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LifeFuel Your stories of denying foids their pussy pass



Jun 30, 2018
Please share. Here's mine, to begin with.

I was waiting in line at a club bathroom when a couple of post-wall, drunk foids stormed in cackling and being loud and degenerate. They said that the women's bathroom was too full so they should be allowed to use the male bathroom. The entitlement doesn't end there because they started cutting in line and all these beta cucks just let them. There was only one guy in front of me so I asked him if he wass going to use the cabin or the urinal. He said urinal so when those whores came up to me, I said that I'm going to go in the cabin first because I came first. They were visibly annoyed and surprised. They started trying to shame me, asking me why I'm afraid of using the urinal. That I'm embarrassed of taking out my teenie weenie in front of them. I said that they should fuck off. (Note: I was only able to pull this shit in a club because I'm tall. Manlets should be careful in these kinds of situations because white knights are known to be psychos.) Anyways, when the guy came out of the cabin is when the real satisfaction came, because the foids were honestly not expecting that I would physically block them from entering the cabin before me. I heard them yell "papučar" behind me which basically translates to cuck in English. Yeah, sure, I'm the cuck, not the guys who let them cut in line (who were, as well, much younger than these post-wall foids).

Later on in the club, the louder one of the cunts (of course) approached me and started talking shit. How could I do that, how can I have such little respect, she's a woman, she's old enough to be my mother, blah blah. I responded to every single thing she said with "I don't care". Must've said that 15 times. Eventually she left me alone, but I was left with a very sweet memory from that night.
Girls used to try cut infront of me when I was in school lunch line, and all the cucked betas used to love letting them do it. Every time I'd let guys get into the line behind me if I was ahead in the line, but when girls came over we collectively kept them out.
I refuse to hold doors for women.

That's about it
How tall are you?

too beta and high inhib to make another person feel uncomfortable, whether they're a man or femoid.
Please share. Here's mine, to begin with.

I was waiting in line at a club bathroom when a couple of post-wall, drunk foids stormed in cackling and being loud and degenerate. They said that the women's bathroom was too full so they should be allowed to use the male bathroom. The entitlement doesn't end there because they started cutting in line and all these beta cucks just let them. There was only one guy in front of me so I asked him if he wass going to use the cabin or the urinal. He said urinal so when those whores came up to me, I said that I'm going to go in the cabin first because I came first. They were visibly annoyed and surprised. They started trying to shame me, asking me why I'm afraid of using the urinal. That I'm embarrassed of taking out my teenie weenie in front of them. I said that they should fuck off. (Note: I was only able to pull this shit in a club because I'm tall. Manlets should be careful in these kinds of situations because white knights are known to be psychos.) Anyways, when the guy came out of the cabin is when the real satisfaction came, because the foids were honestly not expecting that I would physically block them from entering the cabin before me. I heard them yell "papučar" behind me which basically translates to cuck in English. Yeah, sure, I'm the cuck, not the guys who let them cut in line (who were, as well, much younger than these post-wall foids).

Later on in the club, the louder one of the cunts (of course) approached me and started talking shit. How could I do that, how can I have such little respect, she's a woman, she's old enough to be my mother, blah blah. I responded to every single thing she said with "I don't care". Must've said that 15 times. Eventually she left me alone, but I was left with a very sweet memory from that night.

You fucking misogynist how could you be so entitled as to think the men's bathroom was for men or that because you waited longer you should go first. The reason you're incel is you're too ENTITLED don't you know? Not like women ....
My brother's gf likes to ask for shit and is entitled as fuck. I refuse every request unless I owe her something or if it's common courtesy I extend to everyone.
The basics: no holding doors, not helping them reach stuff, dont pick up things for them that they dropped, not letting them cut in lines
That's some nice story OP. :lul:

But I'm a cuck so I don't have any good funny relatable content to share at the moment. :feelsbadman:
How tall are you?

too beta and high inhib to make another person feel uncomfortable, whether they're a man or femoid.
6'2, which is only slightly above average in my country, but enough if you want to act tough. But I think I look intimaditing in a psychotic sort of way. Once my classmates showed me a guy they said was my doppelganger. He looked ugly (of course), but also kinda scary in a, well, psychotic way. The virtue of being an ugly Slav is that we're the only whites who can effectively thugmaxx.
6'2, which is only slightly above average in my country, but enough if you want to act tough. But I think I look intimaditing in a psychotic sort of way. Once my classmates showed me a guy they said was my doppelganger. He looked ugly (of course), but also kinda scary in a, well, psychotic way. The virtue of being an ugly Slav is that we're the only whites who can effectively thugmaxx.

