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Zionist shill argument



Jan 3, 2018
Criticising Israel? That makes you hitler

Look how this Zionist argues, I find it absolutely infuriating

They control everything and i cant stand that tbh.
Oops sorry the link doesn’t work

Fs I can’t make it work

Basically one guy says the UN says Israel’s actions are unacceptable. The shill says anti Semitic opinions are irrelevant. The first guy points out that Netanyahu has openly discriminated against non jews. The Zionist just presents a brick wall of an argument... refuses to accept that Israel discriminates, refuses to explain what he thinks discrimination means, and just insists that the first guy is racist.

It’s just so stupid
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OP, whats so bad about Israel?
OP, whats so bad about Israel?
Invaded a land which wasn't theirs and killed people, still doing this after decades.

Also infiltration of powerful nations to make them fight for them and economically sanctions for whatever religious/economic opponent.
Invaded a land which wasn't theirs and killed people, still doing this after decades.

It definitely is theirs, as well as the Palestinians, but more so Israelis.

Also I consider European Jews ethnics as well because even though they have some white in them, it is just some, sure there might be some more admixed, you can argue the same as one can see the clearly semitic/nonwhite features of the Jews. If we are to argue about jews by appearance alone, I can also pull up pictures of Palestinians who look white.

Also the Palestinians have repeatedly denied them their land.

Also JFL at using the "Invaded a land which wasn't theirs and killed people", this is literally all countries in the world, including America, Britain, China, Japan, Latin American countries, and even Arab countries, who's non arab natives were raped and converted into Arab culture by force.

Also where do Israelis go back if Israel were to be destroyed(theoretically)? Palestinians can easily enter any muslim majority country, even easier into arab countries, and to make things A LOT EASIER FOR THEM, they can go to neighboring Levant countries such as Lebanon, Jordan, or Syria. OR, they can accept Israeli citizenship and live side by side with their semitic bretheren.

JFL, "still doing this after decades", meanwhile, every ancient non arab past and civilization is destroyed, non arab minorities forced to assimilate, among other things. Also it does not help that the Jews in ARAB COUNTRIES were KICKED OUT by their rulers, FROM THEIR HOMES.>

Also infiltration of powerful nations to make them fight for them and economically sanctions for whatever religious/economic opponent.
This, I might agree with a little

I think that we should be neutral to Israel, and also those omega pro Israel Jews in gentile countries are a minority, a powerful one, but most normal jews do not go extreme.

Also, >inb4 "JIDF shill, KIKE!"

I am curry, 100% gentile

I honestly do not give a shit about Israel or Palestine, however, Palestinians are like foids in the political situation in that everything has been handed to them, yet they turn it away and want all the land for themselves. Despite the fact that, most arabs are just migrants

Also Israel is pretty cool country as it is one of the first developed nation inhabited by ethnics(ricecels excluded because I am talking about brown ethnics).
I have a solution.
Ship all the Moslems to Europe, and other White countries.
The Moslems can set up their settlements in Europe, where only Moslems can go.
The Jews then have Israel to themselves.
What can possibly go wrong?
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There has never been such a country called Palestine. Israel was re-formed on land previously ruled by the Ottoman empire, similarly to other countries in the region such as Lebanon, Iraq and others. There is no such thing as "Palestinian people". It's worth noting that newspapers such as the 'Palestine post' were Jewish newspapers (this one for example turned into the 'Jerusalem post'). This is also true about other official "Palestine" related stuff from the time before Israel was re-formed. Hebrews were the majority in Jerusalem even before the birth of the Zionist movement in the 19th century. If someone happened to use the term "Palestine" before the re-formation of Israel, he was referring to the homeland of the Jevvs (the land of Israel) - not the Arabs. It's worth noting that the flag of the "Palestinian Authority" is the flag of Hejaz.

The British Mandate over the land, after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, actually included also what is now Jordan (which includes the "east bank" – part of historic Israel), and according to the League of Nations (precursor of the UN), this Mandate was to become a national homeland for the Jevvs (the Arabs would get their own independent lands in all the rest of the greater middle-east, an area which makes the land of Israel insignificant in comparison). Note that according to the UN's constitution, all the past resolutions of the League of Nation are valid. The British Authorities, due to their own interests with the Arabs (among others – future oil dealings), gave them 77% of the land – which later became what is now Jordan. There are over 20 Arab countries, and almost 60 lsIamic countries – each on average way bigger than Israel, but the Arabs couldn't tolerate the existence of tiny Israel, even after being given most of the land of the mandate. Instead, they tried to annihilate it by force with the Arab armies the moment it was officially independent (and have attempted to do so several times again since then).

