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RageFuel Youtube > "Being ugly : My Experience"



Slowly fading away
Nov 8, 2017

Has had 2 girlfriends and one of them was his fuckbuddy & he claims to be ugly and have it bad. Fucking normie scum. He whitemogs me to dead
We didn't know about him.
Sounds eastern european, a lot easier to get girls there
im not watching this when was the part that he said he had 2 gfs?

Has had 2 girlfriends and one of them was his fuckbuddy & he claims to be ugly and have it bad. Fucking normie scum. He whitemogs me to dead

He's ugly as the dark, yet has managed to fuck a couple of foids. :horror:
He whitemogs me. He’s ugly, but he will slay among my people (Colombians)...those sluts will go for anything as long as he’s white and from a developed country
1 million views holy shit he blew up
He was smart enough to lie and say he fucked two girls. For the normies, he is not one of us and normal.
If he said he was an incel, they would have tried to doxx him.
Has had 2 girlfriends and one of them was his fuckbuddy
Not this guy again:reeeeee:

I bet he's either lying or he just got extremely lucky as there is no way that he mogs me, yet I've never even gotten an IOI. Maybe it's actually easier in Sweden, damn I hate the US even more now, fucking degenerate shithole.

I don't know what I did wrong, the foids I actually worked up the nerve to talk to were ethnic. Can't tell you how much I wish that I wasn't so socially defective. Can't even make friends, how am I going to get foids? Fuck. The socialcirclepill is tough to swallow.
The 5th thread about this attention whore already?
Sounds eastern european, a lot easier to get girls there
Excuse me, fuck you sir! I can tell you that it is nigh impossible to get a girl around here. At least for me.
Excuse me, fuck you sir! I can tell you that it is nigh impossible to get a girl around here. At least for me.

LOL fair enough. I apologise.
jfl 1 million people know about him. no doubt his close friends , relatives and everybody found out. It must be humiliating to even go out in public for him.

If he gets a good looking foid now , ill begin to have doubts about the blackpill :feelswhat:
I still haven't watched this video despite 6+ threads on it. Looked at the comments and it's literally all bluepilled saying he can be attractive with good haircut, gym and new glasses??? How do people believe this shit?
I still haven't watched this video despite 6+ threads on it. Looked at the comments and it's literally all bluepilled saying he can be attractive with good haircut, gym and new glasses??? How do people believe this shit?
Because they WANT to believe it. Deep down they probably don't.
Looked at the comments and it's literally all bluepilled saying he can be attractive with good haircut, gym and new glasses???
He might not get attractive by these things but still look a lot better than now. I think the tips are not bad.
Because they WANT to believe it. Deep down they probably don't.
It's just world delusion bullshit, nobody fucking chooses their circumstances.
Probably has a big penis tbh. At least now he’s statusmaxxing
yea wtf , propably betabux
I think he mentioned that he got treated "really badly" by girls. That means they weren't attracted to him. They basically used him.
For my mental sake I'm going to assume the foid's he banged were 2/10 Asians.
Dispite the fact hes had a g.f. or 2, he is ugly af. It's amazing he did have any sexual interactions but at least hes saying things that are true and forcing it in peoples faces. Not trying to be a soy boy to appease women and hide the truth.
It's crazy how many women r now interested in him after his rise to YouTube stardom.
I watched this video ages ago when it had like 10k views,
iirc he had to approach a fuckton and got treated like shit by his GF who was borderline anyway, he pretty incel
For my mental sake I'm going to assume the foid's he banged were 2/10 Asians.
There are no asians in Eastern Europe and If there were,they look exotic and could get 10/10 chads.
He is an attention whore. Why an ugly guy would make a video talking about being ugly?? The answer is simple: he is looking for attention and people saying "hey,you are not ugly!!".

Fuck him
If you go to 9.22 on the video, he'll talk about one of the two relationship he's had. I didn't bother watching the rest of it, but he was in an abusive relationship with a girl for 7 years (where they had sex etc.).

Look, I feel bad for this person and really hope things get better for him and he finds love again - but can people stop exaggerating everything about him as if no one has had it worse? There's people who've never even had friends before, forget even holding a girls hand. I'm happy with this guy that at least there are girls that find him attractive, and so I'm sure he'll find someone eventually - can't really say that for others.
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This is why jus b whyy... gets perpetuated.

Has had 2 girlfriends and one of them was his fuckbuddy & he claims to be ugly and have it bad. Fucking normie scum. He whitemogs me to dead

I have to admit I allowed myself a grim little smile when this fellow mentioned that he had previous romantic relationships. For all of his supposed ugliness, he's experienced something that I never will. Despite my cynicism, or precisely because of it, I expected nothing different. What can I say? There's something exhausting about having one's suspicions that he's really the last of his kind, the only truly unlovable and untouchable thing, affirmed and reaffirmed day after day, example after example. You wonder what makes you so much more terrible than everyone else, what makes you more repulsive than seemingly every other member of the human race. And then you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and once again, if only for just a little while, the mystery finds itself resolved.

But that's neither hear nor there, is it? And to be fair to our video's protagonist, the relationships he has had have been rife with infidelity and other nastiness. What would it be like to finally have a woman who was willing to endure your embrace only to be ashamed of the fact she submitted to it? How would it feel to hold someone beside you in the seclusion of nighttime only for them to disavow your existence in the daylight world? An abomination like myself spends its life in the dark places, seeking refuge from the light that serve as the enemy of all repulsive things. What would it be like to see a hint of light but never fully enter into it? As terrible as Hell may be, at the very least the damned are spared the empty hope they may someday escape its depths. Perdition pretending to be Purgatory must offer a special kind of misery and horror all its own.

