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Serious You're Bluepilled if you Don't Believe in the Dogpill



Jun 12, 2023
I'm not saying all foids fuck dogs, but a lot do, and there's far more foids who fuck dogs than unattractive men. I'd say about 25% of foids have gotten fucked at least once by their dog, it's why they're so obsessed with them.
No they don't. 99% of toilets aren't into animals and the ones who are prefer horses
The dogpill is so brutal that even normies are aware of it.
I'm not saying all foids fuck dogs, but a lot do, and there's far more foids who fuck dogs than unattractive men. I'd say about 25% of foids have gotten fucked at least once by their dog, it's why they're so obsessed with them.

When a dog mogs you, you know it's over.
Most women don't fuck dogs, but enough do to where it's disturbing.

I'd say like 5% would rather take their dog's knot in their holes and stinky tongue they lick their ass with then ever acknowledge you.
Notice how all the GrAYs are denying this:lul::lul:.
Most women don't fuck dogs, but enough do to where it's disturbing.

I'd say like 5% would rather take their dog's knot in their holes and stinky tongue they lick their ass with then ever acknowledge you.
Your avi is so hot where is it from?
I'm currently doing one of the hardest engineer courses while you are trying to pass by an intellectual.
You're white trash, engineering courses are no where near the hardest.
I'm not saying all foids fuck dogs, but a lot do, and there's far more foids who fuck dogs than unattractive men. I'd say about 25% of foids have gotten fucked at least once by their dog, it's why they're so obsessed with them.
nah wdym 25% ur crazy :feelskek:
most women dont get fucked by their dog be realistic
No they don't. 99% of toilets aren't into animals and the ones who are prefer horses
Most women don't fuck dogs, but enough do to where it's disturbing.

I'd say like 5% would rather take their dog's knot in their holes and stinky tongue they lick their ass with then ever acknowledge you.
bluepilled and dumb as shit
JFl at parents having a daughter and a dog
Her first kiss must have been with a dog and not chad
White women do it
I'm not saying all foids fuck dogs, but a lot do, and there's far more foids who fuck dogs than unattractive men. I'd say about 25% of foids have gotten fucked at least once by their dog, it's why they're so obsessed with them.

That's a contradiction. The dogpill is the blue pill. All foids are bluepilled, it's a foidpill. If you whitepill a dog it tastes blue. All dogs live to eat and fuck but they can only fuck what they eat. You can actually proper bluepill a dog but first you have to beat it till it loves you. :bluepill::bluepill:
Foids are closer to animals than they are to men, thus naturally they're more inclined towards being attracted to dogs and horses

Whisper a whitepill epistle to a dog and it'll immediately piss all over the place and sit on the carpet and try dragging it's cunt around the room by it's front paws.
I think they can still be blackpilled but they don't understand the gravity of the situation.

Even though dogpill has some comedic elements to it I can say with a hand on my heart and another one on the holy bible that I believe with my full conscience that at least a decent chunk of women would rather let their dogs go down on them than have sex with a sub 5 man. Srs.

Even if the women who fuck dogs are the 0,001% of dog owners it's still an infinitely larger number than the women who are into truly ugly men which is absolute ZERO. Fido can find its niece but you? You are finished.
I'm not going to deny that it does happen because I've seen videos but it was such a long time ago I brushed it off and took it as a one off thing.
I'm not saying all foids fuck dogs, but a lot do, and there's far more foids who fuck dogs than unattractive men. I'd say about 25% of foids have gotten fucked at least once by their dog, it's why they're so obsessed with them.
I generally disagree. I would put the number of foids who are legitimately "messing" around with dogs sexually at maybe 2-3% of the world's foid population. And furthermore, the percentage of foids who might succeed at having full "penisary contact" with a male dog is far less, maybe like 1 out of the 100 retarded toilets that try. So less than 0.1% of the attempting population of foids. Dogs penises are attached to their stomachs so I'm not sure how that would even work. Thats what I think anyway...idk..
Tagged and answered.
Dude what sort of low IQ retard shit is this supposed to imply? Lmao. Some girls touch and kiss dogs. I have a female dog, and I kiss her on the nose, does that mean fat ugly bitches are to assume that if you provide a few photos of Incels cuddling with their dog it means they are having sex with dogs? This lowers the discussion level of the forum to weird levels but okay. I still say that it should not be a problem we worry about if a few foids do weird shit with dogs. Btw, I don't think the first two photos is weird or wrong or unfair to us AT ALL. The third video is a bit..idk..intimate but, whatever why do you care?
Dude what sort of low IQ retard shit is this supposed to imply?
I'm not trying to "imply" things.
Dogpill is proven fact so there's nothing to "imply", we are way beyond implying, we already know that the dogpill is a fact, so I don't now what you want from me.

