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Discussion Your anger is a normal feeling



Dec 13, 2018
Your anger is a normal feeling.
Of course, the society wants us to suppress our feelings and work to pay taxes and STFU about our loneliness

But having emotions is normal, you aren't doing anything wrong by having them.
QUOTE from Wikipedia:
People feel angry when they sense that they or someone they care about has been offended

Most incels DO feel anger because incels are treated like shit their whole lives.
I feel angry for three reasons:
1. I can't make myself good enough to find a partner. This is hate towards myself

2. I get rejected every time, no matter how much self-improvement I do. Every time I follow the advice I am given, it doesn't work and I get new advice and it doesn't work either. The goal seems to be so close but it keeps running away
This is hatred towards society for having an unfair system

3. Other people are treated the same as me in the above example.
It makes me so angry that the amount of incels keeps increasing while at the same time we get treated even more like filth. We can't talk about our problems because we get censored. There is nothing we can do.
Here I am angry for my incel brothers towards society

Realizing all this discrimination is the main cause for why incels are seen as angry.
I at least don't want to be angry.
I try not to. I am just extremely disappointed at society and women.
You could at least listen to minorities instead of discriminate them
Better angry than hating on yourself.
It’d be really weird if we weren’t angry.
Why turn to the other cheek, when your enemies will just strike you with another hit?


@FinnCel @ThoughtfulCel @Colvin76 @Personalityinkwell
Better angry than hating on yourself.
Is there a way to turn this around? Once my self-hated started, there was no way to correct the ship
And guess what, cucktears of course needs to make fun of this

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/j996gr/no_mrcel_refusing_to_have_sex_withdatemarry_you/

It is not just about relationships, it is also about friendships. People avoid you just because of your looks, you will earn less, etc. These cucks will never understand this

Stop browsing there. Have you seen what the people over there look like? Either tannies, fat women, or limp soyboys with penicl arms.
Stop browsing there. Have you seen what the people over there look like? Either tannies, fat women, or limp soyboys with penicl arms.
You're right.
They add words to my mouth too.
If I say "I'm lonely", they think I said "I want to rape 500 6 year old virgins". Their thoughts are sick as fuck
You're right.
They Al's
I get it, we all like attention and to be talked about tbh. But when you post here then go there to see what they said, then come back to post it again it's just balls
I get it, we all like attention and to be talked about tbh. But when you post here then go there to see what they said, then come back to post it again it's just balls
Sorry that my post was like that, I post from my phone it sucks
Is there a way to turn this around? Once my self-hated started, there was no way to correct the ship
Blame society.
Society tells us we are not enough but they tell fat women that they are entitled to chad.
We are nothing no matter how much we self improve while landwhales are beautiful queens automatically
Last edited:
I fucking HATE women.
I feel angry for three reasons:
1. I can't make myself good enough to find a partner. This is hate towards myself

I don't have this at all and never had. Should I blame MYSELF for having the acne genes or not growing to be tall or even average height? NO! I never chose to be short, have acne, autism...

Only if you haven't looksmaxxed to the best of your ability and means I can see having that. And if that had a realistic chance of making the difference.

This is also illogical. It's a numbers game out there. My age group where I live has 120 men for every 100 women. Even if all men were 10/10, there would be many incels.

hatred towards society for having an unfair system

Nature has unfair system, society just reflects the realities. More boys are born everywhere even though it should be the other way round. When there are the surplus mass of males, then the least attractice remain single. The cut-off point changes depending on the demographic facts. Hate and change the nature. It is possible with today's tech. Political will just is not there and never will, if we do not correct the historical mistake of giving voting rights to women.

You are hating the marketplace instead of the reason(s) (root causes) why the things and society are what they are.

pay taxes

Don't pay taxes!

I at least don't want to be angry.
I try not to. I am just extremely disappointed at society and women.
You could at least listen to minorities instead of discriminate them

This is wrong. You should be angry and try to correct the things why you are angry. Anger motivates. If you try to not be angry and pay your taxes, then I am angry at you for being a cuck.

The thing is, if only 1 % of the population (young-to-middle-aged angry men) organised and armed themselves with good planning and were ready to die, they could have their demands of societal change met. We need only 55 000 men in Finland. Lapuan liike is a good example.
You're right.
They add words to my mouth too.
If I say "I'm lonely", they think I said "I want to rape 500 6 year old virgins". Their thoughts are sick as fuck
The first thing CuckTears does when some guys on incel and manosphere sites cope by saying that women are children is trying to imply that those guys are pedophiles that want to rape underage girls.
You're right, their thoughts are sick as fuck.
Once you bring the boiling anger down to a simmer, you can act in a much more calculated way. Anger is good, but constantly raging is just stressful.

A shrink would tell you that anger bad. Take pill for angersadfearbad syndrome. Pill fix angersadfearbad syndrome. Me smart. Me study for ten years so me can push pills on people like the scumbag drug dealer I am.
True 100%

Once you bring the boiling anger down to a simmer, you can act in a much more calculated way. Anger is good, but constantly raging is just stressful.

A shrink would tell you that anger bad. Take pill for angersadfearbad syndrome. Pill fix angersadfearbad syndrome. Me smart. Me study for ten years so me can push pills on people like the scumbag drug dealer I am.

brutal drugdealerpill
I’m a product of society. Society radicalised me.
I’m a product of society. Society radicalised me.
Your anger is a normal feeling.
Of course, the society wants us to suppress our feelings and work to pay taxes and STFU about our loneliness

But having emotions is normal, you aren't doing anything wrong by having them.
QUOTE from Wikipedia:

Most incels DO feel anger because incels are treated like shit their whole lives.
I feel angry for three reasons:
1. I can't make myself good enough to find a partner. This is hate towards myself

2. I get rejected every time, no matter how much self-improvement I do. Every time I follow the advice I am given, it doesn't work and I get new advice and it doesn't work either. The goal seems to be so close but it keeps running away
This is hatred towards society for having an unfair system

3. Other people are treated the same as me in the above example.
It makes me so angry that the amount of incels keeps increasing while at the same time we get treated even more like filth. We can't talk about our problems because we get censored. There is nothing we can do.
Here I am angry for my incel brothers towards society

Realizing all this discrimination is the main cause for why incels are seen as angry.
I at least don't want to be angry.
I try not to. I am just extremely disappointed at society and women.
You could at least listen to minorities instead of discriminate them
Fuck the attempts of tone policing by that soyciety. We get punished anyways with bans and other stuff on social media no matter how polite/moderate we are, so there is no need of following the rules in the first place.
They add words to my mouth too.
If I say "I'm lonely", they think I said "I want to rape 500 6 year old virgins". Their thoughts are sick as fuck
that's the reason why I stopped browsing that sub for lulz
they're in full-blown AI mode, it's not even entertaining
they don't even bother to customize their replies based on the content, they just write fictitious scenarios and get angry at them
3. Other people are treated the same as me in the above example.
It makes me so angry that the amount of incels keeps increasing while at the same time we get treated even more like filth. We can't talk about our problems because we get censored. There is nothing we can do.
Here I am angry for my incel brothers towards society

This makes me the most angry. People are literally blind for someone else’s problems. I really think that incels are, averagely, better people than normies, chads and foids and I’d rather trust an incel looking fellow than the previously mentioned groups.

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