The thing of it is, as fascinating as the situation of this fellow may be, far more intriguing are the responses he's received to his little video series. Scrolling through the comments section, I fully expected indignant shrieks of "entitlement" and the like, feverishly typed out by viewers scandalized and offended that an ugly man actually wanted to be desired and loved. That should make him a rapist, after all or, at the very least, someone with mentality of one who believes he has the right to a sexual experience despite the fact no one wants to provide it to him. Where it otherwise, he wouldn't be sad or hurt by his lack of such an experience because he would recognize he had no legitimate claim to it. Even worse, heretic that he is, this man dared recite lines from the supposedly poisonous gospel that fiends like ourselves have been preaching for years upon years. He was bold enough to suggest women have an easier time when it comes to securing a paramour, sentiments that have driven others to brand us wicked misogynists.

Much to my surprise, I didn't read mockery or abuse as I scrolled through the responses but endless expressions of support. Now, mind you, each and every one of them was facile: empty and worthless words of encouragement that will no more help this man than some prayer to a god that obviously despises him. I'm not certain whether the sickeningly saccharine nonsense offered up to him would be preferable to the vitriol that our kind receive, as I've no experience of it, but it was at the very least something different. What made this man so distinct from villains such as ourselves who have social media platforms dedicated to mocking and deriding us and journalists composing hit-pieces portraying us as terrorists and murderers desperately waiting for our opportunity to at long last shed blood?

I suspect part of the answer lies in the fact that as miserable and unhappy as this man is, at the very least he has had sexual relationships. A young unattractive man with a handful of romantic experiences, regardless of how unfortunately they ended, is infinitely more relatable than some repulsive old man who's never so much as shared a kiss. A wretched human being is something familiar while the misery of a monster is something else entirely, the kind of alien thing that actual people only experience hints of when they're asleep and in the throes of some nightmare.

Yet this is only part of the solution, isn't it? When all is said and done, our lonely, loveless videographer has taken pains to sanitize himself. He'll speak as monsters like ourselves, but he's made sure to wrench the fangs from his jaw before opening his mouth to do so. All of the wrath, all of the pain that drives the wounded beast to strike out, has been concealed behind a carefully constructed mask and what is essentially a roar has been muffled into an innocuous little whimper. Infernal Cerberus has been reduced to a sniveling, malformed puppy and, in their infinite mercy, the masses have condescended to coo to it rather than crush its head beneath their heels.

The anger of the unlovable is quite real, and it needn't be anger against a woman or women in general. Perhaps it's fury directed at Nature or Fate whose designs cursed the abomination with its hideous features. Or maybe it's an endless, burning resentment against Chaos or God. Take your pick, I suppose, depending on one's metaphysical bent. Regardless, wrath will always be the monster's most intimate familiar, the only spirit who will keep watch with him as he languishes alone in the dead of night. A thing beyond hope of being loved who claims it is no longer subject to the devils of wrath, an "incel of the light", is and will always be nothing more than a liar. Both men and monsters can sell their souls, they can barter their integrity, their dignity. Men who sign the pact surrender their humanity for promises of divinity never meant for them. When monsters do it they trade their pain, the only authentic thing remaining to them, for promises of a humanity they'll never truly experience.

As terrible as it is to be reviled, to be demonized and spit upon, being pitied is infinitely worse.
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at first I thought the video would be from a foid by the title of this thread, since only they love to complain about everything, especially “being ugly”.
Sounds eastern european, a lot easier to get girls there
Gigacope, EE are the same as western foids, all of them wait gigachads. Why do you think i'm posting here? Poland is hell it combines worst parts of both western and eastern world , you need both looks/height and loads of money/status.

He just got extremely lucky and managed to score those unicorn girls two times in row (jackpot) who did not care that much about his looks.
He only mogs me in these ways: Has had a girlfriend TWICE, has had sex, potentially taller than me, potentially larger penis than me.

Other than that i mog him. In terms of looks
His sex life probably consisted of him sucking his girlfrends boyfrends dick.He is just coping by saying he had sex. Just the way those "gfs" treated him proves it.
I still haven't watched this video despite 6+ threads on it. Looked at the comments and it's literally all bluepilled saying he can be attractive with good haircut, gym and new glasses??? How do people believe this shit?

I made a thread about him and even i wasnt able to watch more than the first minute lol. he's too subhuman
Eggy had sex too, pre Tinder era. I don’t know how old this guy is, but his sex might have been had before the dating app era. Incels could still get low self esteem bipolar landwhales then, now even landwhales can get men as easy as ordering takeout.
He whitemogs me. He’s ugly, but he will slay among my people (Colombians)...those sluts will go for anything as long as he’s white and from a developed country
Where in Colombia are you from?
Gigacope, EE are the same as western foids, all of them wait gigachads. Why do you think i'm posting here? Poland is hell it combines worst parts of both western and eastern world , you need both looks/height and loads of money/status.

He just got extremely lucky and managed to score those unicorn girls two times in row (jackpot) who did not care that much about his looks.

Yeah I guess I got it wrong. I always had this idea that EE was easier, since I knew some subhuman Serbian and Polish guys who managed to get good looking EE girls. But they were in their late 20's to 30's so other factors might be at play.

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