into details if you asked). The redpill BS still left in me got me to take up MORE masculine hobbies to try to prove the black pill wrong, like drinking and cigar smoking. I though I needed an “edge” and that a lack of masculine qualities might be part of my problem. Got to the point of being able to outdrink or at least keep up with most guys in the frat, chads included; the women that came around could care less. I was also one of the most physically fit and strongest guys in the fraternity…. those women didn’t care. I can go into many examples of blackpills the “frat experience” brought me, and most of it revolves around the three chads. Chad one was a complete loser, but slayed with women his whole life due to being extra tall and 9/10 facially attractive. Unlike even some of the most nerdy guys in the frat, he still lived with his parents (locals to the area). He routinely embarrassed himself while drunk, including pissing in his girlfriends floor and on her cat…..his gf was a pretty sweet (personality wise) Stacy (not really but for this college with overall mediocre women) who I had a thing for. Chad 2 was tall, blue eyed, and pretty boy attractive (8/10)….but a complete pussy personality wise and lacked masculine qualities (couldn’t drink more than 2 beers…literally). He and I became close, and he constantly (not even bragging) told me about fucking at least one Tinder girl a week. He was a rural county EMT and 6/10 to sometimes outright hot girls from bigger colleges in the closest city would drive over an hour to see him. Chad 3 was a dick, sneaky ex marine; lived next to me and at one of our parties pulled the girl who he knew was my wantitus. Had to see her going in and out of his appartment a lot after that (brutal). He was a real son of a bitch that later stole a dude’s girlfriend a few months later; she was a girlnextdoor becky that is kinda my looksmatch. she treated him like she worshipped him, and she had also rejected me the year before. Verdict of the fraternity expeirnce: it didn’t help me at all with women….it only helped firmly cement my belief that height and facial attractiveiness are the only things women care about…..not “personality,” having a good direction in life, or even being masculine. The rest of my college experience was spent slaving away over grades and studing for the LSAT. I stayed an extra year and got a masters, and I am now enrolled at a top 25 law school.

Law school: Got a great physique the summer before….got real cut from bulking clean on my first testosterone cycle. Gained 20 pounds of lean muscle. Made myself miserable with the diet I had be on to maintain that. Got tan. Spent the summer bible reading and reading about things I like: space, western philosophy, etc. Also took up a new hobby: surfing. Finally, that June, at 22 I lost my virginity….to a fat, 4/10 Asian girl I met on Bumble (go crazy with the JBW comments, but all other Asian have been rude to me…would love to debate that topic). Once I started law school, no were girls interested except one obese hispanic girl. Was one of the biggest manlets there. More blackpills in LS that I can go into detail about, but many were examples of girls dating pretty unattractive dudes who were 6’1 and up. Overhead at least two conversations of women gushing about height. Those blackpills extra bad with everything I’d done to improve my physique and greatly worsened the depression I already had about my height from the fraternity experience. Idk why, but law school seems to be even more in your face with the height pill than college. My law school is in a bigger city with a hell of a lot more options on dating apps than the small college I was at before….but no luck there. Even when I met a girl for dinner or coffee on a few occasions, she always ghosted me. Black pill after blackpill…..

Here I am, 1st summer after law achool, and its another summer spent alone (like every summer in my entire fucking life). I am utterly exhausted with self improvement bullshit. I hate Jordan Peterson and basically anyone that could be considered a redpiller or a male-focused self-help guru. I’m more educated and have better career prospects than literally like 97% of young men. Being at a top 25 law school alone puts me in an elite class of people as far as education, let alone the fact that I have a masters too at this age. My IQ’s in the low 120’s, and law school has exhausted me; i’ve truly found my limits as far as what I can do education and career wise. I also still have a good physique, am currently nice and tan, have a nice head of hair (haircut sort of like Carl Urban in the Boys), use teeth whitener, and am strong enough to be considering a powerlifting comp with a year or two of more training and *cough cough* roiding (300 bench paused and 430 squat). I also still hunt, fish, drink, golf, watch mma, and smoke cigars for my own enjoyment. Perhaps most importantly, I also have a strong shower taking ability. Nobody, especially men around my age, has a right to tell me to self improve or that i’m too lazy and have to try harder or some bullshit like that. There is a extremely high chance i’m more accomplished than anyone that would try to tell me that. NOTHING of anything that I have done since the eighth fucking grade has allowed me to find even a 5/10 girl that would date or fuck me….in fact, those level girls (which are honestly my looksmatch) have been the biggest cunts to me over the years and have been the biggest whores for chad. Call me a “fakecel” if you want based on certain things, but my life experience has been that of an incel…..and I firmly agree with this forum’s view on lookism, hypergamy, and self-help/redpill talking points being bullshit. My 5’6 height and boyish facial features have royally fucked me….and if its this brutal for me, I can only imagine what its like to be a sub 5 (or less than 5’6) and less accomplished. As I get older, I get more and more blackpilled, angry, and just hopeless feeling at my prospects of finding a girl to marry that I at least don’t find ugly ( basically a 4 or below). That’s my life story. I came to vent, so….idk….feel free to comment; would love to actually talk to some of you guys after lurking for so long. I feel like the extremes that i’ve gone to in self-improving and still being a miserable failure with even average, 5/10 women helps me bring a unqiue perspective to the forum….maybe a few of you graycels can beat me…but I doubt it.

