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Blackpill Your first real life blackpill



Dec 11, 2017
Not including tinder experiments or content on websites.
Mine was when a chad lite friend of mine let me borrow his phone to transfer something. Me being nosey, I snooped thru his shit and saw all the flirty texts, massive amount of contacts and Snapchat’s from women.

How about you
My cousin getting girls that he just met at the park or beach to come over and fuck. So much for "girls gotta approach" or "people only hookup at parties and clubs!"
Idk for sure but I remember when I first got a facebook account seeing how much attention even total ugly women got compared to Chads and realizing how fucked things would be.
When my oneitis told me that it didn't matter that I had braces because I'll always be ugly. It was the moment I realized I had only been fooling myself into thinking one day I'll ascend. That whole week was ropefuel for me tbh. Didn't help I had gotten a bad haircut at the time so was feeling extra self conscious at the time. This was during HS btw.
Looking in the mirror during puberty
Crush said she didn’t want a boyfriend, but ended up with a Chad a month later.
Always getting called ugly until I actually realised I really was ugly and they wherent just saying it to be mean.
Trying to befriend a femoid, was stuck with the bluepill mentality that guys can be friends with girls, well guess what? Nope, does not work out. The reason being males and females have different interest. Also doesn't help she was a White Brazilian Stacy who is also an extreme normie. I started to have a crush, but I realized it was forbidden in my religion, but I couldn't get over her, then I came to this site, now I am free from femoid clutches.

tl:dr tried to befriend oneitis, did not work out, took me a long time to realize, became blackpilled.

Moral of the story: The Blackpill will save you from become a future orbiter/bluepilled cuck
The realization of the amount of whites i see that having it easy in life and dating, i dont think its my first blackpill but its my memorable
being called ugly in school
When i looked back in school and realised why i was getting bullied not because of my face but my height
Hearing girls talk about height all the way back in high school, brutal height pills man
Hearing girls talk about height all the way back in high school, brutal height pills man
What height were they talking about? I agree tallcels = fakecels
I've always been blackpilled and i always knew that my height fucked me for life and that looks matter, but i thought i looked good so i did didn't care about my face as much as i cared about height. Now i care about them both and baldness came out of nowhere, so i care about it too now JFL.
They were making fun of short guys even though they themselves were fucking midgets
Oh yeah i was catfishing a girl on PoF and she told me she wouldn't date anyone below 6'0 and she was fucking 5'1
The realization of the amount of whites i see that having it easy in life and dating, i dont think its my first blackpill but its my memorable

You use not being white as a crutch. If you’re ugly girls won’t even notice your skin tone. Ugly has no race
My cousin getting girls that he just met at the park or beach to come over and fuck. So much for "girls gotta approach" or "people only hookup at parties and clubs!"
Don’t be silly dude. Girls never approach! Guys initiate first
Kids in middle school flirting with each other and making fun of me.
just being bullied i guess.
When I brought my chadlite friend to our class party and my oneitis who I was trying to get for two years said that "I have very handsome friend" while looking at him with lust. I was really torn apart that night and had to leave the party to cry alone at the lakeside.
If he was real, he’d send some sluts your way.
Imagine meeting a girl at a park and fucking her that day. It’s over

No, that’s assuming that we’re close and that the femoids would go for me.
My first ever crush flirting with other guys in front of me and dating several guys at once. That was 25 years ago. Since then, I've experienced the same fate with every girl I've ever liked.

Take it from an oldcel. It never gets better for people like us. Never.
The realization of the amount of whites i see that having it easy in life and dating, i dont think its my first blackpill but its my memorable
Probably when I went to a bar with my normie friend and he introduced me to some chicks. Hesitant handshake, minimal eye contact, basically ignoring me when I spoke.
Guys who had nothing interesting about them were getting attention just because they were good looking.
Also I observed how much attention femoids got online simply for exisitng.

For me the BP came pretty abrupt, so it was extra bitter at the start.
My cousin getting girls that he just met at the park or beach to come over and fuck. So much for "girls gotta approach" or "people only hookup at parties and clubs!"
He probably held good frame
Be studious, gymcelling, caring, supportive, social, etc. and still being rejected left and right. Noticing how the guys I was friends with and worked out with were incel as well despite being studious, caring, social, and so on. I realized it was mostly about LOOKS.
Childhood best friend turned out to be 6'3 blonde Chad. Got gradually blackpilled over the years by hanging out with him. Just a few experiences I can think of off the top of my head:

Ordering from fast food joint, he's in line right in front of me, qt cashier is all smiles and flirts with him a little. When it's my turn she gets all serious and doesn't even make eye contact with me

Walking around at an amusement park, two girls walk by and one just hands him a flower that she picked off one of the paths.

Walking late one evening on a college campus, some girl passes by, smiles, and tells him "you look good"

The worst part is hes almost totally oblivious
Childhood best friend turned out to be 6'3 blonde Chad. Got gradually blackpilled over the years by hanging out with him. Just a few experiences I can think of off the top of my head:

Ordering from fast food joint, he's in line right in front of me, qt cashier is all smiles and flirts with him a little. When it's my turn she gets all serious and doesn't even make eye contact with me

Walking around at an amusement park, two girls walk by and one just hands him a flower that she picked off one of the paths.

Walking late one evening on a college campus, some girl passes by, smiles, and tells him "you look good"

The worst part is hes almost totally oblivious
His personality must be amazing

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