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Blackpill You're a cuck if you admire Hitler and his chad ideal Aryan man

  • Thread starter Deleted member 21760
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Deleted member 21760

Deleted member 21760

A 25 year old KHHTSLPTV
Oct 12, 2019
I don't give a fuck if a 6'2, 7/10 psl German, Anglo-Saxon or Norwegian admires Hitler and worship the Nordic chad race. But an incel aka an Untermensch who likes Hitler and his chad Waffen soldiers, you're nothing but a miserable piece of shit who deserves to be killed with other ugly people such as the Gypsies and the Jews. An incel is by definition a subhuman even if you have blue eyes and blond hair. As an ugly dude I feel closer to Gypsies, Jews and other ugly people that Hitler hated and wanted to exterminate from the face of earth. If you're going to tell me that Hitler is a good boy because he wanted to make all people beautiful and healthy, I'm gonna tell you that you're a cuck and a stupid subhuman because even if he succed to kill all subhuman races (and who knows maybe he had the intention to exterminate ugly people as well because the guy was a fervent partisan of eugenics...) there is no doubt that he couldn't exterminate the future ugly people in the next generations. You cannot control who is ugly and who's beautiful. As an incel who suffers daily from foids and chads, I'm with the complete extermination of all CHADS and chadlites and with enslavement of all foids and with the equal distribution of foids to all males.
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Uh oh, ur gonna trigger the altrightcels with this one
I've noticed many alt right and white supremicist groups look very little like the aryan chads they worship. They are like noodle whores with their self hate. It is no wonder they frequently date and marry noodles.
I can already hear the marching of the Stormcels.


watch out!!1
I've noticed many alt right and white supremicist groups look very little like the aryan chads they worship. They are like noodle whores with their self hate. It is no wonder they frequently date and marry noodles.
Everyone has his own way of coping with the brutal reality of being a worthless subhuman (at least in the eyes of foids) but after discovering the holy blackpill, incels should abandon such ideologies because they're by nature against them and their interests.
Only a delusional person will believe Aryans looked like Nordic.
Nazism Isnt about worshiping aryans
Hitler was a stupid peasant tbh
It should have been Hitler and Himmler who first should have been sent to concentration camps because they were looked nowhere like their ideal Nordic people.
over for aryancels
It should have been Hitler and Himmler who first should have sent to concentration camps because they were nowhere looked like their ideal nordic people.
They were ugly as fuck. All of them, Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, Goering looked ugly as hell. Their place is here among us.
Hitler was based, blonde people were in his administration's propaganda for the same reason they're in advertisement now, or were anyway until shit got more diversified
They were ugly as fuck. All of them, Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, Goering looked ugly as hell. Their place is here among us.

The jews, the Gypsies and the non-Nordic looking slavs were only the first step in his plan.
True. Himmler looked Hapa lol. Funny Hitler considered Slavs less Aryans than Germans but genetically speaking, Slavs have more Aryan ancestry than Germans.
Hitler was based, blonde people were in his administration's propaganda for the same reason they're in advertisement now, or were anyway until shit got more diversified
What do you expect to gain from Nazism and its bullshit theories as an ugly male?
If hitler won mengele and other doctors would have pushed genetic engineering using humans hard. If hitler won i would be a tall masculine Aryan and facially goodlooking. Facial looks are also determined by environmental factors they would help with. The non aryans wouldnt have been killed back then this isnt how it wouldve worked out. This thread is complete garbage.

Coming from someone who isnt a stormfrontcel
If hitler won mengele and other doctors would have pushed genetic engineering using humans hard. If hitler won i would be a tall masculine Aryan and facially goodlooking. Facial looks are also determined by environmental factors they would help with. The non aryans wouldnt have been killed back then this isnt how it wouldve worked out. This thread is complete garbage.