The coIoniaI term "Palestine" was discarded after it was brought to life under the British rule, as it should have been, because the original name for the land - Israel, has been restored (Israel is not Palestine, just like Jerusalem is not Aelia-Capitolina, and Schehem is not Nablus). It is only in the mid 1960's that the Arabs hijacked the term, and its widespread usage only took off after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. The Arabs used this terminology as a political propaganda tool to de-legitimize Israel, after they failed to steal the Hebrew homeland by force with the Arab armies, by invading and attempting to conquer the land. Ironically, the term "Palestinian" originate from the term 'Pleshet' to describe INVADERS by the Hebrews. Those who willingly identify as "Palestinians" are declaring themselves to be invaders/colonizers in Hebrew land. It's important to note that this propaganda tool was supported by the Communists/Soviets. On the other hand, just a few decades before that, the Arab "Palestinians" were hand in hand with the Nazis. They have aided them under the leadership of the mufti Amin Al-Husseini - who is often regarded as the 'founding father' of the Arab "Palestinians". During WW2 he became an SS general, but he had anti-Jewish genocidal ideology long before the Nazis rose the power. He has incited and caused violence and terror against the Jewish people in their homeland since the early 1920's (for example: 1929 Hebron massacre).

"Palestinians" are nothing more than bands of foreign invaders, squatters and illegal immigrants from all over the Islamic world – mostly the Arab world (some of them even originating from places that are not part of the middle-east, such as Bosnia), as well as several other places. The overwhelming majority of them first settled in the land of Israel in recent centuries - mostly in the 19th and 20th centuries. Some of them even came to Gaza, Judea and Samaria from Egypt and Jordan while these areas were under Egyptian and Jordanian occupation in the period between 1948 to 1967.

Informative quotes from Arab "Palestinian" leaders:
"There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' was invented by the Zionists. There is no Palestine in the bible ...Palestine is ALIEN to us" - Arab "Palestinian" leader Awni Abdul Hadi, Peel Commission, 1937.

"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity... Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan." - Arab "Palestinian" leader & PLO member Zuheir Mohsen, 1977.

"I don’t think there is 'Palestinian People', I don’t think there is a 'Palestinian Nation' at all… 'Palestinian Nation'? I think that is a colonial invention. When were there ever 'Palestinians'?" – Arab "Palestinian" leader Azme Bishara, TV Interview.

"We all have Arab roots, and every Palestinian in Gaza and throughout Palestine can prove his Arab roots - whether from Saudi Arabia, Yemen or anywhere else." "... Half the Palestinians are (Arab) Egyptians and the other half are (Arab) Saudis" - Arab "Palestinian" Hamas minister Fathi Hammad, 2012.

Here are some common "Palestinian" families and their place of origin:
Saudi, Al-Husseini, Al-Hassan, Hijazi, Tamimi, Erekat, Barghouti, Qureshi, Badawi – Saudi Arabia
Yamani, Azad – Yemen Haddadins – Yemen (Ghassanids)
Masri, Masrawa, Tartir, Bardawil, Fayumi – Egypt
Abu Kishk, Shakirat, Zabidat, Aramsha, Abu Sitta, Abu Sutta, Shaalan – Egypt (Bedouins)
Turki, Sultan, Uthuman – Turkey
Iraqi, Baghdadi, Faruqi, Tachriti, Zoabi, Abbas – Iraq
Nashashibi, Hurani, Allawi, Halabi – Syria
Lubnani, Tarabulsi, Sidawi, Surani – Lebanon
Bushnak – Bosnia
Khamis – Bahrain
Afghani – Afghanistan
Mughrabi – Maghreb
Araj – Morocco
Djazair – Algeria
Kurd – Kurdistan
Hindi – Indian
Subcontinent Abid – Sudan

Yasser Arafat, the most famous "Palestinian" and leader of the PLO terrorist organization, was not native to Judea. He called himself a "Palestinian refugee" but spoke Arabic with an Egyptian accent. He was born in 1929 Cairo, Egypt. He served in the Egyptian army, studied in the University of Cairo, and lived in Cairo until 1956! His full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat Al-Qudwa Al-Husseini. Yasser Arafat also proudly stated in his authorized biography that: "If there is any such thing as a Palestinian people, it is I, Yasser Arafat, who created them."