Fuck you're lucky. I want to heightmaxx to at least seem intimidating to people, but since my dad is like 5'5/5'6 and my mom is 5'7 i'm lucky to be 5'11.
Also Slav btw.
6'2, which is only slightly above average in my country, but enough if you want to act tough. But I think I look intimaditing in a psychotic sort of way. Once my classmates showed me a guy they said was my doppelganger. He looked ugly (of course), but also kinda scary in a, well, psychotic way. The virtue of being an ugly Slav is that we're the only whites who can effectively thugmaxx.
Now, I am curious, how you look. :feelsahh: Maybe you can find a pic with another doppelganger?

There was one incident in a small expensive gym I went to for physiotherapy, that had some typical rich gymbrats (no need to tell you how they treated me). The gym was located in some kind of small bureau tower and while they left shortly after me somehow a robber must have taken one of their handbags and pushed one of the girls down the stairs in the process. Just heard them scream and some percussion one level in the staircase above me . I just stepped aside and let the guy go, when he ran past me. Girls were furious: "Ehh run after him. You are a men, you are supposed to help us."

Otherwise I usually don't try to be extranasty or something to women tbh. I just treat them, how I would treat men. (no female priviliges here)
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The basics: no holding doors, not helping them reach stuff, dont pick up things for them that they dropped, not letting them cut in lines
Dropped dumbbells on her feet
Now, I am curious, how you look. :feelsahh: Maybe you can find a pic with another doppelganger?
Idk a guy on r/amiugly told me I reminded him of ERic Harris. I think Eric looks better than me and my doppelganger, so it was probably the psychotic quality that reminded him of Eric.
Mine aren't even intentional because I'm just super awkward but this happens all the time: I approach a glass door at a business to enter/exit and there is a femoid on the other side about to do the same. She expects me to hold it for her has I open the door which I begin to do but then last second decide to slip through because I'm not patient enough to wait while she staggers by. The angry glares and sarcastic "Thanks!" are actually pretty satisfying in retrospect.
Well done all of you
i opened a thread like this 2 days ago
anyway i shared a nice story this week ill copy paste:

so this story begins 3 months ago - when i moved to this new apartment for a 3 months sublet.
in the same floor was this really really high tier stacy but one of those you just know are superficial whores.
anyway, when im with someone at the elevator i always say hi. the first time we were in the elevator together i said hi and she just mumbled and stayed in her phone. not looking at me not anything just ignoring the fact that im a human.

in the next 2 months we were in the elevator together around 8 times i think. first 7 i said hi and either she ignored me or just mumbled something. always stayed in her phone. 0 respect for me. in the last time i didnt said anything and neither did she.

1 month ago it when it got good... first you need to know:
the nearest big supermarket is 4-5km from us. i have a car (she knows it cuz she saw me driving couple of times) and she doesnt (which i knew cuz i saw her in the bus station couple of times.) in a car its barely 3 minutes drive but with a bus its horrible - the bus come to our shitty neighbor almost last and its 40-45 minutes. also garbage bus with no ac from what i heard people complaining about.
so.... im in the supermarket. buying some shitty tier frozen pizza's for another night of doing nothing, and after i pay im heading to the exit and i see her - looking at me and waiting.
i just KNEW that whore want me to drive her. after SHE IGNORED ME FOR 2 MONTHS. SO RUDE.
i decided to just look at my phone and ignore her a bit but im still a beta cuck so i decided that if she will ask me for a ride i would agree because its hard to say no.
so im passing by her and she looks at me and said "hey!" with a big smile like suddenly we're friends! fucking lmao. i raised my eyes for a sec from my phone and mumbled "hi" while i keep walking slowly. then she said "youre going home now?" lol ofcourse im going home from the supermarket. she just didnt even wanted to ask me, she wanted me to OFFER her a ride. i just said "yes" and then boom i kept walking regular speed totally ignoring her and looking back at my phone. i could see a reflection in a window and she looked mad AF.
it was a really hot day.. like 37c. anyway when i passed with my car near the bus station she just gave me a death stare while sweating her ass off lmao.
it was also weekend so tons of people were there. all sweaty together and she probaly had to wait 2-3 busses before managing to get on one. im pretty sure i heard her when she came to her apt and it was around more then a hour after i got home.
man it felt so good.
in the last couple of weeks we were in the elevator together and no1 said hi or anything, she clearly always made a mad face to make sure i know shes mad at me lmao. when she got to the building door first she just opened it very little so i have to open it again.