[UWSL]Also: my old bully has a blonde stacy wife who gushes over him on social media….despite him being a AC repairman and living in a trailer. They just had their first child [/UWSL]:blackpill:
Let's see a pic of you, dude
Let's see a pic of you, dude
Nah, we’re not doing any doxing on here. If I posted the pictures I’d get dudes calling me a fakecel. I’m kinda like Elliot Rodger, a cutecel. I’ve spent a lot of time on the incel wiki…and i’m gonna trusr ai rating apps, my experience on dating apps, and my gut feeling in sayinf that i’m a 6/10 at my peak. Facial feautres too feminine to be higher than that. Like Roger, I think I fit the profile of a cutecel
Don’t stress to much on it, because I was so unattracted to her that I could barely get a hard on. I’ve never had sex with a girl that wasn’t a landwhale and I was actually attracted to. That was not a pleasurable experience.
Don’t stress on it?:feelswhat::feelswhat:. TF you mean? :lasereyes::lasereyes:. “Dude I know you’re starving but don’t stress too much on it.” :soy::soy::soy:. @Fat Link @CCPcel y’all allowing normies join our forums?:lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes:

Another day, another normie.is post. I already called it out in one of my posts anyway
I lost my virginity….to a fat, 4/10 Asian girl I met on Bumble (go crazy with the JBW comments
Stopped reading GTFO normalfaggot literally succeeded on dating app which is giga hard mode.
Don’t stress on it?:feelswhat::feelswhat:. TF you mean? :lasereyes::lasereyes:. “Dude I know you’re starving but don’t stress too much on it.” :soy::soy::soy:. @Fat Link @CCPcel y’all allowing normies join our forums?:lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes:

Another day, another normie.is post. I already called it out in one of my posts anyway
Mate one can be incel without being a virgin. It's called a dry spell.

Not that I encourage OP or any other fakecel being here. But gatekeeping is stupid given the characteristics of this forum.
Mate one can be incel without being a virgin. It's called a dry spell.

Not that I encourage OP or any other fakecel being here. But gatekeeping is stupid given the characteristics of this forum.
This gREycel is not an incel though. He was able to pull a 4/10 Asian chick and bang her, and he’ll probably be able to pull another Asian chick and smash as well.

Gatekeeping ain’t stupid:feelsjuice::feelsjuice:. You start allowing normies in here, next thing you know we’ve turned into another version of looksmax.org :feelskek::feelskek:.
It’s a slippery slope:

“Oh he didn’t ascend because he smashed an ugly chick so it doesn’t count.”:feelskek::feelskek:

“Ascension only with low tier Beckys count.”:feelskek::feelskek:

And so and so forth until we become :chad::chad:.is:feelsjuice::feelsjuice:
@latincell refer to
Gatekeeping doesn't make sense. Outside of the occasional IT foid and OP, we won't find people who don't belong here.

I repeat: OP is a fakecel. We agree on that front. What we argue over is the need for gatekeeping, I say let everyone come and only 3-5% of people will sign up as seen in the incels/bluepillers ratio.
@latincell refer to
Gatekeeping doesn't make sense. Outside of the occasional IT foid and OP, we won't find people who don't belong here.

I repeat: OP is a fakecel. We agree on that front. What we argue over is the need for gatekeeping, I say let everyone come and only 3-5% of people will sign up as seen in the incels/bluepillers ratio.
I agree that OP is a fakecel:feelsjuice::feelsjuice: but my suspicions still stand that there are fakecels in here. It gets awfully quiet on Friday and Saturday night in here :feelswhat::feelswhat:. There are typically about 113 incels logged in during Friday and Saturdays:feelskek::feelskek:
you aren't statusmaxx anything right now. you don't actually make more money than the HVAC chad. come back in 5-10 years when you're actually making lawyer money (like 200k+) and then you will be able to really compete. right now you are just a midgetcel selling magic beans with no trappings of actual wealth (where is your penthouse, car, fancy clothes etc - don't tell me they're nikes lol)

if anything you come off as more pathetic rn because you're saying all this stuff you're GOING to be, which is the cope all saps give, while chad is like look at my face :panties:
Last edited:
This post ruined my day, I'm 5'5. Suicide fuel

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