Genetic data for "Palestinians":
According to a 2010 study by Behar et al. Palestinians tested clustered genetically close to Bedouins, Jordanians and Saudi Arabians which was described as "consistent with a common origin in the Arabian Peninsula". A study found that the Palestinians, have what appears to be Female-Mediated gene flow in the form of Maternal DNA Haplogroups from Sub-Saharan Africa. Palestinian individuals tested, carried maternal haplogroups that originated in Sub-Saharan Africa. The explanation for the presence of predominantly female lineages of African origin in these areas is that they trace back to women brought from Africa as part of the Arab slave trade, assimilated into the areas under Arab rule. In a genetic study of Y-chromosomal STRs in two populations from Israel and the Palestinian Authority Area: Christian and Muslim Palestinians showed genetic differences. A 2013 study of Haber and et al. found that "The predominantly Muslim populations of Syrians, Palestinians and Jordanians cluster on branches with other Muslim populations as distant as Morocco and Yemen." The authors explained that "religious affiliation had a strong impact on the genomes of the Levantines. In particular, conversion of the region's populations to Islam appears to have introduced major rearrangements in populations' relations through admixture with culturally similar but geographically remote populations leading to genetic similarities between remarkably distant populations." Even the Quran: And thereafter We (Allah) said to the Children of Israel: "Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd" [17 : 104] O my people (Jevvs)! Enter the Holy Land, which God has assigned unto you [5 : 21] We (Allah) settled the Israelites in a blessed land and provided them with good things [10 : 93] It was our (Allah's) will to favor those who were oppressed (Jevvs) and to make them leaders of man, to bestow on them a noble heritage and to give them power in the land (of Israel) [28 : 5-6] We (Allah) gave the persecuted people (Jevvs) dominion over the eastern and western lands which We had blessed (the east and west banks of the Jordan River). Thus your Lord's gracious word was fulfilled for the Israelites, because they had endured with fortitude [7 : 137]

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Hopefully we will see the American/Zionist empire collapse in our lifetime
There has never been such a country called Palestine. Israel was re-formed on land previously ruled by the Ottoman empire, similarly to other countries in the region such as Lebanon, Iraq and others. There is no such thing as "Palestinian people". It's worth noting that newspapers such as the 'Palestine post' were Jewish newspapers (this one for example turned into the 'Jerusalem post'). This is also true about other official "Palestine" related stuff from the time before Israel was re-formed. Hebrews were the majority in Jerusalem even before the birth of the Zionist movement in the 19th century. If someone happened to use the term "Palestine" before the re-formation of Israel, he was referring to the homeland of the Jevvs (the land of Israel) - not the Arabs. It's worth noting that the flag of the "Palestinian Authority" is the flag of Hejaz.

The British Mandate over the land, after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, actually included also what is now Jordan (which includes the "east bank" – part of historic Israel), and according to the League of Nations (precursor of the UN), this Mandate was to become a national homeland for the Jevvs (the Arabs would get their own independent lands in all the rest of the greater middle-east, an area which makes the land of Israel insignificant in comparison). Note that according to the UN's constitution, all the past resolutions of the League of Nation are valid. The British Authorities, due to their own interests with the Arabs (among others – future oil dealings), gave them 77% of the land – which later became what is now Jordan. There are over 20 Arab countries, and almost 60 lsIamic countries – each on average way bigger than Israel, but the Arabs couldn't tolerate the existence of tiny Israel, even after being given most of the land of the mandate. Instead, they tried to annihilate it by force with the Arab armies the moment it was officially independent (and have attempted to do so several times again since then).

