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It's Over You'll never be an 18 year-old chad



I don't know how many time is left for me
Apr 29, 2020
You'll never be an 18 year-old chad

Lying on the beach on a warm summer night

Watching the waves far from sunlight

Carelessly chatting

Not worrying about blackpill, inceldom or roping

Your only worry in life is how you're gonna cheat on your girlfriend tonight

You'll never take dozens of young, tight, not so innocent girl's virginities, and as you cum, you hear them screaming "Again"

You'll never have a harem of girls around every day after school, having a good time all together, and after that, just fuck like rabbits

You're in your 20's now

Gotta get a good job

Gotta be a serious man now

All the good ones are taken

Maybe a nice girl will eventually settle down with you

But all the relationships are different

And they have already felt all those new exciting feelings before

You missed what it feels like to be desired by a group of girls

You will always be orphan of all this college experience you never lived

You will never represent a young girl's erotic dream

You will never be an 18 year-old chad
You'll never be an 18 year-old chad

Lying on the beach on a warm summer night

Watching the waves far from sunlight

Carelessly chatting

Not worrying about blackpill, inceldom or roping

Your only worry in life is how you're gonna cheat on your girlfriend tonight

You'll never take dozens of young, tight, not so innocent girl's virginities, and as you cum, you hear them screaming "Again"

You'll never have a harem of girls around every day after school, having a good time all together, and after that, just fuck like rabbits

You're in your 20's now

Gotta get a good job

Gotta be a serious man now

All the good ones are taken

Maybe a nice girl will eventually settle down with you

But all the relationships are different

And they have already felt all those new exciting feelings before

You missed what it feels like to be desired by a group of girls

You will always be orphan of all this college experience you never lived

You will never represent a young girl's erotic dream

You will never be an 18 year-old chad

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2W2TeUUYps
life of most men basically
It's over, life as a subhuman is brutal hell
Missing out on fresh pussy is suifuel. :feelsbadman:
Imagine being an 18 year old Chad in high school. Having sex with a bunch of 14 year old Jb Foids FML
tell me you’re bad at poetry without telling me you’re bad at poetry
Chad needs to pay. If I can’t have this then neither can he,
Maybe but at least I have comrades like you :feelsaww:
I tried to think of a rebuttal but I just realize it’s all cope… there’s literally no upside to being an incel. :cryfeels:
No thanks for the reminder :feelsbadman:
This is unironically what the incels in denial over on r/incelexit need to be told when they go asking for advice instead of the bluepilled gaslighting that goes on over there.

Every part of it is true, and they will be much better off when they accept it.
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Chads should check their privilege
You'll never be an 18 year-old chad

Lying on the beach on a warm summer night

Watching the waves far from sunlight

Carelessly chatting

Not worrying about blackpill, inceldom or roping

Your only worry in life is how you're gonna cheat on your girlfriend tonight

You'll never take dozens of young, tight, not so innocent girl's virginities, and as you cum, you hear them screaming "Again"

You'll never have a harem of girls around every day after school, having a good time all together, and after that, just fuck like rabbits

You're in your 20's now

Gotta get a good job

Gotta be a serious man now

All the good ones are taken

Maybe a nice girl will eventually settle down with you

But all the relationships are different

And they have already felt all those new exciting feelings before

You missed what it feels like to be desired by a group of girls

You will always be orphan of all this college experience you never lived

You will never represent a young girl's erotic dream

You will never be an 18 year-old chad
when is a new blackpill gonna drop im sick of the same race height old young bbc jbw shitbruh when eyepill gonna drop
I will never be a human with 5'5
I’m not I’m my 20’s tho, I’m in my mid 30’s :feelsrope:
tell me you’re bad at poetry without telling me you’re bad at poetry
This wasn't an attempt to do poetry

when is a new blackpill gonna drop im sick of the same race height old young bbc jbw shitbruh when eyepill gonna drop
Let's see how AI gfs will evolve,maybe we'll have plenty of new blackpills idk

I’m not I’m my 20’s tho, I’m in my mid 30’s :feelsrope:
Fucking over

Maybe but at least I have comrades like you :feelsaww:

Chad needs to pay. If I can’t have this then neither can he,
Ça, c'est la réalité. On peut rien y faire. Si quelqu'un a de bons gènes, cette personne va se faire traiter mieux que la grande majorité des gens. La nature, c'est responsable de ceci et de nos raisons d'être des incels.
But you can still go ER
Ça, c'est la réalité. On peut rien y faire. Si quelqu'un a de bons gènes, cette personne va se faire traiter mieux que la grande majorité des gens. La nature, c'est responsable de ceci et de nos raisons d'être des incels.