I have a female dog, and I kiss her on the nose
Disgusting. That dog had its nose up in other dogs ass and you're kissing it, bah. :feelspuke:

I still say that it should not be a problem we worry about if a few foids do weird shit with dogs.
Facts stay facts, no matter if you worry about them or not. Just stfu and go away if you don't care about girls letting dogs lick their vaginas, we do care and we won't be silent about this disgusting behavior.


I'm not trying to "imply" things.
Dogpill is proven fact so there's nothing to "imply", we are way beyond implying, we already know that the dogpill is a fact, so I don't now what you want from me.
Record is broken again.
Disgusting. That dog had its nose up in other dogs ass and you're kissing it, bah. :feelspuke:.
Not on the opening of the nose, on the muzzle. My dogs don't have their noses up any other dogs asses, I make sure of that as much as possible. I don't allow them to play much with dogs other then themselves and I know where they have been the entire time.
Facts stay facts, no matter if you worry about them or not. Just stfu and go away if you don't care about girls letting dogs lick their vaginas, we do care and we won't be silent about this disgusting behavior.


View attachment 789454
I've seen these same pics and vid so many times from people. To me it's no different than saying that "Aliens are abducting cows and anal probing people and therefore we Incels need to fear or be concerned with alien abduction". We are ugly, we don't get pretty foid (like the one in your first photo) mostly because we are ugly. If we weren't we would, so regardless of whatever the fuck nonsense you think some foids are doing with a few dogs I don't care, it's irrelevant, it's moot. This is completely absurd and tiring and I don't have much else to add bro.
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To me it's no different than saying that "Aliens are abducting cows and anal probing people and therefore we Incels need to fear or be concerned with alien abduction". We are ugly, we don't get pretty foid (like the one in your first photo) mostly because we are ugly. If we weren't we would, so regardless of whatever the fuck nonsense you think some foids are doing with a few dogs I don't care, it's irrelevant, it's moot. This is completely absurd and tiring and I don't have much else to add bro.
You are completely retarded.
There is no evidence which suggests that aliens are abducting and anal probing people while there is plenty of evidence that girls have sexual fantasies and intimacy with dogs. So your whole post makes zero sense.

I also don't "think" that the dogpill is real, I KNOW that it is because it has already been PROVEN. Many girls admitted it, some even went to jail for it.
You bluepilled bitch can cry as much as you want, nothing will change this fact.

If you don't care about it, good, shut the fuck up and go away then, bitch. But we can and will talk about it as much as we want.
You are completely retarded.
There is no evidence which suggests that aliens are abducting and anal probing people while there is plenty of evidence that girls have sexual fantasies and intimacy with dogs. So your whole post makes zero sense.
OMG. This is absurd. Yes maybe a few foids have some weird thoughts and behaviors with dogs, but it makes ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE TO OUR SITUATION(s). I will tell you why, because regardless of a few dog foids, there much bigger things that are broken which stand in our way. It's a waste of time be try and pluck some leaves off a tree that is obstructing a view of you can't cut off the entire trunk.
I also don't "think" that the dogpill is real, I KNOW that it is because it has already been PROVEN.
Kek. You and this word "proven" have an interesting relationship.
Many girls admitted it, some even went to jail for it.
Because a few malfunctioning girls lick dogs, doesn't mean anything on the larger scale. It's so weird that you (and others) have gotten this idea embedded deep into the soft tissues of your brain. There is no buisness I have left in debunking it for someone who won't listen. Regardless, other users have been much more reasonable about it. Many users understand what we anti-dogpill folks are saying and I'm content with that, so I don't care what you believe etc.
You bluepilled bitch can cry as much as you want, nothing will change this fact.
Yeah yeah. It's not me crying it's YOU. About dogpill. I am at peace brother.
If you don't care about it, good, shut the fuck up and go away then.
Why would I go away? This isn't your thread and the OP @Intellectual and even others are not butthurt about dissenting opinions. It's YOU who is the cry baby.
bitch. But we can and will talk about it as much as we want.
The fuck. Where did I say don't go talk about it? You can do whatever the hell you wish. I simply said (and only to YOU because you don't know how to have a conversation) that I don't have anything else to add.
The majority of female dog owners have small dogs so I doubt they're fucking them since a shih tzu or some other little vermin wouldn't be able to penetrate them so I think the number is lower than that but the vast majority of women with large dogs definitely fuck them.
OMG. This is absurd. Yes maybe a few foids have some weird thoughts and behaviors with dogs, but it makes ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE TO OUR SITUATION(s). I will tell you why, because regardless of a few dog foids, there much bigger things that are broken which stand in our way. It's a waste of time be try and pluck some leaves off a tree that is obstructing a view of you can't cut off the entire trunk.
Nobody cares if it makes a difference or not, so your whole blabber is pointless. lol.

