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Blackpill "Young men are turning their backs on women in record numbers"

Balding Subhuman

Balding Subhuman

Ugly turbovirgin
Dec 4, 2021
Have you guys seen these coping videos? "Women are mad that men don't approach them anymore!" What a cope.

Its not that young guys have turned their backs against women, its that women turned their backs against most men lmao. A lot of men are portrayed as stoic and logical but all I see here is a big fat cope.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft_-wskNQK0

"Women are so mad bro that you aren't approaching them!!"

Nah, I think women are happy about the fact that my ugly ass isn't bothering them.
mad chad isn't approaching them jfl
also no shit young men aren't helping them, they'd have to be naive morons to lift a finger for these whores today
Women are mad that chad isnt approaching them. For foids I am not a man. I am only a man for them when they need something out of me.
Gotta serve your audience the cope pill. It's usually older and out of touch guys. Young ones are pretty brutal in their self-assessments.
Chad* doesn't approach
Whatever we do or don't do it's always framed as our fault, it's all so tiring.
Listening to those women is so tiring. The entitlement, arrogance, based on nothing more than our fucked up society enabling them.
Yes these videos seem quite popular nowadays it's like a genre in itself. Tbh i think even a certain amount of normies are fed up with this but it won't change anything
I listened to the first foid. I guess she's talking about guys her age thus zoomers. Why is she so surprised ? With the tinderification, muh female empowerment/4th wave feminism, every single bitch nowadays is basically a "Femme Fatale" in the eyes of your average zoomer boy lmao :feelskek: they don't even trust them enough to approach them, or feel so inferior due to their insane standards that they just chose to rot.
Yes, I've seen them.

It's MGTOWs coping, that's all.
Yes these videos seem quite popular nowadays it's like a genre in itself. Tbh i think even a certain amount of normies are fed up with this but it won't change anything
It's MGTOWs, or Men sent their own way. They have made these videos for what I know is at least eight years.

Gotta serve your audience the cope pill. It's usually older and out of touch guys. Young ones are pretty brutal in their self-assessments.
Legit. The older you get, the harder you cope. Plus, if you're like 50, you might as well live the little bit of life remaining.
It's MGTOWs coping, that's all.
It's mostly coping but I'm sure some of these foids are honest with this when they complain. Sexes relations are so shitty due to feminism/gynocentrism and all this crap nowadays that even normie guys get scared/fed up :feelskek:
I'm sure some of these foids are honest with this when they complain
I didn't watch the video, but you should learn that whenever a woman says man, boys, male, she means Chads. Women do not perceive men bellow like a 7/10. We are invisible and nothing to them. Nonexistent is what men without visible bone in the face and who aren't tall are to women. Their brains have to be this way so they breed with the rare Chad who briefly comes into their life and hole. That rare Chad might not come around again: this is of course true until the last decade when Tinder and the internet made Chad far more accessible and plentiful, but the female hind-brain never accounted for that, and it sure isn't complaining.

There is some nuance. Whenever a woman says man, boys, male, she means Chads, unless she has been pumped and dumped recently and is angry that Chad didn't call back. Then the vast rest of men become opaque and their roastie wrath is directed at all of us.
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I didn't watch the video, but you should learn that whenever a woman says man, boys, male, she means Chads.

No, this is autistic LMS dogma. She might be talking about some chadlite/high tier normie.
Women are being approached more than ever. Perhaps 1,000 times a week due to dating apps, work,

Imagine applying for a job with 2,000 candidates. This is essentially inceldom. Most guys here are
actually just average men trying to navigate a new dating arena that has been socially engineered
to work against you by the UN and government.

The government has no business to get involved in these kinds of affairs and thus should be voted out.
“Teehee I got proposed to today by a random guy :foidSoy:

Women are being approached more than ever. Perhaps 1,000 times a week due to dating apps, work,
Yeah that's true when taking dating apps into account. Overlaps with what is was saying, every girl is a femme fatale simply by the fact that she, by default, is playing with hundreds of guys :feelskek: then they wonder why some guy wouldn't want to approach them irl
No, this is autistic LMS dogma. She might be talking about some chadlite/high tier normie.
You are not disagreeing with me if you think she means above average men.
theyre mad abt chads das it
MSTOW Men sent their own way coping
You are not disagreeing with me if you think she means above average men.
Yeah we agree then but i think even some of them might be impacted by all the toxic dating shit so some foids are seething that they don't chase them :feelskek:
The more single people living in pods the better #NWO.
Legit. The older you get, the harder you cope. Plus, if you're like 50, you might as well live the little bit of life remaining.
Older people are usually more bitter, so it sort of makes sense lol.
also no shit young men aren't helping them, they'd have to be naive morons to lift a finger for these whores today
First, no more white knighting. Then, no more simping. Then, equal rights and equal lefts. Finally, rape is legal and women are free as in free beer.
We are not chads, that is the problem
Chad can only approach (fuck) so many holes at a time, you will have to wait your turn you old roastie.
Have you guys seen these coping videos? "Women are mad that men don't approach them anymore!" What a cope.

Its not that young guys have turned their backs against women, its that women turned their backs against most men lmao. A lot of men are portrayed as stoic and logical but all I see here is a big fat cope.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft_-wskNQK0

"Women are so mad bro that you aren't approaching them!!"

Nah, I think women are happy about the fact that my ugly ass isn't bothering them.

They are being left , its not their choice
Older people are usually more bitter, so it sort of makes sense lol.
Older incels are usually more bitter. Older Chads are content when they look back on their decades of life. Incels are going to be reminiscing on the times they spend writing posts on forums while Chad will be reminiscing about the time he fucked his teacher, got promoted to CEO, that vacation and affair he had in Cancun, all the time he spent with his family and grand kids who love and appreciate him.
Older incels are usually more bitter. Older Chads are content when they look back on their decades of life. Incels are going to be reminiscing on the times they spend writing posts on forums while Chad will be reminiscing about the time he fucked his teacher, got promoted to CEO, that vacation and affair he had in Cancun, all the time he spent with his family and grand kids who love and appreciate him.
That some nice chad worship you've got there.
That some nice chad worship you've got there.
It's not worship. I wish it was not this way, but this is what happens in real life. Do you not acknowledge that?
It's not worship. I wish it was not this way, but this is what happens in real life. Do you not acknowledge that?
Handegg chad doesn't become CEO chad. Completely different archetypes. You are so delusional, you sound like a bad infiltrator.
Women are mad about this because they're are not getting so much attention as they feel entitled to.
Meanwhile on Reddit if you ask the same question:

u/lonelysince2006 • 1d
Why do women feel like they have to be chased?

Alright, guys, so serious question, right? Why is it that the new generation of women want to be
pursued? Like, they want men to chase after them in order for them to feel like a man is worthy of them chasing her or pursuing her or going out their way to make her feel special. Like, what? Was it a thing for a woman to automatically feel like she's the prize?

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allmenmustdie 2h
this post reeks of incel energy. like have you TRIED approaching girls? or do you just stay all day in your moms basement?

THIS is why women dont want anything to do w men. they constantly complain ab not having women approach them.


fucking men

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I fucking hate the retards on Reddit. If they had to live a week in our shoes they'd kill themselves. They have had it so easy their whole lives that they can't fathom how hard it is for us.

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