But you can still go ER
(in video game)
this hits me brutally at age 23.
Fucking brutal man :feelscry: :feelscry:

I've not been to the beach since I was a little child and I will never go back.

Beach and seaside is not for incels. It's for HTNs and above. You need a good body to be at the beach. Not to mention I would get insta erection when seeing females in bikinis.

I wish I could return. Feel the sand on my toes. Hear the sea, the waves. Smell the sea. Look for shells.

I will never have that again.

Going to the beach is even a social activity. Who the fucks goes alone? NO ONE. You need someone to look for your clothes/stuff while you're in the sea. I don't think anyone ever goes alone to the beach.

Anyway, it doesn't matter. Truecel trait: you will never go to the beach/seaside again. It's not for us

Fucking brutal man
You'll never be an 18 year-old chad

Lying on the beach on a warm summer night

Watching the waves far from sunlight

Carelessly chatting

Not worrying about blackpill, inceldom or roping

Your only worry in life is how you're gonna cheat on your girlfriend tonight

You'll never take dozens of young, tight, not so innocent girl's virginities, and as you cum, you hear them screaming "Again"

You'll never have a harem of girls around every day after school, having a good time all together, and after that, just fuck like rabbits
Wow, inkwell, you should really get out of your mothers basement and stop watching ANIME :soy::foidSoy::soy: No one's life is like this

(I literally know and saw first hand many, REAL LIFE cases)
QYou're in your 20's now

Gotta get a good job

Gotta be a serious man now

All the good ones are taken

Maybe a nice girl will eventually settle down with you

But all the relationships are different

And they have already felt all those new exciting feelings before

You missed what it feels like to be desired by a group of girls

You will always be orphan of all this college experience you never lived

You will never represent a young girl's erotic dream

You will never be an 18 year-old chad
I fucking hate being me...
What a great poem to start a weekend full of misery
Fucking brutal man :feelscry: :feelscry:

I've not been to the beach since I was a little child and I will never go back.

Beach and seaside is not for incels. It's for HTNs and above. You need a good body to be at the beach. Not to mention I would get insta erection when seeing females in bikinis.

I wish I could return. Feel the sand on my toes. Hear the sea, the waves. Smell the sea. Look for shells.

I will never have that again.

Going to the beach is even a social activity. Who the fucks goes alone? NO ONE. You need someone to look for your clothes/stuff while you're in the sea. I don't think anyone ever goes alone to the beach.

Anyway, it doesn't matter. Truecel trait: you will never go to the beach/seaside again. It's not for us

Fucking brutal man
Going to the beach alone is pure suifuel.
You see everyone around you having fun n shiet while you don't. And you also feel targeted for being alone.

Wow, inkwell, you should really get out of your mothers basement and stop watching ANIME :soy::foidSoy::soy: No one's life is like this

(I literally know and saw first hand many, REAL LIFE cases)

I fucking hate being me...
Our lives are just nightmares

What a great poem to start a weekend full of misery
Truecel weekend starting :feelsautistic::feelscry:
Fucking brutal man :feelscry: :feelscry:

I've not been to the beach since I was a little child and I will never go back.

Beach and seaside is not for incels. It's for HTNs and above. You need a good body to be at the beach. Not to mention I would get insta erection when seeing females in bikinis.

I wish I could return. Feel the sand on my toes. Hear the sea, the waves. Smell the sea. Look for shells.

I will never have that again.

Going to the beach is even a social activity. Who the fucks goes alone? NO ONE. You need someone to look for your clothes/stuff while you're in the sea. I don't think anyone ever goes alone to the beach.

Anyway, it doesn't matter. Truecel trait: you will never go to the beach/seaside again. It's not for us

Fucking brutal man
That is law for incels we should stay FAR AWAY from beach’s because of the half naked foids.
Being misses out teen love is brutal
Fucking brutal man :feelscry: :feelscry:

I've not been to the beach since I was a little child and I will never go back.

Beach and seaside is not for incels. It's for HTNs and above. You need a good body to be at the beach. Not to mention I would get insta erection when seeing females in bikinis.

I wish I could return. Feel the sand on my toes. Hear the sea, the waves. Smell the sea. Look for shells.

I will never have that again.

Going to the beach is even a social activity. Who the fucks goes alone? NO ONE. You need someone to look for your clothes/stuff while you're in the sea. I don't think anyone ever goes alone to the beach.

Anyway, it doesn't matter. Truecel trait: you will never go to the beach/seaside again. It's not for us

Fucking brutal man
OvER for us
I wish I could reincarnationmaxx and come back as a chad.

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