Because a few malfunctioning girls lick dogs, doesn't mean anything on the larger scale.
Nobody cares if it means something on the larger scale. Nobody cares how much girls are doing it.
There ARE girls who are doing it, that's all that matters.

There is no buisness I have left in debunking it for someone who won't listen.
Yes, you have no business trying to "debunk" facts.
I listened to your stuff, but it was a waste of time.

Yeah yeah. It's not me crying it's YOU. About dogpill. I am at peace brother.
You don't seem at peace when I see you bitching like a little crybaby under every dogpill post ...

Why would I go away? This isn't your thread and the OP @Intellectual and even others are not butthurt about dissenting opinions. It's YOU who is the cry baby.
Because you said you don't care. People who don't care about something usually don't bother with it.
You do seem to care quite alot, looking at how much you're bitching about a topic you don't care about.

The fuck. Where did I say don't go talk about it?
In every dogpill thread so far.
You're always talking about how unimportant and irrelevant the dogpill is as if we shouldn't talk about it.
Nobody cares if it makes a difference or not, so your whole blabber is pointless. lol.
So it means that this is just a fucking masturbation for you. You don't even care if it makes a difference to Inceldom, you just want blabber and be emo about it. Fair enough, just be honest about that don't disguise it.
Nobody cares if it means something on the larger scale. Nobody cares how much girls are doing it.
There ARE girls who are doing it, that's all that matters.
Yeah and I should have added above: You are nobody to use the word "nobody" as though you speak for everybody. In reality you speak for yourself.
Yes, you have no business trying to "debunk" facts.
I listened to your stuff, but it was a waste of time.
I have every business debunking or claiming what I want. "Facts" lol. You use that term so loosely, like liquid diarrhoea "facts muh facts". It not a fact. A few stupid toilets fondling a dog is not relevant to the big problem that low smv men suffer from, and no amount of you launching insults at me is going to change that. It's beyond you and I.
You don't seem at peace when I see you bitching like a little crybaby under every dogpill post.
There probably a hundred dog pill posts on his site I've never seen or replied to.
Because you said you don't care. People who don't care about something usually don't bother with it.
You do seem to care quite alot, looking at how much you're bitching about a topic you don't care about.
No dude. I state my opinion to people who can handle it or to people who tag me and ask my opinion on it. There are several users in the threads you and I have been fighting in who are a much better example of gentlemen-like users who ask my opinion, revert to my comment or accept my commentary MUCH better than you. Even if I disagree with their position. You are a Krauss asshole. So I reply in kind. That's all there is to it.
In every dogpill thread so far.
You're always talking about how unimportant and irrelevant the dogpill is as if we shouldn't talk about it.
Broken fuckin record.
every dogpill thread so far.
You're always talking about how unimportant and irrelevant the dogpill is as if we shouldn't talk about it.
Never seen him talk about his experiences as an incel or whine, only seen him vehemently deny dogpill and get into fights with everyone, i doubt he is an incel, probably a normie .
They'll notice when their oneitis gets railed by their German Shepard lol
What if my oneitis only has a chihuahua? For your 25% to be true there would need to be at least 25% of women with dogs that are big enough to physically have sex with a human. Yet a lot of women have cats, and a lot of women have tiny dogs. Big dogs are more popular among men tbh.
What if my oneitis only has a chihuahua? For your 25% to be true there would need to be at least 25% of women with dogs that are big enough to physically have sex with a human. Yet a lot of women have cats, and a lot of women have tiny dogs. Big dogs are more popular among men tbh.
Yep. Most toilets keep toy breeds.
Zoophile finally comes out of closet.
Which drugs are you snorting? Delhi dynamite crack?
Never seen him talk about his experiences as an incel or whine, only seen him vehemently deny dogpill and get into fights with everyone, i doubt he is an incel, probably a normie .
Lmao. Why would I talk about my personel experiences with you? Plenty of people here know them, we PM and I have spoken all over the forum regarding them. Usually quality posters don't go having verbal diarrhea all over the forum buddy. There are quite a few members whom I have discords with and comment with. You are a sissy commie bastard, fine but don't ask me to be like you. Also yeah dogpill = brownpill imo.
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Which drugs are you snorting? Delhi dynamite crack?