The coIoniaI term "Palestine" was discarded after it was brought to life under the British rule, as it should have been, because the original name for the land - Israel, has been restored (Israel is not Palestine, just like Jerusalem is not Aelia-Capitolina, and Schehem is not Nablus). It is only in the mid 1960's that the Arabs hijacked the term, and its widespread usage only took off after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. The Arabs used this terminology as a political propaganda tool to de-legitimize Israel, after they failed to steal the Hebrew homeland by force with the Arab armies, by invading and attempting to conquer the land. Ironically, the term "Palestinian" originate from the term 'Pleshet' to describe INVADERS by the Hebrews. Those who willingly identify as "Palestinians" are declaring themselves to be invaders/colonizers in Hebrew land. It's important to note that this propaganda tool was supported by the Communists/Soviets. On the other hand, just a few decades before that, the Arab "Palestinians" were hand in hand with the Nazis. They have aided them under the leadership of the mufti Amin Al-Husseini - who is often regarded as the 'founding father' of the Arab "Palestinians". During WW2 he became an SS general, but he had anti-Jewish genocidal ideology long before the Nazis rose the power. He has incited and caused violence and terror against the Jewish people in their homeland since the early 1920's (for example: 1929 Hebron massacre).

"Palestinians" are nothing more than bands of foreign invaders, squatters and illegal immigrants from all over the Islamic world – mostly the Arab world (some of them even originating from places that are not part of the middle-east, such as Bosnia), as well as several other places. The overwhelming majority of them first settled in the land of Israel in recent centuries - mostly in the 19th and 20th centuries. Some of them even came to Gaza, Judea and Samaria from Egypt and Jordan while these areas were under Egyptian and Jordanian occupation in the period between 1948 to 1967.

Informative quotes from Arab "Palestinian" leaders:
"There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' was invented by the Zionists. There is no Palestine in the bible ...Palestine is ALIEN to us" - Arab "Palestinian" leader Awni Abdul Hadi, Peel Commission, 1937.

"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity... Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan." - Arab "Palestinian" leader & PLO member Zuheir Mohsen, 1977.

"I don’t think there is 'Palestinian People', I don’t think there is a 'Palestinian Nation' at all… 'Palestinian Nation'? I think that is a colonial invention. When were there ever 'Palestinians'?" – Arab "Palestinian" leader Azme Bishara, TV Interview.

"We all have Arab roots, and every Palestinian in Gaza and throughout Palestine can prove his Arab roots - whether from Saudi Arabia, Yemen or anywhere else." "... Half the Palestinians are (Arab) Egyptians and the other half are (Arab) Saudis" - Arab "Palestinian" Hamas minister Fathi Hammad, 2012.

Here are some common "Palestinian" families and their place of origin:
Saudi, Al-Husseini, Al-Hassan, Hijazi, Tamimi, Erekat, Barghouti, Qureshi, Badawi – Saudi Arabia
Yamani, Azad – Yemen Haddadins – Yemen (Ghassanids)
Masri, Masrawa, Tartir, Bardawil, Fayumi – Egypt
Abu Kishk, Shakirat, Zabidat, Aramsha, Abu Sitta, Abu Sutta, Shaalan – Egypt (Bedouins)
Turki, Sultan, Uthuman – Turkey
Iraqi, Baghdadi, Faruqi, Tachriti, Zoabi, Abbas – Iraq
Nashashibi, Hurani, Allawi, Halabi – Syria
Lubnani, Tarabulsi, Sidawi, Surani – Lebanon
Bushnak – Bosnia
Khamis – Bahrain
Afghani – Afghanistan
Mughrabi – Maghreb
Araj – Morocco
Djazair – Algeria
Kurd – Kurdistan
Hindi – Indian
Subcontinent Abid – Sudan

Yasser Arafat, the most famous "Palestinian" and leader of the PLO terrorist organization, was not native to Judea. He called himself a "Palestinian refugee" but spoke Arabic with an Egyptian accent. He was born in 1929 Cairo, Egypt. He served in the Egyptian army, studied in the University of Cairo, and lived in Cairo until 1956! His full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat Al-Qudwa Al-Husseini. Yasser Arafat also proudly stated in his authorized biography that: "If there is any such thing as a Palestinian people, it is I, Yasser Arafat, who created them."