Coming from someone who isnt a stormfrontcel
Probably, after winning the war, Hitler would kill all ugly people left and thus you wouldn't exist at all (usually ugly people have ugly ancestors). The guy as you know was very crazy about eugenics
That 6'4 blonde Arian super soldier """gola""" of Hitler's was just allie propaganda.
Just look at Hitler and the guys surrounding him, none of them matched this description.
Probably, after winning the war, Hitler would kill all ugly people left and thus you wouldn't exist at all (usually ugly people have ugly ancestors). The guy as you know was very crazy about eugenics
Hitler would have needed them to create the infrastructure and maintain it after taking over Europe. Genetic modifications in the womb would have been reality after a few decades.
you're a cuck and a stupid subhuman because even if he succed to kill all subhuman races

I would retort that cuckoldry is not a good term here. Unlike individualist Christians, I try to think in terms of populations, races - and there, the place for now-incels can be found.

And on another note, what you are missing is that not all modern incels are ugly or dumb. I would most definitely be a normie if I lived in the 18th century - with a marriage arranged by my parents, strong social connections and the right to beat my wife (who cannot survive without me as she has no property rights or divorce rights).

You just don't get it that being an incel in modern society is a badge of honour. The lemmings are jumping off a cliff. Their scorn is music to my ears.
As incel, being obsessed with Hitler (and his eugenics policy) is not much better than straight out Chad worship.
most of the head of the nsdap were blackpilled incels that wanted to put an end to the suffering that comes with being subhuman. It's not out of spite that they sterilized alcoholics, low IQ asocial retards and people born with birth defects. It was to prevent those genes from being passed on to the next generation and spare a whole lot of suffering in the process. The nazis didn't put everyone that didn't fit the 6'2 blond blue eyed chad category into camps lol, such treatment was mostly for political dissidents, jews and other racial aliens. Besides, the most emphasized trait of their eugenic policy was intelligence, aesthetics were considered secondary. How anyone can call themselves blackpilled and not at least slightly sympathize with national socialists is beyond me
They were ugly as fuck. All of them, Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, Goering looked ugly as hell. Their place is here among us.

non-fat Goering wasn't ugly. The other ones were ugly however.
most of the head of the nsdap were blackpilled incels that wanted to put an end to the suffering that comes with being subhuman. It's not out of spite that they sterilized alcoholics, low IQ asocial retards and people born with birth defects. It was to prevent those genes from being passed on to the next generation and spare a whole lot of suffering in the process. The nazis didn't put everyone that didn't fit the 6'2 blond blue eyed chad category into camps lol, such treatment was mostly for political dissidents, jews and other racial aliens. Besides, the most emphasized trait of their eugenic policy was intelligence, aesthetics were considered secondary. How anyone can call themselves blackpilled and not at least slightly sympathize with national socialists is beyond me


Its the Jewish Christ insane slave morality "values" that is what has produced suffering people like us and continues to foment the creation of people like us and even worse off suffering people all the while making Dr. Kevorkian physician assisted suicide illegal to prevent people like us and worse off from ending our suffering with dignity.

The Holohoax was either severely exaggerated in number totals or a complete outright lie.

Over in Europe they revise the famous stone hoax plaque death total count of Jews in the hoax practically all the time.

Occam's Razor seems to most likely point to the entire thing being a hoax to justify the Jew's stealing of Palestine and blood libelling of their hated and most dangerous enemy (since we tend to see through them for what they really are ie a race of psychopaths posing as a religious order) the white race to make us feel guilt over imagined crimes and help them to genocide ourselves off the face of the earth through either racial mixing or fighting and possibly dying in one of their many illegal middle eastern wars.

Anyway supporting National Socialism is simply common sense for sane whites since we are quite obviously under attack first and foremost from Jewish psychopaths and secondly their non white hordes who are too low IQ to see that the Jew's are their enemy too and are only using them as a pawn against us and once they get rid of whites the Jews will no longer play nice with the "colored brother".
Enjoying ZOG rule are you?
I used to nazicope but over it now.

Rage allegiance is a very dumb cope. There are millions of foids your race and none of them cares the least about you, let alone about giving continuity to your race through breeding with you enough to pick you over a better-looking guy of a different race.

That said, the fact whites are slowly dying is sad because they're both the best-looking and most accomplished race. We can expect uglier and dumber people in the future.

