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Youtube took down varg's channel



Everything hurts and I'm dying
Aug 13, 2018
I hope that would be the end of youtube.
Im not a fan of him either, but seeing all "controversial" channels being deleted from youtube scares me tbh.

According to the New York Times, a YouTube spokesman has said that content subject to the new ban will also include “videos that claim Jews secretly control the world, that say women are intellectually inferior to men and therefore should be denied certain rights, or that suggest that the white race is superior to another race.”
white supremacist
I don't even like Varg, but holy shit that's just dishonest.
Holy shit Metal Sucks is so fucking soy dont even read the article it's not worth your time.
Varg's music and ideas are still on another level of the majority of the garbage approved by the mainstream.
I wasn't a big fan of him but I used to enjoy his videos. now youtube took channel down
Im not a fan of him either, but seeing all "controversial" channels being deleted from youtube scares me tbh.
I don't even like Varg, but holy shit that's just dishonest.
Somebody's moral right to say something isn't decided by whether or not we like them. I know next to nothing about this guy (the occasional video would get shared on an imageboard, I'd stop watching after a minute max because I'm ADHD) and wouldn't care if I never heard from him again, but I do care that someone is telling me I'm not allowed to hear what he has to say.
Jewtube is fucking worthless, and it has been for awhile. It exists to sell ads for christ's sake. They suck the teat of the mainstream media, disney and the like, for dear life. Totally corrupt, controlled, bought, and sold.

It's been over for incels who LDAR with youtube.
Censorship pisses me off the most over any other thing

He should go back to making music like this

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We are living in interesting times
Watching all the self-entitled YouTube "stars" cry about muh ad revenue is pretty funny, but watching YouTube take down channels that have nothing to do with what they're "against" just shows the doublespeak that's considered normal these days. The only thing you can trust coming out of a cuck's mouth is the AIDS blood spilling from it after ending their miserable lives.
Don't know him, but JewTube removes everything that isnt leftists propaganda
Watching all the self-entitled YouTube "stars" cry about muh ad revenue is pretty funny, but watching YouTube take down channels that have nothing to do with what they're "against" just shows the doublespeak that's considered normal these days. The only thing you can trust coming out of a cuck's mouth is the AIDS blood spilling from it after ending their miserable lives.

he said french people weren't white and his video got taken down for hate speech
The worst part about this is that he was already being very careful about what he said on his channel because France has retarded "hate speech" laws which already got him in trouble in the past. I had been watching his videos for a while and while there was the occasional nod and wink to the eternal jew, he never directly named them or said something 'hateful' about them.
Literally who?
White nationalist neopagan who lives in the woods with his family. He used to be in prison for a murder and burning down churches. He had become an online celebrity on imageboards and similar sites, his status was akin to that of someone like Terry Davis (but without the schizo part).
I ve folowed him for years...Jewtube banned him....it is sad that Hitler did not kill all jews.
Where are the jew apologists that used to infest this board? Sure would be nice to hear from some of them right about now so they can eat their well deserved crow

Who's next? Just James?
Did they delet Spencer
what they did was pure fucking evil
i don't agree with varg on everything but he is BASED
I don't even like Varg, but holy shit that's just dishonest.
they have metadata on everything

so they can ban channels from youtube that are being watched by those who also watch actual supremacist content, all in one go

that's why "nazi music" that was just instrumentals got banned
So JooTube decided to take good ol´d Varg down..
Fuck kikes seriously!
Soon we will all be sent to the Gulags.
Scary shit !!!:worryfeels:
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they have metadata on everything

so they can ban channels from youtube that are being watched by those who also watch actual supremacist content, all in one go

that's why "nazi music" that was just instrumentals got banned
Varg says there is possibility he'll be prisoned.
Varg says there is possibility he'll be prisoned.
what the fuck, man.
where does he post stuff now? i didn't find anything last time i checked
Ha, I didn't even know Varg had a channel. Hard to believe he got out of prison after murdering someone.

Youtube sucks ass now. I wish SO much that some rich guy would make a popular video hosting site without censorship. Unfortunately Youtube is so synonymous with user-created online video that a viable alternative is improbable. If you have a message to get out Youtube isn't the place to do it any longer, and if you're not on Youtube people probably won't see your videos.

I hate censorship.
Ha, I didn't even know Varg had a channel. Hard to believe he got out of prison after murdering someone.

Youtube sucks ass now. I wish SO much that some rich guy would make a popular video hosting site without censorship. Unfortunately Youtube is so synonymous with user-created online video that a viable alternative is improbable. If you have a message to get out Youtube isn't the place to do it any longer, and if you're not on Youtube people probably won't see your videos.

I hate censorship.
fuck jewtube ngl
Ha, I didn't even know Varg had a channel. Hard to believe he got out of prison after murdering someone.

Youtube sucks ass now. I wish SO much that some rich guy would make a popular video hosting site without censorship. Unfortunately Youtube is so synonymous with user-created online video that a viable alternative is improbable. If you have a message to get out Youtube isn't the place to do it any longer, and if you're not on Youtube people probably won't see your videos.

I hate censorship.
There is Bitchute, unless the Kosher police already got a ((( hand ))) on that one.
Fuck Susan Wojcicki.
Jooish piece of shit.
he made some alright videos, but I don't like the fact that he hates ugly people so he can go fuck himself

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