Lmao. Why would I talk about my personel experiences with you? Plenty of people here know them, we PM and I have spoken all over the forum regarding them. Usually quality posters don't go having verbal diarrhea all over the forum buddy. There are quite a few members whom I have discords with and comment with. You are a sissy commie bastard, fine but don't ask me to be like you. Also yeah dogpill = brownpill imo.
Facts don't care about your filthy dogs .
A subsequent study of "highly intelligent women" conducted in 1974 by psychologist Manfred F. DeMartino found that 7% of the sample admitted to having engaged in various forms of sexual activity with animals, primarily with dogs
Miletski (2002) reported that 87% of males and 100% of females who reported any sexual contacts with animals reported dogs as their non-human sexual partner. Further, both Beetz (cited in Beetz 2005) and Williams and Weinberg (2003) reported dogs as the most common recurring animals
WSU research showed that across 144 cultures, dogs that interacted with women were 220% more likely to be treated like people, with women more likely to have a dog "sleeping alongside them" than men

Even though these figures might sound low, people have, on average, 600 acquaintances,[28] meaning it is quite possible that everyone has encountered at least one woman who has had sexual intercourse with a dog. Since only 44% of U.S. citizens own a dog,[29] the prevalence of such sex acts is likely around twice as high among dog owners.
Facts don't care about your filthy dogs .
What? Lol
A subsequent study of "highly intelligent women" conducted in 1974 by psychologist Manfred F. DeMartino found that 7% of the sample admitted to having engaged in various forms of sexual activity with animals, primarily with dogs
Miletski (2002) reported that 87% of males and 100% of females who reported any sexual contacts with animals reported dogs as their non-human sexual partner. Further, both Beetz (cited in Beetz 2005) and Williams and Weinberg (2003) reported dogs as the most common recurring animals
WSU research showed that across 144 cultures, dogs that interacted with women were 220% more likely to be treated like people, with women more likely to have a dog "sleeping alongside them" than men.
First of all this 220% figure from Williams and Weinberg says "sleeping along side them" and "treated like people". Yes many people value the companionship of canines more than people, because as you very well know, people are fucked up and so naturally Man bonds with animal easier without any cultural malfunctioning screwing up the interaction. This isn't shocking or new and nobody needs statistics to understand this aspect of human behavior. The room for this bonding has probably been present ever since Man domesticated the canine and probably even before that since upright walking homo-erectus was hunting and walking along side wolf and then canine for some 4000 years or so before civilization really took off. The deviation of this aspect of bonding into some foids doing weird sexual behavior with canines is likely much more recent. What I do know is that to consider this a major problem for Inceldom is just a big waste of time and energy. That's my opinion.
Even though these figures might sound low, people have, on average, 600 acquaintances,[28] meaning it is quite possible that everyone has encountered at least one woman who has had sexual intercourse with a dog. Since only 44% of U.S. citizens own a dog,[29] the prevalence of such sex acts is likely around twice as high among dog owners.
@K9Otaku - he's quoting "high level dog academia" now. Oh fuck. Whatever will we do? :feelskek:
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Nobody cares if it makes a difference or not, so your whole blabber is pointless. lol.

Nobody cares if it means something on the larger scale. Nobody cares how much girls are doing it.
There ARE girls who are doing it, that's all that matters.

Yes, you have no business trying to "debunk" facts.
I listened to your stuff, but it was a waste of time.

You don't seem at peace when I see you bitching like a little crybaby under every dogpill post ...

Because you said you don't care. People who don't care about something usually don't bother with it.
You do seem to care quite alot, looking at how much you're bitching about a topic you don't care about.

