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Your definition of the word "incel"



Nov 12, 2017
What is your definition of the word "incel"?
If you can't have sex with girls who are attractive enough to you. "Attractive enough" = could give you an erection without Viagra, Cialis, alcohol etc.
I think Steve Hoca said it best: someone who can't get a woman to save their life.
22+ years old. Never had sex. Despite him looksmaxing and trying his best, he was rejected by 40+ Femoids.

A truecel is 24+ years old. Sexless kissless hugless dateless handholdless virgin. Despite him looksmaxing and trying his best, he was still rejected by 65+ Femoids. He is a subhuman genetic trash.
if your looks or your brain is preventing you from having real sex at least once a month you are incel. only applies if you actually want sex.

in my opinion it is possible to escape and return back to inceldom throughout your life. just because a person had sex 10 years ago doesn't mean they arent incel now. also just because a person scored a gf doesnt mean they arent incel. (a guy could get fat mid relationship and get dumped only to realize he is incel until he looses the fat).

or you could say incel is someone who will never get free sex in their lifetime. but that realistically applies to almost no one.
weservenomsg said:
or you could say incel is someone who will never get free sex in their lifetime. but that realistically applies to almost no one.

this is worth a ban
Incel-you cannot get laid with anyone, but have a chance of escaping it.

Truecel-someone who will be incel tell the day they die because of how genetic trash they are

Volcel(the majority of this forum)-you can get laid, but the girls that want you don't meet your standards
Being incel is women finding you too unattractive to want to have sex/form relationships with you. Even if you try and try, you face constant rejection. When you struggle to even get women you find unattractive yourself, eg. very overweight and/or facially ugly/masculine looking women, who would only be interested if your social/financial worth were higher so to better herself [hypergamy].
Incel- Unable to get sex from any woman, this could be because of a combination of factors such as looks, personality, mentality. Incels could have had sex in the past but is unable to get sex now to save their life.

Truecel- Hideous degenerate scum of society that women will not have sex with to save their own life.
Unable to get any sex without paying for it.
DankIncel said:
22+ years old. Never had sex. Despite him looksmaxing and trying his best, he was rejected by 40+ Femoids.

A truecel is 24+ years old. Sexless kissless hugless dateless handholdless virgin. Despite him looksmaxing and trying his best, he was still rejected by 65+ Femoids. He is a subhuman genetic trash.

Can I ask, why'd you pick 22 and up for the age?
A person that can`t get organic sex with females because is an sub 5.

Obviously, cucked betabuxedcels are included here, so that means that the 90% of the male members of inceltears are incels in denial.
Zielony4 said:
Can I ask, why'd you pick 22 and up for the age?

Because you are not a teenager, you are a fully grown adult by 21. You are entering your prime. Lots of people have sex while they are teenagers and young adults. Most people are employed/work at 22 or are seniors in higher education. They would have most likely experienced sex from multiple partners. If you couldn't get sex, you'd be by definition an Incel (until you do have sex).
DankIncel said:
Because you are not a teenager, you are a fully grown adult by 21. You are entering your prime. Lots of people have sex while they are teenagers and young adults. Most people are employed/work at 22 or are seniors in higher education. They would have most likely experienced sex from multiple partners. If you couldn't get sex, you'd be by definition an Incel (until you do have sex).

Ahh, thanks for the answer. The difference between say, 20 to 22 is A pretty big one. I guess 21 would fall on that latter side though.
Framecel222 said:
If you can't have sex with girls who are attractive enough to you. "Attractive enough" = could give you an erection without Viagra, Cialis, alcohol etc.
a virgin. that's it. non-virgins fuck off, and anyone higher than 5 PSL
6 months khhv while trying =incel
weservenomsg said:
if your looks or your brain is preventing you from having real sex at least once a month you are incel. 

This is triggering as fuck.

Someone spends 30 days without sex, so they're incel?

From the sounds of things, you're a fakecel.

whogivesafucc said:
a virgin. that's it. non-virgins fuck off, and anyone higher than 5 PSL

But you might get laid on your 70th birthday which would mean you were never incel. You can't claim you've been incel you're whole life until you are near death.

