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LifeFuel Zapping my brain is finally working. I no longer feel depressed!



Nov 15, 2017
Today I underwent my fourth round of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), this time at maximum power. It hurt a little at the beginning but at the end I was almost asking for more. That shit is addictive.

This consists in sending targeted magnetic waves to a brain area the size of an orange, thereby generating electric current in neurons.

A plastic-enclosed coil of wire is held next to the skull and when activated, produces a magnetic field oriented orthogonally to the plane of the coil. The magnetic field passes unimpeded through the skin and skull, inducing an oppositely directed current in the brain that activates nearby nerve cells in much the same way as currents applied directly to the cortical surface.

I no longer ruminate about my ugliness, and feel more energetic, so it is clearly working.
have fun being veggie
If only. I would like nothing more than to be intellectually disabled.

But it doesn't seem to damage neurons.
i would love to be a wheechair bound retard with a hot caretaker giving me blowjobs
i would love to be a wheechair bound retard with a hot caretaker giving me blowjobs

Blessed are the weak in spirit, said the Bible. Retards are on average way happier than "smart" people.

Blessed are the weak in spirit, said the Bible. Retards are on average way happier than "smart" people.
This. They always seem pretty content.
i would love to be a wheechair bound retard with a hot caretaker giving me blowjobs
high IQ theory
virtue-signalling is our last chance
just be retarded bro
high IQ theory
virtue-signalling is our last chance
just be retarded bro
bro just develope an extra chromosome bro stop pouting and be urself bro

I no longer ruminate about my ugliness, and feel more energetic, so it is clearly working.
Sooner or later reality will catch up to you again. But nice to hear it is a working temporary cope.
How does this work?
Is there some process to it or is it merely an elaborate placebo?
Today I underwent my fourth round of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), this time at maximum power. It hurt a little at the beginning but at the end I was almost asking for more. That shit is addictive.

This consists in sending targeted magnetic waves to a brain area the size of an orange, thereby generating electric current in neurons.

A plastic-enclosed coil of wire is held next to the skull and when activated, produces a magnetic field oriented orthogonally to the plane of the coil. The magnetic field passes unimpeded through the skin and skull, inducing an oppositely directed current in the brain that activates nearby nerve cells in much the same way as currents applied directly to the cortical surface.

I no longer ruminate about my ugliness, and feel more energetic, so it is clearly working.
Just a reminder this won’t make you any better looking.
How did you go about getting this prescribed @Fontaine? I've heard of it theoretically but never known anyone who has had it done in real life, or knows anyone who had it done irl.
How does this work?
Is there some process to it or is it merely an elaborate placebo?
They can't explain how it works. But it definitely works. I'm extremely cynical about psychiatric treatments in general, so I'm very resistant to placebos. You can believe me when I say it works.

combine it with nofap
That's what I'm already doing.

How did you go about getting this prescribed @Fontaine? I've heard of it theoretically but never known anyone who has had it done in real life, or knows anyone who had it done irl.
You need to find a psychiatric center who does it and directly call them / ring their door. No need for a prescription. You just need to insist that your depression is very serious.

How much did you pay?
About 90 USD for 30 minutes of TMS.
Treatment is over. I would defo recommend it if you're depressed, beats SSRIs and SNRIs by a long mile

But obviously it doesn't fix anything in your life by itself, it just gives you the energy and stability required for trying.
will ECT give similar results?
(((Fontaine))) promoting electrical lobotomies now? Was promoting brown people being flooded into white countries not enough for your agenda masters?

Man, i have tried so many anti-depressants and they have each given me such an unpleasant reaction that i have continually despaired. Trying cymbalta atm which is ok except for killing my appetite but still not much improvement. Glad you found something that is working for you
will ECT give similar results?
TMS is the modern form of ECT, same principle (inducing neuron polarization/depolarization) but in a less brutal and more targeted fashion.
Treatment is over. I would defo recommend it if you're depressed, beats SSRIs and SNRIs by a long mile

But obviously it doesn't fix anything in your life by itself, it just gives you the energy and stability required for trying.
Did they tell you if the effects were permanent?
(((Fontaine))) promoting electrical lobotomies now?
Dude, ECT was invented by an Italian goy and most influential psychiatrists in history were goyim

Anti-semitic conspiracy theories are smart superficially, but when you read more and learn more, they start to fall apart
Do you support immigration and feminism now? Do you think the white males need to all die off and obey their masters?

Anyone who lets some bozo fucking FUCK WITH YOUR BRAIN is an idiot. You're a slave now, congrats. You have no free thought anymore.
Do you support immigration and feminism now? Do you think the white males need to all die off and obey their masters?

Anyone who lets some bozo fucking FUCK WITH YOUR BRAIN is an idiot. You're a slave now, congrats. You have no free thought anymore.
I understand where you're coming from, at some point I used to be wary too of such procedures.

But let me assure you that my ideological framework hasn't really changed. If anything I am now more confident about it. I will continue to defend the truth of the blackpill.

Just sending current through neurons can't change their content. Depression is a true and terrible disease and you should treat yours asap.
advanced coping technology
Dude, ECT was invented by an Italian goy and most influential psychiatrists in history were goyim

Anti-semitic conspiracy theories are smart superficially, but when you read more and learn more, they start to fall apart
lul @ all the (((Fontaine))) comments
Retards are on average way happier than "smart" people.
Technically not true
>Results: Happiness is significantly associated with IQ. Those in the lowest IQ range (70-99) reported the lowest levels of happiness compared with the highest IQ group (120-129). Mediation analysis using the continuous IQ variable found dependency in activities of daily living, income, health and neurotic symptoms were strong mediators of the relationship, as they reduced the association between happiness and IQ by 50%.
>Conclusions: Those with lower IQ are less happy than those with higher IQ.

I am guessing that single mothers, homeless crack addicts, etc are strongly bringing it down. Also how dumber people are usually uglier (mouth breather).
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