In every dogpill thread so far.
You're always talking about how unimportant and irrelevant the dogpill is as if we shouldn't talk about it.
Facts don't care about your filthy dogs .
A subsequent study of "highly intelligent women" conducted in 1974 by psychologist Manfred F. DeMartino found that 7% of the sample admitted to having engaged in various forms of sexual activity with animals, primarily with dogs
Miletski (2002) reported that 87% of males and 100% of females who reported any sexual contacts with animals reported dogs as their non-human sexual partner. Further, both Beetz (cited in Beetz 2005) and Williams and Weinberg (2003) reported dogs as the most common recurring animals
WSU research showed that across 144 cultures, dogs that interacted with women were 220% more likely to be treated like people, with women more likely to have a dog "sleeping alongside them" than men

Even though these figures might sound low, people have, on average, 600 acquaintances,[28] meaning it is quite possible that everyone has encountered at least one woman who has had sexual intercourse with a dog. Since only 44% of U.S. citizens own a dog,[29] the prevalence of such sex acts is likely around twice as high among dog owners.
Here are final thoughts for you two bone heads:

1. Ugly men are ugly.

2. Ugly men are culturally malfunctioning.

3. Pretty women are attracted to good looking men.

4. Pretty women and good looking men are ALSO culturally malfunctioning.

In a time where so many people are culturally malfunctioning it doesn't fucking matter that a few foids do stupid sexual shit with a few dogs. And anyone who insists that points 1-4 aren't a bigger problem, worthy of time and discussion, than say, a few weird toilets who do weird sexual things with their dogs is wasting time, effort and energy on something so insignificant to the bigger problems and thus are fostering even more cultural malfunction so it's a perplexing absurdity. Of course anyone who wishes to do so may continue to do so, but I will not yield the previously mentioned posture.
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So it means that this is just a fucking masturbation for you. You don't even care if it makes a difference to Inceldom, you just want blabber and be emo about it. Fair enough, just be honest about that don't disguise it.
You don't decide what people can or can't talk about on this forum, little man.

Yeah and I should have added above: You are nobody to use the word "nobody" as though you speak for everybody. In reality you speak for yourself.
You don't decide what words I can or can't use, you little nobody.

A few stupid toilets fondling a dog is not relevant to the big problem that low smv men suffer from
It's relevant to the dogpill, because it proves it to be true.

Never seen him talk about his experiences as an incel or whine, only seen him vehemently deny dogpill and get into fights with everyone, i doubt he is an incel, probably a normie .
He gets into fights so much because he is bluepilled and a freak.
-> bluepilled, denying basic blackpill 101 (dogpill)
-> obsessed with and living out his sexuality with dogs (freak, male equivalent of the crazy cat lady)
-> extremely religious cultist, sees "religion" in everything (freak, disconnected from reality)
-> non-incel (admitted he had a "former life where non-paid intimacy with a foid was part of it)

Why mods don't ban this nigger is beyond me.
He was already rightfully permabanned once, but for some reason (which he of course wont' reveal, lol) he got unbanned again. My guess is that he paid money.

it doesn't fucking matter that a few foids do stupid sexual shit with a few dogs.
Are you fucking retarded? I told you 3 times already: it doesn't matter that it doesn't matter, it's there so we talk about it. Fullstop.
Don't mind me- just watching all these keyboard warriors going at one another :feelscomfy: :feelsPop:.
Lmao. Why would I talk about my personel experiences with you?
Then what do you do here anyway? To shit on others? Fuck off normie i bet you enjoy reading incels whinning and suffering.
That's my opinion
That's what it is, your worthless opinion without any scientific or academic backing, dogpill is omnipresent, 7% of all foids have been railed in every hole by a dog, dogs have had more success with foids than even chads do.
anyone who insists
Who that fuck is denying blackpill you dumbass nigger? Acknowledging dogpill is not equal to negation of other blackpill beliefs you dense fuck. Your post was nonsensical.
obsessed with and living out his sexuality with dogs (freak, male equivalent of the crazy cat lady)

I think he's a zoophile, only a zoophile will deny dogpill because he has so much to benefit from it.

non-incel (admitted he had a "former life where non-paid intimacy with a foid was part of it)
No wonder I've never seen him talk about his inceldom because he was never one to began with. Why do we allow such retards on this forum is beyond me, nigger will try to defend the most bluepilled shit no matter the thread.

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