Incel =/= virgin. 

Where did you EVER get that idea? DO you know what celibate even means?
FACEandLMS said:
weservenomsg said:
if your looks or your brain is preventing you from having real sex at least once a month you are incel.
This is triggering as fuck.
Someone spends 30 days without sex, so they're incel?
From the sounds of things, you're a fakecel.

whogivesafucc said:
a virgin. that's it. non-virgins fuck off, and anyone higher than 5 PSL
But you might get laid on your 70th birthday which would mean you were never incel. You can't claim you've been incel you're whole life until you are near death.
Incel =/= virgin.
Where did you EVER get that idea? DO you know what celibate even means?

Doesn't really disprove my point. If you are able to have sex (free of charge) and the woman is actually willing to sleep with you as well, then you're not really an incel. You had other issues of some sort, but these issues didn't include your looks. Or perhaps you were just an average looking guy who got lucky.

The only way I'd be able to lose my virginity is through rape, and I'm not doing that. Hookers would probably reject me.
An ugly male who will never get laid because of his looks, no matter how hard he tries.
CopingGymcel said:
What is your definition of the word "incel"?

KHHV or at the very least KV. Must be ugly to average looking (as anything below a 7 is over)
Just somebody who can't get sex. Involuntarily celibate and nothing more.
DankIncel said:
22+ years old. Never had sex. Despite him looksmaxing and trying his best, he was rejected by 40+ Femoids.

A truecel is 24+ years old. Sexless kissless hugless dateless handholdless virgin. Despite him looksmaxing and trying his best, he was still rejected by 65+ Femoids. He is a subhuman genetic trash.

It means i am truecel, i got called ugly by more than 40 females.
whogivesafucc said:
a virgin. that's it. non-virgins fuck off, and anyone higher than 5 PSL

Completely agree brah
Blackpill101 said:
An ugly male who will never get laid because of his looks, no matter how hard he tries.

This should be stickied
Incel- Virgin or Got lucky once by pure luck or try hard. Example: Knajjid, he had sex but only with pure luck
Trucel- WIll die virgin. Ex: Wizards
Bushladen008 said:
It means i am truecel, i got called ugly by more than 40 females.

Fuck off Fakecel
Bushladen008 said:
But i'm kissless,hugless virgin.

You don't look like an Incel. You are a Failed normie at best. You are a Chadlite.
The dictionary definition: involuntarily celibate. No time limits or anything like that. No KHHHV requirement. Just that you are celibate, involuntarily, for any amount of time and are suffering as a result of it.
blickpall said:
The dictionary definition: involuntarily celibate. No time limits or anything like that. No KHHHV requirement. Just that you are celibate, involuntarily, for any amount of time and are suffering as a result of it.
I agree with this one. The old r/incels FAQ even said that the most common definition was a man who was unable to get into a relationship for six months.
whogivesafucc said:
Doesn't really disprove my point. If you are able to have sex (free of charge) and the woman is actually willing to sleep with you as well, then you're not really an incel. You had other issues of some sort, but these issues didn't include your looks. Or perhaps you were just an average looking guy who got lucky.

The only way I'd be able to lose my virginity is through rape, and I'm not doing that. Hookers would probably reject me.

So why not use the word "virgin" then?

Why can you not see that there is not much difference between a 16 yo who ...fuck it. I'm not gonna try anymore. I can't convince autists.

> "but these issues didn't include your looks."

Because you get laid ONCE, it means your looks were NEVER THE ISSUE? You sound like a fucking bluepilled normie.
FACEandLMS said:
whogivesafucc said:
Doesn't really disprove my point. If you are able to have sex (free of charge) and the woman is actually willing to sleep with you as well, then you're not really an incel. You had other issues of some sort, but these issues didn't include your looks. Or perhaps you were just an average looking guy who got lucky.
The only way I'd be able to lose my virginity is through rape, and I'm not doing that. Hookers would probably reject me.
So why not use the word "virgin" then?
Why can you not see that there is not much difference between a 16 yo who ...fuck it. I'm not gonna try anymore. I can't convince autists.
> "but these issues didn't include your looks."
Because you get laid ONCE, it means your looks were NEVER THE ISSUE? You sound like a fucking bluepilled normie.