now lets come back to TODAY. my lease is over and came to take my stuff from my apt and in the elevator i meet this guy from the floor above - he was kinda cool and we talked a bit in those 3 months, he was a tryhard slayer. anyway he mention this whore, and i see he have a little smile like he knows something so i ask him and then he told me he was in the elevator with her and out of nowhere she started saying to him:
"just so you know nxdismycope is a piece of shit. he REFUSED to give me a ride while i had no bus and it was in a heat and i was really dehydrated also he's a creep and always looks at me weirdly fucking scum people like him NEED TO DIE".
FUCKING WHORE. I NEVER LOOKED AT HER WEIRDLY. NEVER. she just added it! cuz why not?!?! its so easy to say something like that!
thought about making a "youre not entitled to anything" note to her before leaving but she would go to the police and say i harrase her.

I have never really fucked with a foid intentionally, I am too awkward and low iq to do it without making a fool of myself.
I've never had the opportunity.
i opened a thread like this 2 days ago
anyway i shared a nice story this week ill copy paste:

so this story begins 3 months ago - when i moved to this new apartment for a 3 months sublet.
in the same floor was this really really high tier stacy but one of those you just know are superficial whores.
anyway, when im with someone at the elevator i always say hi. the first time we were in the elevator together i said hi and she just mumbled and stayed in her phone. not looking at me not anything just ignoring the fact that im a human.

in the next 2 months we were in the elevator together around 8 times i think. first 7 i said hi and either she ignored me or just mumbled something. always stayed in her phone. 0 respect for me. in the last time i didnt said anything and neither did she.

1 month ago it when it got good... first you need to know:
the nearest big supermarket is 4-5km from us. i have a car (she knows it cuz she saw me driving couple of times) and she doesnt (which i knew cuz i saw her in the bus station couple of times.) in a car its barely 3 minutes drive but with a bus its horrible - the bus come to our shitty neighbor almost last and its 40-45 minutes. also garbage bus with no ac from what i heard people complaining about.
so.... im in the supermarket. buying some shitty tier frozen pizza's for another night of doing nothing, and after i pay im heading to the exit and i see her - looking at me and waiting.
i just KNEW that whore want me to drive her. after SHE IGNORED ME FOR 2 MONTHS. SO RUDE.
i decided to just look at my phone and ignore her a bit but im still a beta cuck so i decided that if she will ask me for a ride i would agree because its hard to say no.
so im passing by her and she looks at me and said "hey!" with a big smile like suddenly we're friends! fucking lmao. i raised my eyes for a sec from my phone and mumbled "hi" while i keep walking slowly. then she said "youre going home now?" lol ofcourse im going home from the supermarket. she just didnt even wanted to ask me, she wanted me to OFFER her a ride. i just said "yes" and then boom i kept walking regular speed totally ignoring her and looking back at my phone. i could see a reflection in a window and she looked mad AF.
it was a really hot day.. like 37c. anyway when i passed with my car near the bus station she just gave me a death stare while sweating her ass off lmao.
it was also weekend so tons of people were there. all sweaty together and she probaly had to wait 2-3 busses before managing to get on one. im pretty sure i heard her when she came to her apt and it was around more then a hour after i got home.
man it felt so good.
in the last couple of weeks we were in the elevator together and no1 said hi or anything, she clearly always made a mad face to make sure i know shes mad at me lmao. when she got to the building door first she just opened it very little so i have to open it again.

now lets come back to TODAY. my lease is over and came to take my stuff from my apt and in the elevator i meet this guy from the floor above - he was kinda cool and we talked a bit in those 3 months, he was a tryhard slayer. anyway he mention this whore, and i see he have a little smile like he knows something so i ask him and then he told me he was in the elevator with her and out of nowhere she started saying to him:
"just so you know nxdismycope is a piece of shit. he REFUSED to give me a ride while i had no bus and it was in a heat and i was really dehydrated also he's a creep and always looks at me weirdly fucking scum people like him NEED TO DIE".
FUCKING WHORE. I NEVER LOOKED AT HER WEIRDLY. NEVER. she just added it! cuz why not?!?! its so easy to say something like that!
thought about making a "youre not entitled to anything" note to her before leaving but she would go to the police and say i harrase her.

High iq field report

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