I'll risk getting lots of disaproval from our community for what I'm about to say to you, but I'll do it anyway for your sake because I wish someone had told me that when I was your age:
Approach. Approach like there's no tomorrow. You're statistically in your phisical prime right now and this is your very last chance to legally get prime females, with whom you can experience the pinnacle of sex and love. Read PUA shit if you need to, but don't believe for a single second in secret techniques and magic spells: Just act socially accecptably and focus on the numbers. Approach a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand before throwing the towel. Numbers game is your best bet.
Go to places like daily open air events, events in other schools, conventions, those ae the best venues in my experience. Also don't hesitate for a minute to get the help of alcohol if you need to.