I understand what you're saying lol, and obviously people look different depending on their age, but seriously, no one here is probably ever going to get laid, unless you see prostitutes. Once again, if you are able to get laid, free of charge, you really shouldn't be posting here.

how the fuck am i bluepilled lmao, literally no one who gets laid would be posting on here, unless they're fucked in the head or trolling. that's our issue, we can't get laid, we're repulsive, women barely even tolerate our presence. maybe one of us will get lucky but that's a very slim chance.
whogivesafucc said:
I understand what you're saying lol, and obviously people look different depending on their age, but seriously, no one here is probably ever going to get laid, unless you see prostitutes. Once again, if you are able to get laid, free of charge, you really shouldn't be posting here.

how the fuck am i bluepilled lmao, literally no one who gets laid would be posting on here, unless they're fucked in the head or trolling. that's our issue, we can't get laid, we're repulsive, women barely even tolerate our presence. maybe one of us will get lucky but that's a very slim chance.

That's my point. You might get lucky ONCE. That doesn't mean you aren't hideous to 99.9999% of all women on earth.

Consider these points:

1) Are you uglier than Eggman? He got a gf (for however long it lasted; maybe he got dumped quickly; maybe she was vulnerable at that moment), so that means anyone looksmatched with Eggman or better shouldn't post here and isn't incel?

2) Are you saying that all it would take for the whole incel community become NULL and VOID would be for blackopscel to get laid? If he got laid ONCE, then that would mean no incels exist? If he had a team of Chads, PUAs, friends and such making him approach 100 sub3 women a day, in burns wards, in old people's homes, in autist workshops - all he needs is ONE LAY then the whole incel thing is over, is that what you're saying? I'm not saying he COULD get laid, I'm saying, hypothetically, the whole INCEL MOVEMENT is DONE once he gets laid, right? Or do you believe that LUCK HAPPENS? This is also to you @incelman you big dumb aspie (but would still meet you for a beer one day if you like, bro).

3) If you are not on your DEATHBED, you can't say that you lived a WHOLLY incel life. You are a "POTENTIAL" incel at best. A "Maybecel" as someone said here this week. No? "BUT BUT IF I DIDN'T LOSE MY MY MY VIR-VIRGI-NI-NITY AT 15 YO THEN I WILL NEVER HAVE SEX EVER GUARANTEED!" Stop with this shit, man. I lost my virginity in my mid 20s. Which is amazing I did at all, given that I'm uglier than most guys here. But then again, I am OLDER. It happened PRE-TINDER. Bare that in mind.
A man no matter how hard he tried can't find love
Incel - A 20 + male who has tried as much as possible to get a girlfriend/ sex but due to factors such as looks, height and sometimes location has not been successful

So pretty much my definition is that you should be a khh virgin. People here need to fuck off with the " ive had sex once but havent had it for 2 years" bs. If you have had sex you can get it again

weservenomsg said:
if your looks or your brain is preventing you from having real sex at least once a month you are incel. only applies if you actually want sex.

in my opinion it is possible to escape and return back to inceldom throughout your life. just because a person had sex 10 years ago doesn't mean they arent incel now. also just because a person scored a gf doesnt mean they arent incel. (a guy could get fat mid relationship and get dumped only to realize he is incel until he looses the fat).

or you could say incel is someone who will never get free sex in their lifetime. but that realistically applies to almost no one.

You are skipping through too many hoops. Isnt it easier to just state an incel as - a male who is involuntarily virgin/relationshipless due to looks, height.?

Zielony4 said:
Can I ask, why'd you pick 22 and up for the age?

probably because hes 22 years old or older and believes people only from that age up are incel kek.

It seems to be a common trend here.

