You fucking idiot. The blackpill has nothing to do with religion. Whores can be put in their place and the west won't all the sudden turn into india. America used to be way less cucked in the 50's, they weren't "pakistan" or "somalia" back then. Jfl if you're retarded enough to think taking privileges away from whores will be the end of the world. Plus, the "economy" doesn't do much for non-chads in the west. I am planning on moving to the middle east after I save some money by taking advantage of the western economy for a few years. Kuwait and UAE are far from shit holes. If I can make enough money from there then I'd live in the middle east forever. All the modern coveniences we have here are there as well, I lived there for almost 4 years.
Forcing women to get jobs isn't a privilege, if anything, people in the 1950's were more worshipful of women than they are today, and people in the middle-east are even more blue-pilled than anything the west has ever seen, they would chop your head off for raping a foid or shoot you for touching their daughter or sister. I don't know exactly how many goats a faggot like you would need in dowry.
Also I have no idea what "putting foids in their place" looks like in a practical sense. Throwing them out of work? And then what? If they're slutty, what are you gonna do, track their sexual activities and beat them with a stick? They're still not gonna sleep with you. And then what? What's the plan, Stan?
You know you don't actually have to move to the middle east, you can marry a muslim foid right here in the US, they have mosques and islamic weddings. So what are you waiting for? Your ISIS bride awaits.
This seems like something straight out of IT. Men not getting their biological needs met is very destructive mentally. Cucked governments need the taxes of non-chad men to keep feminism and the degeneracy going. If men stopped paying taxes then they'll be forced to meet our demands. Prisons can't hold the majority of the male population, but even if they could it would screw up the economy because men do the real jobs, not the pussy affirmative action desk jobs. Of course whores will fuck us more if we weren't treated like cucked slaves.
I don't blame anybody but myself for my problems, the government isn't keeping me from getting laid, my own brain and face is.
Still waiting for your response on what exact set of socio-economic conditions you think would get you laid.
In a real "patriarchal society" weak men like you would be the first ones to go. You think alpha males would tolerate some resentful faggot who's resorting to not paying his taxes as a means of threatening the state? You think Saudi Arabia or Nazi Germany wouldn't throw your dumb ass in prison and kick the shit out of you as an object lesson to the next fuckup? Hahahahahaha
See the problem here is that you think you're the alpha male.
And you're not. Because alpha males don't sit around saying "but I need loooooooove to feel ok!"
You need love from a woman?
You need to go back to your mommy and let her make you some chicken soup and hug you.
Love isn't real.
Love is just lust with post-processing.
Love is your dick telling your brain lies so that you'll reproduce.
Everything you need in life is available for cold, hard currency. Anything outside of that, is a mental issue.