If no young white girls existed anymore, I would pretty much be a volcel. I mean, they're not the only ones I wanna fuck, but I want to fuck them much more intensely than any other type of foid.
I used to nazicope but over it now.

Rage allegiance is a very dumb cope. There are millions of foids your race and none of them cares the least about you, let alone about giving continuity to your race through breeding with you enough to pick you over a better-looking guy of a different race.

That said, the fact whites are slowly dying is sad because they're both the best-looking and most accomplished race. We can expect uglier and dumber people in the future.

If no young white girls existed anymore, I would pretty much be a volcel. I mean, they're not the only ones I wanna fuck, but I want to fuck them much more intensely than any other type of foid.
We need zoomer nationalism ngl. The national socialists of the post ww1 era constructed a framework designed to deal with the immediate problems their race was confronted with. Now, while the root of the problem remains the same as it did back then, we also have other problems such as crippling hypergamy, which will disrupt societal function at all levels in the near future should it remain unaddressed, that needs to be actively combatted should any form of civilization exist at all. We also have access to more knowledge regarding female nature which of course has to be taken into consideration when evaluating what the true role of women in whatever society we wish to create should be. It seems though that the National Socialists, while not correct on everything, outlined a solid foundation to further build on
Europe was mostly white during that time. Hitler wanted to prevent invasion of ethnics.
I don't think he killed people because they were ugly, though. He would've killed Goebbels, Himmler and Goering as well if that's the case. Bullshit Thread is bullshit tbh.
Hitler is dead
Unless you're German, there's no reason to admire German nationalists.

-Former neonazi, current racist antisemite American nationalist
I used to nazicope but over it now.

Rage allegiance is a very dumb cope. There are millions of foids your race and none of them cares the least about you, let alone about giving continuity to your race through breeding with you enough to pick you over a better-looking guy of a different race.

That said, the fact whites are slowly dying is sad because they're both the best-looking and most accomplished race. We can expect uglier and dumber people in the future.

If no young white girls existed anymore, I would pretty much be a volcel. I mean, they're not the only ones I wanna fuck, but I want to fuck them much more intensely than any other type of foid.
People wether they are white or brown or yellow are becoming dumber and dumber every fucking day. European is a synonym for beautiful, that's true. But I don't give a shit about white going extinct because most of those who bullied me and treated me like shit were white/caucasian. There are non-white who are beautiful such as some Arabs, Turks, Iranians and I know I know beauty in these populations is the exception not the norm but yeah they're still technically speaking the same race as White people.
Eugenics is beneficial for us.
Not for us... but for the future incels who aren't born yet.
Yes, that is what I actually mean. No more Incels if Eugenics is set in place, castrating both men and women with low quality genetics.
Yes, that is what I actually mean. No more Incels if Eugenics is set in place, castrating both men and women with low quality genetics.
I didn't mean that tbh. I meant if you're ugly and manlet and richcel don't reproduce because there are high chances your sons (not daughters) are gonna suffer more than you. You know female standards won't have limits... I meant people who have children must make everything possible to make their kids look attractive for example sports, mewing, orthodonic and cosmetic surgeries if they're a necessity. Keep in mind that good looking people can give birth to an incel child...
Pretty sure Hitler was nicer guy than faggots who make noise during night
I don't like hitler or nazis but i like the idea of being exterminated ngl i'm too scared to kill myself tbh
Ngl sometimes when I watch ww2 documentaries I root for the Germans as underdogs and get sad when they lose
Worship of beauty is universal. Nazi ideals are just the racialized, nationalized worship of beauty.
Uh oh, ur gonna trigger the altrightcels with this one
Worship of beauty is universal. Nazi ideals are just the racialized, nationalized worship of beauty.
Tbh foids do it all the time. They worship Aryan chad just like nazis do only foids aren’t called out for it and are instead praised for it because “Wahmen can do no wrong”
If you're an incel you would be at the bottom of the nazi regime.
I wish Hitler was alive so he could take my anal virginity while giving a Nazi salute
The earliest cultural Aryans.

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