Unbearable2woman said:
A person that can`t get organic sex with females because is an sub 5.
Obviously, cucked betabuxedcels are included here, so that means that the 90% of the male members of inceltears are incels in denial.
wtf is organic sex
An adult male (22+) who puts in an honest effort to get laid but cannot is an incel. Has to be a virgin, but there are a few exceptions such as rape. Not all virgins are incels, though. It is key that the person wants to have sex and is actually trying to have sex.
Virgin, at the very least an escortcel. I consider decent looking mentalcels who struggle with women to be incels too, since the outcome is the same.
CopingGymcel said:
What is your definition of the word "incel"?

A man who has had no romantic involvement with a woman. Although such a man may have had sex with an escort. 
A man who is involuntarily celibate, no matter how hard or frequently he tries.
Sneepysqar said:
I agree with this one. The old r/incels FAQ even said that the most common definition was a man who was unable to get into a relationship for six months.

I guess people with more radical standards think that now is the opportunity to polarize the community further.
FACEandLMS said:
whogivesafucc said:
I understand what you're saying lol, and obviously people look different depending on their age, but seriously, no one here is probably ever going to get laid, unless you see prostitutes. Once again, if you are able to get laid, free of charge, you really shouldn't be posting here.
how the fuck am i bluepilled lmao, literally no one who gets laid would be posting on here, unless they're fucked in the head or trolling. that's our issue, we can't get laid, we're repulsive, women barely even tolerate our presence. maybe one of us will get lucky but that's a very slim chance.
That's my point. You might get lucky ONCE. That doesn't mean you aren't hideous to 99.9999% of all women on earth.
Consider these points:
1) Are you uglier than Eggman? He got a gf (for however long it lasted; maybe he got dumped quickly; maybe she was vulnerable at that moment), so that means anyone looksmatched with Eggman or better shouldn't post here and isn't incel?
2) Are you saying that all it would take for the whole incel community become NULL and VOID would be for blackopscel to get laid? If he got laid ONCE, then that would mean no incels exist? If he had a team of Chads, PUAs, friends and such making him approach 100 sub3 women a day, in burns wards, in old people's homes, in autist workshops - all he needs is ONE LAY then the whole incel thing is over, is that what you're saying? I'm not saying he COULD get laid, I'm saying, hypothetically, the whole INCEL MOVEMENT is DONE once he gets laid, right? Or do you believe that LUCK HAPPENS? This is also to you @incelman you big dumb aspie (but would still meet you for a beer one day if you like, bro).
3) If you are not on your DEATHBED, you can't say that you lived a WHOLLY incel life. You are a "POTENTIAL" incel at best. A "Maybecel" as someone said here this week. No? "BUT BUT IF I DIDN'T LOSE MY MY MY VIR-VIRGI-NI-NITY AT 15 YO THEN I WILL NEVER HAVE SEX EVER GUARANTEED!" Stop with this shit, man. I lost my virginity in my mid 20s. Which is amazing I did at all, given that I'm uglier than most guys here. But then again, I am OLDER. It happened PRE-TINDER. Bare that in mind.

I agree with the maybecel concept. Yeah, you're right
whogivesafucc said:
I agree with the maybecel concept. Yeah, you're right

What the fuck is this autsim?
incelman said:
whogivesafucc said:
I agree with the maybecel concept. Yeah, you're right
What the fuck is this autsim?

you never know how your future is going to turn out, but in general, everyone here is pretty much fucked. it's over for you if you're even a registered user on this forum tbh
whogivesafucc said:
you never know how your future is going to turn out, but in general, everyone here is pretty much fucked. it's over for you if you're even a registered user on this forum tbh

What the fuck is the point of this contradicting statement?
incelman said:
whogivesafucc said:
you never know how your future is going to turn out, but in general, everyone here is pretty much fucked. it's over for you if you're even a registered user on this forum tbh
What the fuck is the point of this contradicting statement?

because you might get lucky, like he said, but it's a very slim chance. you'd sooner get struck by lightning
whogivesafucc said:
because you might get lucky, like he said, but it's a very slim chance. you'd sooner get struck by lightning

Slime chance=no chance. If you haven't gotten lucky by 21-22 then it's over. Things only get worse after a certain point and nothing is going to change for the better. Just LDAR.

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