Genetic data for "Palestinians":
According to a 2010 study by Behar et al. Palestinians tested clustered genetically close to Bedouins, Jordanians and Saudi Arabians which was described as "consistent with a common origin in the Arabian Peninsula". A study found that the Palestinians, have what appears to be Female-Mediated gene flow in the form of Maternal DNA Haplogroups from Sub-Saharan Africa. Palestinian individuals tested, carried maternal haplogroups that originated in Sub-Saharan Africa. The explanation for the presence of predominantly female lineages of African origin in these areas is that they trace back to women brought from Africa as part of the Arab slave trade, assimilated into the areas under Arab rule. In a genetic study of Y-chromosomal STRs in two populations from Israel and the Palestinian Authority Area: Christian and Muslim Palestinians showed genetic differences. A 2013 study of Haber and et al. found that "The predominantly Muslim populations of Syrians, Palestinians and Jordanians cluster on branches with other Muslim populations as distant as Morocco and Yemen." The authors explained that "religious affiliation had a strong impact on the genomes of the Levantines. In particular, conversion of the region's populations to Islam appears to have introduced major rearrangements in populations' relations through admixture with culturally similar but geographically remote populations leading to genetic similarities between remarkably distant populations." Even the Quran: And thereafter We (Allah) said to the Children of Israel: "Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd" [17 : 104] O my people (Jevvs)! Enter the Holy Land, which God has assigned unto you [5 : 21] We (Allah) settled the Israelites in a blessed land and provided them with good things [10 : 93] It was our (Allah's) will to favor those who were oppressed (Jevvs) and to make them leaders of man, to bestow on them a noble heritage and to give them power in the land (of Israel) [28 : 5-6] We (Allah) gave the persecuted people (Jevvs) dominion over the eastern and western lands which We had blessed (the east and west banks of the Jordan River). Thus your Lord's gracious word was fulfilled for the Israelites, because they had endured with fortitude [7 : 137]


Lol. Looks like team Israel has someone assigned to incels.co
I have a solution.
Ship all the Moslems to Europe, and other White countries.
The Moslems can set up their settlements in Europe, where only Moslems can go.
The Jews then have Israel to themselves.
What can possibly go wrong?
Lol. Looks like team Israel has someone assigned to incels.co
lol I am curry

Arabs more chad than curry

Jews and curries are both incel subhumans

Also jews are lesser of the two evils

its just fun seeing WNcels, Stormcels, anti-Israelcels chimpout tbh
"Reddit". Of course its from reddit, its where all the brainlets reside.
There has never been such a country called Palestine. Israel was re-formed on land previously ruled by the Ottoman empire, similarly to other countries in the region such as Lebanon, Iraq and others. There is no such thing as "Palestinian people". It's worth noting that newspapers such as the 'Palestine post' were Jewish newspapers (this one for example turned into the 'Jerusalem post'). This is also true about other official "Palestine" related stuff from the time before Israel was re-formed. Hebrews were the majority in Jerusalem even before the birth of the Zionist movement in the 19th century. If someone happened to use the term "Palestine" before the re-formation of Israel, he was referring to the homeland of the Jevvs (the land of Israel) - not the Arabs. It's worth noting that the flag of the "Palestinian Authority" is the flag of Hejaz.

The British Mandate over the land, after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, actually included also what is now Jordan (which includes the "east bank" – part of historic Israel), and according to the League of Nations (precursor of the UN), this Mandate was to become a national homeland for the Jevvs (the Arabs would get their own independent lands in all the rest of the greater middle-east, an area which makes the land of Israel insignificant in comparison). Note that according to the UN's constitution, all the past resolutions of the League of Nation are valid. The British Authorities, due to their own interests with the Arabs (among others – future oil dealings), gave them 77% of the land – which later became what is now Jordan. There are over 20 Arab countries, and almost 60 lsIamic countries – each on average way bigger than Israel, but the Arabs couldn't tolerate the existence of tiny Israel, even after being given most of the land of the mandate. Instead, they tried to annihilate it by force with the Arab armies the moment it was officially independent (and have attempted to do so several times again since then).

The coIoniaI term "Palestine" was discarded after it was brought to life under the British rule, as it should have been, because the original name for the land - Israel, has been restored (Israel is not Palestine, just like Jerusalem is not Aelia-Capitolina, and Schehem is not Nablus). It is only in the mid 1960's that the Arabs hijacked the term, and its widespread usage only took off after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. The Arabs used this terminology as a political propaganda tool to de-legitimize Israel, after they failed to steal the Hebrew homeland by force with the Arab armies, by invading and attempting to conquer the land. Ironically, the term "Palestinian" originate from the term 'Pleshet' to describe INVADERS by the Hebrews. Those who willingly identify as "Palestinians" are declaring themselves to be invaders/colonizers in Hebrew land. It's important to note that this propaganda tool was supported by the Communists/Soviets. On the other hand, just a few decades before that, the Arab "Palestinians" were hand in hand with the Nazis. They have aided them under the leadership of the mufti Amin Al-Husseini - who is often regarded as the 'founding father' of the Arab "Palestinians". During WW2 he became an SS general, but he had anti-Jewish genocidal ideology long before the Nazis rose the power. He has incited and caused violence and terror against the Jewish people in their homeland since the early 1920's (for example: 1929 Hebron massacre).

"Palestinians" are nothing more than bands of foreign invaders, squatters and illegal immigrants from all over the Islamic world – mostly the Arab world (some of them even originating from places that are not part of the middle-east, such as Bosnia), as well as several other places. The overwhelming majority of them first settled in the land of Israel in recent centuries - mostly in the 19th and 20th centuries. Some of them even came to Gaza, Judea and Samaria from Egypt and Jordan while these areas were under Egyptian and Jordanian occupation in the period between 1948 to 1967.

Informative quotes from Arab "Palestinian" leaders:
"There is no such country as Palestine. 'Palestine' was invented by the Zionists. There is no Palestine in the bible ...Palestine is ALIEN to us" - Arab "Palestinian" leader Awni Abdul Hadi, Peel Commission, 1937.

"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity... Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct "Palestinian people" to oppose Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan." - Arab "Palestinian" leader & PLO member Zuheir Mohsen, 1977.

"I don’t think there is 'Palestinian People', I don’t think there is a 'Palestinian Nation' at all… 'Palestinian Nation'? I think that is a colonial invention. When were there ever 'Palestinians'?" – Arab "Palestinian" leader Azme Bishara, TV Interview.

"We all have Arab roots, and every Palestinian in Gaza and throughout Palestine can prove his Arab roots - whether from Saudi Arabia, Yemen or anywhere else." "... Half the Palestinians are (Arab) Egyptians and the other half are (Arab) Saudis" - Arab "Palestinian" Hamas minister Fathi Hammad, 2012.

Here are some common "Palestinian" families and their place of origin:
Saudi, Al-Husseini, Al-Hassan, Hijazi, Tamimi, Erekat, Barghouti, Qureshi, Badawi – Saudi Arabia
Yamani, Azad – Yemen Haddadins – Yemen (Ghassanids)
Masri, Masrawa, Tartir, Bardawil, Fayumi – Egypt
Abu Kishk, Shakirat, Zabidat, Aramsha, Abu Sitta, Abu Sutta, Shaalan – Egypt (Bedouins)
Turki, Sultan, Uthuman – Turkey
Iraqi, Baghdadi, Faruqi, Tachriti, Zoabi, Abbas – Iraq
Nashashibi, Hurani, Allawi, Halabi – Syria
Lubnani, Tarabulsi, Sidawi, Surani – Lebanon
Bushnak – Bosnia
Khamis – Bahrain
Afghani – Afghanistan
Mughrabi – Maghreb
Araj – Morocco
Djazair – Algeria
Kurd – Kurdistan
Hindi – Indian
Subcontinent Abid – Sudan

Yasser Arafat, the most famous "Palestinian" and leader of the PLO terrorist organization, was not native to Judea. He called himself a "Palestinian refugee" but spoke Arabic with an Egyptian accent. He was born in 1929 Cairo, Egypt. He served in the Egyptian army, studied in the University of Cairo, and lived in Cairo until 1956! His full name was Mohammed Abdel Rahman Abdel Raouf Arafat Al-Qudwa Al-Husseini. Yasser Arafat also proudly stated in his authorized biography that: "If there is any such thing as a Palestinian people, it is I, Yasser Arafat, who created them."

Genetic data for "Palestinians":
According to a 2010 study by Behar et al. Palestinians tested clustered genetically close to Bedouins, Jordanians and Saudi Arabians which was described as "consistent with a common origin in the Arabian Peninsula". A study found that the Palestinians, have what appears to be Female-Mediated gene flow in the form of Maternal DNA Haplogroups from Sub-Saharan Africa. Palestinian individuals tested, carried maternal haplogroups that originated in Sub-Saharan Africa. The explanation for the presence of predominantly female lineages of African origin in these areas is that they trace back to women brought from Africa as part of the Arab slave trade, assimilated into the areas under Arab rule. In a genetic study of Y-chromosomal STRs in two populations from Israel and the Palestinian Authority Area: Christian and Muslim Palestinians showed genetic differences. A 2013 study of Haber and et al. found that "The predominantly Muslim populations of Syrians, Palestinians and Jordanians cluster on branches with other Muslim populations as distant as Morocco and Yemen." The authors explained that "religious affiliation had a strong impact on the genomes of the Levantines. In particular, conversion of the region's populations to Islam appears to have introduced major rearrangements in populations' relations through admixture with culturally similar but geographically remote populations leading to genetic similarities between remarkably distant populations." Even the Quran: And thereafter We (Allah) said to the Children of Israel: "Dwell securely in the Promised Land. And when the last warning will come to pass, we will gather you together in a mingled crowd" [17 : 104] O my people (Jevvs)! Enter the Holy Land, which God has assigned unto you [5 : 21] We (Allah) settled the Israelites in a blessed land and provided them with good things [10 : 93] It was our (Allah's) will to favor those who were oppressed (Jevvs) and to make them leaders of man, to bestow on them a noble heritage and to give them power in the land (of Israel) [28 : 5-6] We (Allah) gave the persecuted people (Jevvs) dominion over the eastern and western lands which We had blessed (the east and west banks of the Jordan River). Thus your Lord's gracious word was fulfilled for the Israelites, because they had endured with fortitude [7 : 137]


No one believes in your retarded lies. Can the mods ban this israeli cuck? This is some zionist psy ops

It definitely is theirs, as well as the Palestinians, but more so Israelis.

Also I consider European Jews ethnics as well because even though they have some white in them, it is just some, sure there might be some more admixed, you can argue the same as one can see the clearly semitic/nonwhite features of the Jews. If we are to argue about jews by appearance alone, I can also pull up pictures of Palestinians who look white.

Also the Palestinians have repeatedly denied them their land.

Also JFL at using the "Invaded a land which wasn't theirs and killed people", this is literally all countries in the world, including America, Britain, China, Japan, Latin American countries, and even Arab countries, who's non arab natives were raped and converted into Arab culture by force.

Also where do Israelis go back if Israel were to be destroyed(theoretically)? Palestinians can easily enter any muslim majority country, even easier into arab countries, and to make things A LOT EASIER FOR THEM, they can go to neighboring Levant countries such as Lebanon, Jordan, or Syria. OR, they can accept Israeli citizenship and live side by side with their semitic bretheren.

JFL, "still doing this after decades", meanwhile, every ancient non arab past and civilization is destroyed, non arab minorities forced to assimilate, among other things. Also it does not help that the Jews in ARAB COUNTRIES were KICKED OUT by their rulers, FROM THEIR HOMES.>

This, I might agree with a little

I think that we should be neutral to Israel, and also those omega pro Israel Jews in gentile countries are a minority, a powerful one, but most normal jews do not go extreme.

Also, >inb4 "JIDF shill, KIKE!"

I am curry, 100% gentile

I honestly do not give a shit about Israel or Palestine, however, Palestinians are like foids in the political situation in that everything has been handed to them, yet they turn it away and want all the land for themselves. Despite the fact that, most arabs are just migrants

Also Israel is pretty cool country as it is one of the first developed nation inhabited by ethnics(ricecels excluded because I am talking about brown ethnics).
Genetics don't give land property rights retard. I can be half german and that doesn't give me the right of land in Germany:feelsseriously::feelsseriously:

So if someone comes to your country and conquer it by force is morally right and you can't complain about it because it has been done in the past history.

Then wars are moral and normal things people should support. :feelsseriously: :feelsseriously:

Palestinian people could immigrate to another country but they would lose their land and house and basically be homeless and jobless, muslims/arabs countried aren't giving them gifts nor they want more immigration.
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